
10th Class: One Piece or Two Piece?

Vincent: Hmmmm, I don't really know how to answer that... for the past 7 years, I've had 2 ex-girlfriends.. and guess what.. I had been serious to my relationships.. too good, too loyal, too kind and too naive that I was taken for granted... twice!

Kim: Im sorry for asking..

Vincent: it's ok. And because of that, I was able to learn on how to concentrate on myself. I have given myself more time to be happy with my friends and embraced the single life that I haven't experienced for years.. I can tell you, It is fun. No limitations, no curfews, no one to irritate whenever I go to clubs, bars or even when meeting my female friends. Im always on the go.. I am happy 😁

Kim: Hmm, That's great for you teacher..

Vincent: Ok, moving on with our lesson cuz your monthly test is near. Picture description...

Monthly test is fast approaching and everyone is excited about it... What's the reason behind it and students are not even bothered of the upcoming exams?

Ryan: Han, how about taking Teacher Vincent with us, maybe it would be a great and fun out of town vacation. Maybe he could help us make our tour more convenient..

Han: That's a great idea! We don't know anything about Hundred Islands, so maybe he could be our guide and help us communicate with the locals.

Ryan: I know, but Head Teacher would be angry and I know teachers are not allowed to go out with students, especially on this kind of vacation. We won't be here for 3 days..

Han: But he's the only one I know whom could we trust.. let's talk to him personally then.. What do you think??

Ryan: yeah! That's much better.


Vincent: Your what!??? Your tour guide!??

Ryan: yes teacher! Please please please. We are begging you in behalf of our batch. We really want to go after our test. And we need someone, which is you, whom we could trust and has ideas about that place..

Han: Yes please teacher., your food, accommodation, and everything is on us..

Vincent: Do I have any other options?? Well you see..

Ryan: Our lips are sealed teacher. we know HT would get angry at you and you might lose your job but we need you. So we will keep everything as a secret..

Han: Yes. We will be in a mission to enjoy our vacation so we will be super careful about it.. Please... other students are begging too.. Dana, Kim, Grace, Jimin.. and others!!

Vincent: ok ok ok! I understand. But remember guys. Sealed lips... promise me that.. or else we all die.. hahaha ok??

Ryan, Han: Yes!! We understand!


Grace: Teacher Vincent will join us!!?? 😱

Dana: You've got to be kidding me!!??

Jimin: Well then, where did I put my bikini...

Kim: Ohh, oh my gosh..

Dana: Prepare your bodies ladies. It would be a pageant and Teacher Vincent is the trophy and Im warning you... he will be M.I.N.E.... mine!!!

Jimin: HAHAHAHA!! Look at you!! You have no chances of winning..

Grace: Excuse me ladies, queen passing by...

Kim: oh my gosh,, they are really into teacher Vincent..

Dana: aren't you Kim???

Kim: Oh no no no no..

Dana: Good! You'd better not join the war..

Kim: He's all yours 😅

Jimin: No, Mine!

Grace: Mine!!!

Dana: Well, Let's just see it this weekend!


Cathy: Vincent!! Do you have any plans this weekend?? We are planning of going to San Juan. Do you want to come?? We'll be surfing and enjoying the beach and resort. I want you to see me in my bikini. TWO-PIECE bikini..! Uhuuh!

Sophia: No! Don't go with her. it's a trap. Let's just go to the club.. dancing is better than beach.. it's dangerous especially if you're with a sea MONSTER!

Cathy: Hey bitch! Whom are you calling monster!? Just take a look at your face! Is that even a face.. that looks like my butt! Hahahaha

Anna: Hahaha kids.. Vincent, coffee tonight?? 🤗

Vincent: Ahh, sorry ladies.. I've got some business to do..

Anna: Oh no you don't! Come here baby.. we will go to a cafe. Right now!

Vincent: Ahhmm, Where are you taking me?? Ohhh wait!!



Nick: Oh, yes Kim..,

Kim: Nick, we will have our vacation tomorrow. I'm just telling you to update you.

Nick: well that's nice. Have fun then..

Kim: How are you there?? Is everything ok??

Nick: yeah yeah. Nothing new. Don't worry about me. Im still just playing..

Kim: Oh, ok. Hmmm I already miss you.

Nick: Kim, call me next time. I'm in the middle of a game.. bye!

Kim: hmmmmm 😣 ok

End of call.....

Dana: Does this look ok with me??

Kim: huh!?? Oh yeah, you look sexy Dana.

Dana: What's wrong Eunnie? Was that your boyfriend?

Kim: Yup, and I think he's still really cold until now.

Dana: Hey! Tomorrow is our Vacation. Don't let him ruin it! Now.. I think this looks sexy on you..

Kim: Oh! Oh no.. I don't wear bikinis... I have rash guard.

Dana: Well, suit yourself. Now where are those two..

Jimin: Hey girlssss!

Grace: Now who looks sexier?

Kim: Oh my ladies... I could totally see your flesh..

Grace: Perfect.. Teacher Vincent will have a dinner buffet with me tomorrow night. He could enjoy me the whole time!!

Jimin: Nuh uh!! Not on my watch.., just look at you, so skinny! You're all bones! I'm still surprised that you still wear bra.. HAHAHAHA!! Size D on your way girl!

Dana: "hmpf! This can't be. He won't notice me with just simple bikinis. Oh I know!"

Eunnie, come with me at the drug store..

Kim: Why?

Dana: I just need to buy something...

Grace: Where are you going?

Dana: Just going to buy something... we'll see you later in a bit..

Jimin: Ok then, let's pay these things.. and just wait for them at the taxi queue.


Kim: 😐 Are you serious!??

Dana: You know this right??

Kim: Why would you buy.... really?? You're so naughty.

Dana: I'll win this 'Pageant' and bring teacher Vincent to my bed. Hahaha!

Kim: Oh my.. "these kids are so young.. I envy them"


Vincent: ok guys.. I have already talked to the owner of our accommodation, we have 2 rooms, 1 for us guys, and the other for the women. 3 days and 2 nights.. Good thing we have a long holiday here this time..

Han: That's much better. Hahaha you know Ryan here has a jealous girlfriend..

Ryan: Yeah, so It's much better to have different rooms. We gonna have good time there.

Vincent: What else do we need to bring?? Hmmm, you might also want to buy some sun block.

Han: I have!

Vincent: That's it??

Ryan: yeah, these are all the things we need.

Vincent: ok then.. by tomorrow, we will also go to a supermarket to buy some groceries and drinks that you might want for the night party. Is that ok?

Han: Yeah. Maybe we'll just write everything tonight and let's just see tomorrow.

Ryan: agree! Ladies are buying a lot.. right now and food and drinks will be bought tomorrow..

Vincent: Ok then.. Here is our itinerary..

5am, the van will arrive to pick us up, most probably we should depart as early as that to avoid traffic.

We will arrived there by 10am so we still have time to go to the supermarket to buy some stuff.

12 noon is our check in time, then from there we could take some rest, roam around and if you want, we could already buy some souvenirs..

2nd day is our Island hopping so we need to be there really early. We can do snorkeling, zip line, banana boat, cliff jumping and even helmet diving.. that should do it.. the rest,, you can do whatever you would like to do. 3rd day, the time we will come back here.. How's that??

Ryan: Sounds good! :) Everything's nice..

Han: Teacher!! are you going to mix us some cocktails?? You told me you were a bartender right?? 😁

Ryan: Oh yeah! Please mix us some!!

Vincent: Well, Let's see if I could see some ingredients at the supermarket..

Han: I hope they have! 😁

Ryan: Me too.. Teacher. We need to go now.. I will orient the ladies and tell them everything about our tour..

Vincent: Ok guys, I trust you! Know the mission!! Ok?? 5am tomorrow. In front of school..

Ryan, Han: Roger that!


Dana: What!?? I should sleep next to teacher Vincent!! We can't have separate rooms! I'm sleeping in your room guys!

Ryan: No Dana! That's the rule..

Dana: I don't care.. I must sleep with him tomorrow..

Ryan: oh my god, then book another room for yourself...

Dana: Oh I will do that then! I'll tell him that I want another room, and he will sleep with me in that room!

Ryan: You're on your own... but please, don't involve us with your silliness.,

Seems like a really fun vacation for our students.

What is Dana thinking?

What did she buy?

What evil plan does she have?

Kim.... she's still baffled and trying to forget about Nick to enjoy their vacation.

Keep in touch guys! Next chapter would be an awesome vacation and at the same time.... naughty one!

MrBartendercreators' thoughts