
Chapter Three

When the first sunbeams peaked through the curtains, Larkin awoke. She attempted to hide her eyes from the glare by squinting. She reached up to her aching head and placed pressure on her throbbing temple.

"Why is there so much pain in my head?"

The varied hues of the walls were the first thing she noticed. Although the paint of her apartment was an off-white color, she thought it looked unclean. She preferred it more when the walls were a soft blue-gray wherever she was.

She then became aware that she was being slung over a warm, powerful torso. She knew it was a man because of the hair on his chest, but she wasn't sure whether or not she should be relieved.

She cautiously pushed herself to her feet and turned to face the man.

He was quite attractive. She appreciated his square jaw and even facial features. He appeared to be Italian or Mexican because of his dark skin tone. To tell was difficult. He would have to be awake for her to see what color eyes he had, and she wasn't sure she wanted that.

As he dozed off, she observed his chest go up and down. She was unaware of the procedure until the following morning. It didn't matter if she wasn't able to clearly recall the previous evening. She snuck out before he woke up after deciding that her only option was to get her clothing.

Carefully slipping out from under his arm, Larkin did. She quietly entered the restroom and shut the door. She then removed the man's shirt, astonished to discover she was naked, even though she reasoned that since she was in his bed, they had surely already had sex. She was disappointed when she saw that she appeared to be the same in the mirror after expecting to feel or look differently.

She put on the dress she had worn the previous evening while scrunching her nose in disgust. She then re-wore the man's shirt and knotted it at her waist. She didn't want to walk down the street in just her dress, even though she was aware that it would undoubtedly be viewed as theft.

Her shoes were sitting near the bed as she discreetly opened the bathroom door. She grabbed it and made her way to the elevator through the spacious condo. She looked around for the stairs since she knew right immediately that she would need a code to use the elevator.

Larkin discovered them behind a door that she had missed since it blended into the background of the room. She climbed one step at a time, letting her shoes crash against the metal as she gripped the stair rail tightly with both hands. She was aware that putting on her shoes would make her clumsy and possibly cause her to fall and break her neck.

Larkin was exhausted after a while. She wasn't aware of how high they were, and she was relieved that she had to go down rather than up since she knew she couldn't have made it. Finally, she entered the first unlocked door and stood in a huge, posh-looking lobby.

"Can I help you, Miss?"

An older man in a uniform was standing where Larkin's head suddenly jerked to the side. She heard the edge of desperation she struggled to contain and replied, "Yes, I need to go home."

"What were you doing?"

I believe I was at the top of the structure.

"You visited Mr. Marsh's penthouse, right?"

"Larkin gave a shrug."

She grew confused and agitated, and the man looked at her sympathetically. "Maybe we should call you a taxi?"

She said, "I don't have any money."

"I'll pay the driver some cash."

Shaking her head, "Larkin. Oh no, I have to stop you from doing that."

"I'll see to it that Mr. Marsh pays me back. How about that?"

"Will he get angry?" she questioned.

"No, sweetie. He is a wonderful man. He must have been crazy to let you go like this."

Larkin bit her lip while glancing below.

"Does he not realize that you are gone?" The guilty expression on her face gave the man a good idea. She was quite simple to read.

“No. I can't look at him. I simply can't."

"Good," I say. He had to notice that she was becoming agitated. "Let's write down your details."

"Oh, please don't give it to him. Nevertheless, he might not recall me."

He made an effort to suppress his smile. He appeared to bet that Mr. Marsh wouldn't soon forget her. He said, "It's for the taxi."

The woman exhaled. “Oh. Okay. I apologize. I'm finding it difficult to focus."

"I'll record it, but only if you swear not to give it to him."

"Absolutely. He won't get the paper from me." While he phoned the taxi, the man escorted her to the front desk and gave her a piece of paper and a pen.

The taxi horn outside began to blare after a little while.

She gave the man the paper after writing down her address on it. "Sorry, but did you mention your name to me?"

"Miss, no. This is Dempsey."

Larkin extended a hand. "Larkin here."

Dempsey gave her a handshake. "Let's get you in the taxi, please."

"I'm grateful,"

"Would you please put your shoes on, my love?"

She gave a headshake. I'd likely break my neck, so I said, "No."

Dempsey grinned. "I get it," you say. He placed her in the taxi's back seat before handing the driver the address and some cash. He gave the driver the advice, "Take careful care of her." "She is Mr. Marsh's close friend."

The motorist nodded. “Gotcha.”

Waving, "Larkin Dempsey, it was wonderful to meet you."

"You as well. I forward seeing you soon."

Her mouth lowered. "I might wave if I pass," the speaker said.

Dempsey beaming. "Take care."

She waved as taxi was leaving.