
Chapter 441: Determination.

Chapter 441: Determination.

Victor had lost track of time, but he couldn't be blamed for this, considering Nightingale had no sun to indicate the passage of time.

He just knew that some time had passed because at some point, the noise of the conversation started to dissipate, and he saw that some people started to leave.

Those being Jeanne, Adam, Morgana, Lilith, and Elizabeth.

Victor, all the while, continued to silently support Agnes.

At some point, the woman had stopped crying, and slowly, she willingly began to hug him:

"Let me stay like this for a while…"

"Mmm." Making an approving sound, Victor just let Agnes do what she wanted.

Using Victor's body as a support, Agnes hugged his body and laid her head on his chest.

Victor was taller than she was, and that was something she was secretly happy about now because she could completely surrender her body to his embrace.