
My one last shot

Yamato Takao is a 21-year-old adult who gets blessed with the power to be able to go back in time to whatever point of time he wants and change it in his young age. Plus, he has the power to possess a person's body and control it from within and the power to create weapons whenever it's necessary all through his mind- but all of this doesn't mean that he's lucky for life. In every new timeline, he creates a new trouble coming to face him. Sora anno- is a young adult in the age of 18 who only just entered into adulthood, in her highschool days she was an example of what you would call a 'perfect student ' Loved by everyone and admired by everyone but one day she faces a close 'death' experience when her home gets burned down but while trying to save her little brother . She gets help by a mysterious power that give her the ability to copy a person appearance and be 'them' and to copy other's skills and to multiply. there are more players in this game tho, every player is changing the world and their future as well { ' Unpredictable future '} Who will receive the happy ending they want ? (as to what to expect from this..ahem slice of life psychological thriller and mystery probably some comedy here and there but this is not for everyone taste obviously because it's not all fun of games so darkness is expected to be seen chapters will come out within a week or a month so take care! :3)

master_2002gamer · 都市
9 Chs

Chapter 1 (final)

As my consciousness faded away, I began to see strange visions in my mind.

There was a dark and menacing feeling that surrounded me, as if my surroundings were shifting and warping. I felt a strong sense of danger, but I didn't know what was happening or what would happen next.

Suddenly, I felt a sense of dread, like something horrible was about to happen to me. This was an unknown future, and my fate was now uncertain.

I slowly opened my eyes, trying to take in my surroundings.

I was no longer in my grandma's house. In fact, I wasn't even in my own home. I struggled to comprehend where I was, but one thing was for certain - I was alive.

The first thing I saw was my dad, sitting beside my bed.

I slowly sat up, still disoriented by the events that had taken place.

My dad was sitting on a chair next to my bed, sipping a beer from a can. He didn't seem to notice that I had woken up, but his silence was all I could focus on.

"Dad?" I whispered, wanting confirmation that this was real and not a dream.

I tried to get my dad's attention, but it seemed like he was in a world of his own.

"Dad, can you hear me?" I whispered again, hoping for a response, but he remained mute.

"Am I a ghost?" I questioned, unsure of what else to think. If this wasn't real, then what else could it be?

" son of a bitch...." Said dad , it was clear that he was angry about something

My heart dropped as I heard what my dad had said. His anger took me off-guard, and I didn't know how to react.

"Dad?" I tried saying his name again, to see if he would respond this time. But it was just his angry muttering that caught my attention.

He stood up and walked out of my room-I got up, still a bit wobbly on my feet, and I quickly followed behind as he stepped out of my room.

I didn't know what was going through his mind in this moment, but I could feel his anger radiating from his every step.

As I walked behind him, I could start to hear his muttering once again "Son of a..." I couldn't make out the rest of the words, but it was clear that he was still furious over something.

I began to take in my surroundings, as I realized that I wasn't in my own bedroom or house.

It seemed like I was in some kind of hotel room, the decor and setup reminded me of one. It was quiet and peaceful, a stark contrast to what I had just experienced with my grandparents.

But my thoughts were quickly interrupted, as I heard my dad mumbling again from down the hallway.

"Son of a..."

It was the same sentence as before, and he continued with his muttering, with each step he took.

"Son of a..." Each word was punctuated with anger and rage, and it was clear that he was still full of fury over something.

I didn't understand why he was so angry, and I had a feeling that I wouldn't like the answer if I found out.

But I had to know either way, so I followed him out into the hallway.

My dad was a shell of his normal self. His expression was blank and dull, as if he had been through something that had completely drained him emotionally and mentally.

He was still muttering under his breath, his face filled with anger and frustration. Even now, I couldn't make out what he was saying, but I had a feeling that it was something bad. His tone of voice made it clear that he was dealing with some kind of intense emotion.

I jumped slightly upon feeling a sudden presence behind me, and when I turned around, I was surprised to see a girl standing there.

She looked to be a few years younger than me, and she was holding a tablet in her hands. But what took my attention was the way she was looking at my dad

"Um… Excuse me, but, uh, are you ok?-" she started, but she was stopped short when my dad sharply turned around to look at her.

My dad's expression instantly changed upon seeing the girl, and I could tell that he was taken aback by her unexpected presence.

It caught me off-guard as well, and I wasn't sure how to react as the girl began to speak again.

The girl kept her gaze trained on my dad, and I sensed that there was some kind of history between them.

But I couldn't help but question why my dad was staring back at her with such intensity. His look was one of anger and resentment, as if he wanted to say something but held himself back.

" Dad...-" the girl called

The girl's sudden use of my father's name caught me off-guard. I hadn't expected her to know him personally, much less know him well enough to refer to him as 'dad'.

But my father did not seem to appreciate the familiarity. He turned away from her abruptly and started walking away, as if he didn't want to talk to her.

The girl followed behind, her voice now desperate "Daddy, don't go!" With tears in her eyes

The change in the girl's tone surprised me, as she suddenly sounded more like a little girl calling for her dad rather than a teenager referring to her father.

But my father kept walking away, seemingly ignoring the girl's plea for him to stay. He seemed to be set on leaving, and no amount of begging from the girl could deter him.

The girl continued to follow behind in desperate attempts to get his attention, her voice growing more and more frantic.

But my father remained obstinate in his determination to leave, and he paid no attention to her pleas. Even when she finally managed to grab his arm, he brushed her off and kept walking.

What little bit of composure the girl had left quickly crumbled when my dad yelled at her and slapped her away.

There was nothing holding her back now, and she began to scream at him in return "How dare you!" She cried out, her voice filled with anger and disbelief. " Dad..-"

" Why?...-"

" why are you leaving me here?!"

My dad's expression remained cold, as if he was completely unfazed by her yelling. He simply turned away from her and continued walking with no reaction at all.

The girl tried one more time to stop him, and this time she grabbed his arm again more forcefully, as if trying to pull him back.

Just like before, my dad shrugged off her grasp and kept walking away.

The girl was clearly fed up now, and she started following after him again. What followed next happened so fast, I wasn't sure how to process it.

This time around my dad punched her , she fell to the ground and he kept kicking her away from him yelling :" Son of a bitch!"

It seemed like a sudden outburst of rage, as my dad yelled the same sentence over and over again.

I had never seen my own father so angry, and it took me by surprise to hear him blaming the girl for something that seemed to be out of her control.

My dad seemed to have lost his composure completely, and he couldn't even keep himself from raising his voice at her.

" It's always your fault!-"

" It is! Your fault"

My father continued to berate the girl with a harsh and cold tone. The longer I listened, the more anger I heard in his words.

"If you had never been born - none of this would have happened!" He yelled at her angrily. There was no regret or remorse in his voice, but instead, it was full of rage and resentment.

The girl's face was wet with tears as she listened to my dad's harsh words. The pain in her eyes clearly expressed how much she had been hurt by his words.

But my dad showed no sign of concern or pity, as he continue his tirade.

"If it wasn't for your existence, my life would be fine!" He shouted at her angrily, but the pain in her eyes only made his words that much more piercing.

My dad continued to belittle the girl, as if he didn't even care how much it was hurting her. His words were harsh and cruel, but they were clearly not meant to be reassuring.

"You're gonna stay here until the money I'm giving you runs out. After that, do whatever the f**k you want" He shouted at her in an icy cold manner, making it clear that he had no more interest in her.

The girl let out a startled sob upon hearing this, and I could feel the wave of shock wash over me. My dad's dismissal of her was brutal, and I couldn't help but feel empathy towards her hurt feelings.

He was basically saying that he was done providing for her and that she should take care of herself from now on.

My dad turned his back on her and started walking away. He seemed indifferent to her tears or any other emotion she might have been feeling.

He closed the door behind him leaving this girl alone in tears

He closed the door behind him leaving this girl alone in tears

The girl was left alone now, with no comfort or reassurance from anyone. Her body was shaking from hurt and grief, and she could do nothing but let her feelings out.

The room fell silent except for the sound of her sobs, which were getting louder and more frequent with every passing second.

The room was a mess, with bottles of beer and clothes scattered around everywhere. It looked like a person had recently been living here but just left without cleaning anything up.

There was also a strong and unpleasant smell of alcohol that permeated the room, and the smell alone was enough to make it feel like a depressing place to be in.

I noticed a few old pictures laying around, presumably left behind by the person who was previously staying in the room.

The pictures seemed to be from a long time ago, and they held images of people I didn't recognize. It was hard to tell exactly what they were depicting, but it was clear that they were important people to the previous resident.

As I studied the photos more closely, I noticed that my own dad and the girl who was with me in this room were featured in them. It seemed like there were a couple of pictures of them alone together and another one of the girl with other people.

It was a bit strange to see them both together like this, especially considering how hostile my dad had been towards her before.

"But where is mom?"

That was a very good question.

Up until now, my dad had been the only person I saw in this hotel room. But, now that I was looking at photos of him and the girl, I realized that there was no sign of my mother at all.

That was very strange, especially considering how important family was to him.

Where was my mother in all of this..?

"Where are my grandparents? What happened to them?"

Those were even more pressing questions, and I was feeling more and more anxious to find out the answers.

My grandparents had been a constant presence in my life growing up, and I had always assumed that nothing would ever replace that.

What had happened to make them disappear? Were they dead? Were they gone forever?

My heart started to race as I realized how much I still didn't know...

The sound of the girl yelling was like a sudden burst of energy in the stagnant environment. I felt as if my entire body had jumped in the way it instinctively reacted to the sound.

The girl was no longer sobbing, and she had gotten up from where she had been crying on the ground before.

My body suddenly felt a sudden rush of adrenaline, and I was ready to handle anything that might be happening right now.

As the sudden burst of yelling stopped, the room fell silent again. I had expected the girl to rush and attack me, given how violent the interaction had been with my father before.

But instead, she calmly walked towards a closet nearby.

Then, to my complete surprise, she opened the door and stepped inside, leaving the room empty once again.

It was like she was retreating to a safe space to protect herself from the outside world

My curiosity got the better of me, as I followed the girl to see what she was doing in the closet. I had no idea what to expect in this situation, but I couldn't help but feel strangely drawn to the mystery of what she might have been doing.

I followed behind her carefully and quietly, trying not to make any noise that would give away my presence.

I was caught off guard by the sudden burst of blood that came out of the closet. My body tightened and tensed up, as if in preparation for something terrible.

I didn't know what was happening inside, and I had no idea how to respond to this situation.

Blood was something that made me squeamish, and I didn't want to see anymore of it.

Then the girl stepped out of the closet, holding something in her hand.

My heart dropped when I saw that the girl was holding something in her hand. I didn't want to be anywhere near a person who was holding anything while coming out of a closet that had just spilled out blood.

I didn't understand what she would do with whatever the object was, but it didn't look safe.

I backed away slowly, keeping my distance as I waited for her next move.

She stood there for a moment, holding the object loosely by hand. I couldn't see what it was, but I could feel the tension in the air as we stood facing each other.

I didn't understand what this was all about or what she was planning to do next, but I didn't feel safe in this situation.

We stayed frozen like this, neither of us moving an inch, as the seconds passed by.

" ...."

The sudden burst of energy that I felt a moment ago completely disappeared, replaced by a wave of shock and horror that washed over my entire body.

I was stunned into disbelief, as if I couldn't believe what I had just witnessed.

The girl had just stabbed herself and fell to the ground...

"D-did she just... What-" I was not prepared to deal with this, and I struggled to find the right words to describe the situation.

The room felt heavy now, as if the atmosphere had totally changed in the wake of this incident.

My eyes were glued to the girl's prone body, and my mind was running wild with thoughts and emotions. My eyes darted back and forth between the room and the girl, trying to make sense of it all while being utterly speechless.

"She really just... She really just..." I couldn't even get the words out, I was just watching the scene in disbelief.

{ You have failed your re:enter-y }

The purple text box appeared in front of me

First- my sister - hurting my grandma and then- then...my grandparents hurting her bac-k ....n-now this?

{ The skill re:enter leveled up +1}

Is tha-that blood?..


The sudden notification that the skill 're:enter' had leveled up made me feel a little bit surprised about it- I mean-

It didn't make sense for the system to give me credit for failing my mission, but I wasn't going to complain about it. If I could level up my skill from this, then at least there was one benefit to this failure...

I took a quick glance at the girl's body, whose motionless form was still lying on the ground where she had dropped.

I couldn't tell if she was still alive or not, but it didn't seem like she was conscious at the moment. She was bleeding profusely from the wound she had inflicted on herself, and I was still processing what had just happened.

The girl was unconscious, but she still appeared to be breathing.

I had no idea how badly injured she had been by the stab wound, but the amount of blood gushing out of her was quite alarming.

My body started shaking on its own-

Is this...-

Is this...-

Is this...-

A nightmare?

{ would you like to be transferred back to the original timeline? }

- Yes - No

A sudden notification popped up in front of my eyes, asking me if I wanted to be transferred back to the original timeline.

I had no hesitation in choosing the 'Yes' option, as I wanted to get out of this timeline as soon as possible.

I was still trying to process everything that had happened so far, and I wasn't willing to stick around this cruel and twisted scenario any longer than needed.

I still don't get why - I couldn't interact with my father or with anything really - am I just a ghost? No wait maybe this is just a dream?-

No...the system is real...

No...I'm -

Another burst of energy suddenly filled my body as the system responded to my request. The room around me started to fade away and became distorted, as if I was being pulled away from this reality.

My body felt like it was sinking down into darkness, and I felt a deep sense of relief and peace in that moment.

The girl's body seemed to become more and more distant as I was pulled away, and it soon vanished completely from my sight.

Who was this girl? Why is her and dad were at this place? And what happened before I awaken up in here? I don't know...

It took a moment to regain my bearings, but soon enough I found myself back in the original timeline. I could still feel the same sense of relief and peace swirling inside me, as if I had just survived a traumatic experience. My mind felt sharp and clear, and I felt totally restored from my previous state.

I took a deep breath and looked around the room, which now appeared normal again. The only sign that I had just witnessed something extraordinary was my own memories of it all.

I was back here again after that rollercoaster of emotions and events. I was back in my room, and everything was just the way I had left it.

It seemed like I had experienced an entirely different reality, as if I had seen a glimpse of a different version of myself.

I shook my head slightly to clear my thoughts and went to sit down on the bed.

Wasn't I supposed to be in the school.. bathroom?-


Forget it

I'm never-

Doing this again -


Fuck this

The last days were like an emotional rollercoaster, and I couldn't help but feel drained from everything that had happened.

My eyes suddenly felt like they were watery, and I felt myself tearing up slightly. It was a strange feeling, as if I was still processing the trauma of that entire situation.

My mind began to drift back to the girl and I wondered about her current state.

Was she still alive? Or had she died from her self infliction injuries?

I didn't want to think about it, but the guilt of leaving her in that situation was nagging at me and wouldn't let me rest until I knew for sure that she would be okay.

But I wasn't sure if that was possible, and the feeling of unease started to grow inside me...

The guilt of leaving the girl in that state continued to gnaws at the back of my mind, and my eyes continued to water as I thought about their situation.

I kept telling myself that I had no other choice but to return back to my original timeline, but I couldn't shake the feeling of regret that kept telling me that I could have done something more to save her just like how I could of saved my sister-

Even though I had no idea of knowing what the future held or what would have happened if I stayed, my mind still raced with negative thoughts that kept eating away my peace with each passing second.

I desperately needed a way to get rid of these negative feelings and thoughts, because they were starting to overwhelm my emotions.

At that moment, I had almost wished that I hadn't come back from the failed re-entry and had stayed in that timeline instead-


it was starting to feel like that would have been the better option...

After that moment I decided to not use any of my powers and so years came right by fast

The years quickly passed after that moment, and I was no longer an 8 year old anymore. It was as if time had sped up and I had suddenly jumped several years into the future.

My body had matured and grown, and I was now a teenager with a better understanding of the world and my place within it.

But at the same time, I felt as if I had become even more detached from the people around me and had developed a sense of distance from reality.

My thoughts and emotions were still lingering on with those negative feelings from that failed re-entry experience. It was like some sort of trauma that had been imprinted deep within my heart, always there in the background.

I tried my best to live my life in this new timeline as if that trauma didn't exist, but I was really just pretending.

My own mind was now plagued with a constant feeling of stress and regret that I couldn't seem to shake.

Even though the years passed and I had grown older during that time, the situation with my sister was still pretty much the same as before.

She still hurt my grandma and was still paralyzed, which made me feel like that was an unfortunate inevitability.

It was a sad situation where no one really won, but I still couldn't help but think of ways to protect my grandma.

I wanted to do whatever I could to keep this family together and not allow the same thing to happen again...

After few more years of existing-

I was now a teenager, and I was still grappling with the events from that failed re-entry experience. The guilt and regret from leaving the girl in that situation still lingered deep within my heart.

These negative feelings had caused a rift in my relationships with my grandparents, and I felt like I had never truly been able to connect with them again.

I felt like a stranger to my own family now, someone who had seen too much and couldn't just go back to the way things had been before.

Years had passed since that time, and I was now in my 2nd year of high school. I was older and more mature now, and my body had grown and developed significantly.

My mind was still filled with conflicting emotions and thoughts, but I had managed to get a better grip on them.

This was my normal life, and yet I still couldn't stop thinking about the experience that had happened back then.

My stats had grown alongside me throughout the years, and now I was like a completely different person compared to who I was before.

My IQ had risen, as if a switch had been flipped in my brain that allowed me to suddenly process information at an accelerated rate.

My physical strength and speed also had greatly improved, as if I had found some new found motivation to develop myself.

After years of mental and physical training consistently, my stats displayed on the purple text box had evolved significantly.

{ 'Yamato takao' level 45 }

- species: Human

- title: ?????

-power : 252

- stamina: 2,345

- abilities: 348

- intelligent: 102-500

- luck : 100

- charm : 34

- control: 355

My 're:enter' skill had almost reached its max level, and my other skills had improved significantly as well.

I knew I still had plenty of room for growth, but I was content with where I was.

The stats reflected my progress and experience perfectly, and it made me feel proud of myself that I had come so far after all this time.

I searched around for the stat I was looking for, with my eyes darting from one stat to the next until I saw the one I was searching for.

Re:enter \[Level 48\]

As I saw the level of the stat 're:enter', the relief and joy within me burst like a balloon.

Finally, the stat 're:enter' had reached level 48,meaning that it was finally at its halfway point to level 49.

This was a huge achievement, and I was thrilled and proud to have reached such a milestone after all these years of trying.

After I examined my stats, the class started without me realizing it.

I was still so caught up in this sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, that it took a few seconds for me to realize what was happening.

Now that I was more aware of my surroundings, my mind quickly shifted focus to the class around me.

The classroom was quiet for the moment, and I saw a few people talking to each other during the period of silence.

But there was one thing about this class that stood out to me; there was someone missing.

A certain person was absent in this class, and it caught my attention.

It was odd that they were missing at this time, and I couldn't help but wonder where they were.

My attention instantly shifted forward as I heard the sound of the door opening.

And as if on cue, the person I was missing walked into the classroom.

A familiar voice reached my ears after the person walked through the door, and my heart felt like it skipped a beat.

"Sorry, I'm late!"

At the sound of that voice, I sat up straight and looked up at the person who had just entered the classroom.

It was her... The princess of the "Sakura" academy.

At least, that's what people called her.

Sora Anno, the most popular girl at the sakura academy, and my classmate. To think that she was missing from the start of class just reminded me how unusual she was.

Why did she have to be born with such beauty, intelligence, and popularity?

I watched her approach her desk and sat down, as a mix of emotions flooded my chest.

I was aware of how much she was praised and admired in the sakura academy, and yet I couldn't help but feel a slight sense of admiration for her as well.

It was a strange mix of feelings, and I was slightly embarrassed by the fact that I had to experience such emotions towards her.

The class continued normally with the teacher lecturing and writing on the board.

Though, my attention was completely fixated on the person who had entered the classroom late.

There was something about her that was so fascinating, and I couldn't help but keep my eyes on her during the whole class.

I was able to look at her up close for the whole class since we were seated right next to each other.

I was fascinated by her beautiful face and the way she carried herself. Everything about her was so elegant and refined, which made her even more charming like she's a definitely a protagonist!

The class finally ended, and everyone packed up their things and began leaving the classroom.

I also stood up from my seat and started walking towards the door, but I slowed down and let the crowd of students walk first.

My plan was to see if she was also going to walk out the same way as me just curious-

But she was quickly so rounded by the other girls in our class as if they're her body guards

" awww, thank you! Mizaka San" said Sora chan with a big warm smile.

" no worries! Im just helping out!"

"Let Sora breath some air already"

" what do you mean?!"

"she's already tired can't you see that for yourself or are u blind?"

" say that again! "

"hey ,it's ok!"

" but"

" Thank you guys for worrying about me" she showed a warm smile

" Anno chan! You're so cute!"

"You sound like a stalker!"

" shut up!"

I watched as Sora was quickly surrounded by the girls in our class, as if they were her bodyguards.

She appeared to be tired from everything that had been going on, and they seemed concerned about her being exhausted by all the attention she was getting.

Sora showed a warm smile at them as she thanked them for caring about her.

But there was something else that caught my attention...

I noticed that it was Ai and Mizaka who seemed to be standing the closest to Sora right now, as if they were protecting her.

It was almost as if they were guarding her from anyone who tried to get too close to her, and I couldn't help but feel a bit jealous at the moment.

Was I overthinking things? Was I just imagining the whole situation?

I wanted to have a chance to talk to Sora, but it wouldn't be possible if it were like this.

The girls surrounding her wouldn't let me anywhere near her without getting defensive.

I had no other choice but to give up as well.

I started walking out the door and heading back to my locker, with no hope of getting any closer to Sora.

I was aware that I wasn't really the popular type in school and often got overlooked by my peers.

But right now, that fact was being shoved in my face as those two clearly treated me differently compared to Sora.

I couldn't help but feel a bit frustrated at my own situation, as the girls were acting friendly towards Sora but seemed to avoid me at all costs.

I was organizing my books when I felt a hard bump that knocked me off balance.

My eyes shot up to see who it was that ran into me, and it turned out to be a girl with red hair.

She looked surprised by our collision, as if she didn't expect to run into me at all.


"I'm sorry! "

I was thrown off balance by the unexpected collision, but I quickly recovered and looked at the person who had just bumped into me.

She was a girl with red hair, and she appeared to be apologetic for running into me.

"It's okay!"

I replied back in kind, before I looked back down at my locker.

But I couldn't help but notice something else as I saw her body language...

Although she looked apologetic and said she was sorry, there was something else about her body language that seemed unusual.

She was looking at me with a mix of nervousness and unease, as if she was trying to avoid the eye contact.

It was a weird contrast with her apologetic words, and it made me wonder what exactly was going on...

"k-okay! Uhh I will be going now" she give me a nervous smile

After our brief interaction, the girl with red hair gave me a nervous smile before saying she was going to leave.

But as she was to leave, I noticed something else about her.

She looked more uneasy than before, as if there was something bothering her.

Why was she acting like this all of a sudden?


She is still cute tho

I felt something strange about the whole interaction with the girl with the red hair, but I chose to ignore it as well and focused on getting to class.

After putting my books away, I started walking towards my next class and thought nothing more of the strange encounter.

The atmosphere was quiet as I entered the classroom again.

Everybody else was already sitting down at their desks and waiting for class to begin.

I took my seat in the back and sat down quietly, keeping my eyes on the teacher.

I took my seat in the back, which meant that I had to sit right next to the princess and her protagonist aura.

She seemed to be the focus of attention in this classroom, and I felt like I was being watched whenever I looked over at her direction.

I noticed the boys in my class were looking at me weirdly as if they were considering something.

They were staring at me like they were planning to do something, and it made me feel uneasy.

I didn't like this attention one bit, and I knew I had to be careful with these guys...

I don't wanna die!