Chapter 22: Split Scenes
- ORC Room -
School just ended that day and it was like any other normal day as Rias and her peerage minus Kiba occupied the club room. The twins Shio and Miso were also there which had become less frequent lately ever since their brother came to the town. The other girls Tama, Raynare or Rei as she was now called, and Tayuya were also there. With how many new people had joined their little group she may need a new club room at this rate. Honestly if for nothing else than for the piece of her heart she hoped that Naruto didn't bring in too many more girls. Or at least not too fast. Though she wouldn't admit it it was obvious that she was the jealous type.
Speaking of her boyfriend in question she wondered where he was.
It was at that moment the door opened and a person or rather two beings walked in. One appeared to be a boy in his early teens with a happy smile and a mischievous gleam in his blue eyes. He had the familiar shock blond hair that flared out and whisker marks on his cheeks.
Everyone looked at him for a few moments before several of the girls figured it out quickly with Rias being the first to speak as she spoke out questioningly.
"Hiya Ri-chan!~" The kid waved at her with a foxy grin and it was then that they noticed the boy also had orange foxlike ears with a matching white tipped tail. He was currently wearing an orange loose shirt and black pants. Though they couldn't see it his body was still pretty toned though not to the muscle definition of the Naruto they knew. In his left arm he was holding a medium sized blackish wolf like it it was a carry one.
The defining traits of this canine were the white X on its chest and back, it's moonlight white eyes that looked at them with boredom and laziness, and the darker stripes on its cheeks.
"Naruto-kun what are you doing? Why do you look like that and what's with the dog?"
"Dog eh?" The wolf stirred as the fox boy put him down and jumped as the wolf was engulfed in black smoke and light. A second later ther was another boy near identical to the fox hybrid Naruto. Difference his hair went down more messy like like the regular Naruto and didn't flare out like the fox kid's. His eyes stayed white though similar to Naruto's wolf hybrid mode. In fact he looked just like Naruto did in that state but with both his eyes showing and several years younger. He looked almost like a twin to the fox boy that was now on him piggy back except he looked if anything slightly older or mature and had a somewhat more muscular build under his clothes and slightly more tan skin. His clothes were gray pants with a black short sleeved hoodie. And if you didn't catch it already he had black wolf ears and a matching black tail which oddly enough was connected to the boy on his back's tail at the end like some kind of cord.
"Bro are you going to handle things now?" The light voice of the happy kid asked his apparent 'brother leading to the apparent confusion of the crowd as Rias racked her brain.
"Wait Naruto wha-? "Bro"? Two of you? Younger, different personalities? What's going on? Who are you two?"
The wolf boy yawned as he put his hands in his pockets and grinned. His voice came out rougher than the other boy's.
"Yare yare Rias you were right the first time. Or at least somewhat. I am Naruto."
The fox kid on his back wave at the group cheerfully. "I'm Naruto too~!"
Seeing their confusion the wolf kid felt he should explain things.
"How should we put this. You could say onii-san which is the Naruto you all know can split his body up into various parts for whatever reason and has decided to do so right now. It's kind of like training since we are not used to this. That's why we were born younger when we split up because our splitting techinique isn't perfected yet and takes getting used too."
"So you both are Naruto then?" This was really weird but could be very useful.
"Well yeah... I guess I mean pretty much."
"You don't sound to sure."
"Well it's complicated. We all on our own yet we all have a collective mind of shared thoughts and wouldn't do anything to endanger the other. We are like brothers and yet we are all part of one original being. So for the sake of relations any of us counts as Naruto but their are some differences between us that I'm sure you are already figuring out."
"Why do you keep saying we all if there is only two of you? And is their a method to each form or is it whatever as I see one of you has fox features which Naruto never really showed."
The two boys grinned as the wolf one spoke again. "That my dear, is the right question. It's true that there is only two of us as two bodies is our limit and even then we can't be too far from each other unlike big bro Naru and his tail which could stay a far distance away from each other but Tail had issues keeping a solid form at all times so he kept to the shadows unless he was near by. There will however be more different bodies of us in the future. For us through I work well with my fox bro here. How we were created? Well pretty much last night and I'm modeled after the originals wolf and canine aspect and how he was when he was training in the wild with Tama-chan. Basically my mentality and mindset is how I was then." Tama's eyes shone in remembrance for a second as she looked at him before he continued.
"The boy on my back I suppose you could call the little brought of our collective existence. He represents the hidden fox nature. Though we have always shone to be mischievous the wolf nature showed more physically simply because of the War blood. This way we separate the War blood which is me, from the Kitsune blood of our mother which is him. He is sneaky and a trickster but models our childishness and... immaturity..."
"Okay I guess that clears some things up but do we call both of you Naruto? And what is the point of this?"
"Heh well you can call us Naruto when it's just one of use alone wether it be the main Naruto, Tail, or one of use or whoever. But for conversation purposes when their are multiple of us present like their are now we can be addressed by different code-names. You can call me I don't know Wolf or Okami or something related to that. Same with the kid behind me. Call him fox or Naru, I call him Ran but it's whatever." He didn't sound to concerned. His lack of interest in his own identity made them sweatdrop.
"As for the point of this. Well it helps me or rather us manage our power better. Helps build control even faster and build up our technique stamina. It also helps our power grow and develop as focusing on specific abilities of our blood and powers and helping develop new powers. It's also easier to mess with my body this way now that it's a bit more unstable the more I do this."
He held his left arm out, the one that was usually bandaged in his regular body and there was a ripping noise as suddenly an ax like blade emerged out of the side of it before it retracted again as if it had never been there.
"Also as long as one of our bodies is around somewhere we can't be killed. The different bodies yeah, but as long as one of use remains each of us will respawn in time. This is ignoring the healing we already have." 'Though it's a bit less currently with us split up like this.'
The group was surprised at this. With how Naruto's body was, the different things in him, and how fast his growth rate was it wouldn't be long till there would be multiple of him around at once.
"The sexual potential is enormous."
"Yes yes it is-." Rias face turned red along with the twins, Raynare, and Akeno in a blush as their brain caught up to what wolf Naruto just said. Tayuya looked like she was in between scared and about to drool on the floor in excitement. Ignoring the fact that the two boys looked younger than her now did nothing to stop her impure near illegal thoughts. Issei was shouting in jealousy and Asia looked confused. Tama however was in her own world as she had this weird look on her face ever since Naruto said he couldn't be killed that would have made him extreme nervous but he was forcing himself to not look at her.
Rias got herself under control as fast as she could though still looking a bit flustered.
"I wasn't thinking about that!" 'Besides, I can hardly handle one of you when you are holding back as is.'
"Well anyway that's about it I believe. Any questions?" As if that was the signal his eyes widened as Ran disappeared off his back in a gust of wind and was suddenly on the other side of the room being hugged to death by the twins. Naruto looked nervously as he eyed their connected tail that was being stretched by that distance.
"Kyaa! Onii-sama is little now! And he is a little fox now so cute!" The kid was getting smothered by the two fox girls. The boy looked like he was struggling to balance between enjoying it and enjoying air.
Right then and there the wolf Naruto was suddenly snatched up to the other side of the room by Tayuya as she buried his face in the valley of her giant breasts and her horns sprouted.
"Wolfy-kun! We are gonna have some fun shit with this. How bout we roleplay with you being the cute little wolf and me being the big bad red riding hood?" 'Oh god!'
Naruto didn't know whether to be excited or frightened by this now and his body was in the same state of confusion. He was sure he wouldn't actually be able to stop her in this form as he was now.
Raynare seeing her master in distress was about to tell Tayuya to stop but then right then and there they all heard a ripping noise as Wolf and Ran's joined tail suddenly ripped apart.
There was a pause as all went silent and then the next second both boys went frantic as their whole demeanor was lost and the broke free from the holds of the various girls. Their tails spewed black and white energy and the two scrambled across the floor to hug each other in support as the shook frightened. Their tails rejoined and sealed over and slowly they calmed down again. Everyone was confused by this and a little shook up as Rias asked the question everyone had.
"Naruto-kun? What just happened?" The two boys looked a little exhausted and had a slight sweat as thely looked at Rias with tired grins and spoke.
"W-We did say that w-we can't be too far away from each other yet..."
"N-Naruto-sama that tickles." The white haired girl that was Latias squirmed in her seat as Naruto was working on her arm forearm. They were currently under his home in his workshop.
Latias's arm was currently opened up like a machine as a lot of mechanical parts could be seen oddly enough as that section of the arm also turned red on the outside with 'normal' looking metal parts on the inside.. His hands and instruments were wafting with his black Dream aura which was making her arm feel sensitive. Naruto however didn't pay the girl much mind as he continued to work his tools inside her arm studying it. His eyes were violet with their swirl pattern lightly glowing as he took in everything he saw.
He spoke offhandedly without looking up at her.
"Just hold it a little longer Latias-chan it this won't take too long. I'm interested in how you pokemon girls transform. Since I'm the juubi as well as an honorary pokemon I should be able to imitate this skill with enough work right? I'm also trying to make a few edits to your form."
She just accept that as he went silent before speaking again for the sole purpose of keeping her mind off of the irritation in her limb and for conversation.
"So when are you going to use me in combat Naruto-sama? I've noticed that you uses Quila-chan a lot and you practice with Banny-chan, and a few other the others. And Yami-neechan seems to be your signature weapon now... I'd like to help too."
"Well there is nothing you can really teach me as the Wingless Flight I can practice on my own and the techniques come to me on their own instinctively. I also have no use of your construction form right now so other than sparring I don't really need you right now."
That hurt her as she didn't want to be useless to him. Naruto picked up on it quickly how she was feeling or rather he knew how she would react before he even said anything.
"That doesn't mean that I won't use you though just not now. Don't worry you are still helping me. Your form just doesn't complement me much yet as it clashes with my style with its current jet like appearance. That's also why I'm editing your transformation and even using my blood as a medium for the base. I want us to be even closer bonded and in sync for when we finally work together." She smiled brightly at this and quickly became her cheery self again.
"Hai then! I will try and be more patient."
"Good also even if I can't fight with you yet you are still helping me more than you may have realized. Your transformation unlike Absol's weapon form or the other girls is the most mechanical based. It helps me find out more about how you switch from bio to mechanical because lets face it. Turning into a weapon object is not what I'm going for but something in between. I can study the inner works of your being even better this way and dig deep into the nooks and crannies of your body revealing its secrets." His voice started to take a bit of an undertone near the end that she couldn't quite place but she blushed as she suddenly felt very insecure and vulnerable at his words.
"S-Sure anything to h-help Naruto-sama."
Naruto suddenly stopped working on her arm as he brought his face down close to it. His eyes narrowed sly as he eased up her arm to her shoulder while holding her wrist. Latias looked away from his approaching face as she blush even harder nervously not being able to see the slight smirk that formed on his face as it looked like he was just intently looking at her body in the scrutinizing way so she couldn't read his intentions.
He leaned forward getting really close to her ear and spoke hotly as her eyes widened at the proximity and what he might do to her.
"Don't move Lati-chan~."
She squeezed her eyes shut not knowing how to deal with the situation as she waited for him to do something. After a few moments she heard a click and her arm suddenly felt a lot lighter.
"Hmmm so it really is detachable just like I thought? Well this changes everything."
Her eyes opened confused and looked to see Naruto standing off to the side holding something and she looked over at the limb he had been working on to see the forearm of her right arm missing and in his hands.
"Naruto-sama my arm!"
He kept looking at it like it was some kind of alien device. "Yeah don't be alarmed but I have no idea what I'm doing now." Yes there was a pun in that.
The girl started to sniff as her eyes teared up.
"Wonder if I can take this apart without causing damage?" He spoke ignoring her as he started to walk off to his work desk. That combined with what he previously said made her fearful for her arm.
"Please! I need that!"
"Don't worry duct tape will fix this right up."
'Duct tape?!' That did it as Latias started to cry. It was a comical sight for him she was just so cute. He had a wide dark grin spread on his face as he had his back turned to her. He didn't know why but he just loved to mess with girls in every way. No real harm had been done it was just a prank if anything.
"Hehehe okay maybe this has gotten a bit out of hand..." His pun did nothing as she started to cry louder causing him to sweatdrop.
'Well then... I suppose I should give her her arm back.
Naruto leaned against the wall in the hallway as he stood across one stern Grayfia as she looked at him with her arms crossed. Though they weren't crossed in a confrontational way they still had the effect of pushing her large breasts up which he had no problem with.
"I guess it was only a matter of time before you found out."
"It would have taken me longer to catch on if I had not seen you get injured from trying to play with a holy sword. But it wasn't just that. I could sense the small rises in the area of holy magic which would be associated with fallen angels and stray exorcists. A borderline satan level devil of my caliber can at least do that muchI don't see why you would just tell me. I could get this issue resolved easily. The problem is with the church or something related to it that much is obvious."
Naruto looked at her before laughing out loud making her blink. When he calmed down she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.
"I didn't think I said anything humorous."
"Nah it's nothing like that Grayfia-chan. Well I appreciate the offer but this is my business and as man it is my job to take care of it."
She rose a delicate eyebrow at that calmly.
"Is that a sexist response?"
"What? No! It's just that men like to be headstrong about these things. Sure I can ask for help but that would defeat the purpose. And this is mine and Rias's territory. It is our job to maintain it so allow us to do so. I don't want you or Sirzechs or anyone else to interfere. It shouldn't be that big of a deal."
She looked eyes with him for a moment and though his gaze was lazy his eyes showed his stubborn defiance that he would not back down. She thought maybe she could press the issue a bit more but right when she thought to say something there was something about him that shift that she picked up in his eyes that made her back off.
"Fine I will trust you to handle this. You did beat Riser-san quite soundly so I suppose you've proven you can take care of yourself." He smiled before pushing off the wall.
"Thank you Grayfia-chan and I know you mean well and it's nice to know the Ice Queen is worried over me but know this..." Right when he passed her it was like the pressure of the area suddenly skyrocketed as the air around them darkened in a violet tone making her eyes widen a little. He glanced at her sending chills as both of his eyes turned violet yet hade a fierce white glow about them.
"I'm not a kid. And I hate being protected."
With that he walked off as the atmosphere lifted and she remembered to breath again. Her heart had sped up a few beats as she looked back at him. He had a natural attracting presence about him but i and she new that she was stronger than him. But it was in times like this where her caught you off guard or was in close range that his presence felt worlds different.
He actually felt threatening and she had a filling that was only scratching the surface. And yet... the way he took charge like that in a way where his dominance shown through heavily she couldn't help but find somewhat arousing.
Yes he was right he most certainly wasn't some kid. She would do well to remember that from now on. But why did she feel like he was hiding something about what was going on in the town?
- That Night -
"Heh if Grayfia knew Kokabiel was around she wouldn't have backed down so easily at all." Naruto or as he currently was Wolf with Ran right next to him chuckled as he prepared to raid the church.
Xenovia was confused as to why he was in this split form but didn't question it for the moment while she stood with the others. She went up to Wolf and with a certain amount spoke. "Regardless of what has happened I want to thank you and your friends for helping us in our search. So here is a little bit of information we've gotten a hold of. The White Dragon has awakened."
Issei's eyes widened in shock as Draig spoke to him. Naruto however felt a sudden jolt go through his body as crack marks spread over one side of his face for a split second before vanishing. 'Why do I feel like that means more to me than I'm aware of...'
The groups split off as Xenovia and Irina took one part of the city. Issei, Kiba, Koneko, and Saiji took another part and the two Naruto's went off with Raynare as their guard.
Wolf, Ran, and Raynare made their way through the outskirts they traveled by use of wolf's nose being able to pick up the scent of disorder and danger. After around 10 minutes they came up upon a seemingly abandoned church of sorts.
The group of the two Naruto.
As the made it to the door of the building the two boys stopped. Ran who was being carried on Wolfs back again spoke out lightly.
"So how are we going to do this Nii-chan?" They could detect the presence of a large group of stray exorcists inside.
Wolf glanced back at him lazily. "Well I guess I'll take the workload this time. We don't want to push our time limit both fighting. This will be a test of that."
"And I will support your flank as you need me to Naruto-samas." Raynare piped up from behind them gaining a nod from Wolf.
With that Wolf put his hands in his pockets before kicking the door open shocking the buildings occupants before strolling in like he owned the place.
As he walked into the middle of the chapel he ignored all the stray exorcists who stood up threateningly as they didn't know what to make of these random 2 kids. Wolf kept walking with the intent of making it to the front of the santuary when he was stopped as a robed exorcist stood in front of him. From what he could sense she was indeed female. Not that it was hard to tell he just cared less about those details with humans.
The lady bent down to eye level and gave him a warm friendly smile that barely hid her dark intentions.
"I'm sorry sweeties but you shouldn't be here. Did you two lose something?"
"Only our minds."
"Huh-?" She only had time to utter that before a gun was suddenly at her forehead.
The crowd gasped as Wolf pulled the trigger calmly and fired a bullet straight through the lady's head spraying blood behind her as she died instantly and fell to the side. Several of the men readied their weapons at this new threat as one shouted in outrage.
"That brat killed Haru-!" *Bang*
Those were that mans last words as Wolf just swung his arm out to the side and fired at his face without even caring enough to look at him. He looked at the group who now held their dead colleague in an insignificant gaze that made them flinch.
"His voice was annoying. As for the female. I prefer not to kill them but I could feel her malicious warnings from a mile away. Would have tried to kill me regardless of what I did. Plus she was human so... yeah... was gonna kill her anyway."
He twirled his gun before it was sucked back into his sleeve and both boys animal features shown.
"Their devils get them!"
'Right!' They communicated telepathically as Ran merged into Wolf's body. At the moment he did a swirl of red and black went around Wolf.
"Okay we are synced. Now then, we aren't devils, and we may be animals, but we are still demons."
He flexed his hands as they grew and turned into black metallic monster claws. He was feeling a little bit more excited now. With Ran and Wolf now one body they were basically just a younger Naruto. In fact Wolf was now exactly how the original was at his age. Same physical strength and everything else... if he had already been a demon at that age.
He snickered mischievously as he pulled his hood over his wolf ears and head making it shadow his face and pointed with his dangerous hand towards where most of the exorcists were who were now feeling nervous.
Some come at me with all you go. If you think you can hit me with your best shot then fire away!"
And then all hell broke loose. With that being a church setting the irony was strong.
- Warehouse -
"We just had to run into this douche again?" Issei whined as they faced off against Freed in front of an abandoned building. Actually interestingly enough it was the same building where they had faced that stray devil Viser.
The group already discarded their disguises as Kiba faced off against the crazed stray exorcist. He was struggling to hold his own as Freed was wielding an Excalibur and appeared to be toying with him.
"Hahaha wahoo! Well if it isn't my lucky day, four shitty pieces of devil trash for the price of one sword."
Kiba glared at the cocky exorcist as he locked swords with him.
"Don't get ahead of yourself Freed. I'm taking you down!"
Free didn't look convinced at all. In fact he looked like he just heard one of the funniest things on earth.
"Hahahahaha are you seriously!? You sound almost as insane as me! No devil can match my Excalibur Rapidly's speed. It's a super fast sword that lets me move super fast!"
Kiba grew startled as Freed suddenly blured away as he sped up. Kiba followed suit and they became blurs to Issei and the grew as the clashed through the air. Kiba was holding his own but Free was getting faster and he wouldn't be able to keep up much longer.
"Hahaha what's wrong sword boy? Can't keep up?!" The others had to watch helpless as Kiba started to be put on the defensive. Koneko would only be a target in this kind of fight and Issei was useless while he was still boosting his power. They needed to stop him some how or Kiba would be finished.
"Sacred Gear Absorbtion Line!" A glowing tether suddenly shot out of the arm of one student council member that wrapped around Freed's leg restraining him.
Issei held his fist up in approval at seeing his peer's techinique connect. "Great job Saji I didn't know you had a sacred gear too!"
Freed looked down at the wrapping around his leg curiously before charging his sword with holy energy and slicing through it easily cutting Saji off.
"Sorry kiddies but I'm the best catch of the day. You have to try harder if you want to reel me in!" He boasted loudly but it had given Koneko enough time to through Issei over to Kiba and transfer his power over to him.
The blonde formed a magic circle as he gathered his energy. "Sword Birth!" With that utterance a multitude of swords sprouted from the ground heading towards Freed. The psychotic exorcist wasn't even phased as he swung his charged up Excalibur at the swords wildly, breaking through them all like sticks in groups.
"Great design but poor craftsmanship! These can't compete with my sword. Now time to die!" Kiba's eyes widened as Freed destroyed enough swords to create an opening before using his augmented speed to charge full force at him. The others wouldn't get to him in time and his swords would not be able to stop him. He created a sword and build up all his magic into it on the slim possibility that it might stop the exorcist as he appeared in front of him and swung his holy weapon down.
"KIBA!" Issei shouted knowing he couldn't stop Freed.
Just then Koneko's eyes widened and the group froze as they felt something dash by them before going up the building and in a blur the figure went up between the two sword users shattering Kiba's sword and knocking the two of them away from each other.
"W-What the hell..." Freed's voice went flat as he saw who the new arrival was and he froze. Up on the very top of the building standing on top of a long nodachi with one leg. Her long grey hair appearing silver in the moonlight as he twin tails blue in the wind. She had a hand on her hip and had a giant smile on her face as her wide purple eyes stared down at Freed threateningly.
"I heard you've been causing trouble lately, Oniiiiiii-chan~." It was sickly sweet and had a dangerous overtone as another long sword shot out of her sleeve to be caught in her other hand and pointed it directly at Freed.
The white haired exorcist grit his teeth in irritation at her presence. "You bitch why are you here now!?"
"Oh didn't you hear brother I'm with Naruto now."
His eyes widened as that was a dangerous mix.
"As if you weren't bad enough now you're banging that blonde brat?!"
She mock blushed as she held her cheek in a really girly way.
"Ah~ how lewd no we haven't done that yet. Though I wouldn't mind if he did too many things have gotten in the way of our progress and if he takes too long... well I'll just end up killing him again, and then he can put me in my place again and get even strong from it which will only make me try harder and harder and harder and harder!" She started to quiver as her blush turned real and she actually started to show how disturbed she was, but looking at how she was and who her brother was it wasn't that surprising.
"But I'm glad Naru-kun decided to let me deal with you." She glanced disinterestedly at Kiba, Issei at the rest who were all watching the interaction now.
"I don't really care about those guys but Naru-kun would be mad at me if I let them die. Oh I know! Do you think it would help if I just went on and finally spilled your blood all over the grounds giving this building a new paint job and using your body as the brush? Maybe Naru-kun would praise me for it? I don't know what do you think I should do oniiii-chan~?"
Freed started to sweat as he didn't need to be told twice what she was about to do and siblings be damned either one of them would do it. The problem was he was she Tama would be the victor. Her presence just unnerved him.
"Well this isn't fun anymore so I will see you kiddies later!" He took out a magic orb and threw it at his feet vanishing in a flash as he retreated.
Tama blinked owlishly as she rested her sword on her shoulder while still standing on top of the other.
- Back with Naruto(Wolf) -
Wolf fell down low to the ground as he dashed quickly at a group of stray priests with his arms back. He was much slower than the original was but he was still fast enough as he still had his instincts and reflexes and his speed was enough for these humans.
He blurred towards them as one took out a light sword and swung down at him. Wolf paused in his step and strafed to the side narrowly avoiding the weapon before spinning lashing out with his hands. The was a gush of blood as the mans arm was looped off but the man hardly got to scream out before his other hand was stabbed through the priests chest.
Several more exorcists came up behind him and swung their swords down intending to dice him up. He didn't even look back as his instincts acted for him and he swung his hands up deflecting the blades and making the group stagger back. The wolf boy then pivoted on his feet and spun rapidly slicing through the people surrounding him without even touching some of them.
"My hands are weapons so my range is much more than it appears to be."
Not missing a beat he dashed off to the side towards others who were wielding various holy weapons. He did a strong leap and went upside-down as he spun again cutting off that group at the heads and shoulders. He landed behind them flawlessly onto a knee before their bodies fell apart to the ground.
He hadn't been paying attention as one had gotten up next to him with a gun. "D-Die you monster!"
The shot rang out to show Wolf's shadowed face and his white eyes glancing to the side at owner of said gun. The man looked like he was about to shit himself as the kid just leaned his head back instinctively as the light bullet sailed by an inch away from his face to hit another exorcist of to the side in the crossfire.
"Oooooh so close."
The man fired again making Wolf suddenly lean a few inches forward as the bullet sailed by behind his head and hit someone else. He fired several more times but Wolf dodged each one with blurring speeds before stepping towards the man at the last shot.
The man fired one last time only to notice no one was there before he felt a hand on his head and suddenly he was looking the opposite direction.
*Crrrck* Wolf was flipped in the air with one hand on the man's head before he twisted it all the way around and broke his neck killing him almost instantly.
As wolf landed back on the ground he flinched as he dropped down to one knee and his aura started to waft on its own. "Damn I guess our time is up."
With a swirl of black and white energy Wolfs body dispersed before it reshaped into the older more familiar form. The heterochormia blue and violet eyes reopened as the young man put his hands in his pockets with a smirk. Naruto had shifted back to his original body.
"Hmm so I can only be divided between Ran and Wolf for around half an hour before it becomes too straining on hour soul and we have to rejoin. However if we are in combat while Wolf and Ran merging does gain them more time the time they can stay active drops considerable to maybe 3 minutes max. Not bad for their first day in the field I suppose but until they get they're time limit up as well as more accustomed to their bodies they won't be necessary to bring out to battle. Well not a total loss. They are still good for single shifts and recreation purposes. The fact that even though they are more youkai based they still have the demon and Armorer traits is good to know."
He blinked as he remembered where he was and he looked around to see a bunch of very afraid stray exorcists, or at least what was left of them. "Oh right we were doing something. Well I've grown tired of this. He headed back towards the open door to where Raynare was standing faithfully waiting for when she was needed.
"Are you already Naruto-sama? You're sweating." Sure enough he was which was a rarity in itself. Though he caused it so it wasn't that surprising. The split was something he wasn't accustomed to yet so doing so was still taxing on his body and since he did it earlier that day too he was pushing it a bit.
"I'm fine don't worry about me. Now then Rei-chan can you do something for me?" She stood at attention waiting for his order.
"Hai Naruto-sama what do you wish of me?"
"Finish them." She bowed at his order before her wings sprouted out and held her hands out. Several spears of light floated by her left arm while a disk of light formed by her right one fueled by her sacred gear. The humans in the room all paled at this. Whatever little hope they had of living through this was gone.
- Back at the warehouse -
Naruto had Raynare teleport them to the warehouse as he didn't feel like crossing the city again right now. As he walked into the building with his servant he froze at what he just heard.
"Give me your bottom Issei!"
"What the fuck did I just walk into!?" That's something you usually only hear like that so suddenly if you're in prison or if it turned out the girl had a dick. Futanari or some shit like that. Hopefully it wasn't the latter.
He looked at the scene in front of him to see Rias standing behind a bent and prostrated Issei who looked fearful. Naruto blinked several times before covering his eyes.
"Oh god no! What am I looking at?!"
Rias looked over at him realizing he was there.
"Oh hello Naruto-kun. Issei disobeyed my orders by coming here so I'm punishing him with a spanking.
"Oh okay then..." That's not as bad as he thought it was.
She brought her hand back as Issei started to shake. "Now then get ready for 1000 spankings!"
Issei and Naruto flinched at that number. 'Well RIP Issei's ass. He's not durable like me so he's going to be hurting.'
His eyes widened when a magic seal appeared over her hand. She wasn't holding back at all. Naruto decided to step in and try to help the dragon user out.
"Wait hold on Rias isn't that excessive?"
"It is a master's job to discipline her servants."
"Yeah but I was the elder her and so since I was the one who helped coordinate this outing I should be the one held responsible."
She lowered her arm at this. "Oh that's very mature of you Naruto-kun." She raised her magical circle again as she glared at him. "So are you saying this is your fault?"
"What would you do if I said it was?"
She looked at him for a moment before he finally sent an ominous grin that made her shiver. Anything she said to that would be used against her. She learned that much by this point. Her magic seal vanished and she walked off with Akeno who giggled at the scene. Issei had mock tears of joy over how Naruto saved him.
"Thank you senpai! Thank you so much you saved my precious bottom!"
Naruto cracked his neck as he looked at him before looking over at Rias's back.
"Hopefully the fear of the pain she would have caused you will be enough of a lesson for you. Don't count on me stepping in neck time." 'She's gonna be a little mad at me but nothing I can't fix."
Suddenly Naruto and Tama who was on top of the buildings senses went haywire as the looked up feeling multiple eyes watching them only to see no one but the night sky.
- Of in the Distance -
A certain high class fallen angel was looking upon Naruto's group in amusement. His 10 black wings were out too giving a warning to anyone who crossed his path.
"Hmhmhm it's almost time. Just killing the Gremory alone could incite a war but it looks like a few more individuals have joined the fray."
- Undisclosed location -
A figure in gold armor was looking though a viewing glass at both Naruto and Tama in interest. He smirked as his red eyes looked at the two while a floating pitcher refilled his chalice.
"Two Armorers living in one location? Now that is a rarity. It has been quite some time since I have been up against my fellow kin. But it's still too early for these mongrels to even be worthy of fighting me yet. Hopefully their efforts will yield me some form of entertainment. The disgusting display of mixing an Armorer's talent with their mixed blood is disgusting. An Armorer only truly shines when they thrive on their own power. The female shows promise but that blonde male seems to be too misdirected."
- END -
AN: Done. Sorry this took a bit. At least it was a little under 2 weeks this time... barely... I actually intended for this to be out a few days after the last chapter and should have been out a week before this actually. Because of how much reviews I got so quickly i had actually been ready to type this out the next day after the last chapter but things happen. I got distracted, I had a lot of art to work on, other problems to deal with, and I accidentally sent several thousand dollars to the wrong college cuz of bullshit and had to spend a long time just settling that issue... It's been rough but hey I'm still determined to speed this up. A good thing about the waiting is that thanks to a few of the reviews I have even more ideas in my head now.
Riser's arc already surprised you.
End of this holy sword arc you should see something I think has never happened before.
Season 3... It's gonna be fun. So much stuff that I can't wait.
Also the thing with Naruto's other bodies. Think of them like alter egos or clones with unique appearances. They act on their own and yet are all collective towards each other's survival.
Anyway keep reviewing fast. They help me at least TRY to go faster.
I'ev been playing a lot of PC games from Tera, to Trove, to Rise of the Incarnates, to Team Fortress 2, and so on.
Right now I'm playing Blade & Soul. Took a bit of work but I got the russian version translated in english since the game hasn't gotten an international release until December. Free to play and really worth it I recommend everyone checking it out. I even made a character that looks very close to how Naruto's wolf form is without the wolf parts. He even has whisker marks.
Anyway I noticed the links on my profile don't work anymore for whatever reason of both my drawings and what the pokegirls look like.
So what I'm gonna do is I'm going to go on and make a Deviantart account if people want me too and hopefully by next chapter that will be up.