
Chapter 0005 Soul-capturing Magic Pearl_1

However, at this moment, Xiao Ya was unaware of the truth.

When the blood in Ye Xiaofei's throat flowed into his body, it was all absorbed by the blood-colored pearl within Ye Xiaofei's body.

The originally dark red pearl instantly burst forth with an incredibly bewitching blood-colored rosy light.

Following that, a ghastly laughter, as if emanating from the depths of the Nine Netherworlds, faintly echoed around.

"Ha, ha, ha... I, the Soul-capturing Ancestor, have finally awakened, you all just wait for me..."


Then, the blood-colored pearl that had been attached within Ye Xiaofei's body transformed into a streak of light and shot directly into Ye Xiaofei's brain.

With that came another bout of eerie laughter, "Kid, to be taken over by me, the Soul-capturing Ancestor, is your great fortune!"

"You like that little girl outside, don't you? Once I possess your body, I will make her the first cauldron for cultivation. In doing so, I will also fulfill your desire!"

At that moment, the blood-colored pearl still appeared within Ye Xiaofei's Inner Realm of Divine Consciousness.

In the turbid space of the Inner Realm, a faint seven-colored orb was floating in mid-air.

A vague shadow of a person could be seen within the seven-colored orb.

As the ghastly laughter of the Soul-capturing Ancestor rang out, the blood-colored pearl rapidly charged toward the seven-colored orb.

Clearly, the orb contained Ye Xiaofei's soul, and what the Soul-capturing Ancestor was attempting to do now was to devour and refine Ye Xiaofei's soul to take over his body.

This way, Ye Xiaofei would completely vanish from this world.

Inside the orb, Ye Xiaofei's soul filled with terror upon hearing the Soul-capturing Ancestor's ghastly laughter.

"Who are you? Why are you inside my body!"

However, after hearing the ghastly laughter of the Soul-capturing Ancestor and realizing that this suddenly-emerged Soul-capturing Ancestor indeed intended to possess and devour him,

And even wanted Elder Sister Xiao Ya to become his cauldron for cultivation, Ye Xiaofei instinctively screamed out in horror.

"No... I do not agree, I will not let you take over my body and then harm Elder Sister Xiao Ya!"

Just as the blood-colored pearl rushed toward the rainbow orb, Ye Xiaofei's soul within the orb suddenly let out a hysterical roar and howl.

"Demon Head, even if I die, I won't let you get your way!"

"Damn it, I'll fight you to the end!"

At that moment, the seven-colored orb fiercely charged toward the blood-colored pearl.

"Jie jie... A truly overconfident brat, I'm going to take your body today, and not even a great immortal can save you!"


"Kid, just accept your fate!"

Accompanying the Soul-capturing Ancestor's piercing laughter, the blood-colored pearl collided with the seven-colored orb in an instant.

However, how could Ye Xiaofei's soul be stronger than the soul of the Soul-capturing Ancestor?

As soon as the pearl dashed into the orb, it instantly drew Xiao Ye's soul into it.

"Ah... Bastard... Demon Head, I am not willing... I am not willing..."

"I'll fight you..."

"Haha... What does it matter if you're unwilling, being devoured and possessed by me is your blessing!"

However, what the Soul-capturing Ancestor did not expect was that just as his soul was about to forcefully devour Ye Xiaofei's soul, a burst of golden flames suddenly erupted from Ye Xiaofei's soul.

"Ah... How is this possible..."

"Celestial Flame... how could your soul possibly contain the Celestial Flame from the upper realm..."

"Ah... I refuse to accept this, I refuse to accept this..."

Accompanied by the sudden eruption of a mass of golden flame, it instantly swept over the Soul-capturing Ancestor's primordial spirit. In the blink of an eye, the Soul-capturing Ancestor's soul was refined by the abrupt emergence of the Celestial Flame.

Following that, a blood-red figure was left behind, floating near Ye Xiaofei's frail soul.

What was odd, however, was that the blood-red figure shattered in an instant, transforming into millions of light spots that gradually merged into Ye Xiaofei's soul.

"Soul-capturing Ancestor..."

"I refuse to accept this... I refuse to accept this..."


"Elder Sister Xiao Ya..."

A sudden, excruciating howl woke Xiao Ya from her slumber at the side of the bed.

"Xiao Fei... Xiao Fei, what's wrong with you...?"

"Please don't scare your sister like this..."

Seeing Ye Xiaofei lying on the hospital bed with his eyes tightly closed, his face contorted in agony, tears once again uncontrollably surged from Xiao Ya's swollen eyes.

"Xiao Fei..."

Especially when Xiao Ya heard Ye Xiaofei calling out her name even in his sleep, her heart ached as if it were being cut by knives.

However, unexpectedly, just then, Ye Xiaofei suddenly opened his eyes wide on the hospital bed, and a quick flash of eerie blood-colored brilliance passed through them.

Afterward, one could see Ye Xiaofei suddenly sit bolt upright on the bed, exclaiming, "Ah... I'm not dead..."

"Xiao Fei..."

Xiao Ya, who had been crying as if her life depended on it, saw Ye Xiaofei suddenly sit up from the bed, and she couldn't help but cry out in shock.

"Elder Sister Xiao Ya..."

Coming to his senses, Ye Xiaofei saw Xiao Ya beside him, crying her eyes out as if they had been reunited after lifetimes apart, and he promptly grabbed her and hugged her tightly in his arms.

"Thank goodness... Elder Sister Xiao Ya, I'm not dead... I haven't been possessed by that Demon Head..."

"Sob sob... Xiao Fei, you finally woke up..."

"Thank goodness, you finally woke up..."

An exhausted Xiao Ya, seeing Ye Xiaofei awake, could not help but start crying with a choked voice.

But then Xiao Ya fainted in Ye Xiaofei's arms.

"Elder Sister Xiao Ya... Elder Sister Xiao Ya... What's wrong with you... Wake up, please!"

Xiao Ya's sudden collapse in Ye Xiaofei's arms naturally gave him quite a fright, his eyes filled with tears as he frantically called out to her.

The wailing and howling in the hospital room naturally caught the attention of the on-duty nurses and doctors.

When the nurse and doctors hurried in and saw that Ye Xiaofei had come to, everyone was taken aback.

However, upon seeing Xiao Ya, who had fainted, the on-duty doctor hurriedly stepped forward to check her eyes.

"Your sister has only fainted from exhaustion. She will be fine after she rests and wakes up!"

Upon finishing his words, the doctor turned and walked away.

Ye Xiaofei, who had been worried, felt a sense of relief after hearing the doctor's words. He quickly laid Xiao Ya's body flat on the bed and then sat beside her to keep watch.

Looking at Xiao Ya's tear-stained, peach blossom-like face, Ye Xiaofei couldn't help but feel a wave of emotion, and his mind involuntarily revisited the scene of his desperate struggle against the Soul-capturing Ancestor.