
My CO Stash #16 - Kigyo Eight Banners by Aliquam Scribere (OregairuXKenganAshura)

-Hikiga as a Kengan fighter is definitely a banger, I'm watching this author's career with great interest/

Synopsis: Hikigaya Hachiman. An unassuming high schooler with unassuming characteristics with an assuming creepiness attached to him. But that's just his fellow peers' thoughts of him. Even those who thinks they know him soon find out they don't. Yet, their interactions with him may just show them who he really is... [Kengan Ashura/Omega Inspired]

Rated: T

Words: 27K

Posted on: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13708382/1/Kigyo-Eight-Banners (Aliquam Scribere)

PS: If you're not able to copy/paste the link, you have everything in here to find it, by simply searching the author and the story title. It sucks that you can't copy links on mobile (´ー`)

-I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics/originals mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the author! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!)

Chapter 1

"Hyaah…" I sighed out tiredly as I hand dried a wine glass with a fine microfiber cloth. The dim setting of my workplace gave a relaxed atmosphere as the dark sky outside the windows setted the mood. It wasn't too late into the evening, maybe it was around 9:30 pm but with the week feeling like it's been dragging out too long, it has certainly felt like an eternity. There weren't too many patrons present in Angel Ladder's lounge as I surveyed the area. There was one old man, he looked to be in his late 50s, sitting at the bar table I'm currently waiting at and there were less than a handful of others occupying the tables in the lounge. I saw one man in a formal attire sitting quite rigidly but at the same time he seemed to be relaxed.

Since there are not a lot of people right now, business has been going pretty slow. Maybe the boredom right now is what's killing me into exhaustion. I rolled my shoulders to ward off the fatigue as I continued to accomplish my task of cleaning the various liquor glasses.

"Saaaki-chan! Can ya pour this ol' man 'nother glass?" The old man near me called for my services. I made sure to give him a look of disapprovement before saying my piece.

"Yatsunomoto-san, drinking too much is bad for you."

"Aww, but Saki-chan I can -hic- handle my liquor -hic- well!" Yatsunomoto-san slurred out as he gave me a goofy grin.

Yatsunomoto-san is actually a regular here at Angel Ladder. At first, I was put off due to how uncomfortable I felt being around drunks but I soon realized that the old man was just a friendly person who just liked to socialize with us here.

"Pretty pweassse? With a cherry -hic- on top?" He pleaded once more.

Before relenting, another sigh escaped from me. Old men and their thirst for alcohol… Why do they like such a drink? It reminds me of a certain someone… someone who likes drinking this disgustingly sweet coffee…

"Fine. But don't make me call your wife again to have you dragged out of here, got it?" I firmly told him.

He bobbed his head up and down furiously as I poured him another glass of bourbon. His wife was one of the kindest people I have ever come across and sometimes I wonder how a loafer like Yatsunomoto-san ended up with such a blessed woman.

"Ayy -hic-! Cheers, yer da best Saki-chan!" Yatsunomoto-san raised his glass towards me with a floppy grin. I just shook my head but I couldn't deny him a small smile.

As he sipped away at his bitter beverage, I returned to my task of wiping the glasses clean. I haven't gotten done wiping my fourth glass cup when I heard the electronic sliding doors humm open. My urge to look up winning over me, my eyes spotted two men enter.

One of them was pretty solidly built, as evident by his form fitting snugly into the polished suit he was wearing. His facial features seemed to be sharp, a distinguished jawline that almost rivaled greek statues highlighted the intensity of his gaze as he scanned the bar. His company was not as big as him yet he too held an almost similar aura to the man beside him, just less suffocating but just as piercing. When I gazed at his eyes, I almost flinched back from how dead they seemed. For some reason, I had a feeling of familiarity. I continued rubbing the glass in my hands as I kept tabs on the two men from the corner of my peripherals.

"Hoh? It looks like some big fish has arrived…"

I guess I wasn't the only one who felt the two's palpable presence. But what Yatsunomoto-san said got me to arch an eyebrow.

"Do… you know them, Yatsunomoto-san?" I tried to act not too interested but the old man gave me a smirk. He must've noticed my failed attempts at trying to discreetly (yet failing) glances at the arrivals.

"Mmm…" Yatsunomoto-san's hand twirled his glass idly, the liquor inside forming a vortex from the motion. "Not really. Well, not directly. But I recognized 'im. Anyone who'd done business 'ere in Chiba gotta be a fool to not know the Bull Shark."

"Bull… Shark?" What the? So these guys are some big shots? My curiosity and confusion must've been apparent on my face since Yatsunomoto-san gave me a small smile and elaborated.

"Yeah. Rumor's got it that that big scary lookin' man you saw enter is makin' a quick rise through the corporate world 'ere in Chiba." He took a sip only to hardly swallow the drink. "They say he's made some pretty big deals, ones that got other business' to start shakin' in their boots."

I was now fully observing the newly entered customers. The man Yatsunomoto-san was talking about strode over the man in the formal attire that I saw earlier. Each of his steps resounded authority yet it was felt repressed enough to warrant caution to others. The other- wait where was the other one?

"That man's business policies are so aggressive that most firms have lost loads of capital, hell, some even came close to filing for bankruptcy." Yatsunomo-san continued. "They dubbed 'im as the-"

"Bull Shark."

Both Yatsunomoto-san and I jumped back at the sudden voice. It was him! The second guy I saw who entered with the scary looking one. Now he's up closer, he features oddly resembles someone I know… His eyes, I swear, are just like his.

"Oi, Kawasaki, it's rude to stare, you know?" H-huh? Oh, I probably was looking at him too much. I felt some heat come to my face as I embarrassedly looked away. Wait, that voice, is it-

"Hikigaya?" I uttered out loud before I could think.

"Yes?" He answered.

Whoa. The Hikigaya I knew never would present himself like this. His hair was slicked back, the suit he was wearing was neat and crisp, he had a buttoned-down collar underneath by the top few buttons were undone, revealing some of his palish chest. His dress pants complimented his outfit and his footwear looked quite pristine. With his almost piss-off look, he could pass for a yakuza.

"Oi, you're staring again." Hikigaya plainly pointed out.

"S-sorry. I just didn't expect you to…" I didn't know how to finish that train of thought as I still looked him up and down.

"Look so good?" He smugly commented. "I know, it's a crime that a hidden treasure like myself isn't shared but it helps me to keep a low profile."

I scowled. That's not what I was thinking at all! This guy is a total narcissist. Yeah, he's pretty good looking and fit and kinda ho- Kyaaaah! What am I thinking! I'm losing myself here!

"Uh, yeh know 'im, Saki-chan?" Gah! I forgot Yatsunomoto-san is still here. Crap, he can't know that we know each other because we go to the same school. I'd lose my job if management were to find out that I'm an underage employee.

"Err," I started. Dammit, I wish my brain could think faster!

"I'm a regular here." Hikigaya supplemented quickly. Thank you! Although it was a lie that he comes here, nonetheless I owe you one Hikigaya.

"Hm? As often as I lounge 'ere, I don't see ya often…"

"I come in the earlier hours."

"Ah, dat make sense… Oh! The wife's callin'! Guess I gotta go. See ya, Saki-chan! Nice meetin' ya, Hikigaya-kun! Hope you an' I can catch a drink sometime."

My fellow classmate and I nodded our heads to him in farewell as the old man stood and left albeit with a bit of a stumble. Oh, his wife is going to have a handful with him, I can already imagine.

"So…" Hikigaya started.

I turned my attention back to my schoolmate. He was seated right across from me, an expectant gaze laying on his face. S-stop looking at me like that! My ears turned warm as I felt self-conscious from his look.

"What?" I said.

"Aren't you going to, you know?" He waved a hand for emphasis. Like hell I would know what that meant.

"Aren't I going to, what?" What the hell is this boy trying to say? Does he think I'm still curious about the Bull Shark and that I would ask him about it? Not going to lie, I am curious to know more. Maybe I should just ask him about it. Oh well, here goes noth-

"Aren't you the bartender? So are you not going to give me anything to drink?"


So that's what he's trying to get at.

"O-oh, sure, yeah. Um, what do you want? I won't give you alcohol though." I told him the last part sternly. As hypocritical as I am to be working here, I'm not going to jeopardize my job by serving my classmate some alcohol!

All I got from him was a roll of his ashy grey eyes and a soft scoff.

"As if I'd drink any of that stuff. What'd you think of me woman? A wannabe alcoholic?"

"With your looks right now, you could probably pass as one." I retorted.

"Oi, just because I look delinquent-like doesn't mean I am one!" He scowled. A breath of small laughter escaped from me.

"Yeah, yeah. Anyways what drink do you want?"

"Hm, anything non-alcoholic I guess?"

You guess? I arched an eyebrow at him. The vagueness of his request confused my mind. Be more specific you stupid Hachiman!

"What?" Hikigaya asked me with a dumb look on his face.


After I grabbed a bottled club soda from the fridge under the counter, I popped open the cap. The quick hiss released from its carbonated container was audible as I poured some of the clear liquid into one of the freshly cleaned cups I had held moments ago. As I poured, a thought just occurred to me.

"Now that I think about it, what are you doing here Hikigaya?" I asked him.

I watched as the liquid poured into the cup, fizzing as it rose. I slid it across the counter once I thought it was enough. The man before me grunted his thanks as he took the cup.

"My father has a business meeting here." He didn't look at me as he replied, instead he opted to take a sip from his glass. As he set down his glass, he nodded his head in the direction of the big man I saw enter earlier.

T-that man was Hikigaya's father?! Now I know where Hikigaya got his imposing traits from…

"Your father is the Bull Shark?!" I blurted out before I realized what I did. Thankfully I did yelp out so loud and caused an even more embarrassing blunder of myself.

Hikigaya flinched from my outburst and gave me an annoyed look. I could do nothing but blush from my behavior.

"Sheesh, tone it down woman. My ears are sensitive, you know? But yeah…" He relaxed his posture as he re-situated himself on his seat. "Like what you and that old man were talking about earlier, most of the people that do business with father tend to call him that."

"So is it true… that your father is a really aggressive businessman?" I asked him cautiously. I didn't want to sound tactless but I couldn't think of another way to ask him. He just grunted as he cupped his glass with both hands. His gaze was drawn towards the liquid inside, like he was staring back at his own reflection.

It was then that I noticed the state of his knuckles. They looked battered with some of the skin split but I saw some scabs. Did he get into a fight or something? Why does his knuckles look all busted up? Before I could go on, my self-kept classmate spoke.

"In a way, yeah." He took another sip. "But it's not what you may think how he is. He looks scary but he's also reasonable. He's just smarter and more conniving than his competitors." Huh, sounds kind of like a certain someone. Peculiarly like the person sitting in front of me.

This time, Hikigaya held my gaze and suddenly the intensity of his piercing grey orbs made me want to squirm under the counter. But I couldn't move as his eyes held my body stiff in place. What's this? He never had such a pressuring presence at school. As if sensing my discomfort, he looked away and took another swig. I breathed a sigh of relief as I steadied myself from the tense moment.

"Then why do people call him the Bull Shark?" Although I felt like I was choking from anxiety some seconds ago, I couldn't resist my urge to know more.

"Father wanted to expand his operations." Hikigaya continued. "Ever since that moment, he's been going around making deals with other CEOs. Well, it's more like father taking most of the riches while his associates struggle to pick up whatever the remains are."

"Oh…" In all honesty, knowing this much already is a lot, especially since it's coming from Hikigaya himself. He rarely talks at school, as he usually keeps to himself, so it's even much more uncommon to hear anything he says related to himself. "Your father must be quite the business man then to be so successful."

"Heh, yeah you're right." He smirked at me, but it looked rueful. "Although he wouldn't have made it this far without me."

Huh? What does he mean by that? I mean, I guess it'd make sense that Hikigaya would help his father in his endeavors but what does he do?

"Ohoh, Hikigaya-sama?" Suddenly, a third party came in. Wait, n-no! My boss is here! And hold up, he knows Hikigaya? Oh no, does that mean he'll also know we're affiliated to each other as classmates? But then he'll fire me for lying on my application. Arhg!

As I struggled in my mental dilemma, the two men before me conversed.

"Oh, good evening Fujiwara-san." Hikigaya nodded to my boss.

"Please, Oshiro is fine." My boss waved him off.

"Okay, Oshiro-san. And you can call me Hachiman, it's only fair that you do." Hikigaya conceded. He and my boss proceeded to talk.

Nani!? Okay, now I am completely baffled at how casual my boss is interacting with my classmate.

"U-um, you guys know each other?" I nervously interjected.

"Ah, that's right. You aren't aware of this yet, Kawasaki-chan. But Angel Ladder is actually one of Hachiman-sama's father's shareholders!" Fujiwara-san cheerily told me.


"Hahaha, oh the look on your face is amusing, Kawasaki-chan!" My boss laughed. Hikigaya looked at me from the side, his face still sporting a neutral expression. "Yes, you should know that Angel Ladder actually does support Hik- I mean Hachiman-sama's father. I was initially surprised that your father came to me with a pitch a while back but I'm very glad that I made the right choice."

Fujiwara-san smiled gratefully at Hikigaya, who only returned a sheepish smile.

"Of course, I would like to express my gratitude for your efforts too, Hachiman-sama." Again, what does Hikigaya do to help his father? I am really curious.

"Ah, I am just fulfilling my duties, Oshiro-san." Concise, short, and modest. A typical reply from the self-proclaimed school loner.

"Nonsense! My bar would not be profiting as much if it were not you and your father's reassuring efforts."

"Uh, what exactly do they do Fujiwara-san?" I spoke up again.

My boss' eyes widened as he looked at me first before turning to Hikigaya. Said person, just shrugged his shoulders as he just took another sip. It looks like he might need a refill soon.

"Hmm…" A finger rested on Fujiwara-san's chin as he took a few moments to contemplate. Seriously, is it some sort of secret? I've been filled with more curiosity and questions this night than I have ever been when learning in school. "Well, as it so happens, a special event is taking place at the base of the hotel tonight. Say Hachiman-sama, would it be fine if Kawasaki-chan came?"

Again, my fellow loner just shrugged his shoulders before letting out a humm.

"I do not mind, Oshiro-san." Just like earlier, his piercing gaze came back and landed on both of us. "Although, I am not sure how she will receive the event."

A shiver revertabrated down me as goosebumps tingled my body. How does he do that?! I swear his dead eyes shouldn't have that much power! While I was feeling slightly fearful, my boss was rather unfazed. In fact, I was more shocked to hear him laugh lightly.

"Ahaha, no worries Hachiman-sama! Dear Kawasaki-chan here has the mettle of a great ape when it comes to dealing with tough customers, neh Kawasaki-chan?" My boss grinned at me like a dolt. I blushed slightly as I turned my head away with a grunt. Fujiwara-san, please don't make me out to be a gorilla of a woman!

"They were disrupting and were going to cause a further commotion, Fujiwara-san." I lamely put out. "I only act like that so they don't make a mess of the place."

"Ahh, yes, you're right. Anyways, it looks like your father is wrapping up his meeting with Onkyubo-san." Fujiwara-san nodded his chin towards the two men.

They shook hands, although it looked like the man in the formal attire winced from Hikigaya's father's grip but it could be the trick of the light. They soon parted ways, the suit heading for the exit while Hikigaya's father calmly but purposely walked over to us.

"Hikigaya-dono! It's a pleasure to have you here! I'm assuming you've just made another deal just now, hmm?" Err, for such an imposing man as Hikigaya senior is, my boss sure is quite cheerful around him. I mean, the older Hikigaya just standing there is exuding absolute authority and I dared to not move or hold his gaze.

"Konichiwa, Fujiwara-san. Yes, I have just finished finalizing the small details. Once again, I must thank you for allowing us to utilize your facilities tonight." Hikigaya senior responded. Like his son, his way of speaking was curt.

If I had to compare the two, I'd say my classmate would be more indifferent and apathetic towards others whilst his father radiated pure, unadulterated intimidation. Hell, he makes his own son more approachable and sociable now even though Hikigaya doesn't talk to a lot of people.

"Oh please Hikigaya-dono, I am very happy to provide assistance for you! In fact, I am honored to host the event tonight." Fujiwara-san smiled gratuitously.

Hikigaya senior only nodded his head in reply.

"Very well, Fujiwara-san. I assume that you will observe tonight's event then?"

Without missing a beat, Fujiwara-san answered.

"Of course! It is only right that your sponsor comes and supports you!"

It was then that the older Hikigaya nodded his head in acknowledgement before his eyes casted over to me. Just like his son's, his eyes were dark grey and conveyed a sharpness to them that may make Hikigaya- er, Hachiman's seem blunt. But unlike the latter's dead eyes, he retained a sense of deadliness to them. I was eeried out of my mind. Seriously, how?! Do all men of the Hikigaya household possess some sort of eye skill that petrifies the person?

"Is this one of your representatives?" The man analyzed me up and down. Like an ostrich, I just wanna go hide somewhere.

"Hahaha," I heard my boss chuckle. "No, Hikigaya-dono. She's my employee here. But tonight I will take her to the event to familiarize herself with our ways of doing business."

"Hmm, that is well then." The bigger man checked his wrist, a lustrous watch caught my eye. "Hachiman, let's go. We only have an hour to get ready. Fujiwara-san, I will see you again later." His son grunted but stood up but not before sliding some cash under his glass.

"Hm, yes! I look forward to your favor!" My boss cheered again.

"Mm. Before I leave, what is your name?"

My mind momentarily stopped working as Hikigaya's father focused on me again. I was taken aback since I wasn't expecting Hikigaya senior to address me. From the corner of my eyes, Hikig- I mean Hachiman, looked disinterested as ever while my boss himself held an amused grin. Darn you two for being so careless!

Finally finding my voice, I spoke. Well I tried to without sounding scared.

"Saki Kawasaki, sir."

"Mm," His eyes narrowed further, the sharpness from before turning into cutting. But seconds later, his expression normalized. "I hope you will support my son later, Kawasaki-san."

W-w-w-what did t-that mean?! My ears felt hot and I swear my whole entire face is turning into the color of fruit punch.

"Father, let's go." Now it was Hachiman to talk, rather tersely actually. I looked at his face and there was a tint of pink on his cheeks too. Ha! I'm not the only one flustered. Oh, stop snickering Fujiwara-san!

With that, both Hikigayas turned and headed out of the bar. One walked with utmost authority while the other slouched on the way out.

The chime of the elevator bell rang out as the doors before us slid open. We have just closed the bar and Fujiwara-san and I were about to head down to whatever special event he mentioned earlier.

"I'm sure you're wondering what's happening, Kawasaki-chan." My boss broke the silence between us as he pressed a button on the panel. "You're wondering what this event is about, how your classmate is involved, our connection to Hikigaya-dono and the like."

C-classmate?! He knows?! How? Neither Hikigaya or I mentioned at all to him that we knew each other outside of Angel Ladder.

"Um, how'd you know that Hikigaya and I were classmates?" Can't lie about that now. My job is good as gone at this point. All I heard was a stifled laughter coming from the older man besides man.

"Keh, keh, oh Kawasaki-chan. It wasn't too difficult to put two and two together, really. I'm your employer, so naturally I do background checks on those who I hire. When I went over your application, I knew something was off so I double checked. Lo and behold, I was right."

"So why did you accept me?" I asked. I was more confused at his decision to take me in now than how he knew I was classmates with Hikigaya.

"Meh. I figured that for whatever reason you applied here, you'd be a pretty hard worker. And I was right. So I didn't do anything since you were doing the job you signed up for. But anyways, I'm getting off track. Through my research, you go to Sobu High School right? Hachiman-sama also goes there, at least that's what I could gleam from Hikigaya-dono the few times we've talked. You two are pretty close in age so I guess it was safe for me to assume you'd know each other."

I felt a tinge of embarrassment from my naivety but what surprised me the most was how observant Fujirawa-san is.

"So, you're not going to fire me?" I asked him warily. I wouldn't be surprised if he did.

"Bwahahaha! Oh my, Kawasaki-chan!" My boss laughed unceremoniously. I felt relief flood through me. "I'd be an idiot boss to let go of such an amazing employee."

My cheeks and ears once again felt warm.

"No, I'm not going to fire you." He gave me a reassuring smile. "No, in fact, think of it this way. I'm 'promoting' you."

"Promotion? Does this have to do with the 'event' that we're going to?" I squinted my eyes at him. I have a hunch that it is.

"Ah, you're sharp. Yes, it does. See, I have been meaning to look for a trustworthy individual to assist me in my business affairs. I guess you'll be my assistant manager!" Fujiwara-san beamed at me.

Assistant manager?! That's a pretty tall order for me…

"Don't worry, Kawasaki-chan. That's why I'm taking you with me tonight to see this event. It's so I can show you the ropes."

"Then, what is this event? You still haven't told me." I said so with some exasperation.

"Well, it's kind of hard to explain. But basically it's a group exclusive to certain businesses that settles disputes through organized bouts. Tonight's event is one of them. It'll be easier to show you though."

Right at that moment, the elevator let out another ding and the sliding doors opened. My eyes widened as a crowd of suited men in businessware stood around chatting idly. There looked to be at least 20, no, at least 100 people here. What's going on that has so many people here?

"Kawasaki-chan! Stay close to me!" I heard my boss call out to me. Snapping out of my stupor, I clumsily waded through the crowd.

"Hey, watch it!"

"Oi, say excuse me!"

"Sorry…" I muttered but I doubt they heard me.

As I made my way through, a hand grabbed onto my wrist and pulled me. I let out a weird yelp as I was dragged to where the offending limb came from.

"C'mon Kawasaki-chan! We got a good view, right Hikigaya-dono?" My boss let go of me as he pulled me in between him and the intimidating man beside me. I noticed some of the other men around us inch away as they gave my classmate's father an uneasy look.

"Mmm." Was all he let out. "Nice to see you so soon, Kawasaki-san."

"Ah, yeah…" I didn't know what else to say. Everything I'm experiencing right now is completely new. Who are these people? Why are they all here? What does Hachiman have to do with this? Speaking of which, where is he? This night has been nothing but questions for me.

"So Kawasaki-chan, tonight is a special night. Do you remember how Hikigaya-dono said he was finalizing a deal he was trying to make earlier?"

I nodded my head. Though I didn't know exactly what they did, I do recall Hachiman's father saying he was finishing up some small details.

"Well, tonight's event is about determining the ownership of Haisu Torakuu Logistics. Hikigaya-dono here has bidded against Onkyubo-san for the rights of the company."

"But what's the need for such a big gathering here? If Hikigaya-san and Onkyubo-san have already settled on the deal, then I don't see why so many people have come here…" I voiced out my thoughts.

Hikigaya senior and my boss looked at each other for a moment. The former's face was unreadable while the latter held an amused look.

"Yes, I would agree with you. However," I heard even louder murmuring amongst the business men surrounding us. Some looked like they were holding small pieces of papers in their hands. My boss continued. "That is all mere formalities. See, this isn't public knowledge, but most corporations here handle business differently. Remember how I said there was a group of exclusive companies that I mentioned earlier? They're called the Kigyo Organization. And in the organization, disputes are settled with fists."

My head tilted to the side. Not in confusion, moreso in absurdness at that notion. Corporations handle their business deals with their fists? As in they fight over each other like in a brawl? That just sounds plain childish.

"Huh? That sounds stupid." I frowned. Grown ass adult men who could out spend millions of yen on each other settle disputes with just a couple of punches? Tell me that how that doesn't sound dumb and wasteful. "I think it's dumb how grown adults are still fighting each other like children."

"Heh," Both my boss and I heard the small breath of air from the other man besides us. I think that's the first time I've seen Hikigaya's father express anything other than his stoicness. "That's tough coming from you, Kawasaki-san. She's a lot more blunt than I thought, eh Fujiwara-san."

Oh shit! I didn't mean to offend Mr. Hikigaya! I stiffened a bit as I remembered just who I was standing next to.

"A-ah, I didn't-" I couldn't finish my sentence as the man waved his arm in front of me, silencing me basically.

"You're not wrong." The Hikigaya patriarch said. "To some extent, this squabble between us businessmen is child's play. But it is a hell of a lot easier to get shit done than go through unnecessary formalities such as paperwork and bureaucratic approvals. Thus, the Kigyo Organization was created."

I was part relieved that Mr. Hikigaya didn't take offense to my words but I was also surprised by his change of demeanor.

"But then why are there so many people here? I'm sure not all of them are from the same company." I said.

"Ah, well on nights like these, other corporations want to see what the outcomes will be. These types of events get the blood of the businessmen pumping. People like to often place bets too, as you can see with some holding a ballot in their hands. Kigyo matches are a favorable pastime for these CEOs." Fujiwara-san told me nonchalantly.

So that's what those little pieces of papers were. And did he say CEOs? So all these men around us are big time business owners? Shouldn't they be more concerned about their own company than some quarrel between others?

But then another thought came to me…

"Um, Mr. Hikigaya, where is H-hachiman?" Damn myself! I don't know why I felt my face heat up when I mentioned my classmate's first name.

"You'll see." Was all he said. Gee, he's just like his son at school. Very cryptic.

The lights around us dimmed as a circle of spotlights highlighted a portion of ground in front of us. The murmuring of the crowd simmered down.

"Oh it's starting!" I heard my boss squealed uncharastically. I arched an eyebrow at his excitement.

"Goooood evening everyone!" A bald headed man wearing a black shirt with matching pants was standing in the middle of the lit ground. He was holding a megaphone in his hand. "Tonight is another night of an epic beatdown! With the ownership rights to Haisu Torakuu Logistics as the stake, Gaya Incorporated has challenged Nomin Company."

Loud yells of cheers erupted around us. Most of the sounds were gibberish and my ears felt like they were gonna bleed from the cacophony.

"Representing the Nomin Company, a native debuting from the infamous Kabukicho district, a brawler of brawlers who even makes thugs look like school delinquents," The announcer took a deep breath. "Busu 'Teeeekooo' Neiji!"

A light shone on a part of the crowd as the people parted to reveal an absurdly huge looking man with swelling muscles bulging from his physique. His torso was wide, and if his arms were like logs, then his legs were surely tree trunks. He looked super strong.

If I thought Mr. Hikigaya was big, this man easily dwarfs him in muscle mass alone. His head was shaved to the point that the light reflected off it. A haughty smile was on his face as he hopped lightly on his way over the makeshift arena. A clearer look and I finally notice the various tattoos all over his arms and neck.

"And coming from Gaya Incorporated, with a six and 'o win/loss record and representing the Bull Shark himself, a true dark horse on the rise from the horizon that is Chibaaaa," The announcer dragged out annoyingly. "Hachiman 'Eight Banners' Hikigayaaaaa!"

"H-Hachiman…?" I muttered dumbfoundedly. My own classmate walked into the arena, shirtless and sporting a bored expression. I'd normally blush given how muscular looking he is but I'm too shell shocked right now.

I felt my heart hitched up as a gasp left me. Hachiman is fighting?! He's like a twig compared to that oak tree of a man. What is he thinking! He's going to get seriously injured and, and worse!

I looked to the said boy's father for any explanation. I got nothing in return but the same stoicness from the indifferent man. Does this man not care about what happens to his own son?! Is he that cold hearted to let his son go out and fight a dangerous brute? My worry was choking me so much but I can't do much.

"Why is he fighting? Please tell me!" I sniffled out to Mr. Hikigaya.

My eyes were starting to water until I felt a hand gently clasp on my shoulder. I turned around to see Fujiwara-san smiling at me.

"Hachiman-sama needs your support, Kawasaki-chan." His smile widened some more. "Let's cheer with Hikigaya-dono for him!"

I looked at him for a moment before turning to look at Hachiman out in the arena. To my surprise, he was looking at me not with the same apathetic look like he normally shows, but it was more… tender. I may be too far to see, but I could barely make out a ghost of a smile on his face. I-is he trying to comfort me even if he knows he's going to get hurt badly?

For some reason, my heart clenched, aching almost. I don't know why I feel like this, but I really don't want to see Hachiman get hurt.

"Heheh, the Bull Shark's got no chance." I heard one of the men around us snicker.

"Yeh, you're right. A twig like him is gonna get snapped up by Neiji!" Another said.

Their words made a surge of anger rise through me. I was about to turn and give them a piece of my mind until a light nudge from Mr. Hikigaya broke me from my angered state. He merely shook his head at me, almost telepathically saying it's not worth the trouble. He nodded his chin back to the arena.

"Watch Hachiman, Kawasaki-san." Mr. Hikigaya said, his expression still just as blank.

Resigning to my inability to change anything, I watched Hachiman stand in front of the towering mass muscles before him.

"Okay gentleman, the rules of the fight are simple. The first to incapacitate their opponent wins, but no killing! Am I clear?" The same bald headed announcer doubled as the referee.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever ref. Hey kid, I'm gonna grind you up and spit you out!" The thuggish muscle head taunted loudly.

Hachiman simply got into his fighting stance. My hands were pretty clammy, my heartrate picked up, and my jaws were clenched pretty tightly. I was scared… but I will watch. It was the least I could do for Hachiman.

"Match… START!"

The referee backed off as soon as he gave the verbal go-ahead. And as soon as he did, the bigger man rushed towards Hachiman. A muscled right arm was cocked back as Neiji closed in.

"Haaaah!" He shouted before he brought his arm down.

I held my breath as I thought the worst had happened but instead Hachiman dodged off to his left.

"Oi, oi, oi, don't run away from me you little runt!" Neiji ran after him again with the same attack. And like last time, Hachiman dodged.

They went like this for the next few minutes. Neiji would charge and swing down. Hachiman would side step and distance himself.

"Hey, what the hell is this? Is that guy pussying out?" The same person earlier next to us whined.

"That scrawnier guy is just scared cuz he knows he's done for once Neiji clips him!" His compatriot added.

I clenched my fists tightly but I opted to ignore them and still focus on the fight. Come on, Hachiman. Please stay safe!

By now, The bigger man looked to be noticeably slower not only at running after Hachiman, but slower at throwing his punches. Hachiman on the other hand, didn't look as winded. But he was still panting, even if just lightly.

"Stop running away from me goddammit!" Neiji roared. Veins rippled through his muscular frame, his mouth frothing from the rage spilling forth from him. "I'm going to break you down so much, you're gonna wish you were never born!"

Again, Neiji briskly charged at Hachiman but this time, he had his hands outstretched. I think he's going to grab Hachiman! Realizing this, I was going to yell out to him to warn him but Mr. Hikigaya raised a hand in front of me.

"He's done for." He said.

'Who?' I wanted to ask.

Neiji was practically on top of Hachiman at this point. The muscle man extended his reach as he towered over my classmate. Even from my position, I knew Hachiman couldn't dodge fast enough to escape his grapple. My heart at this point was practically trying to burst from my chest.

As I watched, Hachiman lowered himself instead and darted inward. At least that's what I thought but he moved so fast that I couldn't see what he really did. Neiji loomed over where Hachiman was but he had stopped abruptly.

The chatter from the crowd around me died down, even the two men besides us ceased to talk. Every pair of eyes widened at the sight before us. Neiji, whose arms were still outstretched and shadowing over Hachiman, the latter who was right underneath him had his elbow lodged into the bigger man's, from what I think was, his sternum.

No one said a thing. No one even moved. That lasted for a few seconds. The first one to move though was Neiji himself. Well, he slumped onto his knees as the rest of his body fell onto the cemented floor. The referee, who was still in his own shock, was jolted out of it by the sound of the big man's body thudding onto the floor. The referee checked the downed man. He took a few seconds until he stood back up.

"N-Neiji is knocked out! Hachiman Hikigaya is the winner!"

Silence still permeated the area. Except for a few sounds. One was clapping and the other was jovially yelling.

"Yes, well done Hachiman-sama!" Fujiwara-san cheerfully. Mr. Hikigaya, although his facial expression was not much, he was clapping his hands slowly.

I can't believe it. I thought the odds were against him. But I'm glad that he came out practically unscathed. I was so stunned really that Hachiman had already closed the distance between us. As he got closer, I had a better… vantage point of his toned body.

The sweat that dripped down him shined his figure. Each muscle was well defined. His torso rippled all the chest and abdominal muscles, lines so sharp it was like it was serrated. His arms, while not huge like Neiji, was just as lithe as his abs. I never realized how hot- I mean how extremely fit he was. At school, he always wore a loose fitting uniform that looked kinda baggy on him but now I guess I know why he does.

"Oi Kawasaki, you're staring. Again." Hachiman said to me deadpanned. I blushed madly as I turned my head away from his look.

"Ahahaha! You did well out there Hachiman-sama!" My boss shamelessly and boisterously congratulated my classmate, in front the other stupefied businessmen no less. "As expected, your combat prowess is always something to marvel at."

"Oh, that? This fight was kind of boring, Fujiwara-san." Hachiman said, though he sounded disappointed.

"But still, it's quite a sight to see a young and promising man such as yourself hold up against these bigger and stronger looking men!"

"You did well, Hachiman." Mr. Hikigaya added monotonously.

"Y-yeah! I mean, yeah, you did good." I said too. "I'm glad you're fine too."

"Oh, you were worried about me?" His statement made me blush a storm again.

"No, I wasn't!"

"Really? Before the match started, you looked so jumpy."

"Shut up! Or I'll beat you up more than what that Neiji guy had to give you." I threatened him but obviously my resolve wasn't taken seriously by him. Hachiman snickered.

"Ooh, scary!"

We bickered lightly back and forth. My boss watched us both with amusement as Mr. Hikigaya still remained impassive.


"Hmm?" Both father and son turned simultaneously at the new voice. It was almost comical how both their heads turned at the same time to find the man in the formal attire standing before them, albeit with a sweatdrop.

"Oh," Hachiman realized who the man was actually referring to.

"Ahem," The man coughed awkwardly. "Er, Hikigaya-san, I just came to say congratulations on your new acquisition. You too, young Hikigaya. You did quite well against a larger foe."

The teen Hikigaya nodded carelessly while the elder responded verbally.

"Thank you, Onkyubo-san. It was a pleasure doing business with you."

"Well, I must be on my way. Take care now." With that, the man in formal attire turned and left us.

So this is what Yatsunomoto-san had said earlier about Mr. Hikigaya being a bull shark. If this is how business resources were gained and with how Hachiman goes out to fight in his father's name with no lossess, then no wonder other businessmen are so wary of him.

All four of us stood quietly as the people around us chatted away. Until Fujiwara-san broke it.

"Mmm, it's gotten quite late now. Unfortunately, I have to handle the clean-up of tonight's event."

I saw Hachiman yawned out which in turn made me want to yawn.

"Yes, you're right." Mr. Hikigaya checked his expensive looking watch. "You still have school tomorrow Hachiman."

"Uhg. Can't I just call in sick?" The younger Hikigaya groaned.

"Dummy, you'll just have more work when you come back." I scolded him.

"Can't you just take some notes for me then?" The nerve of this boy! I gave him a punch in the arm, but not too hard.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"Stop being a baby."

He grumbled. I giggled a bit at his childish reaction.

"Hikigaya-dono," Fujiwara-san called out.


"Would you mind letting Kawasaki-chan go with you guys?"

Mr. Hikigaya looked at me quickly before he replied right after.

"Of course, Fujiwara-san."

"Thanks! As always, I'll make sure to notify you of better prospects in the future! Farewell for now, Hachiman-sama, Hikigaya-dono, and Kawasaki-chan!" He bowed to us and left as well.

"Well, it's time we leave as well." Mr. Hikigaya told us. "Kawasaki-san, may you tell me what your address is?"

Hachiman and I towed right behind him as we walked towards the exit.

"Yes sir. It's…"

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