
My sexuality lifestyles

I just want to have sex..

Junior_Dre · 其他
9 Chs

Chapter 8 please pray for us.

James was still looking at her surprisingly. The girl was so confident, and full of energy. Well, he wanted her to say the word, but he didn't expect her to be so persistent. 😕

He didn't know what to do again... The girl right here in his front was still looking at him, waiting for a response.😑

She couldn't wait any longer, so, she said, "yes... what do you have to say? I don't like it, when I am doing something very important, and then I'm being bugged secretly. The girl said.😷

James was already blank, he didn't even know what to say and how to start... I also thought he wasn't shy to approach any girl, but, clearly I was wrong. the girl right here was so optimistic. She could kill your sex vibes.😶

"I... I was." James stammered.🙄

Since he couldn't say a word again, he decided to use his body to explain. As he was about to move, he heard a knock from the door.😷

"knock, knock"...🤥

"Damn! thank God!" James shouted in his mind. "I have been saved once again."😅

He immediately looked at the girl, and gave her a smile. "Oh, someone is at the door, I need to go and check quickly. Bye!!!" He said.😅

The girl looked at him, as he ran outside with just his pants. She also didn't know what came into her. "I think, i have said to much." She said Innocently.😒


James opened the door... It was Daniel.🤗

"Bro, you are my God sent angel." James shouted.🤤

Daniel was in a white dressing, his hair well carved, and he looked so good. After James had opened the door, Daniel looked at him, and noticed he was just in his pants. "Crazy!" He said to himself.😚

He then give a sign of relief, "Thank God, you are not going anywhere today." Daniel said.😕

James looked at him and didn't say anything. 🙄

"you! you were so drunk yesterday, that you didn't even know what was going." Daniel said as James couldn't reply.😒

"I didn't know what was going on? then, why Did you leave quickly?"James asked. "Charles told me, you drove off immediately you dropped me here."🤐

Daniel already knew Charles was going to tell James. He wanted it to be a secret. 😑

"That Charles is something!" Daniel said going straight to the chair. "Well, it's for me to know, and not for you too!"😒

James looked at him surprisingly, "Oh, it's like that? Well, guess what? I'm going to the hotel today again, and I don't want you to follow me this time."😑

Daniel looked at him slowly with a disgusted expression, "I never said, I was going. And, didn't you go there yesterday, and got yourself drunk? Can't you just rest today?"😤

Daniel didn't even plan to come to James house today. The main reason he was here, was to confirm about the girl James helped last night, whom he thought looked like the girl he saw in his dream.😔

He was not really sure, if she was still here. But, he just decided to check first.😷

"I have rested enough bro. yesterday, I didn't touch any lady, I just drank some wine, which was a normal thing to do." James said. "Or do you want to follow me?"🧐

Daniel looked at his face, and almost elbowed him, "I said no!" he shouted.🥴

James immediately stood up, "my friend, I was just joking, I knew you wouldn't go there again."🤨

Daniel wanted to say a word, when he heard a footstep coming closer to them. He quickly turned his face.😶

"Gosh! Daniel shouted in his mind. He almost went crazy. "She is really the one! even if her face was covered, he could still recognize her.. how is this real? he thought.😥

He looked at her clearly in the face, and he noticed she was wearing James clothes. "Crazy!" He said to himself.😁

The girl also examined Daniel. He was more handsome than james.😔

Well, Daniel was known to be the most handsome of all. people had always wished to talk to him, not only that he was cute, but, he was also wealthy.🤗


James looked at both of them indifferently. He would have asked Daniel why he was staring at her, but the girl in his front was also looking at him.🤨

"em... is the food ready? James decided to break the silence.😕

"Ohh... yes it is." she looked at James and smiled.☺️

"Okay, let's eat." James said looking at Daniel.🙃

Daniel looked at him and went closer to him, "eat?" He whispered.🤨

"you just follow me." James also whispered back.🤗

They stood up and went directly to the dining room. The girl already set the food for them to eat. So smart.😏

"Wow! it's looks sweet." James said. "Wait! how did you cook this so quick? and how did you know the dinning table was here? and you even placed the foods at the right places. James was shocked.😱

The girl looked at him and smiled, "Well, when you was with your friend, I decided to check around, and I found that the table was here, so I didn't want to bother you again.🤗

"okay, that's fair, no problem. James said.🙄

Daniel acted as if he wasn't listening to them. "They seem to be good friends now." Daniel thought. "And they just met yesterday. James is so serious about this."🥱

They all sat down to eat. James smiled at the food in his front, and looked at Daniel. He was bringing out a novel to read.😑

James didn't bother asking because he knew Daniel had eating disorder, and could only eat when he was angry. but, he really just wanted her to prepare his own too incase he changed his mind.😶

James looked at the girl sitting beside him and said "Let's eat."😌

"what about him?" She asked innocently😒

Daniel slowly raised his head in suprise. but, when he saw she was looking at him, he quickly looked down and continue reading the novel in his hand.🤐

James looked at her and was also suprised, "he doesn't eat much, but he might eat it later."😕

"Oh okay..." she said, looking at Daniel whose face was still down reading his novel.😥

James looked at her, and decide to take his spoon to eat, before someone held his hand.🙄

"No no, let's pray sir, it's necessary to pray before eating your food." The girl said.😏

Daniel finally raised his head again and opened his mouth so wide, "What! in someone else's house." he thought.🤨

James "..."

"Oh, okay let's do that." James finally said.😕

The girl immediately turned around and looked at Daniel in his face, "Okay, Sir please can you pray for us." She said pointing at Daniel.😱

Daniel "..."🤥

James looked at her surprisingly, "Damn! now she had just passed her boundaries."😅
