

編輯: Atlas Studios

"Teacher." Someone raised his hand.

Fang Hai told him to stand up and pose his question.

"Are there any extra points for the attainment of vocational certificates?" Some students had discovered that "The Integrated Curriculum for Beginner Beast Tamers" subject was no longer in the curriculum.

"No points," Fang Hai said. "The middle school entrance examination school is regulated by our base city. Therefore, vocational certificates can earn you extra points. However, the college entrance examination is jointly managed by the federal government. If you think that these certificates can add points and give you an advantage, you're wrong. If something can earn you points, it will only apply to students from major base cities.

"Nevertheless, vocational certificates are not useless. Although they do not add points to the college entrance exam, a certificate with high gold content will be helpful to the school admission exam."

School admission exam…

Upon hearing this, many students in the class felt disappointed instantly and lost interest in the vocational certificates.

This was because most of them were not planning on taking the school admission exam.

To them, the school admission exam was too far-fetched.

The prerequisite to take the examination was a score of 600.

It was not easy to achieve that. Those who had a score of at least 600 in the base city would be considered high scorers.

Fang Hai continued speaking. "These six subjects represent the six training objectives that the Obsidian Federation has set for you.

"Studying Monsters on the Obsidian Planet increases the student's understanding of monsters. A person who knows their own strength and the strength of the enemy is invincible in battle. As humans, we use our wisdom and brains. This is the biggest difference between us and monsters.

"Intermediate Science will be useful for your university studies, as it involves many aspects of life.

"Although Tamed Beast Psychology has the words "tamed beast" in it, it is not only useful for understanding the psychology of tamed beasts but also that of monsters. When you meditate, you can strengthen your five senses. The purpose of this subject is to make you learn how to observe and become proficient at it.

"Tamed Beast Training is useful for evaluating your progress while training the tamed beast.

"This subject is very straightforward. It basically assesses the level of your tamed beast.

"It assesses the outcome of the training of the tamed beast over the years. Regardless of how much has been said, you are a Beast Tamer. Thus, taming beasts is the foundation of your strength. Therefore, this subject accounts for 200 points of the entire curriculum.

"As for Meditation Studies, needless to say, it's also very important. Therefore, it also accounts for 200 points.

"It is only when a Beast Tamer's mental strength is strong that they can keep up with the momentum of the tamed beast in battle. When the tamed beast becomes stronger, your enemies will also be stronger. In a fierce battle, one second can make a huge difference. There are numerous exchanges of moves per second. You may not even have the time to react! People with weak mental strength can't even see the enemy's attack and get killed instantly!

"If this happens, you will become a burden to the tamed beast! How can you call yourself a Beast Tamer then?

"Furthermore, you can only release the Beast Tamer skills after you attain powerful mental strength, which will enhance the cooperation between you and the tamed beast.

"Some Beast Tamers with exceptionally strong mental strength are able to defeat stronger beasts even though their tamed beast is weaker. This is because their mental strength is strong enough. When the enemy cannot hide their every move, the Beast Tamer will be able to anticipate their next step in advance.

"The last subject, Actual Combat Studies, accounts for 300 points and is the subject with the highest score. Needless to say, I can't emphasize enough the importance of this subject.

"The first few subjects are all about learning and theory, whereas actual combat is the only eventual goal of learning.

"It's all empty talk if one cannot fight an actual battle. Even now, the Obsidian Federation has not completely conquered the land of the planet beneath our feet. The Obsidian Federation needs to groom a real army. By the way, there have always been deaths during the college entrance examination every year… It is considered reasonable so long as the number of deaths does not exceed 5% of the total number of the college entrance examination candidates.

"I don't wish to hear any bad news when the time comes…

"Ultimately, your family members will be the ones grieving."

There was still a long way to go before the college entrance examination, and a 5% probability was very small. Therefore, many people didn't really believe that they would be that unlucky.

Nevertheless, the atmosphere in the classroom became very serious.

It was true that there were deaths during the federal college entrance examination.

When he saw that the students looked frightened, the corners of Fang Hai's mouth curled into a faint smile.

He picked up the thermos, turned around in a leisurely manner, and then faced the blackboard.

"Get lost!" Standing on the rooftop with both hands behind his back, Dong Shentong stared at the other person on the top of a building about 30 meters away.

"Dong Shentong, are you someone else's dog? It has been many years. How long can you protect him for?" said a lanky woman with gray hair and a blindfold over her left eye sternly. She was standing on top of the opposite building.

"As long as I am alive, trash like you will have to stay away! You don't even deserve to be called trash. You're the kind of people who don't even dare fight monsters. Instead, you keep coveting younger people whose elders have left home temporarily. I really look down on people like you," Dong Shentong said calmly.

"Ha ha ha ha… Don't sound so lofty. Left home temporarily? Those people have long left this planet and returned to their place of origin. How many of them will come back? They have long forgotten about their seedlings," the woman said in a low voice. There was a trace of delusion in her voice. "In order not to feel that guilty, these people often leave some good things behind for their children to compensate them. I was only a gold Beast Tamer five years ago, and I have broken through to the platinum level now. Do you know why?

"Because I've taken advantage of several fortuitous encounters, and these children are fortuitous encounters.

"You have also been stuck in the platinum level for a long time. Don't you want to advance to a higher level? It is not easy to break through from the platinum to the diamond level.

"His sister has already been admitted to the Revolving Starlight University. I don't dare go there, as I can't afford to offend the Revolving Starlight University. However, he hasn't gotten into the school yet."

"Alright, shut up. Your mentality is distorted. That's why you view everything from a subjective, warped perspective. The transition between planets is time-consuming. It is normal to travel for a few or even dozens of years. If you rob others of their belongings now, aren't you afraid of being beaten to death by their parents when they return?" Dong Shentong said.

"Why should I be afraid? If I was afraid of this, then why should I be a Beast Tamer?" the woman said. "I only want immediate benefits."

When she said this, a beam of lightning struck the woman's back and penetrated her body instantly.

The woman's body flashed and twisted. Her chest was broken, but she transformed into a cloud of smoke before… slowly disappearing on the spot.

"The only things that can allow a commoner to be admitted into the Revolving Starlight University… are either a superb tamed beast, an extremely rare source material, or a huge amount of resources. Any of this is enough to make people go crazy. You won't be able to protect him, and I'm not the only one who is targeting him. Do you think you can follow and protect him all the time? I don't believe you will disregard or abandon your family…"

The faint voice of the woman was heard in the air.

Dong Shentong frowned slightly. Mei Quanhe. That b*tch.

Tamed beasts with illusion skills were very difficult to shake off.

It was hard for one to decipher whether the person in front of them was a real entity or just a projection.

Furthermore, she seemed to have improved again.

As he turned his head in the direction of the No. 1 High School, Dong Shentong had a complex expression on his face. Bai Ye was safe at school. The No. 1 High School could protect the students better than him. Mei Quanhe wouldn't dare take action there. However, the journey back home would be… troublesome.

'Old Brother Bai, Old Brother Bai… You've really given me a difficult task…'