
Chapter 1

The aged king of Stone village had many wife and daughters. He also had only one son named Bright. Bright brought prestige to the land. The young prince was the pride of the kingdom because he was the expected heir apparent to the throne of Stone.

Life in the village was very difficult. The village was experiencing dryness,there seemed to be a curse on the land.

Everyone was worried.

The king and his chiefs kept consulting their goddess and making sacrifices for rainfall yet to no avail. The farmers' crops withered and their livestock were dying as a result of a prevailing famine caused by the dearth of rain in the land.

Villagers travelled as far as three miles to find a drying up stream to get water from.

There was a man in Stone named Cain. He was a peasant farmer. His wife, Eva, sold grains by the market square. Things were tough for them as they could now barely feed. It was worse because Eva was pregnant and even more so because had been for ten months now. It was her first pregnancy. Her husband was getting worried about the situation.