
A Dungeon? Again? pt. 1

Author: this wouldve been a bit longer but the rest didnt get saved so i'll just mske it a part of the second chapter. Which will be out in the next 24 hours. My computer died on me. Imma focus more on this tho. Decided to not really worry about my other works for a while.



Sounds like some edgy DnD character made by tryhard fanboy dreaming of battling giants and fucking orc bitches like some sort of Conan wannabe.

Which he could respect, but let's be real. Fuck Balty. This bastard's been dead who knows how long and his goddamn cult has been causing Damien trouble since before he even learned to fly. First those Asmodian cunts say they want Damien to come over and stay in the Demon continent because they thought he was this asshole's reincarnation. Then his cultists try to sacrifice Charlotte for his resurrection. Now the guy just suddenly shows up on some other planet as a God? His followers are fuckin' everywhere, apparently. Jesus hell.

"What do I gotta do to get away from this prick?" He cursed.

"From who, Grandmaster?" Lin Zhao furrowed his brow in confusion.

"This Balthazar fuck head."

A pair of wide eyes. "Heresy!" Lin Zhao hissed, frightened. "You can't say such things, Grandmaster! Are you not afraid of angering the Holy See?"

"Fuck me...the Holy what now? Ah, forget it. I don't give a damn. You have a coin?"

"A...A what?"

"A coin. Do you have one?" Damien shook his palm impatiently.

"Well…." Lin Zhao was entirely caught off guard by the sudden change in topic. The disrespect he'd just been shown regarding their society's most revered individual shocked him to the core and this unexpected and strange question nearly gave him whiplash.

Still, he took out a gold piece and offered it.

Damien promptly grabbed the coin, imbued it with some Aura, and flicked it towards the statue. The coin shot out like lightning and completely smashed the statue to pieces. A thunderous crash echoed forth as the force of impact blew wind and dust everwhere. Hundreds of people felt their ears ring and some who were closer to the statue were nearly blown away. They screamed and panicked and dropped to the floor as total confusion and chaos took over.

"Oh dear God…" Lin Zhao felt his mouth fall open. His heart stopped "What've you done…"

Damien calmly walked on. "I'm the only Deity around these parts."

Lin Zhao felt his entire worldview start to crumble. Just what sort of monstrosity have I invited into my home?

But it was too late for regrets. He could only follow along and hope the deranged young man didn't find himself displeased with this Old Lin. Otherwise…

Flashbacks to that night of his arrival burst to life in Lin Zhao's mind.

His balls shriveled.


[You have a new message] Damien idly scrolled through old messages. He hadn't really cared about them so he'd ignored a lot of messages the system sent. Plus he was drugged out of his mind for a long time. But he finally got around to checking them again and noticed one of those messages were from one of those Players he'd sent on a mission.

LikesDemTiddies had sent a DM a week ago.

[So we looked up those names you gave us. Some weird things came up. For example, the Maddox guys? The eldest son seems to have died from a gang-related incident. Then the second son just disappeared one day and hasn't been seen since. The daughter seems to be doing well, though. Became a civil servant or something. As for the Cockswell family, one of the brothers was killed in a car accident and the sister died of a drug overdose in her sleep. It seems she changed her name to Bennet? I can understand that. Cockswell...what kind of name is that? Anyway the other children there are fine. Didn't find much information on the other brothers. So, is this fine? I can try to dig up more if you want.]

Damien read the message with a bit of disorientation. Maddox? Had he written that name on the paper he'd given them? He couldn't remember. But trying to hurt. Like a hot knife poking at his brain. Was his grandmother fine? His mother, father? Aiden...Claire…

No, what? He didn't have a brother named Aiden. And his sister's name was Jess, not C--

"Shit." Damien muttered as the pain went from a ten to a hundred. Fuck, it was like someone was putting his head through a meat grinder. He grit his teeth and shook it off. Pain he was used to. But his next thoughts brought forth a different kind of hurt.

[...Died from a gang-related incident]

[...Died of a drug overdose

A wave of sadness hit him. It was a kind of heartache that physical pain couldn't compare to.

Maddox men tough shit out. That's just what we do. That's what we have to do. There's no alternative.

His brother's words echoed in his mind. And so Damien silently endured. A Maddox doesn't cry, right, A? We drown our demons. Preferably with unholy amounts of alcohol.

"Where's the nearest bar?" He asked suddenly.

As for us Cockswells, our troubles are buried under a writhing mass of bodies.

He wished Mary was here.