
Nightmare Space

編輯: Atlas Studios

After exiting the school, Bai Ye saw a black car parked on the roadside near the gate.

When he walked past the car, its window was rolled down.


Dong Shentong was sitting in the driver's seat of the car.

"Uncle Dong?" Bai Ye stopped walking.

"Get in the car and have a chat with me?" Dong Shentong said.

Bai Ye pulled open the car door directly and got in the car.

"Your sister has gone to the Obsidian Central City. Do you want to come and live in my house?"

Bai Ye shook his head.

Although he had interacted with Uncle Dong when he was a child… he'd rarely kept in touch with Dong Shentong since his parents had left. He was not used to living in his house, and it would be awkward.

Besides, Bai Ye could tell that, besides Dong Shentong, everyone else in the Dong Family had an ambiguous attitude toward him. He might not necessarily be welcome.

This was understandable when he put himself in their shoes. Outsiders might think that he was trying to claim ties of kinship with someone of a higher social status like Dong Shentong.

This was also the reason Bai Ye hadn't asked Dong Shengtong for help to go to the central city.

Dong Shentong was not surprised by Bai Ye's decision. He seemed to have guessed it long ago.

"Your dad asked me to take care of you before he left. Ever since your sister went to college, someone has been targeting you. They suspect your family has left behind some good things for you," Dong Shentong said slowly.

There was a faint stir in Bai Ye's heart. The Blue Sky Sun-Chasing Eagle that had hatched from the egg… This silly eagle was a Color-Grade pet. These people had guessed right. Color-Grade pets were indeed good stuff.

Fortunately, his trump card was not the Blue Sky Sun-Chasing Eagle.

Xiaowei and the crow were his greatest support now.

Unfortunately, they had just been unsealed and needed more time to grow. The same applied to Xiaodiao.

"Even if you handed over those things to them now… would other people believe you? They would only suspect that you may have hidden more treasures and turn your house upside down until they fully exploited you.

"It's very dangerous for you to live alone. I suggest that you live at school. Your school is very safe. Your principal is there, and those people won't dare go there," Dong Shentong said.

Live on campus?

Bai Ye hadn't really thought about this before.

Nevertheless, he had signed a contract with the school and would not be charged for accommodation if he were to live there.


He felt somewhat annoyed.

Because of these people, he couldn't even stay in his own house? On what grounds?

Bai Ye truly comprehended the law of the jungle.

He was weak. Therefore, he could not even stay in his own house.

Furthermore, others were eyeing him as covetously, boldly, and fearlessly as jackals.

He was not strong enough yet. He would remember this for the time being, and when he became strong enough, he would definitely settle the score with them one by one.

If he were to live on campus, it would be in a multi-person dormitory.

It would be inconvenient for him to summon Xiaowei and the Lord of Eternal Nightmare.

Having more people around would mean more chances of being seen.

He would no longer be able to enter Xiaowei's Super Dimension Space at will.

It would be really troublesome…

"I haven't packed my belongings yet," Bai Ye said in a sullen voice.

"I will accompany you home," Dong Shentong said.

Bai Ye was expressionless. Meanwhile, he was deep in thought.

Is Dong Shentong sincerely trying to help me? Or does he want to pry into my personal belongings while I am packing up?

Is he a friend or a foe?

However, he didn't need to worry too much now, as all his valuables were stored in the Super Dimension Space.

He was going home mainly to pack up his daily necessities and some old photos.

This was a precaution, in case the thieves who entered the house stole them.

In the quiet house, the window opened silently.

A gray tail broke open the window. A caustic liquid corroded it, creating a hole in the metal window frame, penetrating the place through the hole, and opening the door and windows.

On the exterior wall outside the window, a chameleon in a similar color to the wall was clinging onto the wall.

The paws on its four limbs had sucker-like holes that enabled it to cling onto the wall.


The window of the unit downstairs opened. A man with a crew-cut hairstyle stood by the window and lit a cigarette.

On the top part of the window, the four limbs of the chameleon clung on harder, not moving in the slightest for fear of exposing itself. Its color had also become identical to the color of the wall.

Some time later, the man with the crew-cut hairstyle finally finished smoking his cigarette. He closed the window and returned to the inside of the house.

This wall was connected to the building next door, but it was very quiet and deserted normally.

The chameleon entered the house cautiously.

It then quickly walked to the door and unlocked it.

Outside the door, a man wearing a baseball cap lowered his head and walked into the place quickly.

On his shoulder was a tamed beast that resembled a mouse.

He was wearing shoe covers and gloves, as well as a raincoat.

He first walked into the living room, and then opened and searched the drawers one by one.

"Hurry up and search the house. Find all the valuable things in this house for me," the man told the tamed beast on his shoulder.

The golden mouse wandered around the room and finally stood in front of the bronze statue in the corner of the living room. It squatted down and raised its head, staring at the bronze statue intently.

"Is this the one?" The man walked up to the bronze statue and stared at the statue in front of him suspiciously.

He reached out and touched it.

It was as hard as iron.

"Is it the carrying pole on the shoulder?" The man looked at the bronze statue clad in a hat and a straw rain cape, which had a carrying pole on its shoulder. He hesitated for a moment and then tried to extract something from the carrying pole.

However, he failed to do so after several attempts.

"Perhaps it's in the body of the bronze statue?" The man was deep in thought.

'But how can I open it? Is there a secret mechanism?'

Such mechanisms were typically found in inconspicuous places.

As he pondered this, he walked to the back of the bronze statue and squatted down. He then attempted to poke it…


Bai Ye unlocked the door and glanced down at the crack between the door and the frame.

The hair caught in the crack of the door disappeared.

"Someone was here," Bai Ye said.

His body stiffened, and he stood behind Dong Shentong. His expression and movements betrayed nothing.

He communicated with Xiaowei through the soul contract at the same time.

"Xiaowei, if there is any danger shortly, pull me into the Super Dimension Space immediately."

"No problem!" Xiaowei vowed.

Dong Shentong turned around and glanced at Bai Ye, who was behind him. He smiled. He was not bothered by such trivial matters.

He thus strode into the room.

"I smell blood." Beside Dong Shentong's ear, a purple, fluffy ball had been sticking to his collar for an unknown period of time.

Bai Ye also saw the purple ball the size of a tennis ball on Dong Shentong's collar.

The fluff seemed to be full of static electricity on the surface. After floating quietly in the air, it exploded completely.

His eyes hurt a little after watching it for some time.

It was not physical but mental pain.

This was because Bai Ye's mental strength was strong, and his five senses were sharp.

The living room was very clean.

"Search it," Dong Shentong said.

The purple, fluffy ball was floating in the air again.

Wisps of thin, hair-like electric arcs at the ends of the fluff filled the place.

After a while, the static electricity was retracted, but there were no gains.

"There is no trace of anyone. Either you made a mistake or it has been cleaned up," Dong Shentong said in a soft voice.

Perhaps there were other ways of escaping?

Dong Shentong had a complicated expression on his face.

"Perhaps it's not dangerous for you to come home, but it's hard to say. There may be a limit on the number of ways one can escape. That's right. If your parents dared to keep you here, they must definitely have made other backup plans."

"Uncle Dong, generally speaking, how powerful are these people?" Bai Ye asked.

"I know of a person who has reached the platinum level. The others should be at least at the gold level. They are basically around the silver, gold, and platinum levels. They are unlikely to be at the diamond level. At the diamond level, they may not value what you have in your possession."


Bai Ye addressed the Lord of Eternal Nightmare inwardly. "I remember you telling me that your Nightmare Space can be projected into the real world. If the projection covers reality, can platinum-level enemies see through it?"

"Are you doubting me? Do you know who I am? Go outside and ask around. Although my strength has not been restored yet, how can ordinary ants see through my dreams? At present, no one can see through my dreams unless they are above the diamond level," the Lord of the Eternal Nightmare sneered coldly.

"I hope you're not lying to me. You have signed a soul contract with me. You will not gain anything if I die. Furthermore, you left that hellish place because of me. Perhaps you'll return to it if I die, and I don't know how long you'll have to wait to come out again." Bai Ye warned it.

Unlike Xiaowei, the Lord of Eternal Nightmare seemed to know many things, and it was also not easy to read its mind.

Bai Ye knew that the Lord of Eternal Nightmare had a mind of its own, and it was still a little difficult for him to subdue it at the moment. However, they were bound by the soul contract and would share the same fate, be it weal or woe.

Upon hearing Bai Ye's words, the Lord of Eternal Nightmare was also a little worried. It really didn't want to return to that place.

"I've said I will try my best. So long as there are no special insight skills, even diamond-level beings may not be able to see through my dreams at this stage," said the Lord of Eternal Nightmare.


"That wasn't what you said earlier!" Bai Ye was speechless. "What you said just now was that no one will be able to see through your dreams unless they are above the diamond level."

The Lord of Eternal Nightmare was annoyed. "I'm talking about the present. After I break through a few more levels in two days, what I said earlier will be true. It makes no difference."

Can't you let me front a little?

Why do you have to expose me?

Bai Ye told Dong Shentong, "Uncle Dong, I will continue to live at home."

"Okay… This is my phone number. Call me immediately if anything happens." Dong Shentong left after finishing his words.

After Dong Shentong left, Bai Ye told the Lord of Eternal Nightmare, "Hurry up, shroud the entire building with your Nightmare Space."

Dong Shentong had been present earlier. Even if someone was hiding in the dark, he would not have dared come out. Now that Dong Shentong had left, Bai Ye felt a little insecure due to his earlier words.

A red light flashed in the eyes of the Lord of Eternal Nightmare.

A moment later, a gray world descended from another latitude, overlapping with the building where Bai Ye lived.


In the dark, a soft voice seemed to be speaking.

The Lord of Eternal Nightmare noticed something and suddenly looked back at the corner of the living room.

In the corner of the living room, the bronze statue was staring straight ahead, seemingly smiling.

The Lord of Eternal Nightmare blinked and took another glance.

The bronze statue in the corner was clearly a kind-looking old ape.

In a daze, Bai Ye was isolated outside.

A land of peach blossoms was spreading beneath the feet of the old ape toward the feet of the Lord of Eternal Nightmare.

The old ape stepped out and appeared in front of the Lord of Eternal Nightmare the next moment.

"Shh…" The old ape placed his furry finger on the mouth of the Lord of Eternal Nightmare.

He smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to have a domain as well, friend. I don't know how far you've gotten in the past, but since you've signed a soul contract with Young Master, you are one of us. Please keep my affairs a secret."

"Why should I keep them a secret for you?!" The Lord of Eternal Nightmare let out a strange laugh.

This bronze statue had been in its master's house for a long time. Since it had not struck for a long time, it should be one of their own.

"This is difficult." The old ape scratched his head. "I'm a scholar. You are Young Master's tamed beast, so I can't beat you to death."

The Lord of Eternal Nightmare laughed strangely. It liked the kind of helpless expression one had when one wanted to kill but was unable to do so.

"Then I will throw you into the latrine pit for a bath, take a photo, and send it to all the regions for free. But if you're really that shameless, I will have to admit defeat." The old ape closed his eyes.


Who is the shameless one?!

The Lord of Eternal Nightmare was speechless. It didn't want its ugly photos to be discovered by its past enemies, even if there was a very slim chance of it happening.

"Humph! I will reluctantly agree since you are begging me. So long as Master doesn't ask about you, I won't say anything," said the Lord of Eternal Nightmare.

The old ape put its hands together and made a gesture.

The land of peach blossoms disappeared from the Nightmare Space.

"Young Master?" The Lord of Eternal Nightmare turned around and glanced at Bai Ye. It seemed that the identity of its Beast Tamer was not that simple.

This was just nice. In the past, it had been defeated because it had fought a group single-handedly.

In this life, it had to avoid repeating the same mistake.