
My Normal Life In Teyvat

Uhm... this is synposis, by webnovel's words it is supposed to "attract" readers, but y'know... I am lazy. Oh, and also don't expect much, I am on my hiatus after all (since 2022 summer)

LfiAlfana · 漫画同人
17 Chs

Reincarnation office and... Teyvat?

All I could feel was cold and intense pain across all my body.

I tried to open my eyes, but I couldn't, 'Am I dying?'

All I heard was my screaming classmates and loud sirens, 'I can't even open my mouth to say my last words, how pathetic of me.'

Next second I couldn't feel any pain and I opened my eyes finding myself in a loud office reception room with a lot of people sitting on chairs, "Huh? Wasn't I supposed to be dead?"

I looked around and saw a lot of people coming to supposedly 'dead' by my guess humans, and not only, there also was something similar to monsters and demi humans.

I were watching all of them until a woman in business suit came to me, "You're Fuji Shikimori, right?"

Surprised I looked at her and wanted ask how she knew my name but before I could open my mouth she quickly said, "You're in reincarnation office, this is where all souls appear after death, you now have two choices."

She looked at papers and sighed, "First choice is go to heaven, well, it is not the best place as you will just exist there in peace but there's nothing interesting, just eternal peace. And second option..."

"This option isn't given to anyone unless they die before they should or died in unexpected circumstances like where you shouldn't die."

I looked at her and asked, "I... I shouldn't have died?"

"Of course not, you died where you weren't supposed to", she flipped page one more time and looked at it, "It is written that you died while trying to protect some girl from attempted murder. Well, it was her fate to die there but you saved her, so basically you exchanged your life with hers."

I looked puzzled and wanted to kill myself from embarrassment, "What will happen to her?"

"She will live life you should have in matter of length, which was 71 year... But enough chatting, what will you chose, go to heaven, or second option.", she smiled a bit, "Second option is to be reincarnated with your or another body in another world. If that world will be dangerous for your current strength then you will receive some benefits."

I thought for a while and sighed, "There's no point being stagnant in heaven, so I think I will chose to live another life in another world, it is a lot better than nothing at all."

She looked at papers and tapped on them with a single finger making them disappear into light particles, "Good choice" She handed me out of her pocket a small wheel with a button on side, "This wheel will determine which world you will go, as for powers, they will be necessary if the world power level is too high for you."

I looked at wheel and laughed a bit, 'It looks a toy' I clicked on a red button and wheel began to spin rapidly until few seconds later it stopped with shining words on top of it, [Genshin Impact: Teyvat (Power level average: 50)]

I stared at those words and had no clue what is that world, 'To be honest... I have no clue what I signed up for...'

She looked at it and weren't surprised at all, "Each world has power level, and your world previously had power level of average 4, you're pretty lucky because this is not high level world, others get 20 thousand average and next few days they're dead... So consider yourself lucky, this world is pretty interesting, but complicated though."

"So how would you like to be reincarnated... or transmigrated?", I looked at her and after a while answered, "I want to reborn with same body but as a kid..."

Mumbling something she took out calculator and made some 'calculations', "You can have two high rank, along with one medium rank power, this is too troublesome so let me spin it instead, I am quite busy after all."

She took the wheel and spun it fast three times, "First one is space and time manipulation which allows you to completely manipulate space and time, second is arsenal, with it you can store any type of items or weapons and use them however you like. As for third, it's skill creation, it's medium rank so you need more energy to create something, and even more to use it, so be careful with it."

She turned away taking out papers and started walking away, "My job is done here, see you next time."

I blinked and next second found myself outside under roof in small basket wrapped tightly in blanket, 'So here I am...' I looked around it was raining, no, it was as if someone was poring bucket of water down from the sky, 'and... WHY AM I GREETED IN THIS WORLD WITH SUCH HEAVY RAIN, I AM NOT SIGN OF MISFORTUNE, AM I?'

I kept shouting to myself in my mind but to outside my body just kept making loud noises of crying newborn child

A woman inside house with pink long hair was sitting and reading book with glasses on her, she kept ignoring loud cries of the newborn child until she had enough, "I swear, if this is again that couple's child which recently got here as neighbors, I will just send them straight to abyss"

Yae put down glasses and went out of her house, she wanted supposedly wanted to give a 'friendly' visit to her new neighbors, but looking down she looked down and saw a basket with a crying child.

"Oh my..." Shocked she didn't knew what to do and took lifted the child with pink hair wrapped in blanket near her, "Pink hair... Maybe this is a fate, but who could leave a child like that here..."

I looked at her and stopped screaming inside my mind and admired her beauty, 'she's... pretty...'

She sighed and opened door going inside house, "I don't remember anyone in Inazuma with pink hair like me... Well, looks like I will have to take care of you... Fuji" She smiled and caressed gently my head
