
My Power is Upgrading Everything (Rewrite)

This story is about a man named Putra Indra Santoso who reincarnated as Huo Yuhao. Witness his journey in Douluo Dalu's universe where he discovered and fulfilled his ultimate goals. My Grammar is not the best, but hope you guys like it. (An: I don't own anything besides my OC) Also, support my Patreon: patreon.com/NineClouds69 to read advanced chapters and motivate me to write more chapters

Nine_Clouds · 漫画同人
347 Chs

Oceanic Spirit Beasts

--- Chapter 25 ---

"Haha, Jackpots."

Huo Yuhao's blue eyes shone excitedly because such a treasure was perfect for the Dragon Nest's future base development. It's not at the same level as Yin & Yang Icefire Well in the Sunset Forest, but still a great treasure nonetheless.

"And it's incomplete, meaning the other Moon Monoliths were inside these whirlpools. Combining them would probably boost the innate effect." He commented while looking around the coastline.

Huo Yuhao commanded Goldy to enter the whirlpool, but the oceanic seemed to be wary of something. He frowned and felt a movement near them. "Come out." His Haoshoku Haki caused a spiritual shockwave to spread violently.


He saw a small porcupine expand before his eyes, reaching the size of a basketball court. He employed Chains of Heaven to restrict the oceanic spirit beast and placed it inside the Sub-Dimensional Space.

[Ding! A Quest]

[Name: Beginner Tamer]

[Objective: Tame 10 Oceanic Spirit Beasts]

[Reward: 5 Silver Upgrading Tickets and Blacksmith Veteran Skill Card]

[Do you want to accept the Quest?]


Huo Yuhao accepted the Quest and grabbed the Moon Monolith with Goldy's help, storing it in his inventory. He also noticed the gravitational pull wasn't affecting him much compared to other beings like his new pet.

"The whirlpool should have disappeared after a day." He said while telling Goldy to move to the next Moon Monolith.

Huo Yuhao abused his Haoshoku Haki and Divine Dragon's presence so much in this Quest. He caught every oceanic spirit beast guarding the Moon Monolith, trapping them inside his Sub-Dimensional Space. And to Huo Yuhao's surprise, his Spirit Energy consumption was bearable.

Even though the oceanic spirit beast he encountered so far never passed the 20.000 years old phase. They are strong enough to threaten Spirit King, especially in the water domain like this.

"Phew, three mores." Huo Yuhao burst out of the seawater and breathed in because it's been fifteen minutes since he was underwater. He brushed his hair away and looked around, finding himself in the middle of the coastline.

"How far am I from the city, Evo?"

[You're 17 kilometers away from the Northern Sea City] Evo answered with a dull tone.

Huo Yuhao stretched his neck and said, "Well, I haven't gone for that long. Goldy, do you want to rest?"

The Saltwater Golden Crocodile shook his head and waved his small leg excitedly, wanting to swim more. He had witnessed Huo Yuhao's power and was thrilled to see more of it.

"Nice, let's go to the next whirlpool then." Huo Yuhao patted the crocodile's head gently. It's such a weird sight to see a child patting a massive crocodile.

He placed the diving mask again, and Goldy submerged himself into the sea. They went to the next whirlpool not far away from them, which had several beautiful coral reefs around it. A blue-skinned seahorse hovered in front of them.

[Name: Northern Seahorse King]

[Type: Oceanic Spirit Beast]

[Age: 50.000 years old]

[Description: The Northern Seahorse King was a spirit beast of ancient lineage, having extreme control over water and ice element]


The Northern Seahorse King launched several ice spears toward Huo Yuhao. And He countered by waving the Chains of Heaven around violently, bending the space around them.

"Spatial Whip." A white light spread over twenty meters and swept over the area.


The Northern Seahorse King felt a smack on his head, getting flown away like a ragdoll. He was about to stabilize himself by using water elements around him. However, it was too late.


A suppression domain covered the Northern Seahorse King and suddenly was trapped by several black chains. He stared at Huo Yuhao with a shocked look, watching the young human clench his hand.

"That's 15 in prison. Well, I hope you guys can stay there for a while." Huo Yuhao sent the new oceanic spirit beast into his Sub-Dimensional Space. "I have to finish the last two guys."

Goldy waved his heavy muscular tail and pushed them one hundred meters away. He swam even faster than before, ignoring the water pressure around them.


"Goldy, Dodge!" A blinking white light entered Huo Yuhao's peripheral vision. He kicked the Saltwater Golden Crocodile away and used Eas to create a sturdy shield reinforced with Busoshoku Haki.


Huo Yuhao crumpled behind the shield to minimize the impact and saw a freakingly massive Shrimp Mantis between the gap. It was over twenty meters and possessed a dark-gleam shell.

[Name: Adamantite Shrimp Mantis]

[Type: Oceanic Spirit Beast]

[Age: 42.069 years old]

[Description: Adamantite Shrimp Mantis was known to be an evil predator within the deep sea, having a shell that could endure tons of pressure and an attack that could break any defense easily. Yet, it is weak against long-distance attacks]

Huo Yuhao held his breath and stared at the Adamantite Shrimp Mantis. His Eyes of the Lords was on instinctively, copying the Oceanic Spirit Beast's movement.

A claw moved faster than a bullet approaching Huo Yuhao, and he dodged casually by tilting his head to the left. He clenched his hand into a fist and added Busoshoku Haki and Haoshoku Haki.

"Whose attacks are stronger?" A grin appeared on Huo Yuhao's face. "You or me?"

"Penetrating Fist."

Huo Yuhao mimicked the Adamantite Shrimp Mantis's movement and fused them into Penetrating Fist. The seawater around his fist was boiling rapidly, and twelve echoes emerged between them.


A child's fist and a giant black claw made contact, creating a muffling noise underwater. Shockwaves collided with each other and sent the seawater up to the sky.

"See you next time." Huo Yuhao chuckled and watched the Adamantite Shrimp Mantis's claw crack under his fist.


The Oceanic Spirit Beast released a defeated cry at the sky and let Huo Yuhao trap himself in the Sub-Dimensional Space. After that, he gave the young human a last affirmation nod.

[You have added a new loyal subordinate]


Huo Yuhao swam to the surface and breathed out because using the Eyes of the Lords to copy someone else's movement for the first time was an overwhelming feeling. Everything was so slow for a moment, enabling him to see Adamantite Shrimp Mantis's move in great detail.

A golden head nudged Huo Yuhao gently, brushing his palm a few times.

"Goldy? At least you're fine. Your golden scales wouldn't be able to resist that guy's attack." Huo Yuhao commented with a chuckle. "There was tons of force behind it. And Don't be discouraged because you can be more powerful in the future."

Goldy nodded and dived under Huo Yuhao, placing him on his back again. He waved the seawater around for a moment and waited for Huo Yuhao's order.

"Let's collect the Moon Monolith first. That ambush made me forget about the treasure, haha~."



"There is only one whirlpool left. Let's go." Huo Yuhao stared at the "biggest." whirlpool, spanning over hundreds of meters radius.

They moved to the south and were greeted by an "extremely." fast current to the open sea. The last whirlpool was the main reason Northern Sea City's fishermen couldn't travel out because it was blocking the entrance.

"What's that?" Huo Yuhao used his Kenbunshoku Haki and caught a glimpse of the white serpentine body under the seawater.

[Name: Imoogi(Snake Dragon)]

[Type: Spirit Beast]

[Age: 69.900 Years Old]

[Description: Imoogi is a Snake-like young dragon that hasn't become a True Dragon until becoming an adult, having control over the weather and the great body of water]

"Naga would be disappointed when looking at this." Huo Yuhao commented while staring at Imoogi's description. "Goldy, go one kilometer away. I'll fight this guy."

"This is something I had to settle by myself."

Goldy nodded and paddled to another part of the coastline, watching the incoming fight with great anticipation.

Huo Yuhao activated Naga's bloodline and released Chaotic Purgatory Dragon's Aura on the coast. Several spirit beasts immediately run in fear, while one creature stays and approaches him.

A beautiful white-scaled head burst out of the seawater, having two glamorous yellow eyes. It floated over one hundred meters and blocked the coast with its sheer size.

They stared at each other for a moment, having an intense gazing contest.

"You should lower your head down." Huo Yuhao declared while pointing his finger down. "And bow to me."

The Imoogi sneered and released a faint cry, causing the clouds to gather above them. Heavy rains begin to cover the coastline, making a battle frenzy grin appear on Huo Yuhao's face because this guy sure has pride.

Huo Yuhao's body released an intense heat, boiling the water around him. A purple-gold spirit ring manifested around him, radiating dim purple rays.

"Hehe, I'll force you to bow."

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