
My Partner in Crime

Rajani sighed deeply as her beautiful eyes became glassy like diamonds. "Yeah, but listen. I get why Beauty fell in love with the Beast, but it doesn’t change who Helel is. I wish there was a magical rose or kiss that could turn him into a charming, loving prince but there isn't. All Helel Faye will ever be is a beast. A cold-hearted, ruthless beast that has no empathy or regard for any living thing! All he cares about is himself-" "Rajani," a soft, deep, feminine voice said as a caring hand caressed Rajani's quivering shoulder. "It's okay. If Helel wants to be a ruthless animal, just let him be. He's not important. Everyday is something new about him, and by saying all this shit about him - it makes you look obsessed... and crazy." Rajani stood up from her chair and started yelling at her friend like a mad woman. She was furious at her - after all this time of venting her struggles and frustration to her, she decides to call her crazy and obsessed? Rajani was tired of people calling her crazy, mentally-ill, unhinged, and clinically-insane. She believed that she wasn't crazy at all, it was just that no one understood her. No one understood that her every action was all because of Helel Faye. Rajani regretted the day she decided to break her perfect, loving ex-boyfriend's trust and submit to Helel Faye. She dreaded the fact that she gave her boyfriend all sorts of mental disorders and illnesses like depression and anxiety. Now Rajani hated herself even more than her ex did. She was only trying to get the best for everyone she loved but she just ended up doing the polar opposite.

SupdoeTe · 现代言情
15 Chs

Chapter 6

Now, she was tired of yelling and nothing was occupying her mind except raising enough money for her father's treatment, something that she would try her hardest to do.

☃︎⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅.ೃ*̩̩͙❆ ͙͛.ೃ࿔‧͙ ‧͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆.ೃ࿔‧͙❆ ͙͛⋆꙳•̩̩͙☃︎ 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓢𝓲𝔁 ☃︎⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅.ೃ*̩̩͙❆ ͙͛.ೃ࿔‧͙ ‧͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆.ೃ࿔‧͙❆ ͙͛⋆꙳•̩̩͙☃︎

Rajani sighed and opened her phone. She was going to do the one that she never wanted to claim as her occupation. Sure, Rajani was quite raunchy but she would never stoop this low to earn money. In her eyes, it was shameful and embarrassing to get money this way. "This way" was making adult films.

Rajani wondered deeply about this life-changing decision. If she went forward with the determination that making thirsty men shake and beg just for a glance at her beautiful perky breasts, tiny waist, and fat plump butt was the best way to earn twenty thousand dollars, the rest of her life could be either miserable like an elephant stuck inside a large block of ice or filthy rich like a pirate who stumbled across the sunken Titanic.

What if my family sees this side of me? Rajani thought. Ugh, don't even get me started on what Ravon will think if a dirty old man that looks like he would be sold immediately if he walked into an antique shop recognizes me from the street and decides to bring his weird ass over to us. He wouldn't like it at all. Hugh, I have to make pornos, anyway, so let me just get this shit over with. 

Rajani decided to seek the best popular porn website for making truckloads of money, and her research brought her to the conclusion that an app with the name of "PushinPorn" was the best to earn a lot of money fast.

After a few minutes of research on popular celebrities who had filmed adult movies on PushinPorn, Rajani was sold on the idea of becoming an adult actress. 

The highest-paying whore on this app gets four million dollars monthly?! Rajani thought to herself. Gahlee! Four milly is more than enough for how much money I need for Dad's treatment! I'm gonna make a fuckin' bag on PushinPorn!

Rajani's finger went at lightning speed downloading the app and making an account. She read the description of the app on the home page, and after fumbling around the app and finding out how it worked, she was surprised at how easy it was to navigate through the app.

Wowie, I didn't know PushinPorn instantly monetizes you right after you post a video! Rajani thought after researching more about the app. That's probably why there are so many big booty bitches on this app. I need to get started immediately, but not before I shoo my father out of the house. I cannot have him knowing that I'll literally be fucking myself over for the next twenty minutes.

She ran out of her room and walked into the living room to see her father smoking once again. However, this time, Rajani didn't care about the army of smoke terrorizing her eyes and nose. She just wanted her father to leave his own house immediately.

"Heyyy, Dad! How're you doing?" Rajani asked her father while smiling like a decaying Jack-O-Lantern. 

Mr. Archarya looked quite puzzled. Well, his face looked quite beat up and disfigured, so he did look like an unsolved puzzle. The fact that his daughter didn't come back into the living room for temper tantrum number two baffled him more than the Pythagorean Theorem.

"Um... good. What about you?"

"I'm just great!" Rajani grinned. "I have a proposal; how about you go outside and breathe some fresh air? I think it'd be really good for you."

Mr. Archarya furrowed his eyebrows. "If this is to get me to quit smoking, I won't do it."

"No, no, no, that's not what I mean," Rajani replied, waving her hands around in disagreement. "I just want you to go outside, you haven't done that in a long time."

"I went outside when you dragged me to the hospital," Mr. Archarya responded. "Just leave me alone, okay?"

Rajani shook her head vigorously. "Never! Not until you go outside and take a walk or something."

"Oh my gosh, Rajani, just go to your room. I'm not going outside."

Rajani jumped up and down in frustration. "NO! I'll sit here and start singing and screaming until you let me go outside!"

"Argh! No!-"

Unfortunately for Mr. Archarya, he was too late to tell Rajani to shut that trap before there would be nothing to shut anymore, and Rajani started to sing at the top of her lungs. 

The worst part was that she wasn't singing a song Mr. Archarya knew about, and if he took a wild guess, this song probably had the title of, "My Dad Needs to Go Outside Before His Lungs Start Shriveling Up Like a Year-Old Apple."

Even after a few seconds of Rajani's horrible song, Mr. Archarya wanted to Van Gogh himself.

"Urgh! Stop! Fine, I'll go outside! Just stop singing, forever!" he screamed. 

"As you wish, Dad; bye-bye!" Rajani giggled.

"Man, shut up."

Mr. Archarya stood up from his couch and walked out the front door, slamming it behind him.

Rajani squealed with excitement and ran up the stairs of her house. They creaked and yelled with every step.

She opened the door of her room and sighed. Although Rajani was ecstatic to make the money that would make her pockets fat with cash, she was scared for her future. Rajani hoped for the best.

She stripped butt naked and set up her phone to record the million-dollar video that would supposedly get her tons of cash. However, there was just one problem - Rajani didn't know what to do or how to do it. She had watched several different types of pornos but that only lasted about six months because she just felt uncomfortable watching videos like that. 

It had been five years since Rajani had watched an adult video, so she forgot most of what happened during these types of films. 

I need to see how do to this stuff before I do it, Rajani thought, let me see one of these tart's videos for some inspiration.

She clicked on a free-to-watch video with the title of "Playing with my Phat Pussy." 

Rajani immediately pursed her lips and cringed at the title but still clicked on the video regardless. What was then brought to her eyes was shocking, but delightful, and she felt like a twelve-year-old boy with eyes as big as blue balls and a mouth wide open enough to fit blue balls that was staring at a naked breast for the first time.

The video turned out to be extremely sexy and intriguing, and Rajani just couldn't help but watch the whole fourteen minutes of the video. Twice. It was only after a small pop-up appeared on the bottom-right corner of her screen reading, "Are you still there?" when she realized that the "phat pussy" had put her in a trance. 

Rajani was surprised at how easy it was to get hooked on PushinPorn and for the first time in her life, she considered being empathetic and seeing eye-to-eye with crippling porn addicts who needed to see eye-to-eye with Jesus.

Rajani took a deep breath and decided to film her first-ever porno. She was quite nervous because, sure, she'd tried to hook up with a police offer in exchange for zipped lips about going 180 mph on a 75, but she'd never done anything quite like this. 

Rajani stood up from her bed and walked to a tall shelf in her room. She grabbed a squeeze bottle containing virgin coconut oil from the shelf and walked back to her bed. After her bed creaked and groaned from Rajani laying down on her back and going into a fetal position, she opened the squeeze bottle, squeezed out a generous amount of oil on her pussy, and messaged it in. 

Rajani sighed deeply and tapped a red button on her phone to record herself. 

Once the video started, she plunged her two fingers deep inside her love hole and started masturbating herself, first slowly then faster and faster until her fingers looked like a blur going in and out of her pussy. 

Rajani started to moan in pleasure, and they got louder and more high-pitched with every thrust she performed. With her free hand, she rubbed on her clit gently, and that elevated her whole experience.


Her eyes crossed and rolled back, showing how much fun she was having playing with her pussy in different positions. 

She was having a great time playing with herself and continued for about twenty minutes.

☃︎⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅.ೃ*̩̩͙❆ ͙͛.ೃ࿔‧͙ ‧͙❆•̩̩͙.ೃ࿔❆ ͙͛⋆. 𝓐 𝓯𝓮𝔀 𝓶𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓼 𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻... ࿔‧͙❆ ͙͛⋆꙳•̩̩͙.ೃ࿔‧͙ ‧͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊•̩̩͙.ೃ࿔ ͙͛.ೃ࿔‧͙ ❆‧͙☃︎

Wow, that went way better than expected, Rajani thought to herself. 

Even though any speck of dignity and self-respect was stripped away from her like a crappy paint job on a car, she felt extremely content with herself. 

I just know I'm gonna make a bag from this shit! Rajani thought. Yay, I'm so excited to wake up to two thousand dollars in my bank account! My pockets will be PHAT!

She took a quick shower, put her clothes back on, and quickly ran out of her room and down the stairs. Rajani then walked into the living room to be jump scared by her father sitting on the living room couch!

At least he wasn't smoking a cigarette, but Rajani would rather have him choke on one than find out about her shenanigans!

Oh my gosh, what?! Has Dad been hearing me moaning like I'm getting that BBC? Rajani fearfully thought.

She was practically shaking when she asked the question she so badly wanted to know the answer to, "How long have you been sitting there?"

Mr. Archarya cleared his throat and raised an eyebrow at his daughter. "Fifteen minutes, why?"

Rajani almost screamed in fear when she heard those words come from her father's mouth.

However, unlike Rajani's spooked expression that resembled the face of that who'd seen a ghost, Mr. Archarya was laughing.

"Hah! Why were you so scared?"

Rajani looked confused. "What do you mean, I-"

"Oh my gosh, Rajani, I've been sitting here for maybe two minutes! DId you not hear me come in?"


Rajani relaxed her shoulders and sighed in relief.

"What, did you do something abnormal?"

"No! Nothing weird, Dad," Rajani replied.

After that conversation, she continued with her day as usual - attending to her dad, watching endless entertaining videos, wishing the content creator could just give her a fourth of their net worth, and doing chores. 

Rajani had been tempted throughout the rest of the day to check her phone for how many lonely depressing men had subscribed to her content, but just decided to save the surprise for the next morning, and she got a surprise, alright.

DO NOT DO PORN PLS (it may mess up ur life), read&write books on Webnovel insted >:)

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