The princes in the nearby pews joined the enumeration of virtues that Jacob was spreading throughout the area of princes.
- He said you could sew anything.
- He said you knew De Marina.
- And of swords.
- And Sports in general.
- And that you danced like a fairy.
Sophie raised her hand and, with a sign, silenced the choir of princes.
- Jacob I thought Daddy had told you to protect your sister so that no boy would approach him, not throw all the boys you will find - asked Sophie more curious than angry - I would have sworn you were as committed as Adam to kick the shin of any man who stood up a meter from me.
- I am - Jacob clarified - but when I said my sister was in the school of evil, they said she definitely had to be a witch, and I had to defend your case - Jacob said, pulling out his chest.
Sophie put a hand to her forehead and hit her, maybe a little harder than she should.
He sighed and went down to Jacob's height.
- Jacob look maybe not a witch necessarily but now that I'm in the school of evil I have to study to be bad you understand - began to explain Sophie - as well as - wanted to look for an example that was not so terrible - Captain Jack Sparrow may be a great captain and a very funny man, but if you think about it he is a pirate and pirates steal, They drink and all those things, your sister is going to study to do something like that - concluded the explanation.
Jacob nodded several times as if understanding.
- Okay - I accept the child - but then if you are a witch?
- That still has to be seen - clarified Sophie - you remember that she is a witch, for example, Hermione, the girl in the story I told you yesterday, was a witch.
-oh! So she's a witch she's an expert in magic - Jacob clarified.
- Yes exactly and here we are just beginning to study, if I graduated then yes, maybe I can say that I am a witch, although not like Hermione - I clarify - rather like Bellatrix Lestrange.
Jacob sucked roughly, surprised.
- You're going to study dark magic? - he asked in a whisper.
Sophie nodded solemnly.
- Yes - as he slowly approached to scare him a little - like Voldemort's - caught the little guy who let out a little one screamed.
With that began a relentless tickling attack on little Jacob.
- No hahaha, for ha, please - asked the boy laughing.
- But I will not make the same mistakes as him - I clarify after releasing his prey.
- That's scarier - Jacob clarified.
- I know - said Sophie.
He tickled the boy, who was laughing again.
Sophie assumed that she didn't quite believe that she was bad, but at least she would no longer deny that she was a witch.
It wasn't something that bothered him in himself, but he didn't want any more princes behind her, he had a very select group already selected.
- Anyway, I shouldn't be so cruel to Tristan - Jacob clarified once Sophie let him go - at least he offered to help me, Chaddick too.
-Who? - Sophie asked, although she acknowledged the names.
- Tristan and Chaddick, Chaddick was good with swords, he was going to help me, but he couldn't because first I practiced with Tristan and... - Jacob seemed to think for a moment - he didn't do as well as I did.
-He's alive? - asked chorus Agatha, Rhian Sophie and Tedros.
- Yes, yes, all right - Jacob quickly reassured them - but he tripped over one of Tristan's legs and then fell on him, I'm talking about Tristan, Tristan fell on Chaddick and then Chaddick fell, there was a tangle of legs and arms and all that, I didn't see well, but what matters is that Chaddick ended up with a twisted ankle, is in the infirmary and Tristan was my companion - Jacob finished telling his story - I wish you hadn't burned his Rose - Jacob lamented a little.
- First - Sophie began - there was no way for me to identify a specific rose among all the others, as I had never seen them thrown at me, and second, while I appreciate your help, some of the appreciation is clouded, because he almost cut his hand off, the head and yours at least 3 times in that choreography, and another four times he was about to cut off the head and leg of some of his companions - she concluded.
Sophie saw how the boy they were talking about was sinking deeper and deeper into the Bank, so she simply turned to him and approached the Bank and gave him a kiss on the crown of the fiery red hair, which was the only thing that could be seen while he continued to shrunk behind the bench.
All the other princes opened their eyes like saucers, and then made faces of the deepest envy.
- Thank you for taking care of my little brother, but you would do me a great favor if the next time you dropped the sword or shut up you did it on the fencing teacher, that yes you did not reach it today - he mentioned sweetly.
All the boys stared at the beautiful girl, delighted by her voice, and completely ignored the last part of her "Thank You" speech.
They ignored him, but of course Agatha didn't.
- What will you do when you reach it? - asked curiously.
Sophie took the dagger that had been lent to Jacob and took it out of the sheath where the boy had placed it, examining his edge.
- I will open it in channel with this dagger that he so sincerely believed was properly placed in the hands of a 5-year-old, justly and appropriately from the heart - she explained emphasizing each word carefully for her friend to hear, as well as the bunch of enraptured princes - then I will embalm it and place it in the teacher's room with a plaque that rehears "the fate of irresponsible adults".
As the speech progressed, everyone began to feel both the thirst for blood and the chill that ran down their spine at the sight of that charming smile.
- That man is already dead - Aric declared.
- Only he doesn't know yet - Japeth agreed.
- You've found out - Adam said.
Everyone looked at the boy, and he pointed to a man who was running straight, fast and without pause, right towards the exit.
- That's my fencing teacher - Jacob pointed out - hi! Professor Espada! - I try to get the man's attention.
He only ran faster, walking out the door before Sophie could even make a move.
He snapped his tongue, irritated.
- I guess it doesn't matter, you can run, but not hide - said and held on the beautifully adorned ribbon of her dress Jacob's dagger.
It was better for him to keep the gun, both to get it away from the child and to use it later.
He pulled out a new sword that the boys had seen him make before, so they knew it was a wood carving painted to look like metal.
As long as Jacob was not next to a royal sword, no one would notice the difference.
It was even jeweled on the hilt, that must be the most beautiful and realistic wooden sword in the whole forest.
Sophie gave it to her little brother with a smile.
- It's thick wood should withstand both training and a couple of blows from your classmates, until one of the teachers comes up with the brilliant idea of simply giving you a weapon with the blunt edge – Sophie explained to her little brother.
With the last part being more for the audience than for Jacob.
All the princes slapped each other on the head.
Obviously thinking all together how they didn't come up with it before.
There were half a million such weapons for practice in the room, and they had to grab one that did work.
Even Tedros and Rhien were banging their heads on a pillar thinking, how could they not think of it?
- I suggested it - Tristan mentioned everyone turned to see him - it was when they saw that he shouted at me "a prince should not fear his own sword so much as to weaken it" - I imitate what, Sophie supposed, was the voice of the teacher - I had suggested that Jacob and I use practice swords, but he called me a coward and said no, that we had to use them for real...
It was interrupted.
He had seen a black lightning bolt shoot out the door.
Sophie decided she couldn't wait.
I was going to kill that wretch.
Agatha stayed with the children ready to take care of them during the hunt when, in Sophie's path, a shadow came through.
He quickly removed the dagger that Sophie already had unsheathed, to nail it to the guy or throw it as soon as he saw it.
- I beg your mercy, my lady - Sophie looked up and recognized Rafal's face from several illustrations.
Only this one was more tanned, with wild brown hair and the blue of his eyes, although it was the same, in a way it was also different.
Rafal's, when he saw it in his dream, was a blue reminiscent of a winter sky, Rhian's was reminiscent of the summer sky.
Before her stood the director of good.
She glared at him, almost as willing to murder him as the psychopath she allowed as a teacher.