
My Stash of completed fics

Stash of numerous good fics that I like have more that 100k word count and are completed . Fics here range from anime, marvel, dc , Potter verse, some tv series like GoT Or some books . You can look forward to fun crossovers too ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- list of fics :- 1. Wind Shear by Chilord (HP) 2.Blood, Sweat and Fire by Dhagon (GOT × Minecraft) 3.Harry Potter: Lost Son by psychopath556 ( HP ) 4.Deeds, not Words (SI) by Deimos124 (GOT) 5.From Beyond by Coeur Al'Aran ( RWBY) 6.Everyone has darkness by Darthemius ( Naruto ) 7.Overlord by otblock57(HP) 8.Never Cut Twice - Book 1 Butterfly Effect by thales85(GOT) 9.The Peverell Legacy by Sage1988 (Got × HP) 10 .Artificer by Deiru Tamashi (DxD) 11.So How Can I Weaponize This? by longherin ( HP ) 12 .Hero Rising by LoneWolf-O1 ( Young Justice × Naruto) 13.Harry Potter and the World that Waits by dellacouer ( X-Men × HP) 14. What We're Fighting For by James Spookie ( HP ) 15. Mind Games by Twisted Fate MK 2 ( RWBY ) 16. Crystalized Munchkinry by Syndrac (Worm SI ) 17. Red Thorn by moguera ( RWBY) 18 . The Sealed Kunai by Kenchi618 ( Naruto ) 19. Dreamer by Dante Kreisler ( Percy Jackson ) 20. The Empire of Titans by Drinor ( Attack on Titans ) 21. Tempered by Fire by Planeshunter ( Fate / Stay night ) 22 .RWBY, JNPR, & HAIL by DragonKingDragneel25 ( RWBY × HP ) 23. Reforged by SleeperAwakens (HP) 24. Less Than Zero by Kenchi618 (DC) 25. level up by Yojimbra (MHA) 26. Y'know Nothing Jon Snow! by Umodin ( Pokemon ) 27. Any Means Necessary by EiriFllyn ( Fate × Worm × Multiverse ) 28.The Power to Heal and Destroy by Phoenixsun ( Naruto ) 29.Force for Good by Jojoflow ( MHA) 30. Naruto: Shifts In Life by The Engulfing Silence (Naruto) 31. Naruto Chimera Effect by ZRAIARZ ( DxD × Naruto) 32. Iron Re-Write. By lindajenner (Marvel) 33. A Whole New Life By MadWritingBibliomaniac ( HP ) 34 . Restored by virginea (GOT ) 35 . I Am Lord Voldemort? By orphan_account ( HP) 36 .There goes sixty years of planning by Shinji117 (Fate Apocrypha) 37 . The Wings of a Butterfly by DecayedPac ( HP ) 38 . The War is Far From Over Now by Dont_call_me_Carrie ( Marvel ) 39 . Black Rose Blooms Silver by CyberQueen_Jolyne ( RWBY ) 40 . Cheat Code: Support Strategist by Clouds { myheadinthecoudsnotcomingdown } ( MHA) 41 .Hypno by ScarecrowGhostX ( MHA ) 42 . Happy Accidents by Rhino {RhinoMouse} ( Marvel ) 43 . Fox On the Run by Bow_Woww ( Naruto ) 44 . Time for Dragons: Fire by Sleepy_moon29 ( GoT) 45 . Intercession by VigoGrimborne ( HP × Taylor Herbert ) 46 . Flight of the Dragonfly by theantumbrae ( MHA ) 47 . Restored by virginea ( GOT ) 48 . An Essence of Silver and Steel by James D. Fawkes ( Worm × Heroic spirits ) 49 . Trump Card by ack1308 ( Worm) 50.Memories of Iron ( Worm & Iron man) 51. Tome of the Orange Sky (Naruto/MGLN) 52. A Dovahkiin without Dragon Souls to spend. (Worm/Skyrim/Gamer)(Complete) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ If you have any completed fic u want me to upload you can suggest it through comments and as obvious as it is please note that , none of the fics above belong to me in any sense of the word . They belong to their respective authors you can find most of the originals on Fanfiction.net , spacebattles or ao3 with the same names ]

Shivam_031 · 漫画同人
2777 Chs


Chapter thirteen: "You want peace?!"

"Crash." – talks.

'Crash.' – thoughts.

"Crash." – Demonic.

"Crash." – Yamato.


Time 22:48. Hokage's office…

"So, we have two more Akatsuki dead, but got Asuma killed in the process…" Tsunade calculated. "Well, that's actually better than I expected…"

"Yeah…" Orochimaru countered. "If you don't count that all three of them were killed by Uzumaki."

Tsunade scowled. "Damn him!"

Jiraiya nodded. "The things are actually even worse than you think…"

The Hokage rolled her eyes. "Could it be worse?!"

"Yeah, it could!" The hermit stated. "One of the killed Akatsuki, Kakuzu, he was actually my agent…"

Tsunade slapped her forehead. "Perfect!" She said with sarcasm.

Orochimaru waged his finger at them. "Yes, Tsunade, maybe you're right."

"What do you mean?" The blond woman furrowed her eyebrows.

"I mean that we probably won't have to deal with Akatsuki in the future at all."

"How so?" Jiraiya sounded confused.

The snake charmer glanced at him. "Do you remember that Shikamaru boy?" Jiraiya nodded. "He said, Naruto mentioned something like 'Red dawn's going down'."

Toad sannin's eyes widened. "Now that you mention it!" Tsunade interrupted him.

"So let me get this straight… Naruto's going to take the Akatsuki out for us?!"

Orochimaru shook his head. "No, no… not for us. For himself." He exclaimed. "They are a force to be reckoned with, and he doesn't need one around if it's not under his command."

Tsunade norrowed her eyes. "How do you know so much about him?"

The snake sannin shrugged. "You have to know your enemy…"

The Hokage nodded. "Very true…" She then crossed her arms over her chest. "So, that leaves us with… what?! We just sit and wait until Naruto destroys Akatsuki and come for us?!"

Orochimaru shook his head. "No, we don't have time. We're going to do research…" Jiraiya's eyes lit up. "Not that research, you fool!" He turned back to Tsunade. "We have to find some way to counter Uzumaki's genjutsu. Because if we cannot… then we might as well just surrender right now."

"Wait, wait…" Jiraiya waved his hands. "Didn't he say that we must have yoki to do that?!"

The snake charmer nodded. "Yes. That's exactly the type of research we're going to have…"

Same time. Kumogakure…

Naruto sat alone in Raikage's office like a lone wolf…'Well, Yugito's busy for the night and… wait a minute… if she's busy then what am I supposed to do?!' But his solitude did not last long…

"Raikage-sama!" The door busted open and one blond woman came in. "I'm sorry for the intrusion, especially this late at night, but I heard Yugito's back. Is this true?!"

No answer…

"Raikage-sama? Are you here?"

"Nope, he's out. I'm in his place…" Said a much younger voice from behind the armchair… which slowly turned around. "Can I help you, captain Samui?" Naruto said with a smirk.

Samui's eyes widened. "Naruto-sama! You're back! B-But what about…" He interrupted her by raising his hand.

"Don't worry, Yugito's just fine. She's in the council chamber right now…"

She sighed. "I see. Thank God…" But then her mouth hung open. "Wait, if Yugito's busy for the night…?" An evil smile appeared on her face. "Does that mean you're free for the night, Naruto-sama?"

Naruto leaned on armchair's back. "Yep… In fact I feel really lonely right now…"

Samui licked her lips. "Well, maybe I can do something about it?"

Naruto's smirk widened. "Really? What?"

She gripped her skirt and tore it away form her body in a single move.

"Well, well…" Naruto said, looking at her almost naked form. "Maybe you really can!"

Samui walked closer and positioned herself on top of him. "Had you any doubts?"

"You need to ask?!" He said, grabbing her by the hair and pulled into a fierce kiss. She immediately wrapped her arm around his head, pulling him even closer.

After few minutes of tongue wrestling, she felt something beneath her.

"Mmm… I see someone's happy to see me!" She said smirking.

Naruto smirked back. "Not as happy as is horny."

Samui's smile widened. "Well, we can't have that, can we?" She then got off him and lowered herself down to her knees.

The demon rested his head in his hand and chuckled. "Impatient, are we?"

Having already removed his pants, she slapped him on the knee. "You know damn well, you asshole!" The Kumo jounin said. "No woman can be satisfied by another man after she has been with you." She undid his boxers and moved closer to her target. "And you haven't been here for a quite a while mmm…"

"Hmhmhm… true." He said as she took him in her mouth and started to move her head up and down. Then he pulled out a can of cola, opened it and made a few gulps. "Ahhh! I love this village! Best girls are here!"

Samui stopped her doings for a moment. "You really think so?"

Naruto put his hand on her head, and pulled her back onto him. "Yeah, for sure! I mean, I've been in Konoha recently, and it took me a few hours to even find a decent one!" He then flinched. "Oh, how I love when you do that!"

"Thanks!" She said, wrapping her breasts around his dick. "Was it really that bad?" Naruto raised an eyebrow at that question. "In Konoha I mean…"

"Oh… Well, yeah. The only one with fine breasts is Tsunade herself…" He chuckled. "I once even thought about going for her…"


"Nope, couldn't handle it…"

Samui's eyes widened. "YOU?! COULDN'T HANDLE HER?! I thought you could handle any woman!"

"Ugh, don't stop!"


Naruto then chuckled again. "You misunderstood. I couldn't handle it, as in actually going for her…"

"Why?" The female jounin asked. "I saw her. She looks pretty."

The demon shook his head. "No, she does not. You forgot that I can't be affected by genjutsu…"

"Oh, that means…"

"Right. I saw her true form the entire time…" He laughed at that. "Hahaha! She never could take my hint of me calling her baa-chan!"

Samui smirked. "Well, rejoice! Now you don't have to look at her old ugly face…" She stood up and made a sexy pose. "Better take a look at this!"

Naruto's eyes flashed with flames… though Samui couldn't see this because of his sunglasses.

"I don't want to look at this!" He exclaimed, standing up himself and tearing the rest of her clothes off.

"Ahh! You animal!" She stated. "How I missed this!"

Naruto picked her up and slammed her into a wall. "Not as much as this!" He shouted as he entered her roughly.

"AAAAHH! Yes! This is the best! It's all the way inside!" She screamed, when he started to pound her pussy repeatedly.

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" He said and pressed his lips onto hers.

She wrapped her arms and legs around his back, pulling him closer. Unable to scream, she just moaned loudly into his mouth.

Suddenly Naruto felt her nails digging into his skin. He pulled his head back. "Already through, captain?" The demon said with evil smile on his face.

Samui panted. "Ah, Naruto-sama! Please, don't stop! I'm about to…"He interrupted her.

"I wasn't going to! Now scream!" He said entering her with all his length.

She did just that…

"AAAAAAHHHH!" She screamed into his shoulder as her juices flew madly out of her.

"Hmhmhm… Was that good, Samui?" Naruto asked smirking.

"Yes, Naruto-sama… That was incredible…"

"No, it wasn't!" He shouted, and her eyebrows shoot up. "But this now will be!" The blond demon roughly picked her up from the wall and placed onto Raikage's desk.

Female jounin's eyes widened. "N-Naruto-sama! B-But that's Raikage-sama's desk!"

Naruto chuckled. "Yeah, and that's his office!" He said with sarcasm and pointed behind him. "And that's his chair. And that's his wall as well!"

"B-But he might get angry!"



"It looks like he forgot how to do that with me around. Time for him to remember who he is, not just who I am." Then Naruto shook his head. "I'm missing the point. And the point is this!" He entered her again.

Samui screamed again as his dick massaged her inner walls. "Naruto-sama! Oh, more! God more!"

Naruto raised an eyebrow. "You want more, huh?! Well take this!" He said, putting her legs onto his shoulders, and started to pound into her twice as fast.

"Ah! Oh my God! Naruto-sama, this is the best! I'm feeling it again!" Her eyes started to roll upwards.

"Ugh!" He grunted. "Samui, it's no use, I can't hold it anymore!"

"Don't hold back, Naruto-sama! I'll take it all!" She screamed as her second orgasm hit her.

"Guh!" He felt her walls tightening around his dick again, and that was enough for him.

"NARUTO-SAMA!" Samui's body convulsed intensively, when she felt Naruto releasing a large load of his hot cum deep inside her.

After a few minutes, she pulled herself up and kissed him on the lips. "It's good to see you're back, Naruto-sama." The female jounin said, hugging him.

"It's good to be back, Samui…" He was about to offer to move somewhere more appropriate, when…

"What the… Naruto-sama?!"

Samui looked back over her shoulder, and her eyes widened. There stood Raikage in all of his glory.



"Hey, Ay!" Naruto waved. "What's with your face? Wanna in?!"

Both Raikage and Samui's eyes widened at the sudden offer.

Ay looked around sheepishly. "Well, I… I um…"

Naruto raised an eyebrow. "You do?! How about a threesome, captain?"

"Um… I uh…"

"Perfect! Let's do this!" Naruto exclaimed, and all three of them disappeared in a burst of flames.

Unknown location…

"Where are Hidan and Kakuzu?!" Pain asked.

"They won't come." Zetsu stated. "They were killed by the Kyuubi jinchuriki."

Akatsuki leader's eyes narrowed. "And Nibi jinchuriki?"


Pain growled. "That's it! I've had enough of him! What is his location?!"

Zetsu shook his head. "I don't believe it would be a good idea to come for him…"


"Isn't it obvious?!" Said a voice from behind. "It's because he will soon come here himself." A man in orange mask appeared from shadows.

The leader clenched his fist. "Madara… how do you know that?"

The Uchiha crossed his arms. "Because." He simply said. "I told you not to go after the Nibi jinchuriki, and you did just the opposite, bringing his attention not only to you, but to all of us as well."

Pain growled again. "Then let him come!" He snapped. "I will show him the wrath of a God!" He then turned around and left.

"What shall we do, master?" Zetsu asked.

The masked man sighed. "There's nothing we actually can do right now. We can only hope that this idiot will weaken Uzumaki enough for me to kill him… If not, well, do I need to explain you that?!"



Next morning…

"Kurenai!" One Mitarashi Anko knocked madly on her best friend's door. "Kurenai, I know you're there! Open up!" She knocked a few more times… then got fed up with it and just kicked the door open.

"Kurenai!" Anko entered the bedroom. "There you are!" She finally found her friend, sitting on her bed and holding her knees close to her chest. "Come on, girl…" Orochimaru's pupil hugged Kurenai and held her close. "Come on, snap out of this…"

"W-Why did he do that, Anko…?"

Of course Anko knew what Kurenai was talking about. News of Asuma's death spread with the speed of sound.

"I don't know, Kurenai… But I will find him, and I'm gonna skin that little bastard alive!"

Two red eyes suddenly widened. "No! You must not do this!" Kurenai yelled. "He… He must have a good reason for this!"

Anko raised an eyebrow. 'He probably does… Not the one you're hoping to hear though.'

"He will come back… you'll see…" She hugged her knees again. "You'll see…"

The snake mistress sighed. 'Something must be done about this…'

ROOT headquarters…

"So, do we have a deal?" A female voice asked.

One bandaged man… namely Danzou gave a dark chuckle.

"Since when have you become so manipulative, Hinata-san?!"

The new Hyuga clan head smirked. "I had a lot of hidden potential… So, do we have a deal?!" She asked more persistently.

Danzou nodded. "Very well. Make sure that I become the next Hokage, and I will give Uzumaki to you… unharmed."

Hinata nodded back. "Good. Make it stay this way." She turned to leave.

"One question though…" Danzou's voice stopped her advance. "Why do you think he will return here?"

An evil smile appeared on her face. "Call it a female intuition."

One of Orochimaru's abandoned Konoha hideouts…

"I can't believe I'm doing this…" Tsunade said, shaking her head.

"Neither do I…" Jiraiya added.

"Quit complaining! We're already…" Orochimaru turned the light switch on and his eyes went wide. "…here… What the Hell?!"

"What's wrong?" Tsunade asked with sudden worry.

"Look around dammit!" Orochimaru snapped.

They did just that…

"It looks… clean…" Jiraiya noted.

The snake sannin clapped. "Well done, Sherlock! Counting the fact that I haven't been here for more than twenty years, it of course should be that way!" He examined one of the tables. "But not just that, look at this test tube…"

Tsunade took it in her arms. "Fresh water…" She stated.

"Yes." Orochimaru nodded. "This means, we have more trouble than we thought…"

Jiraiya raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

Now Orochimaru shook his head. "Damn, Jiraiya, almost fifty years have passed, and you're still that slow…" The toad hermit glared at him, and he sighed. "Was Naruto here today?"


"Then who used this laboratory?!"

Jiraiya's eyes widened. "He wasn't working alone!" He exclaimed.

The snake sannin rolled his eyes. "Finally! Now, any guess who that might be?" He said, turning to Tsunade.

"Why are you looking at me?!"

"You're the Hokage, dammit! Who was in close contact with him?"

Jiraiya snickered. "What's the matter?! Jealous?!"

Orochimaru glared at his ex-teammate. He started pestering him right after their encounter with Naruto. "Shut up, will you!"

Tsunade raised an eyebrow. "Jealous?"

"Don't even ask…" The snake summonner rolled his eyes again. "So, about Naruto's co-worker…?"

"Hmmm…" Tsunade thought. "Well, he was somewhat close with his graduation class… Could be any of them…"

Jiraiya nodded. "This is something. We need to check all of them."

"Good idea." Orochimaru nodded. "Anyone else?"

"Well, there's this one ramen stand… but I highly doubt he could use them in some way… except for free ramen…"

Jiraiya rubbed his chin. "Not much, but it'll do. This one's mine. You two concentrate on this…" He pointed around the laboratory. "I don't think I could be much of a use here anyway…"

"Okay." Tsunade nodded. "If you find something, report immediately."

"Hai!" The toad hermit said and disappeared in a puff of smoke.


"Naruto-kun…" A sweet female voice said.

"Mmmhhhmmmhhh… Go away…"

"Naruto-kun!" The same voice said again.

"Mnmnnhhh…! I said go away!"

"Naruto-sama, Yo!"

Naruto immediately shot up with wide eyes. "Kirabi?! What in the blue hell are you doing in my bedroom?!"


Naruto turned and noticed Yugito. "Ahh… I see you two had fun?" 'Good thing that Ay and Samui are already gone… or I would've been gone instead of them…'

"Naruto-sama, Yo!" Kirabi started, but Naruto interrupted him.

"How many times have I told you not to say "Yo!" after my name?!"

"But Naruto-sama, Y…" The word died in his throat. "It is the sign of my great respect to you!"

Naruto rolled hi eyes. "Yeah, yeah. I know you respect me, so you can drop it already."


The blond demon sighed. "Now, is there any reason why the two of you are in my bedroom, and even doing something as terrible as waking me up?!"

"Sorry, Naruto-sama, that's my fault." Kirabi said. "Yugito have told me that we're going to crush the Akatsuki, I just wanted to verify…"

"Yeah…" Naruto answered, rubbing his eyes. "Let's crush them…" He said without any enthusiasm.

"Woo Hoo!" Yugito threw her fist into the air. "When do we head out?"

Naruto glared at her. "We are going nowhere." He stated. "Only I and Kirabi will go."

Girl's eyes widened. "Not fair! You can't just…" She was interrupted by his raised arm.

"I can, and I will. You had me worried enough yesterday already." Naruto stood up and started to dress.

"Please, Naruto, I want to go with you…"

"I know you do!" He snapped at her. "That's exactly why you are not allowed to come. You will worry for me, and that will only get you killed." The demon walked closer and placed his hand under her chin. "And that's exactly what I don't want you to do. I almost lost you once already; I won't let this happen again."

She leaned into his touch. "O-Okay… I understand. I'll wait here, please come back soon."

"I will." He said and she walked off.

"You sure have a way with words…" Kirabi replied.

Naruto smirked. "Of course! After all, I lost my virginity at the age of nine!"


"Never mind. Now look here. I want you to be in the C-17 point exactly at 17:00. Got it?!"

Kirabi scratched his head. "But Naruto-sama, it's only ten now! What shall I do all this time… or better yet, what will you do all this time, since we both can just teleport there?!"

Naruto looked away. "I need to meet one person first."

Kirabi nodded. "I see… well, 17:00 it is then!"

"Yeah…" Naruto confirmed and disappeared in a burst of flames.

Small house near the outskirts of the Hidden Rain village…

Flames have died down, and one blond demon came out.

"So, you've come…" A sudden voice said.

"As you can see…" Naruto answered. "Well, what is it… Konan…?"

One blue haired woman appeared from shadows.

"Are you going to do this today?" She asked.

Naruto chuckled. "Straight to the point, eh?" He walked to a small sofa and sat down. She placed herself in a nearby chair. "Well, I won't lie to you. Yes, I am."

Konan nodded. "Good."

Naruto raised an eyebrow. 'Good?!'

"Something's strange with this girl…"

'No, no. She had it hard as well… but…'

"Tell me, Konan…"


"Why?" He asked. "I actually never asked you why you are doing this." Then he waved his hand. "Actually, when you made your offer, I thought it was just another trick. But I was genuinely surprised when all your information appeared to be true. Now to think of it, I never even bothered why you are doing this. Tell me."

She frowned. "Nagato…"

Naruto tilted his head to the side. "That's Pain's real name, right?" Konan nodded. "Good, go on…"

She nodded again. "Ever since our friend Yahiko died, he… he just couldn't get over it."


"He just trapped himself inside Yahiko's dream… to become a god…"

'Idiotic dream…' Naruto thought.

"You tell me?!"

"But…" She sobbed. "But he just doesn't get it. He's not a god, nor will he ever will be… And his idea of peace…"

Naruto raised an eyebrow again. "Peace?!"

Konan nodded. "Yes. He wants to achieve peace through destruction. With the help of extracted bijuu, he wants to…" She stopped when he started to chuckle.

"Hahaha… It's just too funny. A peace through destruction. So, good old Pain thinks that wars will end if all good guys will kill all bad guys… Useless. If you want a peace for yourself, then go somewhere far away, where no one will find you. But if you want peace for everyone else, ask them first!"

"Very true…"

"But…" Naruto started. "That still doesn't explain the reason why…"

Konan frowned deeper. "I want you to kill him…"

Naruto's mouth opened. "Oh? So you want out?"

She nodded. "Yes, I don't know what to believe anymore." Konan took her Akatsuki cloak off. "I stayed in Akatsuki just because of Nagato. I tried to talk the sense into him all this time…" She sighed. "And to no avail… He only believes what he wants to believe."

"A sad mistake brought by confusion… You sure about this?"

"Yes." She took off her Akatsuki ring and gave it to Naruto. "I've never been so sure about anything in my life."

The blond demon nodded. "Good."

"Naruto?" She suddenly asked.


Konan hesitated. "Can we… Can we do this… one last time…?"

Naruto furrowed his eyebrows. "Why last time?"

She frowned again. "I… I just have a feeling that I won't survive this day…"

He rolled his eyes. "Don't be ridiculous, it's just…" Words died in his throat, when she lowered on her knees in front of him with a desperate look on her face.

"Please, Naruto… consider this the last request."

He didn't say anything else, nor did he need to. There was no way he could deny such a request…

Time 16:55. Near Amegakure's entrance…

"So, is your guy here?!" Konan asked.

Naruto shrugged. "Let's see…" He cleared his throat. "Ahem… ahem… ahem… DATTEBAYO!"

"Naruto-sama! There you are!" Kirabi suddenly jumped out of the bushes.

"Yes, here I am. Now, are you ready?" Kirabi wanted to say something, when…

"NO, I said ARE YOU READY?!" Both Kirabi and Konan reluctantly nodded. "Then, for the thousands of Amegakure villagers, for Pain and his goons and for guys who read this piece of crap…" Naruto turned to camera. "LLLLLLLLLLLLLLET'S GET READY TO FUCK IIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!"

"Um… maybe suck it?" Kirabi asked.

Naruto waved him off. "Fuck it…"

With that the three of them stormed off… or could have…

"So, you have betrayed us, Konan…" Someone said suddenly.

Konan's eyes widened. "That voice… Zetsu!"

A strange figure in Akatsuki cloak appeared right from the ground. "I will not let you live!" Zetsu stated.

Naruto rolled his eyes. 'Another one… Why does everyone think they're invincible?!'

"Simple, they never fought someone stronger than themselves."

'Well, let's talk about this later…'


"Kirabi! That one's yours. Catch up as soon as you dispose of him."

"Hai, Naruto-sama, Yo!"

Naruto rolled his eyes again. 'I will get you later for this!' He thought. "Let's go, Konan."

"Not so fast!" Zetsu tried to stop their advance, but Kirabi got in the way.

"Let's do this, plant man!" Kirabi drew his swords. "I'm gonna make a salad out of ya!"


When Naruto and Konan finally got to the village, there was a fine welcoming committee waiting for them.

"Ah, I see your friend has sent few of his friends to greet us!"

"More like a few hundreds…" Konan corrected.

Naruto waved her off. "Doesn't matter." Then he turned to the shinobi crowd. "Good people of Amegakure! I have absolutely nothing to do with you, so why don't you just step aside and let me deal with my friend Pain?"

The shinobi leader glared at Naruto. "We will never betray Pain-sama! We would rather die!"

Naruto's look hardened… despite him being in sunglasses…

"I gave you one opportunity, and I don't believe in second chances." He started gathering his energy. "Stand behind me." He whispered to Konan.

She did just that.

"You said you would rather die?" Naruto continued. "Then do it! Fatal Eclipse!"

A sudden spark of light, and then a huge shining sphere appeared in the air above the buildings. All Ame ninjas just stood there dumbfounded.

'Oh, I just can't help it, the temptation is too much!'

Yamato chuckled. "You know, if I had eyes, I would've been rolling them right now…"

Naruto smiled evilly and addressed to Ame shinobi. "But before you die, remember just one thing… Art is a blast! KATSU!"

Instantly, the sphere exploded, completely obliterating everything on its path. When the light finally died down, Naruto was… displeased.

"Hmm… a little less than a half…" He said, evaluating the damage. "Strange. I charged it enough to blow up the entire village…"

Konan shook her head. "That's probably Nagato's technique…" Then it came to her. "But if he stopped that kind of damage, he should be extremely weakened now."

Naruto nodded. "Good, let's go."

"You have to get through me first."

The blond smirked. "Why if it isn't Kisame-chan?!" He said without even turning. "I've been waiting for this, you know… I told Mitsukage-chan that I will make a sushi out of you." He then summoned Yamato to his left hand. "And I intend to do just that!"

With Kirabi and Zetsu… well, remains of Zetsu…

"Feh…" Kirabi mumbled as he cleared his swords from Zetsu's blood. "Not even a challenge." He turned to the village. "I bet Naruto-sama knew this. He sure is having his fun right now…" The Hachibi container was about to jump after Naruto and Konan, when…

"Hello, Hachibi no jinchuriki! Tobi is a good boy!"

"Wha…?" Kirabi turned around to face newcomer. "Who are you?"

"Duh, I already said. I'm Tobi, and Tobi is a good boy!"

Kirabi raised an eyebrow. 'This guy is an idiot…'

Newcomer's eyes narrowed. 'Good, underestimate me. I should save my strength for Uzumaki…'

With Naruto and Kisame…

"Sushi you say…" Kisame said, removing all bandages from his Samehada. "Let's see if you are capable of doing it…"

Naruto sweatdropped. 'Why you didn't let me attack when he was removing his bandages?!'

"Anime rules…" Yamato exclaimed. "A hero should always wait until the villain unleashes all of his power."

The blond demon raised an eyebrow at this. 'What?! I thought I'm the villain?!'

"Well yes, but…"

'But what?!'

"You're a hero in this situation!" Yamato found the correct answer.

Naruto sighed. 'You know what, let's clear this once and for all. Am I a hero, or a villain?'

"Um… a villain I guess…"

'Then stick with it! No more "Hero of the situation" shit!'

"Okay, okay. Calm down, geez…"

"Are you going to fight, or what?!" Kisame brought Naruto out of his bickering with his sword. "Samehada's hungry!"

Naruto smirked. "Well, then I've got a nasty surprise for your dear Samehada." He glanced over his shoulder. "Konan, stay out of this."


"Let's go, fishhead!"

They swung their swords at each other, creating a huge impact.

"Gi gi gi."

"Oh? What now?" Naruto asked, trying to push Kisame back. "Is Samehada horny now?!"

Kisame bared his teeth. "No, she just anxious to taste your chakra again! Now, Samehada!" He commanded, as his sword started to drain Naruto's energy.

"Oh, go ahead, bon apeti!" Naruto even started to release more energy so it became visible.

Kisame chuckled. "The more you release, the more I will absorb!" But then he noticed something… Samehada wasn't doing anything. "What? What have you done with my sword?!" Kisame pushed Naruto off and took a few steps back.

"What I have done?" Naruto asked. "Absolutely nothing! The only thing your sword can absorb is chakra, and I don't have any…"

Kisame's eyes widened. "Bull shit! I already drained your chakra twice!"

Naruto nodded. "Yep, but that was before I became a demon."

"A demon?"

"Yeah. I could explain, but I completely don't want to…" He said sheathing Yamato.

"Grrr…" Kisame growled. 'I guess I'll have to take him down without any help. Well, what the hell!' He made a few handseals. "Suiton: Suishoha!" Immediately, a massive wave of water flowed out of Kisame's mouth.

Naruto jumped high into the air. "Man! How could you drink so much?!"

Kisame gritted his teeth. 'I have to somehow push him underwater…' He thought.

"Sorry I don't like swimming." Naruto confessed, landing on top of the water. "Is that all you have?!"

"Of course not!" Another set of handseals. "Suikoodan no jutsu!"

Naruto immediately somersaulted backwards to escape an attack a from shark made out of water… many sharks made of water… very many sharks made of water. In fact, every time he landed, he had to jump once more to escape another attack.

"I wonder how long you can keep it up…" Naruto said in the air.

"No…" Kisame said back. "I wonder how long you can keep up!" He concentrated harder, and an extreme amount of sharks flew out of the water straight at Naruto. "Shin-ne, Uzumaki!"


Impact! A big splash, and a massive amount of water fell down.

Kisame panted. "Huff… huff… keeping that jutsu is hard… Especially without chakra absorption."

"Sure is…"

Kisame's eyes widened as he turned around quickly. Naruto stood before him absolutely unharmed.

"H-How?! No one could take this jutsu head on and remain unharmed!"

Naruto shrugged. "Well, I just didn't take it head on, I did…" He disappeared in a flash of black and reappeared five feet to the left. "…this."

Kisame clenched his fist. 'Damn!'

"You know what?" Naruto said, visibly annoyed. "I'm disappointed. Yeah… I mean, water techniques and chakra absorbing sword?! Is that all you have?!" He sighed. "Well, I guess it's my mistake as well. I just expected too much. But still…" He drew Yamato and dropped the sheath on the wet ground. "You are a famous swordsman…" Yamato started to glow blue. "So, you deserve to die by the ultimate kenjutsu technique!"

Kisame placed Samehada in front of him.

Naruto pointed his katana blade down and concentrated for a few seconds. Suddenly his eyes flashed open, and he ran at Kisame as fast as he could.

The blue skinned man only had a time for one thought. 'How… fast…'


A flash of silver and both men stood unmoving. Seven seconds later, Samehada's upper half slid from lower one and fell on the ground… three more seconds, and Kisame did the same.

Naruto summoned sheathe to his hand. "Let's go, Konan. Your friend is waiting."


Near Amegakure tower…

"So, where is he?" Naruto asked.

"He should be…" Konan started.

"…Right here." Pain finished for her.

Naruto turned to the voice. "Ah, there you are!" Before him stood six Pain's bodies.

"You have betrayed me, Konan. Why?" Pain asked.

No answer.

"I see…" He turned to Naruto. "So, we have finally met, Uzumaki."

Naruto smirked. "Well, aren't you happy to see me?!"

Pain remained stoic. "I am actually."


"Yes. With your death I will be one step closer to establishing peace."

Naruto started to snicker, and then burst into a full blown laughter. "Ahaha! You really think my death will bring peace?! Imbecile! With me gone, others will appear!"

"You're right. That's why I'm going to show them pain. So they could understand what I feel."

The demon shook his head. "You won't show anything to anyone after today." He summoned Yamato. "Which is the resurrecting one?" He asked Konan.

"That one." Woman said as Pain glared at her.

"I see. Hadou #54 Haien!" Naruto send a wave of purple flames towards Naraka Path… only for another body to get in the way. The blond demon watched with amusement, as one of Pains was reduced to ash in one instant. But what was the most amusing, is that Pain himself was surprised.

Naruto turned to Konan. "I don't get it."

"That was Preta Path. He can absorb chakra techniques." Konan explained.

'What was that?!' Pain thought. 'I've never seen a jutsu like that.'

"Sorry to disappoint, Pain-chan, but that wasn't a chakra technique…" He took a battle stance. "And that wasn't my target. Rapid slash!"

"Shinra Tensei!"

Naruto was blown away by an invisible force. "Ah, that's the one with the gravity!" He said getting back to his feet. "So you don't want for me to go close to that one, huh? Well then…" He cracked his neck. "I'll just teleport then! Mai Tsubasa-no Tenshi!"

As Pain was expecting, Naruto teleported near Naraka Path. So it jumped high into the air… big mistake…

"Lightning prison!" Suddenly Naraka Path was surrounded by some cube made of lightning.

Naruto smirked. "Abayo. Lightning execution!" A bright flash of light escaped from the cube, making everyone except Naruto cover their eyes. When it died down, there was no cube, and no Naraka Path. "Two down, four to go." The demon smirked.

But the next moment, the smirk was gone from his face as he was captured in a full nelson grab from behind.

'Shit! I never even felt him!' Naruto thought.

"Game over, Uzumaki." Pain stated now completely sure in his victory.

'He sounds so sure. What this one will do?'

"Maybe he's gonna rape you?!"

'God no!' Naruto's eyes widened.

But Yamato's prognosis was incorrect. Pain who grabbed him started to drain his energy…

'What? Is he stupid?!'

"Soon all your energy will be gone." Deva Path said. "And then… What?!" His eyes widened, when the body that grabbed Naruto started to literally melt.

He released Naruto. "What is happening?!" The Human Path shouted, watching his arms melt as if strong acid was sprayed all over them.

"Nothing really…" Naruto said. "Just having yoki in your body isn't healthy."

Deva Path's eyes narrowed. "Yoki… So you somehow became a demon."

"Ding ding ding ding ding! Right answer man!" Naruto smirked. "Only a little too late…"

"Don't get your hopes up." Pain stated. "You'll still lose."

Naruto slapped his forehead. 'Why my every enemy has this attitude?! Like they're somewhat unbeatable or something…'

"Beats me…"

'No, I mean, I come right here in his village, destroy it, kill his people, destroy the remains of Akatsuki, hell even destroy half of his bodies! And he still thinks I cannot win! What logic is that?!'


'Right.' Naruto looked at the three remaining bodies. "Okay, tough guy, bring out the next one."

The large one came forward and removed his cloak.

Naruto whistled. "Damn! I wonder who his parents were…" But then something happened… something he never expected… This Pain attacked him head on.

The demon raised an eyebrow. 'Is he stupid?' He quickly unsheathed Yamato and cut the approaching body in half. Strangely enough, the body did what it should… died.

Naruto turned to Konan. "Is this some kind of genjutsu user?"


"Okay, then what he could do?"

"Fight with weapons."

Naruto waited for a few seconds and then asked. "And?"

"No, that's it."

"Oh…" He turned back to Pain. "Okay, next."

Another Pain jumped near Naruto.

"Wait!" Naruto suddenly said. "Can I ask one question?"

No answer.

"How come you all have orange hair? You dye them?!"


Naruto shrugged. "Okay. Go on…"

Pain in front of him suddenly did a number of handseals. "Kuchiose no jutsu!" A puff of smoke and… nothing. Both remaining Pains could not believe their eyes.

"Kuchiose no jutsu!" He shouted again.

Same result…

Naruto snorted. "Don't give up! You can do it! Keep trying!" He cheered walking slowly towards the unfortunate summoner, who indeed kept trying, until he saw Naruto's feet in front of him.

The Animal Path slowly looked up. Naruto stood there smiling at him.

"Too bad…" He pocked his forehead with two fingers. "Hadou #4 Byakurai!"

Pain's eyes widened, as a beam of white light made a clean round hole in his head.

"Oh! That expression is priceless!" Naruto turned to Deva path. "So, you're the last one. Still think that I can not win?!"

Instead of answer, Pain did a few handseals. "Chibaku Tensei!"

"Woah!" Naruto shouted, as he flew into the air, surrounded by stones.

"You lost, Uzumaki." Pain stated… and fell to one knee. 'Dammit! The strain is too much…' He thought, looking at the moon he just created.



Pain's eyes widened, as his creation was blown to small pieces, and Naruto descended to the ground.

The demon started chuckling darkly. "Hmhmhm… I thank you, oh pathetic imitation of a god! Because of your useless attempt of my destruction, you triggered a new activation of my memory." He stretched his hands. "Now I know what to do with you. I'll dispose of you with your own methods!" Naruto extended his arm towards Deva Path, making it fly high into the air.

"Are you ready for this?" He asked watching Pain struggle. "Good." The demon added smirking. "Four Way Disentegration!"

Instantly, four small black holes appeared around Deva Path.

Pain's eyes widened. "Im-Impossible!"

Naruto's smirk widened. "Is it?!"

Pain's body started to stretch. "U-Ugh… Shin…ra-T…Tensei…" He mumbled, but nothing happened.

"Haha!" Naruto laughed. "Trying to disrupt a black hole with gravitation?!"

"Guh… That cannot be! I… I'm a god! I can not lose!"

Naruto's smirk turned into an evil smile. "Even gods can be killed."

And then it happened. Deva's body was torn in four pieces, and got sucked into black holes… which disappeared afterwards.

The blond demon sighed. "You can come out, Konan. It's over."

"No, it's not." Konan said, but still appeared near Naruto. "There's still the real one."

"Yeah…" Naruto said looking up at the tower. "You wait here."


He was about to disappear behind the door, when…


The demon glanced at Konan over his shoulder.

"Please… Set him free…"

Naruto smirked and entered.

Tower's top floor…

"So, you have finally come…" Pain exclaimed.

"Yep." Naruto took a good look at Pain's real body. "Man! If that's what you call a god, then I feel pity for the real ones…"

"My body is not important!" Pain shouted. "What's important is my spirit! A spirit that seeks peace!"

Naruto rolled his eyes and threw a fireball towards Pain.

The Akatsuki leader prepared to meet his end… But the fireball hit the nearby wall, creating a huge hole.

"What?" Pain asked in confusion.

"Look down there." Naruto pointed into the hole.

Pain turned his head.

"What do you see?"

"Many dead bodies on the ground."

Naruto shook his head. "No, man. That is your peace."

Pain's eyes widened. "What do you mean?"

The demon sighed. "Look, Nagato…" Pain's eyes widened even more. "You want to enforce your idea of peace on the entire world. Now believe me when I tell you that every human in this world will oppose your idea of peace. That will lead to a war." Nagato flinched at how Naruto said war. "But even if you win this war, your peace…" He pointed down to the ground. "Will be like this. There will be no more people to live in this peace."

Nagato looked down and didn't say anything for a few moments. Then…

"So, you say that peace is impossible?"

Naruto shrugged. "Well, peace is an utopia, utopia is an ideal world, ideal world is not possible. So, in other words, peace is not possible."

Nagato frowned. "Then… Then I don't want to live in a world like this…" He gritted his teeth. "A world where Yahiko's dream is not possible. Kill me… Naruto."

"…Okay…" The Demon raised his hand. "Hadou #54 Haien!"

Nagato didn't even finch, as his body was reduced to ashes.

Naruto frowned. 'For some reason I don't feel very happy… Meh, doesn't matter.' He thought walking away.

Near the tower…

"Naruto?" Konan asked worriedly.

"It is done. He's no more." The blond demon left the tower and was walking towards her. "Strange, but he did understand in the end…"

"I see…" A sad smile appeared on her face… only to turn into the look of horror, as she felt sharp pain in her chest. Looking down, she found a sword's blade sticking out of her.

"Konan!" Naruto screamed.

"I knew you were useless to begin with!" The attacker removed the sword and the woman fell on the ground.

Naruto's eyes narrowed. There stood a man in Akatsuki cloak… and orange mask.

Suddenly, the newcomer teleported closer. "So, I guess you know who I am." He said.

Even now Naruto couldn't help himself. "Who you are?! Of course I do! Black and red colors, teleport in a flash… Why, you're Shadow the Hedgehog!"

The Akatsuki sweatdropped and was about to say something, but Naruto cut him off.

"No, no. Don't say. I know exactly who you are." The demon said. "You're the real leader of Akatsuki, Uchiha Madara. Or at least that's what you call yourself. You've been a thorn in my side for waaaay too long, how could I not to know you. But that…" He pointed at Konan's unmoving body. "…Was probably the biggest mistake you've ever made in your useless life."

Madara cocked his head to the side. "Oh really?!" He asked with sarcasm.

"Yeah, you see, I don't really like when someone takes what's mine." Naruto stated.

"That's what I was hoping for." Madara pointed his katana at Naruto.

"A swordfight?" He summoned Yamato again. "Well, bring it on!"

Madara was about to did just that when Naruto suddenly continued.

"But before we start, tell me just one thing… why? Akatsuki, bijuus, jinchurikis, all this. What is your goal?"

Uchiha straightened. "My goal is to become Juubi's host, like Rikudo Sennin did."

Naruto nodded. "Not a bad plan actually… and?"

"And then I will project my eyes on Moon's surface, casting the ultimate genjutsu over the entire world! Everything will become one with me! That will be a true peace…"

Naruto was nodding the entire time Madara was talking… That is until he heard the last sentence…

The demon waved his hand. "Wait, wait, wait, wait… Did you just say that you want to create peace?!"


"Hmhmhm… Hmhmhmhmhm… HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA HAHA!" He burst into an insane laughter. "Sorry, but it just too funny! A man, whose evil deeds surpass even my own! A man, who did things even the Devil himself would think twice before doing… Actually wants peace?! AHAHA!"

"And you don't?!"

"Of course not!" Naruto snapped. "Peace is boring! Every day like any other! You…" He pointed at Madara. "You're a shinobi, an instrument of war! What uses will every shinobi have when you create peace?!"

"There won't be any needs for shinobi when I execute my Moon's eye plan!" Madara shouted.

"Sure!" Naruto took a battle stance. "Good luck with that in your next life!"

No more words needed to be said. Both men just rushed at each other and clashed their swords against one another.

"I've been waiting for this, Uzumaki!" Madara shouted.

"I'll try not do disappoint!" Naruto shouted back and pushed Madara off.

Both men started to disappear and reappear repeatedly… until Naruto saw an opening.

'Now!' He outstretched his sword hand. "Streak!" Naruto slid towards Madara and attempted to cut him clearly in half… Attempted the keyword, because the sword went right through his opponent.

"What the?!" Yamato shouted, but Naruto had no chance to answer, because Madara used Naruto's confusion to kick him in the chin and send him flying high into the air.

"Muff…" Naruto mouthed. "What the hell was that?!"

"You like it?" Madara asked. "That's one of my abilities!" He jumped after Naruto.

"Oh? Let's see if you can use it very often!" He quickly teleported higher and dove down at Madara. "Take this!" He made a vertical slash… only for Yamato to go through Madara's body without harming him again.

Madara wasn't going to miss such an opportunity. He turned in the air and slashed at Naruto's back, creating a large gash.

"Fuck!" Naruto said through gritted teeth.

Madara's eyes narrowed as he watched Naruto's wound disappear almost immediately.

'Hmm… So Itachi was right. He did become a demon… That complicates things…'

Meanwhile, Naruto reached the ground. He looked up at still descending Madara and a thought come into his mind. 'How about this!' He pointed two fingers at his enemy. "Hadou #4 Byakurai!" A beam of white light escaped from his fingers and flew at Madara… and through him.


"You can't touch me, Uzumaki!" Madara screamed and lunged at the blond demon, thrusting his sword forward.

Naruto did the same…

A second later they stood face to face, swords in each other's chests. But the thing is, Naruto's didn't harm Madara, and Madara's did not really harm Naruto.

"Hmmm…" The Uchiha said. "It looks like you can't kill me, and I don't have the power to destroy you." He narrowed his eyes. "So, what are we gonna do about it, demon?"

Naruto chuckled. "I dunno…" Madara was about to speak again, but Naruto cut him off. "But the thing is… You know what I am; but you forgot who I am."

Madara cocked his head to the side. "And who are you?!" He said with sarcasm.

Naruto made an evil smile. "I am the jabroni beating, pie eating, trail blazing, eyebrow raising, not afraid to sweat, not afraid to bleed, gonna beat your ugly monkey ass guaran-damn-teed!"

Madara was about to make another sarcastic comment, when Naruto suddenly placed his hand in front of Madara's face.

"And if you're not down with that, then I've got two words for ya! Soul Drain!"

Madara's only wisible eye widened and his scream was probably heard even in Konoha. A few seconds later, his body was completely absorbed in Naruto's palm. The only things that left were his mask and sword, which was still inside Naruto's chest.

'I wonder what that meant…' The demon thought.

"Who knows… perhaps he didn't even have a body…"

Naruto raised an eyebrow. 'You mean he was just a soul?'

"Why ask me? You're the one who received his memories!"

Naruto made a silent "Oh". 'Right…'

"By the way, how long are you gonna keep that blade inside of your chest?"

The demon looked down. "Ops…" Then he grabbed the handle and removed the sword with a grunt.

"What about that Konan girl?"

Naruto's eyes widened. "Oh!" He made a mad rush towards her still unmoving body. "Konan?" He asked kneeling beside her.

Girl's eyes slowly opened. "Na-Naruto?"

"You're alive! Hold on, I'll teleport us to Kumo!" He was about to do just that, when she grabbed his arm.

"No, don't do that…"

Naruto looked at her confused. "Why?"

"B-Because they are… waiting for me…" She looked somewhere behind him.

The demon turned around, where a lone tree stood, a lone tree with no leaves… a lone tree with two red birds on it…"

He smiled sadly. "You want to go with them." That was more of a statement than a question.

She smiled back. "This had to happen. I'm just glad I could talk to you one last time."

Naruto frowned.

"Please, can you promise me one thing?"

He nodded.

"P-Please… don't die, Naruto… it's somewhat s-scary…"

Naruto frowned even deeper. "Are you afraid?"

She shook her head lightly. "No… not with you here… Can you promise?"

"…Okay, I promise…"

"Good…" Her smile widened. "I… I can't see y-your face…"

Naruto put his hand on her chin. "Go to them…" He whispered.

As if following his order, she slowly closed her eyes, but her smile still remained.

Naruto sighed and turned around. Two birds flew away from the tree and towards the setting sun… when they were suddenly joined by a third one.

The demon smiled sadly again. "I hope that in the place you're going to, you'll find what you missed in this sinful world… all three of you…" With that he stood up and started to walk away.

"Where did you get so sentimental?" Yamato asked.

Naruto looked at the skies, still smiling. 'Can you meet death with a smiling face?'

"I don't know, I'm a sword…"

The blond demon sighed. 'Believe me, it's hard…' He frowned. 'That's the second time I'm seeing this, and I feel like I want to cry… but I forgot how…'

"Second? When was the first?"

Naruto flinched. 'Another time, Yamato…' He said. 'Now shut up and let's find Kirabi.'

Amegakure's entrance…

Naruto found Kirabi exactly where he left him, only unconscious.

"Wake up, dammit!" Naruto slapped dark skinned man across his face.

"What?! Naruto-sama, what happened?!" Kirabi shot up.

Naruto rolled his eyes. "You fucking tell me?! Why were you unconscious?!"

Kirabi massaged his temples. "I… I have just beaten that Zetsu guy, when some dude in orange mask appeared and said that he was a good boy…"

Naruto snorted. 'Yeah, good and already dead boy…'

"Amen to that!"

"I got careless…" Kirabi continued. "And he knocked me out, saying something about my usefulness."

"Right…" Naruto said. "What about the ring?"

Raikage's brother nodded. "Here, I got it!" He gave Naruto Zetsu's ring.

"Excellent." Naruto brought his left hand up. "Ynifai!" Immediately two rings became one with a kanji of… seven.

Demon furrowed his eyebrows. 'Seven… Orochimaru's in Konoha, Itachi is a piece of trash and probably on his way there as well… who did I miss?!' He thought. Then it came to him. 'Deidara! Where is this jabroni!'

"Something's wrong, Naruto-sama?" Kirabi asked.

"What? Oh, no, no Kirabi. Return to Kumo now."

"What about you, Naruto-sama?"

"There's one more place I need to visit…"

Kirabi nodded. "Hai!" He said and disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"What is this place?"

"You'll see…" Naruto replied, disappearing in a burst of flames.

Beneath Konoha…

"Hmm… Such a clear memory…" Naruto said, appearing in some dungeon.

"What are we doing here?" Yamato asked.

'I want to see it with my own eyes…'

"See what?!"

'This…' Naruto pointed at the large stone tablet.

"What's in there?"

'A history… between Rikudo Sennin and Juubi…' He snorted. 'Heh, the funny part is that I can read it freely without any doujutsu.'

"So? What does it say?"

'Meh, I already know the history itself from 'Madara's' memory. The thing is, ah, here it is!'


'The last line. It's somewhat confusing. Even the real Madara couldn't understand. Check it out: "I am Rikudo Sennin, and these are my final words. If you're reading these, then you are worthy already… but if you want the ultimate proof, then uncover my last message to the world."


'That's the thing, it's all! Where is that message?'

"Hmm… maybe a genjutsu?"

'No genjutsu can affect me… but, what the hell, it won't hurt to try.' He made one handed seal. "Kai!"

The tablet started to blur…

Naruto raised an eyebrow. 'Yoki… a genjutsu created with yoki! That's why no one could dispel it!'

A few seconds later the tablet stopped to shift, and Naruto started to laugh hysterically.

"HAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! There is no way, AND NARUTO MEANS NO WAY! He'll ever forget this!" The demon said and disappeared in a burst of flames.

The tablet stood in its place as it did for years. But the entire story about the sennin and the demon was gone. Instead the tablet contained only three words…

Everyone has darkness.

Well, that's it. I hope you enjoyed it.