
My Stepmom and Three Stepsisters Are Yanderes???

After 5 years away in another country, I'm finally back in Tokyo, Japan, my home country where I was born and raised. My father is eagerly expecting me in our old home, but to my suprise, when I open the door, there are four beautiful, mysterious, tattooed women sitting like queens in our home.

KarlWalk3r · 现实
96 Chs

"Charlotte Victoria II"

The revelation struck like a bolt of lightning. Charlotte Victoria II, the matriarch of the Rourke family, was a figure of immense respect and authority.

She was the mother of Risa, Daffodil, Tristana, and Charlotte herself, and the maternal grandmother of Ray Shigeyoshi. Her presence in Buckingham Palace was rare and carried profound significance.

Queen Charlotte's composure wavered momentarily. Her mother's arrival was unexpected and the purpose behind it even more so.

She rose from her seat, gesturing the Queenswomen to remain seated.

"Show her in." She ordered her guards, her voice steady though her mind raced with anticipation.

As Charlotte Victoria II entered the chamber, the air seemed to shift. She carried an aura of grace and authority that commanded attention. Her silver hair, perfectly styled in an elegand updo, framed a face that bore the marks of wisdom and experience. Her piercing blue eyes, sharp and discerning, fixed upon her daughter with mixture of disappointment and resolve. They were framed by long, dark lashes that contrasted beautifully with her fair complexion.

Her lips were full and perfectly shaped, painted with a subtle shade of red that complemented her sophisticated appearance. They could curl into smile that was as warm as it was commanding, yet could just as easily press into a line of disapproval that sent shivers down the spines of even the bravest.

Her high cheekbones and delicate features were complemented by her flawless skin, a testament to her meticulous self-care. Her upper body was poised and dignified, shoulders back, chest proud. Her hands, long-fingered and adorned with meticulously manicured nails, rested lightly at her sides.

The rings she wore, a mix of heirloom jewels and symbols of her power, caught the light, casting a subtle gleam. Her lower body was equally elagant, her legs toned and defined from years of maintaining her health and presence. She moved with the dignity and poise befitting her station, her steps deliberate and graceful.

The room fell into a hushed silence, the Queenswomen respectfully bowing their head in acknowledgement of the former queen's presence.

"Mother." Queen Charlotte greeted, her tone formal yet tinged with a trace of unease.

"Charlotte." Charlotte Victoria II replied, her voice measured and firm.

"We need to talk." She added, her voice has similar of Risa's, firm, calm, but icy.

There was a pause, heavy with unspoken words and emotions. Queen Charlotte gestured towards a nearby seat, inviting her mother to seat.

As the tension in the room escalated, Queen Charlotte felt the weight of her mother's disappointment bearing down on her. She knew this conversation required privacy, away from ears and eyes of even her most trusted and loyal confidants.

"Serpent, Viper, Nighthawk, Queensguards." Queen Charlotte's voice rang out, clear and authoritative.

"Leave us. My mother and I need to discuss this matter in private." She added.

The Queenswomen exchanged brief, understanding glances, their expressions a mix of concern and respect.

Serpent, with her penetrating green eyes and a silent nod, was the first to rise, her movements and graceful. Viper, her sharp features betraying a hint of reluctance, followed suit, while Nighthawk, her piercing blue eyes lingering on the maps for a moment longer, finally gathered her sniper rifle and rose to her feet.

The two Queensguards, imposing figures in their ceremonial uniforms, stood at attention. Their faces remained impassive, but their eyes flickered with a hint of curiosity. They had been trained to obey without question, and they did so now, moving towards the door with military precision.

As they exited the chamber, the heavy steel doors closed behind them with a soft thud, leaving Queen Charlotte and Charlotte II alone in the vast, ornate room. The silence that followed was thick with anticipation and unspoken words.

Charlotte II's eyes, a piercing shady of icy blue, fixed on her daughter with unwavering intensity.

"Now, explain." Charlotte II began, her voice calm but firm.

"Explain what, Mother?" Charlotte asked, curiosity and naivety on her face. Her gaze steady as she met her mother's eyes.

"Risa's son, my grandson." Charlotte II replied, her expression remained steady but disappointment and displeasure evident on her voice.

"And I need to understand why you felt it to keep such a significant part our lineage hidden." Charlotte II added.

"I..." Charlotte's composure faded. Her eyes widened and couldn't answer her mother's question.

"I am deeply disappointed that you hid his existence from me. As the head of this family, I deserved to know. It is unacceptable that I had to learn about him from Tristana."

Queen Charlotte felt a surge of conflicting emotions. She respected and feared her mother in equal measure, and now she had to lay bare her excuses, her vulnerabilities, before the matriach of the Rourke family.

"Mother, I only recently learned about Ray through Tristana also." Queen Charlotte explained, her voice steady despite the storm of emotions within her.

"Tristana told me everything. If you wanted to know about him, you should have asked Risa, she kept this secret from all us." She added.

Charlotte II's eyes flashed with a mix of anger and frustration.

"And you think Risa would have answered me truthfully? And how could I even ask her if I didn't know she had son?" Charlotte II retorted, her voice sharp.

"Risa is protective and secretive by nature. She would've never told me about Ray willingly." She added.

"Mother, I didn't even know Ray's identity when I found him and trained him to be a Queensman. It was only later that I discovered who he was." Charlotte let out an excuse and held her ground.

"And it was your obligation to tell me the moment you knew!" Charlotte II's voice rose.

"He is my grandson, Charlotte. I deserved to know." She added, the tension in the room was palpable.