

A lovely couple, that love each other to extent and have everything they want in their life, two amazing kids and a lovely family to support. But what will happen when one doesn't have enough time left ..... Lee Xiao, a business tycoon comes from a very rich family. Married to his love of life and have two children who means the world to him have everything in his life but a situation come and change everything but he stuck when his wife put a condition in front of him that's of a second marriage. Bei Jiyun, a daughter of a millionaire and sister of Hayun , Xiao's wife a very self independent women, a world known fashion designer happen to get into a marriage proposal by his parents especially her sister request to marry her sister's husband. Will she able to live as second wife to someone. How will these three lives will change when fate will knot them together. Will Lee Xiao be able to give his love to his second wife or keep loving his first one. Will his children accept their stepmom. "I pronounce you husband and wife..." " I'm . sorry but I'm not able to love you..." " Am I only your responsibility.. nothing else.." " You're not our mother... she's dead.. you're nothing to us.." " I love you... even though you don't.." " She's my second wife... but always will be my last love..." How will Jiyun will cope up with her new life challenges and win the heart of her new family. Join the journey of love, emotions, angst, drama and much more.. Happy Ending... ______________ Hii lovlies.. I'm Anshi, it's my first work on webnovel.. please support me.. Hope you guys like my books.. Enjoy... borahae.. Anshi... _____________

anshi_panchal · 现代言情
1 Chs

CHAPTER 1 Found.



Singapore, being an very developed country in the world with amazing things all around.

Many personalities of business world associate from here and in them there's a name of Lee Xiao, a business tycoon who took after his father's company and bring it to new heights.

He's a family man with a beautiful wife and two children, they are his world for them he can get killed and kill anyone. He's very reserved person only kind and humble to his family no one else.

Right now he's in a celebration party of his brother in law that's his wife's brother enjoying his time with his beautiful wife , Lee Hayun.

Hayun is talking to her friends when suddenly she felt pain in her chest, she hold her breath and took deep breath for a while thinking it will make the pain go away but rather than that it starts paining more.

" Hayun... hey are you ok.. Hayun.." she felt like her surrounding are getting dark and the last thing she heard was her husband shouting her name.

Hayun open her eyes and look around the surrounding," wh . what happened.." she whispered and look for someone in the room.

" oh.. Mrs Lee, you're up.. your family is waiting for you." the nurse leave to call her family.Hayun felt chest pain and thought why so suddenly this occurs.

" yun... babe you ok..," Xiao came running inside behind him his mother and brother.

" yeah .. I'm .. I'm good... what happened..?" she asked. Xiao look at her with nervous gaze and Hayun felt something wrong.

" mom.. what happened.. what did doctor said.. I'm ok to go home right... " she look at everyone.

" Yes... dear , you're ok .. Xiao is just tensed about your health nothing else... " Hayun smile and caress her husband hand.

" it's ok.. darling.. I'm ok.. now.. yeah. " she assured him. Xiao nods and hug her hiding his tears behind his smile for her wife.

" Mom . stay with her , I'll just talk to doctor about her discharge.. hmm.. I'll be back.. " Hayun felt something wrong but her mother in law distracted her well till time.

Xiao brother comes outside and saw him looking devastated.

Xiao doesn't know what to do .. how can he let something like this happen. Everything was ok just in the morning but now he's here with a biggest shock in his life.

" Xiao.. everything will be ok... what did doctor said.. huh.. " he ask and Xiao who always been the strong and backbone of their family break down hugging his brother close .

" Yin... doc.. doctor he.. he is lying... yin" Yin look at his brother in shock and pat his back.

" bro... what happened.. is .. is everything ok .. Hayun.. she's ok right? " Xiao crying shakes his head and tell him everything what doctor said to him .



Xiao is sitting in the senior doctor cabin who took in his wife under observation after she fainted suddenly.

Dr. Min is checking the report that came out after checking Hayun.

Xiao is confused why he's taking so much time .

" Dr.. what happened.. the report came normal right.. there's no problem right with my wife.. is there..? " Dr min. come and sat on the chair , signs looking at Lee Xiao.

" Mr Lee, was your wife got admitted in hospital before too..? " he question.

" I'm.. no.. she didn't " Dr nods and put the file of the report in front of him. Xiao took them and read what's inside but only one highlighted point stuck in his mind.

He look at the doctor with wide eyes.

" Th.. this... wha.. " he wasn't able to form words . Doctor took the report back , and state.

" Mr lee, listen to me carefully now what I'm going to say.. please stay calm..." Xiao mind stop working, only the results are going in his mind.


" Mr Lee, it's hospital there's other patients here as well... so It would be helpful if you sit down and talk calmly... " Dr. Min say with a stern voice.

Xiao apologies and sat down.

" So as I was saying, your wife mind got a blockage in it... and it's rapidly increasing... because of that it's symptoms started showing now.. and it will increase as days passing.. " Xiao got emotional hearing it. His love is going through a lot and he didn't even have an idea about it.

" doc.. doctor isn't there any way to stop it... there must be one.. right! " he ask in desparate voice.

" There is ... a surgery to be honest.. but in these cases Mr Lee, the success percentage is very less... no doctor can give assurance for a successful surgery.. because the clot is forming a very big space between the other organs in her mind... " there goes Xiao last hope maybe.

" I can take her to other countries... there must be many doctors who can do it right... " he argued but doctor shaje his head no.

" You can take anywhere. but Mr Lee, she doesn't... I'm sorry to say this but she doesn't have much time left.." with that a tear drop from Xiao's eyes and doctor left after patting his back.

He kept sitting there , in silence every memory coming in from of his eyes , their love , their marriage, their lovley kids everything.

" How could you do this.. god .. HOW COULD YOU.. HO.. HOW .." he cries in pain keeping his hand on his heart .



Yin felt helpless seeing his brother this broke. As both the brothers are sitting next to each other a nurse inform them to complete hospital formalities before discharging.

" You go to sister in law... I'll make them done.." Yin left and Xiao wipes his eyes and make himself presentable to go infront of his wife .

The Lee family left from the hospital but no one utter a word of sadness to Hayun taking look at her health right now, they decided to let Xiao break the news to her

" Mumma.... are you ok.. we were waiting for you and dad..." Their 5 years old daughter said .

Hayun smiles and nods .

" Mom are you ok ... dad didn't let us come with him ..." their 12 years old son said kissing his mother's head.

" I'm good my babies... no worry ok.." she assure them and Xiao kept looking at the adorable site in front of him . Oh how will their innocent kids will react when their mother will be no longer with them.

" we love you mumma..." They both said together.

" And I love my babies too... very much.. always remember this.. ok.." that took Xiao attention as he look at his wife face and he might be wrong but there's so much pain in her eyes with too much love.

" Mumma.. loves you too.." she hug her kids close to her heart and bite a sob back . Looking at her love she smiles and forward a hand to him telling him to join the hug , Xiao smiles and engulf all three of his lives in his arms.

" I love all of you a lot... you are my world... all three of you..." he kiss their forhead one by one.

" we love you to Dada .." his daughter said , his son following her sister words.

" I love you darling..." Hayun said and peck his lips .

Please make this forever... don't take them away from me .... thought Hayun.

Please don't take her away from me... pray Xiao.


So hey lovlies..

please support me..

and more drama to come..

see you guys in next chapter..

till then take care ..

see yaa..
