
My Red Queen

She is a walking iceberg apparently. Then another iceberg came and become her husband. Both heir of the powerful company have secrets. Both living a double life. What will happen now?

Claryn_AS · 青春言情
25 Chs

Unveiling the truth pt. 2

After being greeted by Butler Gu, we were welcomed in to this luxurious mansion. I feel strange in this place. Lucas on the other hand doesn't look too good. He looks… anxious. He looks pale. Then, something hit me in the guts. A very very bad feeling. Just the feelings that I got and I don't know what. If it's what I think it is, we're in big trouble. Big trouble. Than a loud thud was heard from the third floor. Oh no… what is it? The a screamed was heard by the maids. "Young Master! Young Master Lee! Young Master Lee has fainted! Help! Help!" The maid keep screaming for help. With a fast dialed, we called the ambulance.

Arriving at the hospital, Young Master Lee was brought to the ER. We waited for 3 hours of operation. Thank God he was okay. The following day, we return to found Young Master Lee was eating. His glare really brought shivers down my spine, "Why are you here?! You still dare to show your face?! And who are YOU?! Mind your goddamn business woman! Get out! All of you!" He shouted as he throws his fork to us. We hurriedly return outside. Butler Gu comes with more meds and his personal items. "Greeting Young Master and Madam Maxwell. Good to see you. Have you.. met with Young Master?" He said as he gives us a polite bow, "Yes butler… and.. we deserve the 'bitter fork' from him," Lucas said as he lowered his head. Butler Gu just smiled warmly and shook his head, "You must end it. This misunderstanding must end. You both hurt each other in all ways."

Hearing that Lucas body stiffened. I felt him gripping my hand tight. I just hold his hand back giving him reassurance. "Butler Gu, please help us," as I pleaded, Butler Gu cut me short. "I will Young Madam and look at this, something to remind us of our old bond that should not be broken." He said as he hand over a picture frame of Lucas and Zeroin Lee. They both looks very cute and dazzling she thought to herself. A cute hubby she did have.

"I will have a word with the young master now. Please excuse me." Butler Gu left them for a half an hour. Return from the room, Butler Gu smile warmly at both the Maxwell couple. "He will see you now. For young madam, I suggest that you waited outside. They really need sometime to themselves," said Butler Gu as he halt Lexi from entering. "Oh that's fine," she said as she understand. Butler Gu offers a chit chat to Lexi so she won't feel lonely and bored. Butler Gu can't help but feel happy and proud for his young master, especially Lucas, for growing up well and matured completely, he also find himself a beautiful, kind, smart, and a hot spicy wife.

While Lucas enters the room with his head low. "So you come.. after all this time Lucas. Now, what are you going to say? The old "I'm sorry" or "it's not my fault, you should respect woman!" talk, ey?" If you're here to point out that you are living a great life and I'm living the life of a fool, the get the hell out. I don't want to talk to a traitor. A friend.. no, an acquaintance that betrays his buddy. What kind of 'friend' is that?", Zeroin speak mockingly. Lucas just bear with it as it was his fault. It's a consequence he needs to bear so he thought. But one sentence broke him out of those patience. "You have a wife now right? Bet that she's just a normal whore who'll betray you. A gold digging bitch that's going to ruin you. Your karma! I'll just wait for the ne- HMMM" he was cut short as Lucas was stopping him from talking by covering his mouth. "Don't talk about my wife like that. I know I'm in the wrong BUT you don't have the RIGHT to say that to my wife. She is my wife who I love dearly. Not even my best friend can say that about her! Understand?" As Lucas said that with his piercing eyes, he can't feel but betraying him more. "Oh… look at you… bewitched aye? I see.. you have a weakness after all. You have a heart I see." Zeroin can't help but smile weakly. Feeling disappointed. "Zeroin… for the mistake that I have in the past, I regret it. I wanna apologize, but don't involve my wife. I will… take responsible for the past." Lucas said as he hold Zeroin hand, pleasingly. "You had someone you loved, WHERE'S MINE?! You took her from me! She died because of you! If you wouldn't save that bitch, SHE SHOULD BE ALIVE! Sylvia would still.. be.. by my side.. " Zeroin started to tear up. "I trusted you but what? You saved that monster and she killed my Sylvia! You saved that bitch because of what?! Your mom left you at such young age?! You feel bad for her?! I.. am disappointed." Zeroin throw his face away as he started to teared up. "Zeroin, I.. know that you feel disappointed but I'm going to tell you my side of the story. Just listen to me for a while ok?" Zeroin just looked away, but for his dear best friend, he's still willing to listen. A strong bond they have right? "30 minutes are all you have. Wisely used it." Lucas can't help but smile weakly to his friend. "Thank you, and I'll speak now. Yes for the past, i thought that you are a spoiled brat for hating your mom. I always envied you for having a loving mom. I never thought that my naive past would hurt you. I never had a mother, since young, at the age of 5, she left us. I never knew her warmth. When i got the choice to save her, I thought you can talked to your mom and made up, thinking you can fix your relationship. But I didn't expect she would shoot Sylvia just because she think Sylvie changed her son. I'm too naive… I'm sorry. I know I can't change or turn back the time but… here." Lucas took the photo beside them, and show it to Zeroin, "I missed this. I would do anything to fix it. I apologize, for everything. I would request peace. I known you hate me, so I will leave now. Take care and get well soon buddy. I will take my leave now Ion." As Lucas was about to step out, Zeroin pulled him in for a hug. "I'm sorry, I know you didn't mean it it's just that.. I can't cope with her death. It's also my fault to say that. I shouldn't have said bad about your mom. I'm sorry Luke…" Zeroin cried in Lucas embrace. Both mean cried. "I forgive you Lucas, and can you forgive me? I miss the old us. Our bond should be stronger than this…" Lucas just can't help but smiled and sniff hard, "*sniff* it's ok buddy. I also forgive you. Also, GET BACK TO BED! -_- " Lucas demanded on irritated voice. Then they laugh it off. "By the way, you should meet my wife. You will like her. You guys actually quite familiar!" Lucas said proudly. Zeroin can't help but smirk to his friend. "Ohh.. it looks like buddy has hit tamer… I would loved her. Where is sis-in-law? She must be lovely and… hot. *wink*" Lucas can't help but glare. "You…" Then Lexi's voice broke out.

Author's note: I'm sorry guys as I've been sick for quite a while. I need to save myself. I have been down, and my mental health is in chaos. So many death, guilt, and anxious-ness have been distracting me. Life is not on my side rn. I'm also sick. Hopefully you can understand. Sorry for the inconvenience. Love you all! ❤️