
Chapter 453

The circumstances just looked familiar, like I had been in a similar position like this sometime ago, but I just could not remember when. Well that has actually passed, what I need to be worried about now, is how to get to the entrance and finally figure out where I am. Since I knew there was no way I was going to get there on my own by walking, the most obvious alternative was to crawl there. I slowly lowered myself to the floor and began to crawl towards the entrance, before I was halfway there, the muscles of my hand were already spamming, I had sweat running down my face and body,

My breath was coming out shakily, I turned back to look at the distance I had covered and I have to admit, it was not much at all. I had to take pressure away from my hand and place them on my knees to gather a bit of my strength. I knew that if I was persistent, I would get to the entrance soon enough. I pushed my injury to the back of my mind, because I knew that if I think about it, the pain would overshadow my every thought and that would be worse for me,

I decided I had rested enough and got moving again. I had not gotten to the entrance when I saw boots in my line of sight. The boots brought back unpleasant feeling in me, nothing good ever came out from whoever was associated with the boots. This actually confirmed it that I was taken by the masters, I knew there was no way that we could keep avoiding them and that they would surely catch up with us soon, but I never expected that I would be first person to be taken,

I just kept staring at the boot without saying a word and the person on me did not bother to say anything or ask why I was on my knees. I was aware that I was trembling in my position, but I was so scared to make any movement. Maybe if I remain like this for a while, my vision would clear up and it would all be a dream, I mean a girl can wish right? I already had tears forming in my eyes and it kept blurring my vision, I tried using my hand to wipe it off but that was a big mistake,

I definitely did not think it through before acting, I would have known that there was no strength in me for one hand to hold me up, that was how I landed face first in the ground. Today must definitely not be my lucky day, because I knew I had fallen face first into the earth a couple of times, at this point, we were more than acquaintances. I should be more appreciative that I was not taken by Donua, as I am sure that it would be way more unpleasant for me