
Metting the family

From that day on, I was captivated by two overprotective alphas and I was starting to stress out.

"Let me out!" I begged for the thousandth time "Please, alphas!"

I just wanted to take a walk outside, is not that dangerous.

After some time they came near my bedroom door and said no, before opening it to leave my lunch.

"This is the last time I beg!" I warned them before trying to put the door down and when I did it, they came running and pushed me, gently, inside of the bedroom again. "At least a walk! The doctor said that it was good for the baby."

They looked at each other and gave me space to walk, I was free to go outside again, finally. They are too worried, is not that I am going to be kidnapped or something.

"Don't forget that I am a leader, there are people who want me dead." said Adam but I ignored him, is not that they know who I am, right?

"Do you want us to go?" they asked, more worried and scared. They were making me more stressed, damn idiots.

I didn't answer and they started to follow me to the door, so I stopped and turned back, looking at both of them.

"I am perfectly fine. You don't need to worry... mates!" I said before walking again and close the door on their faces.

I can protect myself just fine, I don't need any alpha to protect me. Just because I am an omega doesn't mean that I need protection.

Because I was angry, I walked too fast and my feet were swollen so I stopped at a nearby park, where there weren't too many people. It was dangerous but I couldn't walk anymore.

"Do you need us now, love?" asked Adam through the link and how could I refuse their help when I couldn't move a limb.

"Yes, please!" I said, relaxing on the bench back "My feet are killing me. I am at the park near..."

Before I could finish the sentence, someone put a cloth on my mouth and I fell asleep.

"Baby?" Julian called, worried "Weren't you in the park?"

I could hear their voices but I couldn't answer, my mind was still fuzzy when I woke up.

When my eyes adjusted to that place lights I could see that I was in the jail.

"What? Why am I in a cell?" I asked myself, confused.

They both stopped calling me and after a moment of silence, they started to make questions.

"Can you describe the outside, love?" Adam asked, I could feel their fears "I think that I know where you are Sam."

All of a sudden the door opened and a huge man entered the room, covering his nose, disgusted.

"Why does a low omega has my kid's scent?"

"Your kids?" I asked confused and then I remember them "Do you mean Julian and Adam?"

The man didn't answer and that could mean two things. First: He didn't like when someone talked back. Second: He was a true blood wolf!

"If I say about the child maybe he could change his mind!" Adam said, trying to calm down.

"I HAVE THEIR KIDS IN ME!" I shotted before looking away, scared of his reaction. "I... I am Julian's and Adam's mate."

He didn't make a sound and that was making me really nervous, would he hurt me or help?

"So... You're the Luna!" he said after a while "You did well getting them to accept you!"

"What is he talking about?" I asked them but they didn't answer "The both of you know what is going on don't you?"

"Is not easy for us to fall in love, baby!" Julian said and Adam agreed.

"I knew that you were crazy!" I said laughing "But I didn't know that you were pure blood wolves!"

"You can say that!" they answered, happy.

While I was talking with them I totally forgot that I was in a cell with the father of my mates, I hope so, right in front of me.

When I looked up, he was against the wall, looking at me with interest.

"Which one did you meet first?" he asked curiously.

"Julian!" I answered and he sighed.

"So, that means that..."

I didn't want to finish the sentence, only the memory was torture enough.

"I deduced!" he said, sad too "He is hot-headed!"

"I don't know now!" I said unsure "I mean..."

"It's normal, he is your mate after all."

Knowing that the man got me out of the cell and treated me like a son, what was giving me bad vibes. I looked around but I couldn't see their Luna and none of the people I walked by looked to me.

"Our mom is always sick. She had us and his purity disappeared, making her like that."

"That's weird!" I said and they asked why and I started to laugh.

"Are you mocking my mom?" Julian asked, bored.

"No, I'm sorry!" I said, trying to not laugh more "I am thinking where that pureness went all!"

When I said that they both laugh as if they understood what I was talking about. Their father laugh too as if he was hearing our talk.

"Did you though that I was a bad alpha?" the man asked and I looked at him, confused "That I didn't care about omegas at all?"

"No sir. They aren't nothing like you!" I answered, making my mates angry. They don't like that

I talk good about other men.

"You're getting smart, aren't you love?" Adam asked, playfully "You have to know that he is not like you think."

I smiled, I know what he meant, Adam treated me well at first too but then he went crazy and now he doesn't leave me alone. It was scary but knowing that he was my mate, I knew that I didn't need to worry.

"You don't need to label me like that, love!"

"Yes, he needs! Father doesn't like to wait, we have to hurry."

I didn't know how to react so I stayed silent and I just wished that their father wasn't like them.

"Where am I suppose to wait?" I asked smiling and he looked at me, confused. I didn't like that look at all.

"For who?" he asked and I swallowed dry, scared. "You are not going to go away from this house until that baby is out."

"Just like their sons!" I said mentally and my mates sighed as if they were expecting that "The overprotective must be from the genes, no?"

Once again I was locked in, this time in a gorgeous and spacious bedroom, but I couldn't admire that for long, I need to find a way to get out of there.

While I was trying to get out, the door opened and I saw the last person that I wanted to see. I wasn't ready to see her.