
Chapter 686: Duality.

Chapter 686: Duality.

Yama, who was watching this from a distance, spoke:


"Aya … This just got even more complicated."


"We're going to lose, aren't we?"


"Yes, indeed," Merlin commented casually.


"Well, fuck. What now?"


"Hmm, run?" Merlin suggested casually.


"Good idea." Yama nodded just as casually.


"Cough, I'm sorry, Demon King, Diablo."


"What!?" Diablo looked at Yama with irritation visible on his face.


"Since you are currently not the 'Demon King of Biblical Hell', the deal I made with you is completely void… So stay alive?"


A portal appeared behind Yama, and soon he, along with his Generals, jumped into it, effectively fleeing the battlefield and abandoning Diablo in the process.