
The Golden Guardian - Godhead (Marvel/DC/Young Justice) by Solomon1984

Synopsis: The New Gods begin to search for the being whom they believe is a New God who has been sent by the Source Wall as a replacement for the White Lantern. And in doing so, they will reintroduce themselves to a galaxy which is not accustomed to Gods interfering in their affairs.

In the meanwhile, the Sentry unaware of all this, slowly builds up a presence in Earth, as both New Genesis and Apokolips, start looking for him.

All the while, the Light plots in the Dark.

Rated: T

Words: 25k

Link: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/the-golden-guardian-godhead-marvel-dc-young-justice-fusion.937143/reader/

Valmar Remarks: This has been an entertaining read so far. One thing rather unique in this case is that for perhaps the first time from my experience the MC is actively working with one of the governments of the world. He isn't overly aggressive, doesn't show sociopathic or psychotic behavior and seems to be both rational and reasonable to work with. Which is a nice change of the pace from the usual edgy "unlimited power" OP SI I'm used to seeing.

It does enough differently to draw my interest and the story itself is entertaining. Watching him fight a deranged superpowered cocaine addict empower by the God of Cocaine (this is a real thing in DC apparently, google Snowflame) was a trip... no pun intended.


Chapter 1:


The boundary enclosing all existence.

Time: Unknown

Date: Unknown

At the forefront of the great wall, two beings stood in silence, trying to gather their thoughts. One was a man clad in a blue suit and sitting on a hovering mobile chair riddled with technology of the like's unseen in the universe. The second was a tall and bearded man, clad in red and gold colored armor while wielding a staff brimming with energy and power.

"From time beyond time, we have studied this wall. Sought the secrets it contains, and any who have tried to do so, now adorn its surface as statues, assimilated to its will. Never has anything come over from the other side, and today, the wall is breached. It has released its power into this universe. I fear for the imbalance this may cause. Are you sure this is where the breach occurred, Metron?"

"You doubt me, Great Highfather?" Metron spoke out with a hint of derision, for he never deigned his knowledge to be questioned. "If you will not listen to my words, listen to his," he pointed to the Mobius chair, upon which he sat, even as a drone from the chair moved towards a figure in the wall, encased in solid stone, but the light of life still shone from its eyes.

The Highfather flew towards the creature, his eyes alight with curiosity. "Strange, I have scoured every inch of this wall over the years, yet I have never known a being such as this. He has much to say?" the Highfather questioned as he neared the creature, which had clearly gone insane by the power of the wall coursing through it.

"Unlike the other voices in the wall, he will divulge a great deal," Metron spoke out, even as a halo of light emitting from the Mobius chair enveloped the creature, and they could hear strangled whispers.

"Power … taken … Power … returned … An equal exchange … White for Gold … Power … Rings not strong enough for Gold … Too strong … Suns exploding … Millions … Balance maintained … Seven colors too weak … New color not bound … Power of a God… Unlimited Power … Yet not a God … I see you … Others see you … The Universe sees…"

"Enough! I come to seek knowledge, not inane babbling," the Highfather grunted as he pointed his scepter at the being. Tell me, has something breached the wall?" he asked gruffly, even as the creature replied back.

"Yes … in battle … the seven as one … fought and reached life … yet divided they left … and the white returned to place … and Black was banished,"

"The Seven? What Seven?" Highfather asked in curiosity, even as Metron frowned.

"Seven … the seven rings … each a color of a spectrum of life …"

"Rings … and light, you speak of the servants of the Maltusian's of Oa," the Highfather realized, even as he grew excited. "So, these servants of the Oan's breached the wall?"

"Yes … united they did … and the one who saw the truth … the white one … taken by the wall … but by taking the white inside … the wall compensated by sending the gold out … balance must be maintained…"

"But beware the gold one … cannot be manipulated … too powerful … lost in the nexus … he is in the planet of defiance…"

"He speaks no more of value, but the source speaks the truth. The wall has been breached," Metron confirmed even as Highfather considered his words.

"These lanterns … they are the ones who channel a portion of the power of the light spectrum through their rings, fashioned by those foolish Oan's, are they not?" Highfather asked a moment, to which Metron nodded.

He pressed a few buttons on his chair, and a holographic display projected itself in front of the two Gods. Figures of Green Lanterns, Yellow Lanterns, Black Lanterns and others. The Highfather could see all the colors of a rainbow and more represented in the pictures.

"What do you know of these Lanterns?" Highfather asked as New Genesis had deigned to deal with the Maltusian's, deeming them as mortals, and focusing their attention solely on Apokolips and Darkseid. Thus, his knowledge on Oa and the Lanterns was lacking.

"Mortals … they have learned to harness the energy from the spectrum of light, and wield them through rings, each corresponding to a particular emotion. The Maltusian's have anointed themselves as 'The Guardians of the Universe' and run a peacekeeping force manned by their servants who wield the green light of the spectrum and act as universal peacekeepers and law enforcers … though they have not always been successful in that endeavor," Metron spoke out, even as the holographic display showed the entire history of the Oan's learning of the spectrum of light, to their manufacturing the first rings … and the formation of the Green Lantern Corps … and the ensuing major struggles they found themselves in.

Highfather grunted in annoyance and derision, "Pretentious fools, the only ones who have the right to declare themselves as the guardians of the universe are The New Gods of New Genesis who have existed since the time of creation itself. These mortals clearly know not the power they wield. If those rings allowed those lanterns to pass through the wall, it means that they possess a power that can bring down Apokolips. You find that amusing?"

"No more amusing than the fact that a bunch of such mortals once repelled Darkseid, by even managing to wound him in battle. A victory that has so far eluded you," Metron spoke out austerely, even as the Mobius chair showed a battle between the forces of a planet, among them a couple of lanterns included, united against the forces of Apokolips, and prevailing against them, by wounding Darkseid himself, an astounding feat by any means, even as his forces fled by taking him to safety.

The eyes of the Highfather focused intensely as he looked at the scene, and in that gaze, Metron could sense faintly for a fraction of the smallest time, a hint of envy.

"When was this?" Highfather asked quietly, even as he burned the details of that planet into his eyes.

"Hmm … Roughly about three hundred thousand galactic years ago," Metron replied, even as Highfather considered it.

"Hmm … that is when he stopped the war with New Genesis and we entered a state of cold war … I had wondered about the cause … but I did not expect this," Highfather admitted, even as Metron nodded.

"Ever since this defeat," Metron spoke out, "The only one that he has suffered, which is known as 'The Tale of Defiance' in Apokolips. Long has Darkseid has searched for that planet, to return and claim vengeance, but somehow some otherworldly force has prevented him from returning to that place," Metron spoke while Highfather stilled. Both of them knew that there was only one thing powerful enough to hide something from Darkseid. And the two of them were standing right in front of it. Neither of them spoke for a minute.

"Then we must find it before he does. If the denizens of that planet managed to repel Apokolips, then they are worthy enough to be brought under the banner of New Genesis," Highfather declared on the spot, even as Metron considered his words.

"The being that has passed through the wall is on that planet, and Darkseid searches for it as well. Perhaps there is prudence in your words. Eventually Darkseid will find that planet. You and I know this. Better that we take it in our fold before that happens. However, I believe the Oan's might object to such a move," Metron warned, while Highfather scoffed.

"Then they will have to contend with the real guardians of the universe. I can only hope that they are that foolish," Highfather scoffed, even as Metron nodded in agreement.

"We return to New Genesis. The fleet must be assembled. I shall travel to this planet personally and take its measure. I assume you know where it is?" Highfather asked, to which Metron shook his head.

"The power that shields this planet from the eyes of Darkseid, shields it from us as well," Metron spoke out, to which Highfather growled.

"Do not play your wiles on me, Metron! You have knowledge of this battle that defeated Darkseid himself, something that even I did not know! And now you claim to not know where the said planet resides? Do not take me for a fool!"

"It is not I, but the chair that knows, Highfather," Metron calmly spoke as he pointed to the Mobius chair. "And as you well know, the chair is powered by the Source, what I know is what I am permitted to know, no more, no less."

Highfather growled in annoyance but conceded the point.

"But all is not lost," Metron pointed out, "As we saw, that planet has a presence of these Green Lanterns. So, it must be presumed that the Oan's possess the co-ordinates of this planet. All we need to do is compel these Maltusian's to show us the way."

"So be it, the chance for victory over Apokolips is nigh. I will not let these so-called Guardians stand in my way," Highfather declared, even as both of them flew back to New Genesis.

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On a balcony in the tallest tower of the largest palace in New Genesis, a blond-haired man, wearing a full-sleeved orange shirt and black slacks was standing still, and observing the skies.

"How long will the old man take?" he grumbled, when suddenly he heard a loud booming sound and instantly perked up.

"Finally," he breathed in relief even as he rushed past others towards the area from where the sound of the boom tube emanated.

As he rushed towards the Highfather and Metron, Highfather looked at him and shook his head at the overeager look on the young man's face.

"The only thing that outdoes your rage is your insolence, Orion, my son," Highfather spoke out, while Metron chuckled.

"You are back," Orion spoke out, "Tell me, that we are going back to battle with Darkseid," he almost pleaded with Highfather who shook his head with a sigh of melancholy.

"I sometimes wonder, if your lust for battle can ever be tamed," Highfather grumbled even as he and Metron walked ahead.

As they walked through the halls, they could see young New Gods being trained everywhere, for the final conflict against Apokolips.

"Patience, Orion, the embers of war will soon re-ignite and you will fight in a war of the likes never seen before. I have foreseen it," Metron spoke out, to which Orion scoffed.

"The only thing I can see for certain is that you always have your own agenda, egghead," Orion snarked, even as he rushed in behind Highfather.

"Enough boy! We have matters to discuss. Assemble the council," Highfather ordered, and soon the council chamber was filled with the generals and leaders of New Genesis.

One of the generals strode forward, "What news do you bring from the wall, Great Highfather? Are we going to war at last with Apokolips?"

"Indeed Uggha, I have communed with the source and found new knowledge," Highfather spoke out and waved his scepter as he projected the images from his thoughts.

"A single planet amongst the universe has done the impossible and achieved something that even we, the Gods of New Genesis have failed to do. They have defeated Darkseid and cast him out of their planet," Highfather spoke out even as he projected the scenes of that battle to the shell-shocked audience.

"Silence, let me speak," Highfather continued. "I have communed with the source wall, and have learned that the impossible has happened, and the wall has been breached. As you all know, New Genesis has removed itself from the affairs of the mortal worlds. Perhaps that was a mistake. The mortals have inadvertently learned to tap into the greatest power of the universe. They have learned to harness the power of the spectrum of light. By channeling this power through rings, they have sought to establish order in the mortal world, but they have failed. That is to be expected as these mortals do not know what power they wield. However, what is known is that during a great battle recently, all the wielders of the various rings of colors gathered and through that union, the most powerful of them all was born. A white ring, and a white lantern who wielded it," Highfather spoke out as an image of Kyle Rayner of Earth was projected.

"That is … you have found it," whispered Orion in total shock at what he was seeing, "The Life Equation … the one thing that can stop Darkseid's Anti-Life Equation!"

"No," Highfather shook his head, "The Life Equation is too powerful to be wielded by anyone, even by Gods. There is a reason why even Darkseid is able to wield only a portion of the Anti-Life Equation and not in its entirety. The White Lantern has passed through the wall and he is lost to us," Highfather shook his head.

"However," Metron spoke out, "The Source must maintain balance in the universe. That is its nature. A white lantern wielding the life equation was taken in, and to maintain balance, the source has released a power of equal value in the universe. A New God of Life has been born, though he is still yet to ascend to his divinity and is sealed in his mortal form. Yet, that alone makes him the most powerful mortal in the universe. He must be retrieved and aided in ascending and finally we will have a God capable of countering Darkseid," Metron finished, while Highfather nodded in agreement.

"Then we must retrieve him without delay. He will be lost, unsure of what he is and alone, we must bring him back to his home and rightful place in New Genesis! Father, allow me, and the Divine Guard will set out at once," Orion insisted, even as the others in the council echoed his words.

"And we will, my son," Highfather nodded, "However, he has been sent to the same planet which defied Darkseid, and the Source has seen fit to shield that planet from the eyes of all Gods. That includes both Apokolips and New Genesis, and we know not where it is. But there is a mortal organization which purports itself to be the guardian of the universe. We shall travel to Oa and compel these mortals to lead the way to that planet. Now, we no longer have to man the borders of the entire universe. I can sense it. The final battle will be fought on that planet. Darkseid will return there to claim vengeance, but this time he will find that entire solar system manned by the armies of New Genesis! All planets in that system and galaxy will be brought under the banner of New Genesis and the fate of the universe will be decided in that unknown planet. We shall leave as soon as the armies are marshalled. Assemble the fleets!" Highfather ordered as raucous cheers could be heard everywhere.

Unknown to them all, the being they sought was currently sitting in the jungles of the Amazon, in Planet Earth, wondering what had happened to him.

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"What do I do?" I asked myself even as I considered my options. As of ten minutes ago, I became ONE the most powerful beings in this universe, just by existing, if my understanding of my current situation was right. Wordlessly, I began to contemplate about the implications of my newfound powers, and what it meant, it really meant, if I was being allowed to wield them in full. And for a good reason, I chuckled, looking at the bullshit array of abilities at my disposal.

Superhuman speed, strength, agility, reflexes, stamina, near-invulnerability, molecular manipulation, Immortality, self-sustenance, energy blasts, and more among others. It looked more like a bullshit wish-fulfilment list of the highest order, and I suspected that the creators of my character had a bit of envy on how Superman was designed and had tried to one-up him in the most outlandish way possible.

And that was the point, my character was meant to be in a different universe. The Marvel Universe, and I had found myself in the DC Universe of all things. Which should not have been possible.

I began to contemplate the consequences of what my existence portended to Earth. Above all else, my presence would break the concept of power and balance among the various nations in Earth, and irrational fear and paranoia would grip the politicians across all spectrums who would race to develop a deterrent against me.

However, the Justice League was present in force on Earth. And yes, I had the power to go toe-to-toe against Superman who was very real here. The debates in my old world had been endless. Superman had always been held as the benchmark to see which character was more powerful. The net had been rife with flaming wars over who was stronger. Superman or Goku, Superman or Galactus, Superman or Thanos, Superman or Darkseid, Superman or Silver Surfer, these lists were endless. Well, here was a new one. The Sentry vs Superman. Result: Unknown, and I had every intention of keeping it that way.

Then, there was the potential fallout that my presence would create. The governments of Earth were in a love-hate relationship with the Justice League. They loved the fact that the Justice League existed to protect them. They hated the fact that they had no control over them. How they would react to someone who was more powerful than the entire Justice League combined was something that I had no wish to discover.

This was not even excluding how others like the Guardians or the New Gods, or even Apokolips for that matter, would react to my presence. No Green Lantern or any Lantern for that matter was my match, of that I was certain. Not even Jordan with his plot armor bullshit.

As of now, the only ones who could potentially be a threat to me would be Darkseid, Highfather, the Source Wall and the entities of the Light Spectrum, maybe. And of course, Superman, with his universal plot armor. I was not sure if the baggage with my abilities had come along, and I was not in a mood to test that out right now. If my characters alter-ego was also sent along for the ride, then I could pose a greater threat than Darkseid. As soon as I realized that, for a second my heart rate quickened and I began to heave and take deep breaths.

Slowly, after what seemed like hours, I managed to calm down, and once the panic had subsided, I sat down to think on what to do next. Now, my options were limited. I could go for the hidden identity thing, but that would be impossible, as sooner or later, I would be found out. Or, I could go with the open identity route, with full public presence like Wonder Woman. It had its benefits as well as drawbacks. But regardless of whatever positions I took, panic with regards to my presence was a guaranteed fact. So, it was better to initiate contact on my terms, and to avoid mass hysteria. So, what I had to do was to avoid coming into the notice of the Justice League, which meant establishing myself in a place away from America.

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Casa de Nariño, Official Residence and Principal Workplace of the President of Colombia


"Mr. President, please do not panic. I mean you no harm," I spoke out to the panicking man who was looking terrified at my presence.

"Who …. What … Who are you?" President Uribe asked in a panic trying to calm himself even as his hand went to the panic button on his desk.

"Calm yourself, Mr. President, I mean you no harm and do remove your hands from that button," I spoke out even as I used my aura to calm the panicking man down into a reasonable state.

"I am known as The Sentry, and I am here to make you and your government an offer you cannot refuse," I spoke out as the President looked surprised and mortified at the same time.

"Now, shall we discuss business?"