
Chapter 164: Consequences.  

A week has passed since that incident.

In a hotel on the outskirts of California, a silhouette of a man with blood red eyes could be seen looking at the television.

"That's the worst possible outcome." The man spoke in a voice steeped in annoyance.

"They're still broadcasting it, huh?" A woman's neutral voice was heard.

The man looked at the woman who had just entered the room and said:

"Yes, I've tried to use the church's influence to make them stop, but they don't seem to hear me." The man was very upset.

"So, as we thought. Is this the work of vampires?" The woman spoke while looking at the television.

"Are you serious? Only vampires and witches have enough influence in society to make a move like that. And the witches wouldn't do something like this, after all, they want to keep their neutrality about everything."

Suddenly, the voice of the woman who was presenting the news was heard by the two beings: