
Chapter 61: Progress.

Kaguya side.

Kaguya was up in a tree, and she's been standing there without moving for a week, she was looking at the coliseum with a complex look.


Kaguya sighed.

Kaguya was in big trouble, she got fired! And the second she was fired, she got another job...

She became Victor's personal maid...

But that wasn't what she was freaking out about:

"What about my salary!? And my retirement plan!? My extra benefits!? And most importantly, what about my vacation!?" She started to ruffle her hair.

"Gahhhhhh!" She was freaking out!

She sighed again and looked at the coliseum with a complex face.

"I mean, I'm glad I'm free of Clan Snow, but Lord Victor can't support me! I am a very expensive maid! The perfect maid!"

She knows that she is not totally free from the chains of Clan Snow, but now that Victor 'owns' her, she will have more freedom; it all depends on what kind of contract Victor wants to make with her.