
My Power Was Useless Until I Met You

Akira, a 25 year old young man, finds his life completely changed after he cooks ramen for a rich old man who has a death wish. Akira not only finds out about his superpowers by granting the old man's death wish, he also finds out that the demon in his head wasn't only real but has also taken an unavoidably handsome form now. Deciding to open a Ramen shop in service of lonely people (to honour the old man's dying wish), he suddenly finds many friends in a world that has never been kind to him. With three powerhouse females, Himawari the organizer, Asuka the head of hospitality and Lilly the torturing security head along with his best friend Toru, Akira sets out to do good in the world to repent for his sins. But he is stuck with the handsome demon who takes over the counter and won't be moved. If you want to indulge in unlikely friendships, shocking romances and mysteriously unfolding plots, then this is the book for you!

Kalashalini · 都市
7 Chs

My 7 Day Memory Fog and a Dead Man Missing

Akira was not one who was hungry for wealth. There is, nevertheless, no denying that money had just made Akira's life comfortable. He got new shoes, some modest clothing, a haircut and something he always wanted to buy. A bicycle. Does he care about where the money came from? Not tonight. He even went back to the dispenser and bought those noodles. 

Loud banging noises on the door

" Toru! Open up, it's me Akira." Akira waits for Toru's reply. Minutes pass with no response. " I have food" Akira hears footsteps of a giant man approaching the door as he said this. " Akira, so they didn't fire you I am so happy! Come take your stuff from my place, they must have been very angry when they threw it out." Toru says to Akira as he opened the door. They both go inside but Toru begins to feel something is strange about Akira. Akira and Toru sit down in the heated Kotatsu. Toru stares at Akira with a blank face, mouth open. Otherwise handsome, at this moment Toru resembles a crushed dango. He watches in amazement as Akira takes out not one, but four packs of noodles. He doesn't stop there, to Toru's amazement, he goes on to to take out four bottles of Sake and places them on the table. Toru thinks that he has reached his limit to be amazed but Akira goes on to take out a jumbo box of chicken wings. At this point Toru has crawled to the wall behind him with his eyes and mouth wide open. "Akira.... Akira... how did you buy all this.." Toru seemed to be in a daze. Akira was smiling proudly, readying himself up to hear some thanks and praise. "did you.. did you steal this?" said Toru. Akira said, "no I bought it at the store." This statement Pushed Toru off the edge. Now that he took a closer look, Akira has gotten a clean haircut, he was wearing a clean T-shirt, he looked towards the coat hanger near the door and saw that his jacket was brand new. Akira, to put Toru out of his misery, took out his phone and opened a message from the chat and placed the phone on the table in front of him. Toru approached the table, slightly crouching forward to view this message. He saw the remaining balance message on Akira's phone and sat down. "where did you get all this money from?" asked Toru. By this time Akira had boiled some water and was pouring it into the noodle bowls to prepare food. After he finished he said " I didn't think about that" then there was silence.

Toru and Akira were now eating in silence, opening a bottle of sake and pouring for each other. Akira was by no means dumb. He was always thoughtful, sharp and well-mannered. Toru had grown up with Akira, once they went to the same private schools together when they were just five and once he saw Akira abandoned by his parents and grandparents who ran away after running a fraud company scam in the neighbourhood. Toru watched how by the years, Akira's duplex home which was beside Toru's, a somewhat luxury to the middleclass, was auctioned away by the banks, the furniture, antics and even Toru's things were given away. How Akira's merciless Aunt came in and took responsibility to raise the child. Toru could see that Akira wanted a few hours to just live with dignity and peace. He didn't want to think whose money it was and Toru wasn't going to take this moment of peace away from his best friend.

" This sake is the best I've had in a while" said Akira. Toru poured himself another glass, " you've never had sake before." he said. " That's true as well" Akira replied. There was such a comfort in eating the hot food and warm sake on a snowy day. The dream was over and time had run out, although well spent, reality was waiting to be acknowledged now. " We'll trace back your steps, that way we can find some clues" said Toru as he set up the dishes that Akira handed to him after washing. " Ah that's a great idea. Let's leave for that mansion tomorrow morning I know someone who can help us out. It's strange, I don't remember anything from the past 7 days. Let'ss wake up early tomorrow" Akira replied, as he went into the bath. " I never said that you could crash here" Toru mumbled to himself as he brought out the spare futon. 

Akira came out of the shower and dropped into a warm bed. Toru made his bed on the other side of the room. As they were both falling asleep, Akira said "Toru, I don't know why but I have been feeling like I have done something terrible to someone but I can't seem to remember what happened. The guilt in Akira's voice was deep enough to trouble Toru. He didn't say anything.

The next morning they were standing at the gates of the mansion. Before they could even ring the bell, the guards opened the gates and greeted Akira. Toru felt this was strange. They went ahead and walked through fresh gardens of roses and fountains and birdhouses. " How did you get here again?" Toru asked Akira as they walked towards the mansion. Before Akira could respond, the doors of the mansion were jolted open by Himawari, Asuka and Lilly. The three butleress threw themselves onto Akira, crying and sobbing. Toru was sent for a ride, he could not comprehend three beautiful women throwing themselves at Akira even in seven lifetimes and began cussing Akira to the depths of hell. Toru was under the impression that Akira is poor and lonely and needs help all this time, and it turns out things aren't what he thought they were. What was happening? Is Akira who he thinks he is? Meanwhile Akira's voice is muffled under everyone's cussing and crying. 

Everyone was seated in the ballroom now. Under a beautiful chandelier, Himawari ordered for breakfast and bath to be prepared, Asuka took charge to tend to the guests ( Toru) and Lilly went on her daily security check around the mansion. Himawari was a skilled mansion manager. Always in uniform, wearing a pantsuit with her long lush curly hair tied in a neat bun, she was the brains to the functioning of this huge mansion. She was responsible for delegating responsibilities, handling bills and storage. Asuka was responsible for entertaining and guiding the guests of the mansion, she was a great conversationalist and very well read. She dressed up in traditional kimonos following the seasons of the year and put her straight hair up in a braided bun. Meanwhile, Lily trained extensively in close combat and comes from a lineage of ninjas who have worked in this mansion over many years. 

Sitting a fourteen seater dining table, Toru looked around him and saw portraits of an old man all over the walls. As soon as Akira saw them too, his mind was flooded with flashing images of the time he spent with this man.

" Toru, I know this man... I think... I murdered him..."