
My New Life As A Pokémon Trainer (Rewrite)

This is a rewrite of my original fanfic. Summary: Isabel Smith was an ignored child in her family. Unfortunately she died in an unexpected accident. But then she's reincarnated into the Pokémon universe as the female version of Ash Ketchum. Follow her on her journey as a Pokémon trainer. Pokémon franchise belongs to Nintendo and Game Freak.

Fantasywriter345 · 漫画同人
221 Chs

May's Egg-cellent Adventure

Today the gang was heading for a town called Silver Town, which was somewhere between Saffron City and Lavender Town. There was a Pokémon contest being held there and Ashlyn and May wanted to compete in it. Just then May noticed they had come to a farm.

"Isn't that just the cutest little farm. I wonder if we can take a rest here." May said.

Suddenly two Voltorbs appeared.

"Eep!" May squealed, who was scared of the Voltorbs.

"Those Voltorbs must be guarding this farm." Ashlyn said.

Just then a girl, with red brownish hair, turned up. "You're right," she said, "our Voltorbs here keep out trespassers." She stared at Ember and May. "I know you two. You're Ashlyn who won the Cerulean City contest, and you're May who won the Saffron City contest. I can't believe I'm seeing two Pokémon coordinators!"


The girl whose name was Nicolette introduced the gang to her parents, Christopher and Jeannie. Christopher and Jeannie welcomed the gang and invited them to stay.

"What kind of farm do you run here?" May asked.

"We are an egg ranch," Christopher replied, "so we raise Pokémon eggs."

"Really?" Max asked.

"Wow it would be nice to see Pokémon eggs again. The last time we saw Pokémon eggs was at the Torchic farm in Hoenn where there were Torchic eggs." Ashlyn commented.

"You're right, Ashlyn." Alain said.

"Seeing Pokémon eggs again would be nice." Brock added.

"I'm happy to see you two here, May and Ashlyn." Jeannie said.

Christopher explained that their daughter Nicolette wants to become a Pokémon coordinator too. "We would like Nicolette to get out on her own Pokémon journey, but she doesn't want to leave the nest."

"Nicolette is a stubborn type," Jeannie stated, "so she won't admit that she really wants to get out and become a Pokémon coordinator."


A while later Max was tending to May's Munchlax. Max liked Munchlax; it reminded him of when his Snorlax was a Munchlax before it evolved and before he captured it. Nicolette watched Max tend to Munchlax.

"Very nice," she said, "okay then, I would like to have a test battle with Munchlax."

"Munchlax belongs to my sister, so you will have to ask her." Max informed.

Just then May turned up. "Hey Nicolette," she said, "your parents just said that you want to become a Pokémon Coordinator."

Nicolette blushed in embarrassment; she hated it when her parents discussed her desires with other people. "I'm happy with just staying here and raising eggs on the farm." She admitted.

It was just as Christopher and Jeannie said; Nicolette didn't want to admit yet that she wanted to go on a Pokémon journey. "But I do want to have a test battle against your Munchlax."

May wasn't sure about that; Munchlax was still new, and she hadn't really trained Munchlax that much yet. But Nicolette insisted to battle Munchlax and May agreed to battle.

So May and Nicolette got into position for their battle. Nicolette had a Vileplume and May told her Munchlax to get ready. Despite being new Munchlax did know a few moves. He knew Tackle, Lick, Metronome, and by surprise, he knew Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower and Solar Beam.

"Vileplume, show them your Petal Dance." Vileplume shot lots of petals at Munchlax and Munchlax got hit. Unfortunately, Vileplume became confused because of using Petal Dance.

"Okay I must stay calm," May advised, "Munchlax, use Flamethrower!"

Nicolette was surprised to know that May's Munchlax knew flamethrower. "Quick Vileplume dodge it and then use Stun Spore!"

Vileplume managed to avoid being hit by the Flamethrower and it fired a Stun Spore at Munchlax, despite being confused. Munchlax was now paralyzed and had trouble moving.

"Now use Bullet Seed!" Vileplume fired Bullet Seed at Munchlax and Munchlax got hit. Nicolette felt for sure that she was going to win this battle.

But May wasn't backing down. "Munchlax show them what you are made of!" she said.

Munchlax started to get all bulked up and then he charged at Vileplume and punched it really hard.

"Munchlax learned Focus Punch." Max explained.

"Wow that's great Munchlax," May complimented, "now let's use Solar Beam!"

Munchlax gathered up energy and fired Solar Beam at Vileplume. Vileplume tried to dodge, but it was hit. Vileplume got struck by the Solar Beam and fainted.

Nicolette was disappointed with her loss, but she said to May that it was a good match.


After the battle was over, the gang was given a tour of a barn where Pokémon eggs were kept. There were shelves of Pokémon eggs everywhere.

"Wow so many," May awed at the eggs, "oh I wish I had a Pokémon egg of my own. I find Ashlyn lucky because she's had Pokémon eggs before."

"It's true I have," Ashlyn confirmed. "And having a Pokémon hatch off the egg is great."

Christopher explained that most of the eggs belonged to trainers, who asked them to look after, and the rest were theirs.

"We have two eggs that will hatch soon." Jeannie said.

There was a green egg with red, yellow and black markings; it was a Natu egg. The second egg was light red, with dark red patterns; this was a Vulpix egg.

"Wow I want to see them hatch already." Max beamed.

May noticed that there two eggs on the side. One was a Smoochum egg and the other was a very light grey egg; it was a Castform egg.

"Are these yours too?" May asked.

"Oh no these two are put up for adoption," Christopher said, "we got a telephone call yesterday and a man and a woman asked us if they could adopt a Pokémon egg each, and we agreed. The pink egg with yellow markings is for the woman and the light grey egg is for the man. They'll be coming here later to pick them up."

"What about your Voltorbs?" Max asked.

"Don't you worry," Jeannie assured Max, "we told them that Voltorbs were guarding the ranch and we told the Voltorbs that people were coming today. So they won't attack them."


That evening the gang had just finished dinner with Christopher, Jeannie and Nicolette.

"That was delicious." Brock complimented.

"I'm glad you liked it." Jeannie said, smiling.

Just then there was a ding dong on the door.

"Ah that must be the man and woman who are here to collect their eggs." Christopher said.

"Nicolette, wash up the dishes while your dad and I give the man and woman their eggs." Jeannie instructed.

"Okay mum." Nicolette said.

While Christopher and Jeannie went to do their work, the gang helped Nicolette tidy up.

"You guys are lucky to be traveling." Nicolette commented.

"Thanks, I'm traveling to become a Pokémon coordinator." May thanked Nicolette.

"And I'm traveling to become the number one Pokémon trainer." Ashlyn added.

"Those are amazing goals. I too want to become a Pokémon Coordinator." Nicolette stated.

"Nicolette, if you want to be a Pokémon Coordinator, how come you haven't gone on a journey yet?" May questioned.

Nicolette sighed heavily, "I just...don't have the confidence to do it." She admitted.

The gang glanced at one another at Nicolette's answer.

"I didn't have the confidence either." Brock spoke up.

Nicolette and the others turned to Brock.

"You see, when I was ten, my father decided to go on a journey. I had to stay home and take care of the gym and look after my siblings and my mom who was sick at the time. For six years, I've been taking care of the gym and my family. When my father finally returned, I was a little nervous, leaving the gym and taking care of the family. But he encouraged me to follow my dream. My dad and Ashlyn encouraged me as well. Then I took my chance and headed out with Ashlyn." Brock explained.

"It's almost the same with me." May added.

"What do you mean?" Nicolette asked.

"I wasn't really confident when it came to Pokémon. But thanks to my friends, I was able to improve myself and gained courage to never give up after a loss." May explained.

Nicolette smiled, "That's amazing."


A few minutes later, Nicolette and the gang heard Christopher's shouting and ran up to him.

"A Meowth broke into the barn and took the two eggs that are close to hatching!" Christopher exclaimed.

"That must be Team Rocket's Meowth!" Ashlyn gasped.

Ashlyn explained about Team Rocket and their bad ways of stealing someone else's Pokémon.

"We must get the eggs back, quick!" Jeannie panicked.

Suddenly they heard an explosion nearby.

"That was the Voltorbs! Let's hurry!" Nicolette decided.


Nicolette, her parents and the gang saw Team Rocket's balloon started flying away.

"Hold it, Team Rocket!" Alain shouted.

"Hey look at that!" Nicolette pointed at the plastic box with the Pokémon eggs inside that was attached to Team Rocket's balloon.

"Return those eggs at once!" Nicolette shouted.

Tesla wanted to attack the balloon, but she couldn't. If she attacks the balloon, then the eggs would get hurt in the process.

"We need a Pokémon that knows Stun Spore," Ashlyn stated, "Team Rocket will get paralyzed but the eggs won't."

"Leave it to me, Ashlyn." Nicolette smiled. She sent out her Vileplume, "Go Vileplume!"

"Vile!" Vileplume appeared.

"Vileplume, use Stun Spore!" Nicolette ordered.

Vileplume released an orange-colored powder from its petals, and it flew up to Team Rocket who got paralyzed at once. "Now Petal Dance!"

Vileplume made Team Rocket surrounded by petals and it cut the ropes that were holding the box of eggs. The Pokémon eggs fell out of the box at once.

"Catch those eggs!" Christopher shouted.

Everyone dashed and they caught all the eggs, even the Vulpix and Natu eggs. Then the others turned to Team Rocket.

"Now time to send you off. Tesla, Thunder Shock!" Ashlyn ordered.

"Vileplume, Solar Beam!" Nicolette added.

The two attacks hit the Team Rocket balloon which caused it to explode and sent them further into the sky.

"I don't want to see another egg again for as long as I'll live." Jessie complained.

"To think I put my plan through the painstaking of process of proving its foolproof, but still ended up as a rotten egg." James added.

"We're still rotten eggs, no matter what." Meowth stated.

"WE'RE BLASTING OFF AGAIN!" The trio screamed before they disappeared into the night sky.





When morning came, the Vulpix egg and the Natu egg hatched into a healthy baby Vulpix and Natu. Christopher and Jeannie were relieved to have seen the baby Pokémon hatch safely.

"Nicolette, you were great at using those combinations with Vileplume when we were rescuing the eggs." May complimented.

"Really? You think so?" Nicolette questioned.

Ashlyn nodded, "Yup, you'll definitely will be fine on your journey." She confirmed.

"Then it's decided. Mom, dad, I'm going to go out on a journey, capture more Pokémon and become a Pokémon Coordinator!" Nicolette declared.

Christopher, Jeannie and the gang were happy to know that Nicolette will proceed of her dream of becoming a Pokémon Coordinator.


It was now time for the gang to leave, but before they went, Nicolette and her family had a surprise for May. Nicolette presented a Pokémon egg, in a container, to May.

"Hey that's an Eevee egg." Ashlyn pointed out.

"This is to say thank you for helping save our eggs and for giving me confidence on what I really want to do, May." Nicolette said.

May was delighted and accepted the Eevee egg at once, "I can't wait for Eevee to hatch." She smiled.

Then Christopher held out the newly hatched Natu to the gang. "I would like it if one of you had the Natu," he said, "this Natu has a lot of energy and I think it will be happy with one of you since you kids are Pokémon trainers."

Natu jumped over to Alain who luckily caught it before it could hit the ground.

"Would it be alright if I keep Natu?" Alain suggested.

"That's fine with me." Christopher assured Alain.


The gang left the egg ranch to continue onto Silver Town, leaving Nicolette to plan on her Pokémon journey.


Pokémon Caught: Shiny Arcanine (Sonia)(F)