
My Normal Life In Teyvat

Uhm... this is synposis, by webnovel's words it is supposed to "attract" readers, but y'know... I am lazy. Oh, and also don't expect much, I am on my hiatus after all (since 2022 summer)

LfiAlfana · 漫画同人
17 Chs

Adventurers guild

Later at noon after eating pudding with Kaveh, I was sleeping outside on a bench and looking at the sky I sighed "I really don't want to try becoming stronger, what should I do... If that Pierro guy will kill me I have to do something to prevent that."

I sighed and closed my eyes, "There's no way he did that just because of nothing, there must be a reason for that." I shrugged, "At least I will create some skills to kill time.'."

I thought a bit and said, "Skill creation." I opened window and entered quickly two skills windows, "First skill will be..."

[Skill (Active) - Modeling] [Mastery - 0%(3x slower due to amount of abilities)]

[Paired with space manipulation, able to create and change properties of anything that is able to exist in expense the needed knowledge and huge amounts of energy.]

[Ability - Creation] [Ability - Enchant] [Ability - Change]

I created out of thin air a purple vision which had golden coating and signified Inazuma's electro vision, I nodded in satisfaction and heard what I wanted right after.

[Conditions have been met.]

[Fifth skill slot has opened for use.]

[Sixth skill slot will be open since 300% of total skill mastery will be achieved.]

[Seventh skill slot will open all skill slots till tenth. Conditions: Get a title]

[P.S. - Medium level skill creation can only be limited up to 10 skill slots]

After reading it I sighed, "Of course there won't be unlimited skill slots, that would be too overpowered. Even one would be game changing if you made some broken skill." opening skill creation window I thought for a bit and smiled, "this will take a long time to level up..."


[Mastery: 0% (~200x slower due to amount of abilities)]

[A mage with no peers who can do anything and everything, a perfect all rounder, with no flaws.]

[Ability list: [Arcane spells], [Divine spells], [Spiritual spells and talismans], [Alternative spells], [Boost magic], [Delay magic], [Extend magic], [Twin magic/Triplet magic], ...]

[Exclusive ability: Teacher(able to teach anything to anyone as long as they become your disciples.)]

I smiled and got up from bench, "Now this sounds a lot better." walking around the Sumeru I understood that there's not much to look at and went between houses while snapping finger, a black flames surrounded me

After I came out of it, I looked as older version of me, but with black hair and red eyes, "This shall do." A medium sized magic circle drew itself beneath me and I dissolved into light not long after, few seconds later I appeared at Mondstadt and looked around it

I saw adventurers guild and approached it while having black torn coat with cape on me, coming closer to Katheryne and she said usual thing that always made my ears bleed, "Ad astra abyssosque! Welcome to the Adventurers' Guild. How may I help you?"

"I wish to register at adventurer in guild." I said while not showing any emotions and placed down sack of mora, 'Gotta keep the disguise' immediately after she replied, "Understood, what's your name sir?"

I thought for a while and said, "Name's Helliot." She nodded and took out small card writing something and handed it to me, "That's your guild card, now currently you're level one, you can raise levels by doing commissions."

Looking at the card I saw my name, level as one and some symbols like buttons, as well information about me, like weapon and vision put as blank. Seems like they weren't necessary for becoming an adventurer but more like for battle type commissions.

She continued "With higher level you can get more benefits, as well higher level commissions, including corresponding rewards." She smiled and I nodded, "Well, I have a questions, what are those symbols here."

I said while pointing at them and she replied, "Starting from the left side, that one is message function, and next to it is friend function. You can connect your own guild card with others and communicate at any time, including your party as group chat."

"As for two last ones, it is map and commissions." She always had a smile on her face which freaked me out, "Then I want to take some easy commission for start."

"There are four type of commissions, battle, rescue, help, gathering, unique. Unique commissions are rare and may wary while not having restrictions to levels." Nodding I said, "Then I want to take battle type one."

Katheryne shook her head, "To take battle type commission you should make a party out of four, or else you cannot take them. You can enter guild to find party members or join other party, or else you can leave request for party here."

"Will that be okay if I am level one?" She nodded, "Party member with highest level will be able to take commissions to that level."

"Fine, then I will go search some party to be with." I sighed and went towards entrance of the guild, 'You could at least say good luck.'