
My Stash of completed fics

Stash of numerous good fics that I like have more that 100k word count and are completed . Fics here range from anime, marvel, dc , Potter verse, some tv series like GoT Or some books . You can look forward to fun crossovers too ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- list of fics :- 1. Wind Shear by Chilord (HP) 2.Blood, Sweat and Fire by Dhagon (GOT × Minecraft) 3.Harry Potter: Lost Son by psychopath556 ( HP ) 4.Deeds, not Words (SI) by Deimos124 (GOT) 5.From Beyond by Coeur Al'Aran ( RWBY) 6.Everyone has darkness by Darthemius ( Naruto ) 7.Overlord by otblock57(HP) 8.Never Cut Twice - Book 1 Butterfly Effect by thales85(GOT) 9.The Peverell Legacy by Sage1988 (Got × HP) 10 .Artificer by Deiru Tamashi (DxD) 11.So How Can I Weaponize This? by longherin ( HP ) 12 .Hero Rising by LoneWolf-O1 ( Young Justice × Naruto) 13.Harry Potter and the World that Waits by dellacouer ( X-Men × HP) 14. What We're Fighting For by James Spookie ( HP ) 15. Mind Games by Twisted Fate MK 2 ( RWBY ) 16. Crystalized Munchkinry by Syndrac (Worm SI ) 17. Red Thorn by moguera ( RWBY) 18 . The Sealed Kunai by Kenchi618 ( Naruto ) 19. Dreamer by Dante Kreisler ( Percy Jackson ) 20. The Empire of Titans by Drinor ( Attack on Titans ) 21. Tempered by Fire by Planeshunter ( Fate / Stay night ) 22 .RWBY, JNPR, & HAIL by DragonKingDragneel25 ( RWBY × HP ) 23. Reforged by SleeperAwakens (HP) 24. Less Than Zero by Kenchi618 (DC) 25. level up by Yojimbra (MHA) 26. Y'know Nothing Jon Snow! by Umodin ( Pokemon ) 27. Any Means Necessary by EiriFllyn ( Fate × Worm × Multiverse ) 28.The Power to Heal and Destroy by Phoenixsun ( Naruto ) 29.Force for Good by Jojoflow ( MHA) 30. Naruto: Shifts In Life by The Engulfing Silence (Naruto) 31. Naruto Chimera Effect by ZRAIARZ ( DxD × Naruto) 32. Iron Re-Write. By lindajenner (Marvel) 33. A Whole New Life By MadWritingBibliomaniac ( HP ) 34 . Restored by virginea (GOT ) 35 . I Am Lord Voldemort? By orphan_account ( HP) 36 .There goes sixty years of planning by Shinji117 (Fate Apocrypha) 37 . The Wings of a Butterfly by DecayedPac ( HP ) 38 . The War is Far From Over Now by Dont_call_me_Carrie ( Marvel ) 39 . Black Rose Blooms Silver by CyberQueen_Jolyne ( RWBY ) 40 . Cheat Code: Support Strategist by Clouds { myheadinthecoudsnotcomingdown } ( MHA) 41 .Hypno by ScarecrowGhostX ( MHA ) 42 . Happy Accidents by Rhino {RhinoMouse} ( Marvel ) 43 . Fox On the Run by Bow_Woww ( Naruto ) 44 . Time for Dragons: Fire by Sleepy_moon29 ( GoT) 45 . Intercession by VigoGrimborne ( HP × Taylor Herbert ) 46 . Flight of the Dragonfly by theantumbrae ( MHA ) 47 . Restored by virginea ( GOT ) 48 . An Essence of Silver and Steel by James D. Fawkes ( Worm × Heroic spirits ) 49 . Trump Card by ack1308 ( Worm) 50.Memories of Iron ( Worm & Iron man) 51. Tome of the Orange Sky (Naruto/MGLN) 52. A Dovahkiin without Dragon Souls to spend. (Worm/Skyrim/Gamer)(Complete) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ If you have any completed fic u want me to upload you can suggest it through comments and as obvious as it is please note that , none of the fics above belong to me in any sense of the word . They belong to their respective authors you can find most of the originals on Fanfiction.net , spacebattles or ao3 with the same names ]

Shivam_031 · 漫画同人
2777 Chs


Chapter Text

Everything hurt, and her vision was swimming. Someone had jumped her after leaving Izuku's apartment, and they managed to take her down. The fact that she was alive was concerning; most people who didn't like her would have just killed her right then and there. Himiko blinked the stars out of her eye and tried to focus. She was tied down to a chair, and the room was really dark, but she could feel a presence to her right. "Who's there? I know you're here."


A low whistle sounded from the right, and a voice spoke up. "Nice job, kid, you've got sharp senses."


Himiko winced, and her head throbbed as the lights flicked on. As her vision adjusted, she saw the number three hero Hawks standing in front of her. He smiled, and Himiko wanted to stab him. "Listen, some people are gonna come in soon and tell you some stuff. They're gonna offer you something. Here's my advice, just agree because it's not a real offer; it's a threat."


A door behind Himiko opened, and a woman's voice barked. "Hawks. Get out now."


The pro laughed and walked away as a woman with blonde hair stepped into Himiko's line of sight. Her eyes were cold and serious. "Himiko Toga, age eighteen, parents deceased. Has been living on the streets as a villain since she attacked and nearly killed a classmate back in junior high. Her quirk allows her to transform into people whose blood she drinks. Drugs and alcohol in the bloodstream can negatively affect her ability to use her quirk. It's unknown how many people she may have killed until today."


Himiko scoffed. "Should I be impressed?"


"Has a positive relationship with Mina Ashido, Toru Hagakure, and Izuku Midoriya. Three people who will be attending UA's hero course soon. It would be a shame for them to learn of your crimes and for their own careers to falter before they even had a chance to start."


Himiko tensed and glared at the woman. "If you do anything to them, I will-"


"I never said I would. I simply stated how unfortunate it would be if these things happened. The Commission can keep this from happening with your help, of course." the woman said as she continued to stare down at Himiko.


Himiko growled and strained against her chair. "Fuck you."


The woman shrugged. "If that's your answer, I'll get started on making sure those three never become heroes."


As she started to walk away, Himiko tried to lunge, but the chair didn't budge. "Fuck! Fine, what do you want me to do?"


The woman smiled and stepped back to her original position. "Your quirk is perfect for infiltration. You'll work with Hawks and others once we deem you fit; you'll get your first mission."


The door opened, and two men in suits stepped in as the woman said. "Welcome to the Commission's UHD, also known as the Undercover Heroics Department Himiko Toga. Hopefully, by the time you die, you'll have started to make up for the lives you took."




Izuku slung his backpack on and left his now empty room. All of his stuff was already at UA. It was just waiting for him to unpack it into his new home for the next four years. Nemuri smiled. "Ready to go?"


Izuku nodded and followed Nemuri out to the car, and the two headed to UA. As they rode, Nemuri asked. "Are you nervous about starting at UA?"


Izuku chuckled. "Yeah, a bit but Toru and Mina are going to be there. Also, you and Hirooki, so I'm sure I'll manage."


"Just so you know, I won't give you any special treatment. You're just another student while on campus."


Izuku nodded. "Yeah, I know. I wouldn't expect anything else."


Nemuri ruffled his hair. "Good."


The rest of the car ride was filled with chatter about anything and everything. Once they were at UA, Izuku headed towards the dorms while Nemuri got ready for work.


It didn't take long for Izuku to find the 1-A dorms and enter. He was surprised and glad to see the other recommended student was already here. "Hello, Yaoyorozu. It's good to see you again."


The black-haired girl jumped a bit and looked over as she stopped pouring a cup of tea. "Oh, Midoriya. It's wonderful to see that you passed as well. Would you like some tea?"


Izuku put his backpack down next to one of the couches as he said. "Sure, if you wouldn't mind."


"Of course not. Tea is something I thoroughly enjoy making and drinking. Also, the dorm rules and who's sleeping where is on the counter."


Izuku checked out the room arrangements as Momo poured him a cup of tea. It looked like he was on the third floor in the room farthest from the stairs. There was an empty room between him and the other two people on his floor. Izuku sipped the tea and blinked. "This is really good."


Momo smiled brightly as she placed the pot down. "I'm glad you like it. This particular tea is one I always make sure to have on hand."


Izuku hummed and took another sip as he sat at the counter and started to read the rules of the dorms, and Momo stood across from him and sipped her tea. The silence felt a bit stifling as Iuzku read, especially with Momo's eyes flicking over to him every so often. Eventually, he sighed and looked up at her. "Is everything ok, Yaoyorozu?"


"O-oh um yes. It's alright. I was just wondering... at the exam, you said Midnight was your adoptive mother. Were you serious about that?"


Izuku chuckled. "Yes, I was. I'm surprised, though, there was a photo of us that got used in a few magazines."


Momo blushed a bit. "Ah yes. Well, I did see that photo, but it wasn't a very good one. It doesn't really look like you."


"Hm, well ain't that lucky. I'm guessing you have questions?"


Momo nodded and walked around to sit next to him. "Yes, I do. Midnight has been a tremendous influence on my life, especially in the last couple of years." The black-haired girl sighed. "Ever since I started high school, I have had some... issues with how I look."


Izuku eyed her quickly, and it clicked what she meant. Nemuri had brought it up once when talking to Toru and Mina. The problems a lot of women have of being sexualized because of their body type and the proportions of their assets, as she put it. Izuku's pretty sure she only said it like that because she knew he was in the kitchen cooking and could hear them.


Izuku spoke as he looked at the kitchen, checking out what he had to work with. "Nemuri has mentioned some of what women go through. Not to me directly, but I was in the room as she talked about it. It's part of why she has the character Midnight and why she pushes the topics she does."


Momo smiled. "Yes, it was thanks to her speaking so brazenly on the topics of women and how they're viewed that helped me come to terms with my body. Though I believe I'm getting off-topic. I wanted to ask about her when she isn't in costume and why she decided to adopt you. If you wouldn't mind talking about those subjects, if not, we can discuss other things."


"No, it's fine," Izuku said while shaking his head. "Obviously, I can't talk about everything, but I can tell you a bit of what Nemuri Kayama is like when she isn't playing Midnight. As for why she adopted me... I guess it was the similarities we had."


Momo cocked her head to the side as Izuku continued. "As you know, my quirk is very similar to hers. I call mine Narcolepsy, and I have a decent degree of control over the gas as long as it's near me and it puts people to sleep much like her quirk does, but I guess what really got her attention was the bullying."


Izuku watched Momo's face turn to surprise and shock. "You were bullied? That's terrible. Why would anyone do that?"


Izuku shrugged. "I was an easy target, I guess. I'm a guy with the power to put you to sleep, and everyone assumes teenage boys are just horny little bastards, so rumors were spread, and lies were told. It didn't help that someone who I was in school with most of my life had a powerful emitter quirk that grabbed everyone's attention. They praised him, and he picked on me, so everyone else fell in line with what he said."


Izuku sipped his tea before continuing. "I met Nemuri by accident one day as I was running away from some bullies back in junior high. I have these notebooks where I break down quirks and the people who use them. It's mostly heroes, but there are some villains and some people who are close to me in there as well. I was hiding from the bullies and looking over my entry on Mt.Lady when Midnight popped up and took the book. She teased me about writing about Mt.Lady, and after that, I would run into her sometimes, and she'd walk me back to the orphanage."


Izuku chuckled. "She taught me a lot and eventually offered to adopt me since we had grown closer over all that time. After that, I moved to a different school district and made some friends who had similar experiences. All of us were picked on or targeted because of our quirks."


Momo frowned as she thought back to her own schooling. She had never seen any overt bullying at the private schools she had gone to, but maybe she just hadn't looked close enough. "I am sorry to hear that you suffered in such a way, but I'm glad you found friends and happiness."


"So am I," Izuku said as he poured some more tea and refilled Momo's cup. "I was timid and reserved back then but having Nemuri and a few others in my life helped me get some confidence in myself."


Momo nodded. "That does make sense. I'm sure Midnight is a very serious and confident person even out of costume."


She watched as Izuku snorted and set the pot down. "She's a slob sometimes, and she gets flustered easily, especially when Hirooki is around."




Izuku nodded. "Don't tell anyone, but she's been dating another hero for like three years now. Hirooki is their actual name, but I'm not gonna say their hero name."


Momo nodded. "That's fair and quite surprising. I figured the tabloids would be all over them for spending time together."


"Well, that's the great thing. Since Hirooki wears a mask, they can walk around public no problem. Nemuri wears a lot of baggy clothes, puts her hair in a ponytail, and wears glasses when she's off the job, so no one really sees Midnight; they just see a pretty lady with glasses and an oversized sweater."


Momo chuckled. "Perhaps I'll have to adopt that style one day."


The conversation lulled for a bit as they sipped their tea. Momo noticed Izuku checked his phone and frowned before opening a group chat of sorts. She looked away, not wanting to pry, but his expression was full of concern, and he started bouncing his leg, so she asked. "Is everything ok, Midoriya? You seem unhappy about something."


Izuku sighed deeply and tapped his phone's darkened screen as he said. "I have a friend. She's... a bit odd at times, and I'm concerned about her. I don't think she has a good home life; in fact, I'm pretty sure she's homeless."


Momo gasped a bit, and Izuku nodded. "She's pretty skittish, but she likes to spend time with me and my... best friends." Izuku stopped himself from saying girlfriends as they had decided to not be super open about the three of them dating. If someone asked, they would answer honestly, but they wouldn't wave it around.


"The day our acceptance letters came in, the four of us were together to open them. She was really happy for us, and she spent some time with us before leaving. That was the last time I saw or heard from her except a text a couple days ago saying she was going away, and she wasn't sure when or if she'd get a chance to see us again. She told us how much she loved spending time with us, and that was it. After that, we haven't been able to contact her."


Momo covered her mouth as concern washed over her features. "That's terrible. Have you been able to do anything to try and find her?"


Izuku shrugged. "I filed a police report, but nothings come of it. This isn't the first time she's disappeared, either. It's the second, but this time she sent a message. Last time she just vanished and came back months later, missing an eye."


Izuku saw Momo pale and thought that maybe he could have skipped that detail. "So I guess I'm just worried about her. My friends are as well, but enough about that. What about you? Why do you want to be a hero?"


Momo blinked at the sudden topic change. "Ah well... I guess I wanted to be a hero because I have the ability to help others. My quirk can let me make almost anything I would need to help save people, so why shouldn't I do that? I believe if you have the power to help, then you should. That doesn't mean you necessarily need to be a pro hero. You could work in the hospitals or as a first responder. The various outreach and villain reform programs run by the government could always use more people. Sometimes the best way to save lives is to prevent villainy from being an option."


Izuku nodded along as she spoke. "That's a nice reason. Personally, I always loved heroes. Ever since I could remember, the idea of using my quirk to help people and make them smile because I was there to keep them safe was the coolest thing to me. Now though, after all the bullying and people saying I'm a villain in the making. I wanna be a hero to prove them wrong and to give hope to others in my situation. I endured a lot, but because Midnight had a quirk like mine, I felt my goal was attainable. She even told me that back when she was younger, she got bullied for her quirk. I want to make sure that doesn't happen to others."


The two spent some time chatting and drinking tea until the pot was empty, and Izuku noticed the time. "Oh, I should probably head up and unpack now so I can have time to make some dinner."


Momo noticed the time and gasped a bit. She hadn't realized how long they had been sitting there talking. "I believe I have some unpacking to do as well."


"We best get on that then," Izuku said as the two stood. Momo took the elevator up to her floor as Izuku took the stairs.




Himiko panted as she laid on the training mat. She was covered in sweat, her lip was split, and she had bruises from head to toe. The Commission had been running her through 'training exercises' that felt more like torture than anything else. They were also trying hard to secure her loyalty with the good old-fashioned carrot and stick method. She was rewarded with blood when she behaved by their rules and did what they asked. When she misbehaved, they cut her supply and had the 'heros' if you could call them that use her as their sparring partner. She felt more like a punching bag most days, and it was wearing down on her.


She knew it would be easier to just play nice and go with the flow till a good chance to escape came up, but whenever she thought about that, she remembered how her trio's future was in danger if she did that.


"Get up, villain. We aren't done yet." the feminine voice pulled Himiko from her thoughts, and she glared up at the redhead on the mat with her. Kono Chizuru, also known as Razor, said as she glared down at Himiko.


Himiko started to push herself up only for a good to stomp down between her shoulder blades and push her back into the mat. Himiko coughed and tried to push against Razor's foot, but the woman was stronger than her.


"Come on, villain. I said get up. If you don't do as I say, I'll have to tell the higher-ups you're misbehaving again. Another strike, and they might put you up against Juggernaut. He'd probably break you in half though the Commission wants you for missions, so it would probably be solitary with limited food."


Himiko pushed with all her might and started to rise up. "Oh, look at you, little villain. You're actually doing it."


Razor's foot lifted, and Himiko could already tell the woman was about to stomp her face back into the mat, but it never happened. Instead, the redhead fell on her ass as feathers danced around her. Himiko was suddenly hauled to her feet by Hawks, who shook his head. "You UHD mooks really are petty."


Razor shot to her feet as her green eyes glared with hatred at Hawks. "The fuck you want chicken legs? You're interfering with our training."


"Oh yeah, stepping on your newest member and threatening them is some good training. Razor. How about you run along and bend over for Twist like the good girl you are, and I'll take over training Toga."


Razor's face matched her hair as the woman produced several blades from her forearms. "Say that shit again and-"


Himiko blinked, and Hawks already had a blade made of feathers pressed against Razor's throat. "You'll what? I'm the number three hero for a reason. Please don't forget that next time you threaten me."


Razor huffed and stomped off. Hawks turned around, and his serious attitude dropped immediately as he looked at Himiko. "Wow, you got messed up. Come on, let's go to the clinic and get you patched up."


Himiko followed along quietly. The number three hero was an odd guy seamlessly switching between the serious threatening presence he did when confronting Razor and then being a huge fucking goofball when he talked to Himiko. They entered the clinic, and Himiko sat on the table as Hawks grabbed a first aid kit. He was the least terrible of all the Commission people she had interacted with since her kidnapping, but she didn't like him. His expression felt too practiced, and his laugh sounded fake to her. He was a cold person trying to act warm, and it annoyed Himiko, but he never hurt her like the others, and most importantly, he had let her text her trio one last time before taking her phone away.


"Here ya go. Get that split lip cleaned up." Hawks said, passing her an alcohol wipe.


Himiko winced as she started patching herself up and Hawks sat in a chair across from her. "So things are going pretty shit for you, aren't they?"


She glared, and he smiled that fake smile as he kept talking. "Well, don't let people like Razor get you down. None of you in the UHD are heroes. You won't get a license, so make sure you don't get caught when you start going on missions, or the Commission will make sure you don't get a chance to talk about them."


Himiko huffed and looked at the door. "I hate it here, and I want to leave."


"Well, with your quirk and skills, you could probably get out, but then those three students you're so fond of will suffer. Everyone here's the same. All held down by something that the Commission has over us. Wishing we could get away."


Himiko saw something in the number three hero's eyes as they darkened. Suddenly the PA system crackled to life, and a woman spoke. "Hawks, please escort Changeling to meeting room three. It is time for her evaluation."


Hawks hopped to his feet and smiled again. "Welp, come on, Changeling, it's time for evaluation."


Himiko huffed and followed the hero. She wished there were windows or something to tell her where she was in Japan. She had to guess it was an underground facility which would make it just that much harder to escape one day.




Momo came down to the common room, slightly disappointed in her room. It was much smaller than she thought it would be. She sighed, hoping the kitchen was stocked. She could... sort of cook. Her family's chef had made sure she knew some basics before letting her go off to school.


As she got down to the common room, she spotted Izuku already cooking. He gave her a quick smile before going back to his work. "Got your room all sorted?"


Momo nodded as she stepped into the kitchen. "Yes, though, it is a bit smaller than I thought it'd be; my bed almost didn't fit."


Izuku stopped and looked at her "Yaoyorozu, how big did you think your dorm room would be?"


Momo tapped her fingers together. "Not much bigger, it's just... well, my main closest at home is about the size of the dorm."


Izuku sighed and rubbed his eyes. "Don't take this the wrong way, Yaoyorozu, but you're filthy rich, aren't you?"


Momo blushed and cleared her throat. "I wouldn't say filthy rich; I mean, I know two or... three families who maybe make more than my family."


She watched the boy turn around and start cooking. "... Midoriya. Is something the matter?"


Izuku took a deep breath. "Just thinking... Your name sounds familiar. What do your parents do?"


"Oh well, mother is the CEO of our family business while father heads the research and development section."


Izuku hummed and nodded. "And your family's company's name is?"


"Kagutsuchi Inc.," Momo stated proudly.


Izuku put his chopsticks down and turned around before bowing suddenly. "I apologize for speaking to you so casually, ma'am. I didn't realize I was in the presence of someone from Japan's leading support gear company."


Momo waved her hands frantically. "No, please don't do that. I'm just a fellow student here. I don't wish to be treated differently because my family has had some success."


'Some, she says. Her family has been leading support gear development for nearly twenty years.'  Izuku thought as he stood up straight and decided to just roll with it. "Alright then. Uh, you want some dinner? I'm used to cooking for two or more, so I made a bit much for just me."


Momo smiled. "If you wouldn't mind. It does smell delicious."


Izuku portioned out a couple plates, and the two sat at the counter and ate while chatting idly.




Mina giggled as Toru failed to keep herself from bouncing in her seat as they rode the train towards UA. "You're really excited, huh?"


"Yes. We finally get to go to UA, and Izuku is already there, all moved in and waiting for us to show up. Plus, we haven't gotten to hang out as the three of us for a couple days." Toru said as she leaned on her girlfriend.


Mina hummed. "That's true. Now we'll have a few days to spend getting used to dorm life and spending time together until classes start."


Toru nodded as the train stopped. "Yeah, so come on, let's go."


Mina laughed as her girlfriend pulled her along out of the station and towards UA. Once they got to the gates, they were led to the dorms by a small robot that complained about how humans were inferior to them the whole way. Inside the 1-A dorms, there were already a few people milling about the common room. By the tv were a few boys hooking up a couple game consoles and two more guys in the kitchen baking. The duo spotted their boyfriend sitting at a small table chatting with a beautiful girl with black hair.


Toru huffed as they saw him. "We let him wander off for a day and find him chatting with a pretty girl. Typical Izuku."


Mina laughed and pulled her along while waving to a few people in the dorms that noticed them come in. "Well, let's let him know we're here."


Izuku spotted pink in the corner of his eye just before two bodies slammed into his back and four arms wrapped around him. His girlfriends both said his name as they leaned on him. Izuku laughed and patted their shoulders. "You could have texted me you were here. I would have come out and brought you to the dorms."


Mina giggled. "Yeah, but then we'd miss out on seeing you flirting with our new classmates. Honestly, we leave you alone for one day."


Izuku saw Momo blush hard as he sighed. "I was not flirting. I was having an in-depth conversation with Yaoyorozu about support gear and how it's helped more than just the world of heroes." he looked at the black-haired girl across from him and smiled. "Sorry about these two. Teasing me and each other is their default setting."


Toru pinched his cheek. "Oi, don't talk about us like we're robots."


Momo cleared her throat. She noticed the two girls still hadn't let go of Izuku since they had shown up. "It's quite alright. I'm Momo Yaoyorozu. It's a pleasure to meet friends of Midoriya."


Mina nodded and said. "Mina Ashido. You're the other recommended student, right? Izuku talked about you a bit last night on the phone."


"O-oh, really? I didn't realize."


Izuku waved his hands. "It's nothing bad. Just telling them a bit about you, like how you're a fan of Midnight and letting them know what you were like."


"Toru Hagakure. He also told us you're like super-rich but don't wanna be treated special, so don't worry about us doing that."


Momo nodded. "Yes, well, thank you for that. I hope we can all get along."


A short gasp caught their attention as a brunette girl practically bounced up to them. "Oh, it's you, the invisible girl uh... Hagakure, right? You saved me back in the exam. Thank you so much for that, and I'm glad to see you passed."


Toru smiled. "Yes, that's me. I'm glad to see you got in as well, Uraraka."


"Oh, this is the girl you saved while wrecking the zero-pointer," Mina said, still hanging on Izuku.


Ochako tried not to get distracted by the fact that the two girls were hanging on the green-haired guy who was sipping tea as she nodded. "Yeah, it was super cool; she fired this laser from her hands and looked like she was an anime character or something."


Izuku laughed. "She does do that a lot. I'd love to keep chatting Yaoyorozu, but I think these two want to get unpacked, don't you?"


Mina nodded, and Toru gave an affirmative. They released Izuku as he stood. "Well, I did promise to help with that. Thank you for the tea Yaoyorozu. It was delicious."


Momo nodded. "It's no problem, Midoriya. I hope you two settle in here well."


As the trio walked away, he saw Momo strike up a conversation with Ochako, who happily sat and started chatting as the rich girl poured her a cup of tea.


Don't worry about what I'm about to say because I don't plan on doing it to Hypno but I kinda want to write a Midoriya/1-A girls fic.

Also, I wrote a one-shot it's been up for a bit you should check it out. it's an Izuku/Ochako fic that takes place during the current manga arc. it's a sweet fluffy one-shot and I like it. I don't often get ideas for one-shots I'm very much a multi-chapter kinda guy.

Also Also smut scenes will probably never happen because I don't have confidence in myself to write decent smut so I don't think I'll do it. I may try on a different fic in the future but not the ones I'm writing right now.