
hate kids

"Prince aragon"

A woman in her 30s called out the name she was looking for before entering the door.

The door leads to a library, in the middle of it is a stack of books, the maid walked past the mountain of books before finding an 8 years old boy sleeping in the chair.

"Prince, king isaiah is looking for you"

The maid gently shakes Aragon, waking him up, the truth is he only goes to the library to sleep.


"What it is Lynn?…."

As Aragon opened his eyes, the maid who has been taking care of him since he was a baby sat beside him.

It's true that she is just a lowly maid when they go outside, but when no one is looking she shows to Aragon what mother care is.

"The king is looking for you, he said that your idea about the new military regiment is very appealing"

Aragon fixed his clothes, even though he is son of the king it wouldn't hurt to show nobility.

" I see, well the tension with other kingdoms is not good, war might spark soon" Aragon started to walk out of the library while being followed by lynn.

"Is it ok for me to hear that young prince?" Asked by lynn.

"Why not?"

Aragon is a person from 2020, he is not a weeb(he just denies it), he just likes anime and japan.

He was reincarnated as a prince in the kingdom of Cordelia, at first he was confused but as the time flew by he slowly understood his surroundings.

Cordelia is on the east side of the land of giants, in the land of giants there's 5 kingdoms that have been coexisting since the beginning.

But lately the news of a king getting murder by his own son reach the other kingdom, this alert everyone as it may cause a imbalance in power.

As Aragon reached the study room of his father, he casually opened the door and…..

"That bird looked delicious"

The king quickly let the bird in his hand fly out of the window, king isaiah then smiled brightly unusually from his calm self.

Well since birth Aragon has been spoiled, whatever wants something the king himself will give it to him. If the normal commoner saw them how the king acted like this they would surely forget his title of water mage king.

"Oh right, I have just finished the preparation, and i just finished gathering a battalion and the new training training regiment is currently being followed along with a new policy"

Aragon then looked at the files, his father really hated looking at paper works, thus when the king heard that his son is a genius he let him handle some of the work.

"Heh… we should go with quality than the number of the soldiers, train them to the bones, teach them how to use different kind of weapons, teach them how to ride horses, and more hellish training then after moths of training summon them to clear some bandit nest then after that you can have a battalion that can be deployed anywhere"

Aragon then smiled, he offered them money, shelter, food, equipment and compensation for their loved ones if they ever died in the battlefield.

In the land of giants there are 4 currencies from the copper the lowest, to the platinum the highest.

Hundred Copper is equal to 1 silver, while 100 silver is equal to 1 gold, and 100 gold is equal to 1 platinum.

A piece of gold is enough to make one family well fed in a few months, thus 1 gold per moth as a bait will probably attract many attention.

Along with 10 gold per family if they ever died in battle, who would say no?

"How many have quitted?" Aragon asked.

The king knew he can't hide anything thus he laughed.

"About 1/4 of 1000 trainees, the new training regimen is also being used in the royal guards along with the new elite force that you made" then the king happily hands another paper to his son.

It is four newly made branches, or may be five but the fifth is not yet announced to the mass, not like they have plans to announce it.

Royal guards consist of 5000 elite troops fully armed with high quality (heavy)armors and magic weapons, they are to protect the king and his family along with the castle, they also patrol the streets and they act like a police.

Infantry, foot men have light armor which makes them deployable anywhere they are, which consists of 10000 men that are cut in by many different battalions from spearman, shieldman, swordsman, and bowman.

Cavalry, Aragon knew how power cavalry is, thus why not abuse it? The current members of cavalry is only about 5 thousands, but Aragon wants more that 15 thousands, but the lack of horses is also what held the plan.

Lastly the mage branch consists of 2 thousands of mage, half which is dedicated in healing while the other is dedicated in pure damage and destruction.

Lastly the special branch is a battalion of elite assassin, they have been trained since kid (not kidnapped) and have been subjected to hellish training, theses assassins are not that manny as they are roughly less than a thousand, they only listen to the king and the next successor which is aragon.

After finishing some of the paperwork, he looked at his father and wondered why he likes to bang with his mistress more than to have a father and son bond.

"What is it?" As Aragon has been staring at his father for quite a long time, king Isaiah decides to ask.

"Can i go outside? I want to improve my swordsmanship and magic control" 

"Why would you go outside? Don't you think you can just stay inside and i will invite some kids to play with you?"

Aragon feels really weak, last time he agreed with his father it ended up kidnapping some random kid.

"No! I also want to go on my own! This time without guards following my tail like a dog! Or else I won't help you with this paper work anymore, it's take or leave!"

The king got taken by his son sudden outburst, but he understands that his son is growing at abnormally rate, at first his mana its very huge in his age then next is his intelligence he knew that aragon mentality is like an adult, and who wants to be confined in a big castle.

"Ok ok ok, but…"

Aragon glared at his father with an annoyed look.


"The core, let some of them protect you at the shadow"

The king itself breathed in relief, as Aragon nodded and took his leave.


Lynn is following Aragon in one of his investments, it's an orphanage. (it's for training future assassins)

As Aragon walked in front of the orphanage he was greeted by tons of kids.

Actually Aragon hates kids, specifically the bratty one but he decided to go against his rule just to make his image a little bit good.

As the kids rushed towards him he changed his annoyed look to the caring smile.

"Aragon nii!" 

"Ohhh brother aragon!"

"Niii is here!"

"How's your day nii!"

The kids just did what they wanted as Aragon looked very happy playing with them but inside he is cursing.

"Aragon nii, do you have the thing that adventurers have?"

A 4 years old boy asked with a bright eyes, it was so bright that Aragon just smiled.

"Ah ye- yes of course I do, do you want to see it?"

As Aragon is about to get his card Lynn stops him.

"Is that a good idea, my young prince?"

It is said that whatever written in this card is where your life depends on it, but argon has the sleacial title "deception" which gives him an ability to re-write his stats and fool other people.

"It's no problem"

Argon stoll decided to show his card to the kids which made lynn quite annoyed.


Title: prince of cordelia [(hidden)]

Gender: male

Age: 8



Wind strike

Mana blast


Water ball


The kids got excited and didn't even ask why his stat is missing.

"Nii, nii, are you a mage?"

Asked by a kid.

"Mmmmm, maybe? Maybe not?"

"Ehhhhg!" Said by kids

"Nii, can you show us some cool stuff?"

Aragon acted like he was thinking about something before answering.

"Sure why not?"

The kids jumped in joy.

Aragon then stood from his position and walked few meters frkm the kids.

"Watch closely"

As aragon rise his hand a water ball started to grow out of thin air, then aragon added wind attribute making the area around his hand twirls as the ball of water spin along with wind then aragon trows it to the sky.

Not long after that the ball of water explodes, making a glittering effects.

"Do you guys liked that?"



i almost called it root ninja for fudge sake.

TornHeartcreators' thoughts