
My NTR Harem

[IT'S NETORI, not the disgusting Netorare] COUGH Since our lazy author-nim is a bit... let's say, challenged in the synopsis-writing department, I'm stepping in. Sigh... now he's making me do his job too... X( Let's hope he can at least complete my story. Anyway, I'm Lucian, a 35-year-old guy with a rare disease that's cutting my time short. But here I am, working till my last breath sigh. *KNOCK* Oh, a guest! Gotta be quick—can't keep a lady waiting. So, after I kicked the bucket, I woke up in a body that kinda looked like mine but not really. Turns out, I'm on a flipped planet ruled by women. And guess what? I'm married to a cold and crazy ya#SPOILER#. My new mom? Total #SPOILER#. Then I *CENSORED* her right in *BEEP* of my new dad. To get stronger, I need to travel to #SPOILER#. Instead of a cool system, I got a useless b... *BANG* (gunshot). Due to health related issues, Lucian will be taking off, and the author will continue from here... "Kyaaa!! The patient died from a gunshot!" Don’t worry, Doc. He was on borrowed time anyway. So, let’s talk about what this story has. "B-But, he still had a few months to—" *BANG* So, here's what you can expect: Revenge, mystery, a bit of comedy, an overpowered MC (maybe), all the deredere, milfs a lot of them, wince... *COUGH*, hacking, a hero, a villain, manipulation, crime and a lot more. What you won’t find here: NTR, Yuri, a girlfriend, a job?, etc. Now, the serious stuff. This story aims to keep things light and happy but will have its fair share of sad and rage moments. Alright, that's it for now; I need to go, or we might actually lose our MC before the story even starts... For those who prefer to keep things PG, feel free to skip the R-18 chapters. We understand, really! And for those who pride themselves on being ‘Men of Culture,’ get ready to savor the spice. Bon appétit! --- **Bonus Chapter Alert!** Donate over two hundred power stones for an extra chapter, and four to five extra chapters for a super gift (if the story gets contracted). Discord link: https://discord.gg/wckUrBNVUd

Jin_moon · 奇幻
134 Chs


Lucian took a break only when it was time for them to eat, and then for a while he asked several questions to Tess to understand her level.

And he found out that she barely knew the basics so Lucian would have to teach her from the beginning, he could teach her in his free time and he also ordered some toys that would make learning easy and fun for her.

When it was around 4, and Tess was asleep with her head resting on Lucian's chest as she slept in his lap, he was finally done with Echo, so he began to test it and was quite satisfied with the results.

Lucian gave various tasks to Echo and she performed all of them within seconds and with perfection, it could easily hack even into the database of famous companies without getting detected.