
Because you are my sister-in-law and my family

"Me? Do you really think I am capable of doing something like that?" He asked her with a head shake.

"How would I know? I have only met you like what two times now? Also, the first time we could not even interact much... All I heard was your screams when you ran behind the car..." She mumbled and rolled her eyes at him.

"I am saying that it must be Adrian! Now that I think about it, it was all his master plan from the start. He even forced me to kidnap Tina and also look at the way, he used that as an excuse to bring you here… Don't you think it's all scary?" He said while pretending to be scared of the whole situation.

He even shivered to prove that he was extremely traumatized thinking about it. Dina scratched her head as she found that Adrian's cousin was more dramatic than Mike.