
Chapter 163: Do you believe in god?  

Outside the mansion.

Victor was floating in the sky as he stared into Father Bruno's eyes.

"Tell me, Father. I'm curious about something."

"…" Father Bruno remained silent and waited for Victor's question.

"Even if you are a mongrel, do you believe in God?" This was something Victor was quite curious about.

"...?" Father Bruno's subordinates did not understand Victor's question.

"Of course," He didn't need to think too hard about his answer.

"Why?" he asked again.

"Huh?" Father Bruno did not understand what Victor was asking him.

"Why do you believe in someone so blindly, even though you've never met that person?" Victor couldn't understand that. Before he became a vampire and learned about the supernatural world, he would have understood a little bit about the hunters' faith.

But now? It was impossible. Victor had this thought because of Violet's father.