

Phoenix's POV

Once we got home I headed to one of the cells below with Winter, Nikesh, and Ethan trailing behind me. Olivia went upstairs because she was tired.

Beofe we saw her we pulled on our masks and Cape on, putting the hood over and covering our scents. I put my guns and knives on my hoister before we went to the cell.

We got to the cell I opened it up. I hit my gun against the silver bars.

"Rise and shine sleepy head." I said while waving my gun around.

The figure stood up. She stepped into the light. I looked her dead in the eyes. She had blonde hair, green eyes, tan skin, and wore blue jeans and a white lab coat.

"Hello." I said smiling a sickly smile.

"Who are you? What am I doing here? My alpha and Luna will find me. And when they do, they will take no mercy on you!" she spat out.

We laughed. She looked so confused. That made me laugh even more. Once we died down we stared at her straight in the eyes.

" You are here Rebecca Smiths because you have done very bad things. As for your Alpha and Luna, they won't find you." I paused.

She looked so confused and lost.

"In FACT, they know you are here with us. And quite frankly, they don't care." I said with venom.

"No, that's impossible! The Luna will find me! I know it! I'm her best friend!" she yelled not believing anything that I'm saying.

"tsk, tsk, tsk. You mean, ex-best friend." Winter corrected her.

"You have broken your Lunas trust," Nikesh said.

"We know what you have been doing Rebecca. I mean, how could you? How could you betray your own pack? Your best friend? Your alpha?" I asked angrily.

"Please. Please don't kill me. I'll do anything you ask, just please don't kill me" she pleaded.

"Anything?" Ethan asked curiously.

"Yes. Anything. Please just don't kill me." she pleaded again.

I smirked. Well then. Nikesh and Ethan grabbed Rebecca and moved her to the 'Interrogation room' and strapped her to a metal chair. It had little silver but still effective to put a wolf down.

" Now. Tell us everything you know about the rouges your working with?" Ethan said getting to the point.

She paled. She stayed silent not saying a word. A raised an eyebrow.

"You said you'd do anything we ask you, only to not kill you. Are you going back on your word? " I asked

She paled even more.

"N-no. I'm n-not." she stuttered.

"Then, tell us all you know about the rouges you've been working with." Nikesh said darkly.

"They are here on personal reasons." she finally said.

"What personal reasons?" Ethan asked

"They want the alpha dead." she said quietly.

"Why?" I asked blandly.

"He stole the love of his life away. The king of the rouges. He's using me to get close to the alpha and Luna." she said sadly.

"And tell us, who is this King of rogues lover?" Nikesh asked seriously.

She sighed before saying

"The Luna. Luna Evie," she said.

I nodded my head. I went out of the room, got a glass of water and some fruits. I walked back in with the glass and food in my hands.

"You can eat and drink this at the end, when you tell us all the information we need to know. Got that?" I said to her.

She nodded her head.



"What do the rouges want with Luna Evie?" Ethan asked.

"They are simply here to take her to the rouge King and kill her mate, son and pack." she replied honestly.

"What are you in all this?" Winter asked

"I'm the inside spy among others. I collect the data they need." she said looking at all of us.

"Who else is an inside spy?" I asked

She sighed.

"There are only 4 more running around the pack. The doctor, Doctor Hayes. One of the pack trainers, Jacob Sanders, Two teenagers named Ashley James, and the girl who was standing up to an Alphas daughter that came to train the pack, Ridley Summers." she said thoughtfully.

" They are the inside spy's other than myself. " she continued.

I nodded my head. I looked at Winter and nodded slightly. She walked to Rebecca and unstrapped one hand. I walked to her and handed her the glass of water. She took it and drank half of it, giving me the cup I push the bowl of friuts to her.

She grabbed a few grapes and a few slices of mangoes. I walked away with the bowl and cup. I placed it back on the table and starting Interrogating her again.

"Why did you and the others become a spy for the rouges?" Winter asked.

She paled a little. Staying silent as if she were remembering something, before a tear slipped down her face. She breathed heavily before answering.

"It's not like I want to do this willingly like the others. The others want the destruction of this pack. I just want my mate back. My baby back." she said tears streaming down her face even more.

"Why did they take your mate and baby?" Winter asked a little soft.

"They needed someone really close to the Alpha and Luna. Someone who knew their plans and weaknesses. The others couldn't get it. Ridley was close because of her relationship with the alpha and lunas son." said said. Slowly the tears were calming down.

So they took this womens mate and baby all for their own gain!? That's sick.

" Ok. Now one last question before determining what to do with you. "I said to her.

She nodded her head.

" When and where will they attack? "I asked her

" In 3 weeks, on the Alpha and Lunas anniversary," she said.

I nodded.

'What should we do with her?' I asked them in the mindlink.

'I think we can use her to our advantage.' Winter said.

'What do you mean?' Ethan said.

'Think about it. She isn't doing this for nothing, she's cooperating with them so that she can have her mate and baby again. We can use her as our own spy.' Winter explained.

'Ok keep going.' Nikesh said.

'Ok. We inject her with an untraceable tracker, we can hear, see and know where she is. On that note, we know what the rouges are planning. When the attack happens, two of us will get her mate and baby while the attack happens. It will be easy. In and out. Most of the rouges will be fighting.' Winter explained.

' Great plan Winter. ' I complimented her.

We nodded at each other. Rebecca looked at us scared.

"You're not gonna kill me right?" she said fearful.

"No," I said plainly.

Winter grabbed the gun and walked towards her. Rebecca started crying.

"Wh-what are you doing?" she said fearful.

Winter forcefully grabbed her neck and tilted it on the side before putting the tracker in her. Winter moved away from her.

"You will continue to contact the rouges the same way. You will make up false information to give them, on the day of the attack, two of us will infiltrate the rouges campsite where your mate and baby are being held. Once we recover them, they will safely return to you. " I paused.

" As for the Alpha and Luna, we will ask them to leave you be, and only to trust the friendship you have with the Alpha and Luna. Is that understood? " Nikesh continued for me.

She nodded her head.

" But what did one of you inject me with? " she asked.

"something that will ensure that you will not betray us." Ethan said to her.