
My SI Stash #77 - Jumper's Waifus by UltGoater (MHAXMulticross)

-My man with the Jumpchain got his priorities straight~ W.

Synopsis: ???

Rated: M

Words: 18K

Posted on: https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/jumpers-waifus-body-mod-supplement-waifu-catalog-jumpchain.12826/ (UltGoater)

PS: If you're not able to copy/paste the link, you have everything in here to find it, by simply searching the author and the story title. It sucks that you can't copy links on mobile (´ー`)

-I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics/originals mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the author! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!)

Chapter 1

After coming to terms with the fact that I did indeed die at the hands of Truck-kun, entering into an incredibly generous contract with The Company and then making all my choices from the Waifu Catalog, Body Mod Supplement and the 'Boku no Hero Academia' CYOA, the latter because that's my Starting World, I lose consciousness for what feels like an instant and an eternity at the same time.

Awareness slowly come back to me, just like you start to wake up from a particularly deep dream, and I eventually open my eyes and rise to sitting position to find myself laying on top of a very comfortable and very big mattress. I look around at my surroundings, staring through the translucent curtains that surround my bed originating from the ceiling, taking in the familiar details of the room I find myself in... except for all the All Might merchandise that is decorating it to the point that it's beyond tacky and ridiculous.

"It seems like they took inspiration from the 'Hyoudou Residence' from 'Highschool DxD'," I mutter and notice how my new voice is different: it's soft and boyish but still on the deeper side of the spectrum. I can't help but smile. "The lack of originality is mildly off putting at worst but I'm not going to complain if this is going to be my new house for as long as I stay in this world. Grabbing 'In With Industry' was the right choice."

Feeling a bit stiff, I stretch my new body to its fullest and groan in satisfaction as several pops are heard through the empty room. After I'm done with that, I take a meditative pose with my legs crossed and hands resting on my knees as I start to go through the entirety of my new set of memories.

First of all, my new name is Tatsuya Miyamoto, the former being my given name and the latter being my family name. I use my new memories to see how I look like and I'm not entirely surprised to see that my new appearance consists of the face of Tatsuya Shiba from 'Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei' and the body of Soon Jin-Woo from 'Solo Leveling' after he left the hospital following the ordeal that gave him his abilities, albeit quite shorter since I'm currently fourteen years old after all.

When I chose my 'Drawbacks' from the 'Boku no Hero Academia CYOA', the only ones that I chose that couldn't be countered by the 'Talents' and 'Defenses' I chose from the 'Waifu Catalog' were 'Tragic Backstory' and 'Bitter Rivalry'. It's because of that drawback and 'In With Industry' that the only adult figures in my life are my grandmother and my mother, my grandfather and my father having tragically and mysteriously died at the hands of a powerful and unknown villain five years ago.

Knowing what I know and taking into consideration the timeline, I think I have a good idea of who that 'powerful and unknown villain' might be… but it's not like I can do anything about it… yet.


Allow me expand a bit on my new family, both the dead ones and the ones that are still alive.

My grandfather, the father of my father, was named Hanzo Miyamoto and he possessed the quirk 'Flight', which allowed him to manipulate a special aerodynamic barrier that passively covered his body. The barrier was very strong and temperature controlled, which allowed him to use it for high speed flight without concern of upper atmosphere cold. He could also feign physical enhancement by leveraging their barrier to lift or strike things in their surroundings. He was also capable of sharing barrier with whatever they're in contact with, though this thinned out the barrier out and leaves it more vulnerable to overpowering forces or temperatures. He had been a retired Pro Hero when he died.

My father was named Minato Miyamoto and he possessed the quirk 'Super Regeneration', which allowed him to recover from most forms of damage and disease at extreme speeds, including the recovery of missing limbs and usually vital organs in seconds. There was no innate downside to the ability and there wasn't really a way of shutting it off due to its passive nature. Of the few forms of damage that were difficult to repair to him, cauterization by extreme temperatures or volatile chemical burns were the most notable and affected areas had be removed before regeneration could properly start the healing. He was the No. 18 hero, 'Comeback', when he died.

My grandmother, the mother of my mother, is named Maya Takahashi and she possess the quirk 'Brick', which gives her a more powerful and efficient physiology compared to the average man or woman. Musculature weaving, bone structure alteration, there are a number of complexities, though in basic terms it means she is much stronger, faster, tougher and enduring than others. She can throw cars through the air, outrun them even when they are going full speed and just feel pretty sore if she's actually run over. She also has a higher metabolism, requiring her to eat more than others. Apparently, it took her quite a lot of active practice in her youth to reign in her strength for delicate work. She also used to be a Pro Heroine but she is currently retired.

And finally, my mother is named Sara Miyamoto and she possess the quirk 'Acceleration', which allows her to temporarily accelerate both her physical movement speed and perception up to the point that it appears most things around her simply aren't moving. Although in reality this only lasts the barest fraction of a second, she by her perception has several seconds to do whatever she feels like doing, such as throwing multiple hyper speed punches, disarming enemies who have them surrounded, dodging a massive attack right at their neck and so on. The level of heightened speed and perception is so great that there is a small cooldown between uses where 'Acceleration' must recharge before she can use it again. My mother is the current No. 15 heroine, 'Accel', and is very active in Musutafu.

And now that you know that, I can finally talk about my quirk, which is basically a combination of all of theirs. My quirk is called 'Superman' and it gives me enhanced strength, speed, agility, reflexes, endurance, durability, stamina, senses and an accelerated healing factor, all of which can be trained further through increasingly more intense, demanding and rigorous training. This quirk also allows me to fly and momentarily slow down my perception of time and move faster than normal at will, abilities which can also be improved through usage and training. Just like my grandmother, I need consume an exorbitant number of calories on a daily basis in order to perform at peak efficiency throughout the day.

According to my memories, I awakened my quirk when I was four and my parents and grandparents had been extremely happy at me inheriting all of their abilities and they all helped me learn and how to control them until they became the asset they were supposed to be. My abilities currently don't even hope to hold a candle to that of my parents and grandparents but by virtue of me having all of them I have more potential than them… and that was before 'I' took over, even if the one who 'created' Miyamoto Tatsuya and everything that surrounds him was 'Me' in the first place.

I open my eyes as I finish reviewing my new memories. I smirk. "It seems like today is my first day as a middle school senior at Aldera Junior High. I wonder if that's a coincidence," I snort in amusement with a shake of my head before I throw off the covers covering my body, my smirk widening as I notice that I am more than just 'well endowed' despite only being fourteen years old.

I mean, if I'm going to be biding/slaving females to my will, might as well make it as enjoyable for them as I can, right? I mean, other than giving them infinite potential and immortality, that is. I'm not the only one who is going to benefit from the contract I established with The Company after all.

I shrug my shoulders and make my way towards the bathroom. It's time to get ready for school and 'meet' my mother and grandmother…

-[JW: BnHA]-​

"Ah! How is my favorite grandson doing this fine morning?! Is he ready for his first day of school?!" Asks a boisterous voice as I enter the combined kitchen, dining room and living room area of the Miyamoto Residence, which I can confirm is basically the same as the one which… is the source of its inspiration, to put it simply.

Another voice groans tiredly. "Mother… must you be so loud in the morning?"

"Someone has to pick up the slack for your lack of energy, my dear daughter!"

"Ugh… I haven't had enough coffee to deal with this yet," mutters the second voice as I finally reach the kitchen area and its owner smiles at me tiredly, but her motherly love directed at me is undeniable and clear to see. "Good morning, son. Slept well last night?"

"Of course, he did!" Declares the first, boisterous voice as its owner gave me a grin that projected the love and pride she has for me. "He is my grandson and your son, after all!"

Maya Takahashi, my grandmother and the owner of the boisterous voice, didn't look a day over thirty-five years old despite knowing that she is fifty years old and it's all thanks to her quirk 'Brick' and the superior metabolism and physiology it gives her. Maya has a great mane of black hair that reaches her knees, a beautiful face and the body of an amazon, the kind a female body builder managed to achieve without losing a single bit of femininity.

Sara Miyamoto, my mother and the owner of the tired voice, despite being only thirty-two, thanks to her habits and the amount of rigorous extensive exercises she puts herself through every day to keep herself in top condition for hero work, she looks even younger than that. She has shorter black hair than Maya and blue eyes, features which I clearly inherited from her, and her athletic and curvy body more than hints at the physical prowess she possesses. If I am honest, she reminds me of Videl from 'Dragonball Z' appearance wise, though a bit older and way curvier.

"…that doesn't even make any sense, mother."

"Hush, you."

Leaning on my new memories, 'Social Talent' and 'Charisma' heavily for this, I just shake my head and chuckle fondly as I take my seat at the table. "Good morning, mom, grandma. And I slept well, thanks for asking mom… and thanks for your faith in me, grandma. To answer your question, by the way, I'm feeling great and I'm more than ready for my first day as a senior at Aldera," I say as I reach for a pair of pills resting on top of a napkin. Knowing what they were, I pop them in my mouth and wash them down with a glass of water.

My quirk requires me to consume more than ten thousand calories on a daily basis if I want it to function properly, which I do, and those pills provide that amount of energy. Since they also regulate my metabolism properly, I don't lose my appetite and I can have five normal meals too, which provides more than two thousand calories to my quirk and body to work with.

As I fix my plate with my 'typical' amount of food, Maya starts speaking again. "That's good to hear, Tatsu-kun! Do you have any plans for after school?" She asks before shoveling mouth into her mouth in a graceful manner. How she manages to do that is beyond me.

Well, since I doubt you'll believe me if I tell you that I plan to have a 'faithful meeting' with Mighty Gal, lesser known as Nana Shimura and eighth holder of One For All, and bind her so I can bang her for the rest of eternity to my heart's content and have her give me One For All without her losing it, I'll answer you with something more believable.

Oh! Did I forget to mention that one of the changes I made with 'Temporal Calibration' and 'Universal Calibration' was to have the roles of Nana Shimura and Toshinori Yagi essentially reversed? I mean, All Might still became the Symbol of Peace and Justice and the No. 1 Hero during his timeline, but according to my memories, in this 'version', Nana Shimura, better known as Mighty Gal, took up both mantles, along with One For All though this bit is unknown of course, after All Might's sudden death at the hands of a 'mysterious' and powerful villain…

I shrug my shoulders. "Nothing in particular, I suppose. Just do whatever work the assign us today and train my ass off like always," I said and Maya gives me an approving grin and nod at the last bit. I return it easily.

"Mmm, speaking of training…" Sara starts to say and continues when I turn my focus towards her. She is looking at me seriously. "…have you decided to which Hero Academy you are going to apply? I know you are just only starting you last year in middle school but the sooner you make your decision, the better."

I swallow the food in my mouth before I answer after giving her an understanding mood. "I know, mom. And I have decided," I tell her and I am given two expectant and interested looks before I proceed to elaborate. "The only two real options I have are U.A. and Shiketsu. Even though the two of them have roughly the same amount of prestige, U.A. has overall better facilities, can give me a bigger challenge and provides its students with the most freedom. The choice was kinda obvious after thinking about it for a bit," I say before calmly taking a sip of my orange juice.

Maya once again gives me and approving grin. "That's my grandson for you! Always go for the biggest challenge you know can make you push yourself the hardest! The accomplishment will be all the sweeter when you come out of ahead against all odds!" She declares loudly, reaching towards me, wrapping a muscular arm around my neck and dragging my face into one of her firm, perky but still soft breasts as she pats my head. I did nothing to stop it, not that I realistically could, and just enjoyed myself.

Eventually, Maya released her hold on me and I turned towards Sara, her face a bit annoyed as she looked at Maya, when she began to speak. "That's good to hear, son. I know this is pointless to ask, but do you want me to write you a recommendation or…" she trails off, pouting at the deadpan look her mother gives her.

I smile in amusement at the, according to my new memories, typical byplay. "I appreciate the offer, mom, but I'm going to have to decline. Everything I want to accomplish in the future I want to do so under my own merits and efforts, bot because my family paved the way for me to accomplish those things. I'm sorry if it sounds callous or maybe even ungrateful, but that's how I feel. The only help I'm willing to get from you when it comes to this is training and you are already giving me that so…" I trail off with a shrug of my shoulders as I continue to eat my breakfast.

Maya nods her head sagely. "Well said. I taught you well."

"Too well, I'd say," mutters Sara in defeat before she sighs deeply. "Alright, then. I won't write you a recommendation for U.A. and I'll just keep helping you train the aspect of my quirk that you inherited, I guess."

I smile at her. "That's more than enough, mom. Thanks," I tell her before I finish my breakfast and take my dirty plates and utensils to the dishwasher so I can clean them and then put them in their proper place. According to my memories, despite the size of our house, we are pretty self-reliant and self-sufficient. Maya does all the house chores around here, swearing weighted clothing and strapping weights to herself to actually make it part of her training routine.

I go back to the table and pick up my bag, strapping it across my torso and smiling at my hot mom and hot grandmother. "I'll get going now. I don't wanna be late on my first day," I say and hug them goodbye after the acknowledge my words. As I am hugging them, I produce the stamp, which only I can perceive, and press it to the small of their backs when my arms are wrapped around them. Neither of them notices and it is with a smirk firmly in place that I leave the house.

There's no way in hell that I'm going to pass up binding those two, both because of my incest fetish and the fact that each of them is listed as a Tier 5 Waifu, meaning that I'll be getting 32 Credits for binding them. That will allow me to buy 'Wild Talent' and 'Wild Defense', the later of which is the last Defense perk that's going to be essential for this setting. I might be a selfish and mostly amoral horny bastard, but I'm not stupid.

I'm going to become as powerful as I can get and take for myself all the females that catch my fancy… whatever it takes.

-[JW: BnHA]-​

When I make it to my assigned classroom within Aldera Junior High, I get further confirmation of the changes that 'I' implemented as two individuals enter the classroom, one of them with an annoyed expression and the other with an excited one, her entire body practically vibrating.

"Kamui Woods was so cool against that giant villain… and even if Mt. Lady stole his thunder right under him, she was still very cool!" Exclaims the excited one. "And there was also-"

"Zucchan," says the annoyed one with a clearly annoyed tone.

"Yes, Kacchan?"

"Shut up… or I'll kill you."

An adorable pout. "Kacchan~. Stop saying mean things like that! It's not nice."

"What's not nice is how you are going to literally talk my ears off one of these days," mutters the annoyed one as the excited one, now pouting, follows the former to their seats side by side a few rows behind me.

Yes. Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugo, or should I say Izumi Midoriya and Katsumi Bakugo, whom according to my memories have been classmates and acquaintances of mine all throughout middle school, are very much female…

…and very much friendly with one another despite Katsumi's earlier threat. Why? Well, if you know your BnHA lore, there's only one reason why that would be the case.

Eventually, the rest of the students arrive and after they all take their seats and the homeroom teacher arrives and introduces himself, a very familiar scene starts to take place.

"Class! You are middle school seniors now!" Exclaims the homeroom teacher as he waves around a thick stack of paper and looks at us with a serious expression on his face. "It's time you start seriously thinking about your future now! "I'll be handing out forms you can fill according to the path you want to take in life in order to determine some of your courses, but..." he trails off as he throws the stacks of paper in the air and smiles airily. "...you all want to be heroes, don't you?"

As most of the class start to show off their quirk, I notice that Katsumi has a bored expression on her face as she produces a small explosion on her raised palm and bright green flames dance around Izumi's palms.

And yes. That's the reason why the two of them are friends. Using 'Temporal Calibration' and 'Universal Calibration', 'I' made sure that Izumi Midoriya was born with a quirk, a type of pyrokinesis that allows her to create and control green colored flames. And since I'm going to be taking One For All for myself, I couldn't in good conscience leave her defenseless and unable to realize her dreams of being a hero, could I? Not only that, but with her having a quirk this time around, her mother shouldn't be an overweight gremlin, though it wouldn't really matter thanks to 'Body Talent', but I still saved Inko Midoriya the trouble of suffering through the self-loathing and stress that led her to become fat.

After all, there's no were that says that selfishness can't be beneficial to other people. Also, this is a personal advice from me: if you can go for the oyakodon with a hot girl and her equally hot mother, always go for the oyakodon.

Deciding not to be the only one who doesn't show off their quirk, with a mental prompt I made myself, my chair and my desk levitate a few inches off the ground and keeping myself there. This also allows me to confirm that I do have the amount of control over my abilities that I am supposed to have according to my memories as Tatsuya Miyamoto.

"Yes! Yes!" Exclaims the teacher joyfully as he stares at all of us using our quirks. "You all have wonderful quirks but you know it's against the rules to use them during school so settle down!" He orders and we all follow suit. Another mental prompt is enough for me, my chair and my desk to come down to the floor gently, just like I wanted.

"Oi, sensei," says Katsumi in a smug tone, getting the attention of the entire class. "Don't go around lumping all of us together, you know? The only ones who've got a real chance on becoming heroes are me, Zucchan and Miyamoto over there," she says and gives me an acknowledging nod, which I return, as we lock eyes before going back to what she was saying. "You can't compare all of our quirks just like that. Ours are on a different ball game."

"Kacchan! Stop saying mean things…" whines Izumi with a slightly nervous look as she looks around the classroom. I notice that she doesn't refute Katsumi's words though. Interesting…

The rest of the class start to make their displeasure known at Katsumi's words.

She just glare at them with an annoyed expression. "Shut the fuck up, you extras! Don't get mad at me for saying the truth just because you can't handle it."

"Oh, yeah," pipes in the teacher with an almost idle tone of voice. "Bakugo and Midoriya are aiming for U.A., right?" He asks rhetorically and the entire class freezes as they stare at the two of them, Katsumi uncaring and annoyed and Izuku bashful and nervous, in shock. The teacher then turn towards me. "I would assume you are in the same boat as them, correct, Miyamoto?"

I nod at the man. "Yes. I made my final decision this morning after debating the merits between U.A. and Shiketsu for a few days," I informed him calmly with a shrug of my shoulders. I withheld a smirk as several shocked stares were thrown my way as well.

As the rest of the class start to exclaim about how getting into U.A. is basically impossible, I feel a heated stare on me and turn towards Katsumi and only raise an eyebrow in reaction to her red eyes boring into mine with a glare. "Yes?"

"… You better stay out of my fucking way if you don't want to get killed," she says simply.

"Kacchan~," whines Izumi again as her eyes flick towards me, almost her entire face going red and verting her gaze hurriedly when she sees that I'm looking at her. Heh. According to my memories she has a crush on me, which is nice. "Stop being mean to Miyamoto-kun! Isn't he someone you respect?"

"That doesn't have to do anything with my willingness to kill him if he proves to be worthless," she responds easily. Well, of course Katsumi Bakugo is a tsundere. My new memories of her and 'Social Talent' tell me that she is also attracted to me though she is in a bit of denial and doesn't really know how to express it.

Well, if I have anything to say about it, and I do, they'll be expressing those feelings pretty easily soon enough…

After Katsumi's abrasive words, Izumi turns towards me and with her face still red, she gives me a nervous and apologetic look. I just smile at her, making her face go even redder, and shake my head and shrug, indicating that there's no issue whatsoever. Her smile loses her nervous edge… and she squeaks cutely before looking away when she realizes that she continued to stare at me almost in a daze. Before I turn away, I catch Katsumi frowning and then scoffing.

The homeroom teacher then manages to calm everyone down and the day continues normally.

-[JW: BnHA]-​

After school is done, I notice how Katsumi and Izumi leave the premises together but no in the direction of any nearby train station, according to my new memories. With a shrug of my shoulders, I keep that in mind but start to make my way towards the same train station that I used to come to school, pulling out my phone and checking the news from this morning with a smirk.

Apparently, I will be having my 'fateful' meeting with Nana Shimura very soon, since just like All Might in canon, she was seen giving pursuit to the Sludge Villain this morning after he robbed someone. As things stand right now, it is entirely up to me to make a good enough impression on her so she makes me her successor and the next torchbearer of One For All and I think I've got just the thing.

Using my new memories to easily navigate through the streets, I eventually a reach a certain familiar tunnel. I take a deep breath and psych myself up for what I know is about to happen as I go past the manhole cover that is at the other end of the tunnel.

My enhanced senses pick up the sound and smell of something disgusting moving behind me and I turn around to see the Sludge Villain coming out of the manhole and looks more disgusting in person than he did in the anime or the manga.

"Well, well, well… what do we have here? A disguise… in… si… ze…"

I don't let him start speaking properly as I activate the aspect of my quirk that allows me to slow down my perception of time around me and speed myself up. Since I currently only have a few seconds, from my perspective, in this state, I abuse 'Mind Defense' to not hesitate for even a single moment. Without holding anything back, I get close to Sludge Villain and punch him two times, one in each eye, with all of my current strength, which should be ten times that of a full-grown man at the moment. I immediately start to fly back and my perception of time goes back to normal as I am putting distance between the two of us.

"Gah! What the fuck?!" Screeches the Sludge Villain in agony with his disgusting double-layered gurgling voice as he grabs at his injured eyes with the sludgy appendages that pass off as hands.

"I'm sorry but that's what you get when you sneak up on me," I deadpanned at him with no sincerity or remorse at all since I know he was not going to hesitate to take over my body. I also know that the only reason I managed to hit him was because I caught him off guard. I don't have any doubts that I am currently no match for someone that managed to give All Might the slip for hours in canon.

The Sludge Villain growls and removes his hands from his eyes, which are now bloodshot and swollen making him look even more ridiculous, and glares at me. "You fucking brat! I'll make taking over your body extremely painful!" He screams and lashes out at me with a tendril of sludge. The appendage is almost a blur and I can only perceive it because, according to my new memories, I'm used to my mother moving many times faster than that… while my perception of time is slowed down.

Since I don't have enough time to dodge, I brace myself for impact but before the attack hits me a figure drops from the sky and lands in between the tendril and me, taking the hit without as much as a flinch.

"There's no need to worry, young man!" Exclaims Mighty Gal, Nana Shimura, as she looks back at me with a fearless grin on her beautiful face. Her well-built and voluptuous body is clad in a black, sleeveless bodysuit with a high collar, yellow elbow-length gloves and yellow knee-high boots. Around her waist is a belt with an angular golden buckle, a small red cape attached around the back which hung down to her knees, and over her shoulders was a longer white cape, buttoned to the shoulders of her bodysuit. "For I am here!" She exclaims as she turns back to focus on my attacker.

Somehow, the Sludge Villain pales as his disgusting and constantly shifting starts to tremble. "Yo-you! Ho-how?!"

"I have nothing to say to you, villain!" She exclaims before cocking her right arm back. "Texas…" she trails off before punching at the Sludge Villain from a distance. "…SMASH!" She shouts and a funnel is wind pressure is produced from her fist, the strong winds visible to the naked eye as they reach the Sludge Villain in the blink of an eye and practically disintegrate him. I even have to brace myself to not be pushed back even if the attack is being aimed away from me despite my enhanced body.

She then becomes a blur and before I can blink twice, she is holding up in victory two bottles with the remains of the Sludge Villain sealed inside of them. "And that takes care of that!" She declares firmly but before turning towards me and giving me a look of concern as she gets close to me with another blink to my eyes. "Thank goodness that you are okay, young man! Please forgive me since you were put in danger because my incompetence! I don't know what came over me today…" she trails off and actually bows at me, her words and demeanor mostly sincere according to 'Social Talent' and 'Charisma', but I know what she is lying about. She knows exactly ��what came over her today'. "If there's anything I can do to compensate for it, I shall do it… within reason of course!" She exclaims, smiling at me earnestly and expectantly.

Alright, time to roll for a combo of bullshit and truth. Let's hope I don't fuck this up.

"Well, first of all, thank you for saving me, Might Gal. I don't know what would have happened to me if you hadn't arrived when you did," I tell her, 'Social Talent' making it trivially it easy to express myself sincerely, fake or not.

Nana waves it off. "Ah! There's no need to thank me, young man, even if I greatly appreciate it! Even if we ignore the fact that it was my fault you found yourself in danger because of me, I feel like I don't deserve your gratitude," she says with a self-deprecating chuckle.

"Nobody's perfect, Mighty Gal. What matters is that you still prevented me from being harmed by the villain. I don't care about anything else," I tell her and much to my surprise, I am rewarded with a small blush as she averts her gaze for a moment. When she focus back on me, I continue speaking. "As for what I would like from you… can you spare me a few minutes of your time, please? I need to talk to you."

At that, just like I expected, Nana's expression becomes strained and a bit nervous. "Well, you see, I'm afraid I don't really have time for that! Justice waits for no one, as you know? Maybe an autograph and a picture can suffice, yes?" She asks me and it's only thanks to 'Social Talent' and 'Charisma' that I catch the hidden urging and pleading in her voice.

I put an understanding expression on my face. "Ah… I see. You are nearing your time limit because of your injury, aren't you…" I trail off as she freezes and pales, my eyes locking with hers. "… Nana Shimura?"

She takes a step back seemingly without her conscious input. "Wh-what… Ho-how…?" She whispers, her voice full of dread and denial.

I just sight and make sure that my eyes don't stray away from hers. "Like I said, we need to talk. And if the information I have is as… sensitive… as I think it is, I believe we better have this conversation in private."

As she just continues to stare at me, I allow myself a mental smirk. I casted the hook and got her attention. Now it's time to see if she takes the bait so I can reel her in and 'catch' her. Let's just hope that I don't get locked in while at it…

-[JW: BnHA]-​

"Alright. Nobody can hear us here," says Nana after we find ourselves on top of a familiar looking rooftop. If she was surprised at the fact that I could also fly, she didn't show it. Her expression became stony and her eyes hard after she 'recovered' from the shock caused by my question. "Talk. Now," she orders with severity, crossing her arms across her chest and pining me in place with her sight alone and the force of her sheer presence. She has also hit her time limit, and unlike All Might in canon who turned into a walking skeleton, Nana just loses her muscles and a few inches of height, looking like a normal woman and a bit different now.

It's only thanks to 'Mind Defence' and 'Social Talent' that I manage to keep my cool and show how nervous she is making me right now. "Before you pulverize me with a single punch…" I trail off in a slightly joking manner, only earning further furrowed eyes as she stares at me. I sigh. "My age aside, it's obvious I'm not your enemy, Mighty Gal. I wouldn't have come to you directly if I was, would I? I don't have a death wish," I deadpan at her.

That finally ends a snort as she relaxes a bit. "That much I can tell," she admits before she shakes her head and looks at me with a frown. "But I still would very much like an explanation as to how you now something that only a select few are supposed to know. And I know for a fact that neither of those people would leak that information."

Alright, here we go…

I look at her in the eye and do my best to convey all the sincerity I can muster. "To be completely honest, I'm not sure how or why it happened. I only know what happened," I tell her and continue my 'explanation' after she nods at me to proceed. "When I woke up this morning, I somehow knew about you, your injury, your time limit, All Might, One For All…" Her eyes go wide in shock again at this. "…and All For One," I finish, watching her as she recoils and pales even more than before.

"…what?" She whispers the question in utter disbelief.

"The only logical explanation that I could come up with after spending most of the morning theorizing is that just like your former sidekick, Sir Nighteye, can look into the future, I was somehow momentarily able to look into the past even though that has nothing to do with my quirk," I tell her earnestly with a serious expression on my face. "That's how I also knew that I would be meeting you today, which is the reason why I acted so calm upon meeting you, which I know is not something you normally get from your fans," I say with a chuckle at the end.

Nana takes a deep breath and chuckles hollowly when she registers my voice. "I have to admit that in the back of my mind I did find weird how calmly a young teen like you was acting after being attacked by a villain and being saved by me," she says before giving me a tentative look. "When you say that you know about me, All Might, One For All and… that man…" she trails off, her voice seething in hatred at end.

I nod my head. "I shown everything regarding those things. I know about how One For All came to be, that All Might was the seventh torchbearer before he was killed by All For One after he passed the torch to you, his pupil and successor…" I trail off, giving her a look of sympathy as her expression become pained as I make her recall those painful memories. "I also know that you are currently in search of a successor yourself and it being the reason why you are here in Musutafu."

She adopts a guarded disposition and gives a defensive and skeptical look at that. "Are you trying to imply that the reason you somehow got all of that information it's because you are to be the next torchbearer? I am sorry, but while I appreciate you coming clean with this as soon as you were able to, that's not something I can't really decide just over something like this," she says with a steely voice, completely refusing to budge on the matter.

In response, much to her visible surprise, I shrug my shoulders uncaringly. "I don't know if the possibility of me being the next successor of One For All is the reason why I was given this knowledge but, I'm not going to lie. The possibility did cross my mind and I am willing to bear with the burden. However…" I trail off and she gives me a very focused look of interest after hearing my words. "…I think there's more… ambiguous… reason as to why I was given this knowledge."

She raises an eyebrow at my choice of words. "And that reason would be…"

I make sure to grimace a bit. "I'm pretty sure I can heal you from your injury and make it so you don't lose One For All if you decided to pass it on…" I trail off as she goes wide eyed and unbidden a glimmer of hope fills her eyes, even if she remains mostly skeptical. "…but there's a catch."

She becomes guarded again. "And that would be?"

I avert my eyes and look away as I rub the back of my head, conveying as much embarrasment as I can muster. "… the stuff about you, All Might, One For All and All For One wasn't the only thing that I was given. I also know how to, erm, 'bind' you to me, which lets me share some of my abilities with you and… locks in… your abilities, for a lack of a better term, when I do so."

Nana frowns and narrows her eyes. "I'm going to go on a limb and say that there's something more to this than just simply binding us together."

I nod, still not looking at her as if I'm still embarrassed. "You are going to end up falling in love with me," I mutter, forcing a light blush to appear on my cheeks.

Nana stares at me for a long moment before she throws her head back and laughs uproariously. This last for more than a minute before she is wheezing and then coughing. I notice a bit of blood on her fist as she covers her mouth when she coughs. She looks at me with mirth clear in her face. "Ah, I needed that. That was a good one…" she trails off and the amusement leaves her face when she takes a look at my face. "You are serious," she deadpans.

I just nod at her. At this point, there's no need to question the veracity of my words after it became clear that I have knowledge in my possession that I am simply not supposed to have. "I am afraid so. And while that wouldn't be a terrible fate as far as I am concerned…" I say, internally smirking as Nana blushes and looks away in embarrasment because I just had no issues whatsoever with her falling in love with me. "…I think it's only fair you have a say in this, considering the benefits that would come with it along with the downsides."

Nana gives a slight nod at that and starts to think deeply. I wait patiently for almost five minutes of her just staring at the ground with a focused expression on her face. When she is done thinking, she looks up at me. "Before I make a decision, and yes I believe everything you've said so far for obvious reasons, what are those abilities you will be able to share with me that would heal me and make it so One For All stays always with me even if I pass it on?"

"I don't know exactly how it's going to lock One For All in for you," I admit, making myself come across as more believable since I'm willing to admit that I don't know everything. 'Social Talent' for the win. "But as for healing you… what do you know about the heroes Jetbooster, Amazon, Comeback and Accel?"

She has to think for a moment before she answers me. "Jetbooster and Amazon used to be top heroes and colleagues of All Might, if memory serves me right. Accel is currently the No.15 Heroine and has her agency here in Musutafu. Comeback used to be the No.18 Hero and he also used to operate here in Musutafu. Jetbooster, who had been retired at the time just like Amazon, and Comeback were killed under mysterious… circumstances…" she slowly comes into a realization as she speaks the words. "Wait! You think that…"

I nod at her gravely, my voice taking an edge of anger. "After waking up with this knowledge suddenly in my head this morning, I have more than enough reasons to believe that All For One is behind the deaths of my father and grandfather," I say and her eyes widen again in surprise. I give her a bitter smile as I rise my arms slightly at my sides, as if presenting myself to her. "My name is Tatsuya Miyamoto, only son of Accel and Comeback and grandson of Jetbooster and Amazon. All four of their quirks seemingly combined into one in me, giving me several physical enhancements, the ability to fly, slow down my perception of time, a superior physiology and a super healing factor. Those las two are the abilities I believe would heal you if you decide that me binding you to me is worth the benefits," I say, laying it all out for her, clearly giving her a choice.

But, you see, with someone like Nana Shimura, roles reverses or not, there's not much of a choice to be made when in the end of the day the only thing she has to worry about is falling in love with a fourteen year old that's going to heal her and give her the opportunity to keep being the Symbol of Peace and Justice the world needs. Specially, since for as far as she is concerned, I've been nothing but truthful to her because I had no reason to lie to her, right?

As her face fills with resolve and her eyes look resolutely into mine, it takes all the power of my perks for me to not start laughing victoriously like a cliché evil villain right on the spot. I AM going to become a hero after all.

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