
My Succubus System

From man to succubus after death!? Isekai adventuring at it's finest. Adventia, world of fantasy, where adventurers live and thrive. Our intrepid hero acquires the Succubus class, transforming her into a carnal loving she-demon with a desire for all things erotic! In fact, to level he (I mean, she) must lewd! ***Warning 18+ Only*** Major Themes : Sexual Exploration - Character Growth - Fantasy - Game-like World- Magic - Succubus Check out my work at https://linktr.ee/DreamOfRen **

DreamOfRen · 奇幻
219 Chs

Day Two

Chapter 125 : Day Two

"So...that incident was due to some kind of bracelet that Zura gave you? I see." Katrin said as she struggled to pull a t-shirt over her head. The sight of her in bra and panties was one that Agni would never get tired of.

"Yea.. basically." Agni said from her position on the bed. She didn't want to get up, something that anyone could tell from her t-shirt and panties attire. Strangely enough Shula was fast asleep, completely unusual for the imp.

*What did she do that was so tiring?* Agni wondered. Nevertheless, she sat up and stretched. She had places to be this morning before the training began in earnest.

"Katrin….." Agni said as she leaned forward and latched onto the brunette. Agni held her by the waist and clenched her.

"Why are you never around anymore!? I miss YOU!" Agni said as she feigned tears.

Katrin chuckled as she patted the succubus on the head.

*Head pats….actually do feel reassuring. Who knew?* Agni thought.

"You can't bribe me with head pats! Where do you go? Take me with you! And don't think I haven't noticed you sneaking out at night! Are you cheating on me?" Agni rambled off a list of her grievances, mostly to get them off of her chest.

"Sneaking out? No way. You must be thinking of Shula…" Katrin replied, rather suspiciously at that.

"Oh? I was just joking… but now maybe I will stay up just to see." Agni said as she looked up, cutting her eyes at Katrin.

"Okay okay. I've got to get ready… What I'm doing for Vivian is very important for the expedition." Katrin replied.

"She's also paying me! By the way…." Katrin's expression morphed into a self satisfied smile as she curled her bicep.

"Level 45." Katrin said as she struck her best body builder pose?

"What!?! How!?" Agni said, taken aback.

"You're LEVELING UP WITHOUT ME?" Something about the declaration made Agni somewhat….jealous.

"You snooze you lose, sucker!" Katrin offered as she stuck out her tongue. It wasn't often that Katrin poked fun at the succubus, but when she did -- arrows to the heart.

"Oh? Really?" Agni said as she released her grip and folded her arm. A part of her felt foolish, in her past life she'd never give way to emotions like envy, jealousy or a sense of neglect. In the back of her mind this thought was present yet….her body acted on its own.

She was *actually* upset, thought she realized it was completely illogical to be so.

"Fine." Agni said as she began to pout. She turned her back to Katrin and struggled to settle the feelings welling up in her heart.

*Why am I even feeling this way? It's not like I don't see her everyday or sleep in the same room or…* Agni could think of a million logical reasons why she should stop being a baby but...only one thing sprang to mind.

*...Do I really want some attention that badly…?*

Luckily Agni didn't need to agonize over the question. Katrin hugged her from behind, the softness of her breasts was only secondary to the warmth of her body.

"We'll definitely do something fun together after this expedition. We can even invite Merri and Ariadna too."

Agni struggled not to blush as the embrace made her smile. Something like this was a simple pleasure she'd long forsaken in her past life.

"Fine.." Agni said, her voice rather low as she spoke.

Katrin left and Agni got dressed. After spending twenty minutes rousing Shula, Agni made her way to Sprim Row.


"What is this!?" Agni practically shouted as she jangled the loose fitting bangle on her wrist.

"It's homework." Zura said as she took a sip of her tea. The two were now sitting in one of the lounge rooms of the Silken Petal. Zura sat opposite the pair as they had morning tea.

Agni was so preoccupied with her own issues that she failed to notice the wink Zura gave to the blonde haired imp. Shula blushed and averted her gaze downward, quickly sipping on her own tea as the pair continued to speak.

"Okay… but why can't I take this off!?" Agni asked as she tugged at the accessory.

"Because it's training." Zura replied as she crossed her legs, showing off a sleek, soft looking thigh and shin. Today she was wearing a mandarin style bull body dress. The slit opened up along the outer thigh and nearly exposed Zura's panties -- that is , if she ever bothered to wear panties.

"What kind of training causes you to have an orgasm in front of strangers?!" Agni felt that Zura was playing things way too cool. Her energy was definitely NOT being matched.

"Is that what happened? Interesting. And...what did you do?" Zura took another sip of her tea, she was now keenly interested.

"The same thing she always does…" Shula muttered.

"Well...that was embarrassing.." Agni said as she recalled her own reaction.

"Did anyone make you feel like it was inappropriate?" Zura next asked. Agni immediately cut a glance towards Shula.

"Anyone else?"

"Well..no…" Agni responded honestly.

"Then...what's the issue? Besides...if you'd just done the daily task none of this would have happened.." Something about Zura's cooler than cool demeanor was really throwing Agni off her game. It was calming...and she didn't want to be calm!

As she searched desperately for some reason to be upset, the only thing she could think of was, "What if I'm in the middle of a life or death struggle and I start cumming my brains out? I'm going on an expedition tomorrow!"

"That won't happen. No worries."

"Grrrrrah!" It was the noise Agni wanted to shout. The sound of exasperation -- but she said nothing. Instead she just folded her arms.

"Fine.. fine. Stand up. I'll help you out." Zura said as she sat her tea cup down and got to her feet. She then motioned for Agni to stand next to her, extremely close.

"Believe it or not.. This is to help you. So, I'll cut you some slack-- just this once. " Zura said as she gazed deeply into Agni's eyes. The succubus was reminded just how beautiful the fuschia color of Zura's pupils was. Agni was so lost in her gaze that she failed to register what happened, until she felt something soft...warm...and moist?

Agni gave a gentle squeeze as her eyes traced downward.

"You're pretty naughty--aren't you? Although, your hands are quite skilled... " Zura's face had taken on a faint blush as Agni realized she was gently rubbing Zura's lips.

*Trimmed…* Agni thought.

Zura leaned forward and gripped the back of the succubus' head gently as she began to tongue kiss Agni. During this time Agni's fingers moved on their own, the feel of Zura's body was amazing. Her juices flowed so freely that Agni could tell -- a sticky nectar was now coating her fingers.

The kiss lasted for several heated seconds and then something unexpected happened. Zura pulled Agni's hand upwards and began to lick and taste at the juices accumulated there. She followed this up with another kiss, this time a stringy trail of clear fluid stretched as their lips parted. Zura smiled as she wiped the shared saliva from the edge of her lips.Agni surprised herself as she licked her lips, only to find the taste of Zura's body to be slightly sweet. Agni was then greeted with a new alert.

[Daily Task: 48 Hours

Weekly Task: None]

Agni felt lightheaded and...extremely naughty. What's more...she wasn't sure how she felt about it...emotionally. Zura's movements were so calm and graceful that Agni never felt forced. In fact, she'd been led along skillfully until everything was said and done. Now she was just...speechless.

Even Shula was blushing, she tried to pretend she hadn't been staring -- but it was obvious.

"I disarmed the item for two days. You won't have to worry about any tasks until then. In case you were wondering...the bracelet won't trigger if you're outside of the walls of Grenvale -- and never in a dangerous situation." Zura explained.

"However…" Zura said as she took a seat on the nearby couch. "The 'punishment' level rises each time I have to do this. That means you'll have to do increasingly lewd things to appease my little gift or suffer more intense consequences... Nothing a succubus would be ashamed of...mind you." Zura's smile was supreme. It almost made Agni forget how annoyed she was at the tiny little bracelet. Almost.


In the end, Agni's visit with Zura didn't last much longer. After agreeing to visit the Silken Petal after the expedition, the trio of women parted ways. She and Shula had a date with an elf, one Oliver Pagnal -- Archmage.

By the time the two made it to the chapel everyone else had already gathered, all save for Katrin.

"Everyone's arrived. Today's training will be a little different." Oliver said. Agni couldn't help but notice how impeccable the elven man's appearance was. Not a hair was out of place, it was even slicked back into a clean ponytail. His features were quite youthful, long pointy ears and a hooded cloak were the prevalent features which stood out. That and his height, which was about 146 cm (4'9 or so). His clothing resembled leather but Agni could tell at a glance that it was high quality Magical Armor. She knew as much because she herself could wear such gear if she felt inclined.

"Acquiring the ability to use a skill is one thing. But actually being able to put that skill into practical use is another thing entirely. The reason that some of you left without fully grasping the technique is that I wanted you to apply yourself to get as far as you possibly could. In the field you'll have to analyze situations, make correct decisions and your life may be on the line. This is especially true in the coming expedition."

"Today, you'll all learn how to properly do Mana Reading and then your doyenne and I will rigorously train you until we feel you're capable. Any who fail to meet our standards will not be able to join the expedition."

"Wait, that's not what you said the other day--" Dealla began to object, but Oliver simply held up his hand and continued speaking.

"It's for your own good. Besides, if you can't conquer this , there's no way you'd be ready for a real expedition."