
Invasion from outer space part-13

Four Protos spears were conjured around black lotus before one of them flew towards the enemy.

Upon seeing it, Captain Virgil was now almost sure that Azzy had turned invisible.

Clicking on the trigger, he sneered, "what a stupid tactic. That Vesyrn guy is atleast better. He managed to hide himself well but this kid, what's the use of turning invisible when your position clearly gives you away."

The plasma energy orb fired by the cannon cleanly destroyed the Protos spear and further proceeded towards the black lotus.

Meanwhile, the rain of death continued to fall. So, the slow-moving but powerful plasma orb was being attacked by the black rain and its power was chipped away at a rapid pace. Instead of an increase in size, the plasma orb was actually decreasing while losing power at the same time.

By the time it reached the black lotus, its size is only one-third of its original size.