
My Perverted CEO

**rRated18 Please skip if innocent, many mature words are used her** After being promoted all of a sudden, Kimberly Stone develops a sudden affection for her boss Jason Black the second son of the Black's family. All of a sudden her persistent one night stand that she also have a crush on, shows up wanting to win her heart the persistent battle of choice between who to choose begins. The best part is that they are both CEO's wanting this little secretary for themselves. ****************** "Uggh....." I moan, the pressure hits my G spot, making the whole feeling intense. I could feel his fingers moving in and out of my flower garden, I could hear the sounds the friction make, feel his breaths just beside my ear raises my ego. my body begins to move in the music his fingers play, and just when I was about to fall from the cliff into ecstasy, I hear a scream "KIMBERLY STONE!!!" 'shit' it was all a dream.

Praise_agunna · 奇幻言情
4 Chs


Music bangs, girls twerking, guys rocking, everywhere smells of alcohol and sex. I seat by the bar sipping my drink, head bobbing to the music. At first I wondered why Tasha brought me to this party but now I gotta admit the party's dope. My eye has been on this eye candy, sizing him up I would say he is definitely a pampered young master. He walks up to me and asks if I want to dance 'well, hell yeah'. I drop my drink by the counter and starts walking not caring to check if Mr eye candy is following behind me. I get to the dancefloor and start swaying to the beat, a hand grabs my waist I turn to face the owner of the hand and next thing I feel his lips on mine. Whatever follows seem like a movie series. He leads me up the stairs and drives me home. That's like a huge disappointment slash relief I mean I did come to this party in hopes of getting laid but then again I'm really happy I didn't do it. Imagine having to wake up with a waist pain when I have to be in the office tomorrow. May I remind you that I'm drunk currently in the car with Mr. Eyecandy spilling my house address. Luckily Mr.Eyecandy is a good kid. He drops me off and I immediately get to my bed and drift off to sleep. I wake up to the buzzing of my darn alarm clock, and head breaking hangover and annoying face of my bestfriend Tasha up close.

 "Heyyo roomie" she literally screams close my ears and I actually feel like wringing off her neck and watch the blood drip down with a vicious smirk on my face but instead of that I groan and turn to my side with the pillow over my head.

"Come on, rise and shine sweetheart, you've gotta get to work, you do know that your alarm rang twice right?" And that does it I hit her with my pillow and scoot further away to continue my sleep. I actually wonder if she's an alien cos no matter how drunk she becomes she never gets hangover and is an early bird.

"Umm...." I groan

"Hey Bitch, where did you sleep last night?" I think I regret asking that question coz she comes back smiling in that weird way that says whatever is coming out of her mouth is gonna be juicy but I'm late for work and I don't have time for juicy secrets. As I enter the bathroom she begins spilling her yesterday's adventure.My phone chimes and Tasha reads the message saying

" Miss Stone, the CEO requests your presence immediately you arrive at the office"

"Fuck" I cuss out loud, one might feel that I'm supposed to be thrilled at meeting the CEO but not in our establishment. Rumors has it that the CEO has weird fetish of watching girls roleplay into various animals but no one has actually experienced it. Tasha laughs at the way I react.

" I honestly don't understand why you guys in your Company really fear this guy" I ignore her teasing tone and hurriedly put on my undies. After freshening up and applying my make up I come downstairs to meet a well prepared meal. And that's why I can never get rid of Tasha, she's my already made chef. I get to where she's serving the meals and lightly smack her ass and kiss her cheeks as I tease "Awwn, my domestic wife, I think I'm turning gay for you"

"I like guys with chest muscles and big cocks and sadly you have none of those" And I mock hurt as we laugh. Being friends with Tasha means I get to eat free home cooked meals. I'm gonna come clean, I can't cook. most people might find it shameful that I can say this out loud but I don't give a damn about them. I am me and whoever can't accept that should fu*k off. But sometimes I do feel like I can cook but Tasha doesn't give me the opportunity. She claims that as a woman I am meant to be pampered like she isn't one. Getting to the office I cuss under my breath as I see my supervisor waiting at the entrance for me which could only mean one thing, the message stating the urgent meeting with the CEO is really serious.

" Miss Stone, you are 10 minutes late and the CEO has demanded your presence!" She says as soon as I was a little bit close. 'Bull's eye! Right on point'

"Yes ma'am" I say immediately as I rush up to the CEO's office. Honestly I actually want to see the face of our demon CEO, if he is the old bastard as people claim he is. No one has seen his face up close except PA Wang and he is tight lipped about the CEO's look. I get there and I take a deep breath before knocking. I enter the lions den and what I saw took my breath away. There seated behind the desk is a male adonis god. I mean I don't usually praise people, ok I do. I know how to appreciate beauty and this delicacy before my eyes is praiseworthy. He lifts his head from the doucements he was reading and gave me a look.

" Good morning sir, you sent for me" I say in a meek tone that has me wondering what the hell that was

"Kimberly Stone?" He asks in a mellow dangerous tone. OMG! His voice made my panties melt, it was the kind to leave me wanting more.

"Yes sir" I manage to voice out even though I am feeling tremors in my body.

" I hear you've been working in this company for three years now"

"Yes sir" I say, not knowing where he was going to.

"Well, you've been promoted to PA Wang's assistant"

"Sir?" I am visibly shocked, it's something I never expected in my years to come, like I did apply for secetarial duty but when I was hired to be an account manager, I took it as it was and I had gotten a hang of it. So yeah the sudden promotion is shocking.