
My name is Mephsitopheles (Reposting)

A/N: IF YOU CAN BRAVE THROUGH THE FIRST 25 CHAPTERS, MY WRITING STYLE BECOMES BETTER. ALTHOUGH THE FIRST STYLE WASN'T BAD, IT WAS STILL AT AN AMATEURISH LEVEL. In a special void floats a soul adrift for a long time. Then, suddenly he got his attention called by someone walking towards him he was an old man with a bowler hat and in black suit holding an umbrella with him. 'He' was here

SOLACE · 漫画同人
71 Chs

Chapter 59: (R-18) **Lemon scene**. The despairing Cuck.

[Some minutes ago]

Inside the Living room of the Kravei clan head Ignes, all four of them watched the scene as Raizel put a beat down on Karl. Katherine who sat on Raizel's lap was quiet also, she watched as Rai stripped Karl of his power and void nature and his miserable form as knelt on the ground before Rai.

[Katherine] Raizel called her telepathically.

She turned her gaze towards Rai. He gazed back at her also, [Would you want me to stop] he asked her.

He was talking about exactly what he wanted to do after this, Raizel as an empath could read emotions and body language so he knew that Kat was quite unbothered with it, he just wanted to know if she would change on a whim. Then maybe he would postpone the show for another time.

Katherine shrugged and turned around in his lap facing him directly. She wrapped her arms around his neck and drew him In a for a kiss,

Rozaria sighed and shook her head in pity "the poor man". Ignes too also nod her head in agreement, poor indeed but she wasn't fooling anyone. That seductive evil smile on her lips told the whole truth, she was sadistic in nature and she was going to enjoy the show that we about to commence.

[The Present].

"K...Katherine" Karl called her name in fear, hoping and praying that somehow, by some miracle he would be wrong but when she turned her face to him that hope was broken as he spiralled into a whirlpool of pain and despair.

Raizel smirked and leaned down to whisper in his ear "Congratulations General, You were Cucked".

Karl's body trembled, his face pale as he gazed at katherine who still kept an unreadable expression. He was still in a state of disbelief, he knew something must absolutely be wrong. Or so he tried to convince himself, but this was his Strongest thought at the moment. He turned his gaze to Raizel besides him an angry and enraged look on his face "You monster, I know you have her under your mind control. Let her her go!" He yelled at Rai "She has nothing to do with this, Why do you involve her" yelled Karl in a hoarse voice as he grabbed Rai's legs, pleading for his wife.

Raizel gazed down at Karl with a mocking look "I don't mind control my partners....Slap yourself Katherine" Rai commanded.

Katherine gazed at Rai as she calmly replied "No" and she went back to Kissing Rai. Karl looked at Katherine in pure disbelief as tears rolled down his cheeks "w–why Katherine" he asked her but as if his voice was the wind, she ignored him.

Raizel who was besides Karl smiled and looked down at Karl saying to him "Rejoice Karl, for what you are about to witness is not something to be seen by mortal eyes. This will be your first and last time of ever witnessing Katherine's naked form, so Savor this moment Karl.....for it shall be all you'll have left" and a second later Katherine leaned back in a gasp as her shirt burst to pieces and her massive breasts broke free and bounced freely.

Karl's eyes watched in surprise and awe, her skin was absolutely amazing. It couldn't be missed, her body had undergone a great change. Her looked a her face once more and this time noticed that her beauty had improved greatly, he couldn't pay attention to this before but now he could see it.

He got out of his stupor and gazed at Katherine with eyes of extreme sadness, pain, and an increasing mix of anger watching Raizel roam his hands along his wife's body and the way her body reacted to his touch. The way she rubbed her mounds against his chest, her body spasming from time to time. Her sweet sensual moans and how she hungrily kissed his lips, begging for more of him. He could feel it in her moans, everything was all genuine which caused him even greater pain.

Suddenly Karl's body began floating and he became scared "W–what are trying to do" he asked in fear. Raizel ignored him and then levitated Karl and then suddenly chains came out of a small wormhole and wrapped around Karl's arm's and his legs and drew him in the Vitruvian man's stance in mid air. Karl growled in pain as he felt the chains tighten around him *Gargh* "hah–Please don't kill me" he begged looking at Raizel besides him but Rai just smirked "this is so you can be more comfortable as you witness the scene of an Incubs god at Work. Now.... let's begin".

The Raizel stood up from the couch, Katherine held onto him tightly, wrapping her legs around his waist and losing herself in the feeling of Pleasure.

The whole room was warped and it became much more spacious and a huge bed was right in front of Rai who levitated onto it, and Karl watched from above with grit teeth and rage filled eyes "You bastard!" He yelled at Rai as he struggled in the air, Rage was overtaking his senses, there's absolutely no man who would want to watch the scene of his wife being fucked right in front of him.

Raizel opened one eye and gazed at him as he smirked and placed his hands on Katherine's supple butt and squeezed eliciting a moan from her as she leaned even further into him, her massive mounds pushing hard against his chest.

She spasmed and twitched as her erect and sensitive nipples rubbed against him yelping cutely as her eyes opened when she felt Raizel rub along the outline of her pussy through her pants.

She was dripping Wet and her body was heating up more and More, she broke their kiss and panted as she was feeling light headed. Her grip around his neck became tighter as she squeezed her toes, volts of electricity travelled up her spine, reaching her brain. She tensed her muscle and leaned back into Rai's lips, kissing him hungrily as she had her first climax.

She moaned loudly into his lips, and bit them as her nails scratched along his back. Her body twitching and spasming, her head Completely light. The knowledge that her husband was watching her right now just seemed to make her even more sensitive to pleasure, she could hear his sobs and his cursing. He called her bitch, traitor, slut and all the lot but it didn't even faze her one bit.

Raizel raised his gaze towards Karl and smirked "So it seems it was all a lie, you really like this don't you. You like being a Cuck" Rai said in a mocking and demeaning tone.

"Of course I don't you bastard" Karl denied but Rai raised an eyebrow "Is that so.....then what's with that reaction then" Rai asked him.

Karl looked down to see his bulging erection, his throat was feeling dry and he was sweating alot already. There was no way he was agreeing with this, he grit his teeth and struggled with the chains again "No this isn't me, It's not something I can control" he defended himself and his dying dignity.

Raizel squeezed and felt Katherine's ass while he gazed at Karl "Wrong Karl, if you really had been that much turned off and hated it so much there's no way it would be up. So that means you actually are enjoying this" Rai said with a happy-ishly sarcastic tone as he smirked.

Karl raged again and began struggling "No, You're wrong! I fucking hate you. You Monster!" he struggled for a few more seconds and then slowly calmed down, turning his gaze towards katherine "And you.....after all these years, after everything we've been through you just betray me like this" he said in a low voice full of pain and hurt as tears rolled down his cheeks.

Raizel smiled and took possession of Katherine's lips once more ignoring Karl's woes. His upper clothes began disappearing, and Katherine's trouser was also gone the next second leaving her in only her panties which were soaking wet and dripping with cum, her inner thighs had already been spayed wet by her own fluids.

And she was sensually rubbing her pussy on Rai's abs, her fluids wetting his lower body and body spasmed and twitched as she felt tingles of pleasure roll up her spine. She was so intensely horny, and her sweet sensual moans entered Karl's ears making him gulp dryly. He tried to shake his mind off it and turn away but the scene of his wife's hot sweaty body rubbing on Rai's godly form was too hard to ignore, and her moans were driving him crazy making his boner rage even more.

The scent of Katherine's fluids and filled the air of the room, driving Karl crazy and filling him with even more anger as he lashed out once more but it was all ignored like he was just the wind.

Rozaria in the far corner bit her lips and moaned sensually as she rubbed her thighs, she was already dripping wet and would have jumped Rai already if not for the fact that Karl was Present. There was no way in hell she would let any being, god or mortal. Let alone some pathetic thing like Karl ever set eyes on her naked form, the only reason Rai even gave him the honor of witnessing Katherine's was to torture and punish him.

But this didn't make things any easier though, she eyed Ignes who looked totally lost in the, scene. She smirked, she really wanted to tease her right now but she would just be fooling herself if she did, it might just backfire on her and she would never give Ignes that satisfaction.

Raizel leaned down, pushing katherine into the mattress and then separated lips from hers. Katherine moaned in dissatisfaction as she followed the movements of Rai's lips as he pulled away from her.

She wanted more of that insanely addictive fluid, she wrapped her arms around his neck and tightened her legs around his waist locking him in a tight hold.

But Rai being the cheat bastard he was just phased away from her hold which surprised her a little when she suddenly felt air instead of Rai's body.

He placed gentle kisses on her flat and we'll toned abdomen, going down slowly, and slowly until he arrived at his true destination, her fountain of Nectar. He took in the beautiful scent of it and then in an full motion, leaned down her cupped her pussy with his lips with her panties still on.

She threw her head back in pleasure, and let out a large gasp as she gripped his hair forcing his mouth deeper into her pussy. Her body tingled and spasmed as she felt his tongue licking the outer lips of her soaking wet pussy pussy, even with the obstruction of her panties it still didn't stop the power of Raizel's tongue as he sucked and licked her wet Cunt, driving her mad with pleasure as she tossed her head back and forth.

She thrust her hips forward, her back arched, and screaming his name in pleasure as she hit a powerful climax. Her mouth was wide open as she let out a powerful deep gasp, her body still still in an arched position and she stayed this way for a full 30secs and then fell back down as she breathed heavily, her body still getting phantom spasms for the next 15secs, and her eyes were glazed and unfocused, her huge chest rising and falling in a hypnotic dance.

Raizel Still cupped her, taking in every drop of her juices that he could suck through her panties and then he raise his head up after he was done. He smiled as he gently wiped the sides of his mouth and the gazed up at Karl who was nearing the phase of being completely broken.

He was sobbing, and it seemed as if the moment when Katherine called Rai's name out in the middle of her Orgasm made another part of him shatter inside. And in all this, his boner raged on throughout the whole event. He had never felt such shame, anger and humiliation. It would be nearly impossible to gauge the level of hatred he was feeling towards Rai and katherine, with Raizel taking 90% of the sum total.

Raizel smirked as he watched Karl's hate filled gaze directed at him, he was going to humiliate him some more. If Karl hated him now, who knows what he's going to feel after this. "I think you need to eat something Karl" Rai said in a pitying tone and snapped his fingers.

Instantly a thick muzzle appeared on Karl's mouth, his eyes widened as he screamed and struggled violently against the chains,

*Mfphmmm* *MFPHMMMM!!*.

He struggled so much that his arms and legs began bleeding from injury, he still yelled in rage, but it was all muffled by the muzzle on him. This was too much, he was now being treated with the same treatment as one would give a rabid dog. He cursed at Rai but all he was able to was just make muffled noises.

You would think that this was the end but no.... Raizel wasn't done yet.

On the lip part of the muzzle a wide enough hole formed which gave Karl enough leverage. He opened his mouth to curse at Rai but this was his greatest mistake.

"YOU BASTA—*Gmgfff* his eyes went fully wide. To Karl's surprise, an unimaginable thing of great horror had just occured. A thick, long, hard and meaty object had been shoved into his mouth, sealing his lips shut. His mind spiralled as a nauseous feeling hit him, he gagged uncontrollably in he felt the thick object push into his oesophagus, tears rolled down his face. But to his surprise, another great horror began. The to inside his mouth began vibrating and massaging his insides. The horror show wasn't even over yet as the rod magically began pumping itself in and out of his mouth, it was slow ast first but it picked up speed and just carried on like that.

He really....Really struggled this time, the chain ratted and shook as he entered a frenzied state, he kept of gagging and shaking his head like he had gone mad.

His skin tore, and his muscles were clearly visible, blood dripped down the chains from his legs and arms. This was the single greatest humiliation any 'Straight' male could ever face in their entire life. He had a cock forcefully shoved down his throat and as if that wasn't enough, it was also fucking his mouth. He cried and yelled but all he could do was make gag noises.

*Chuckle X2* Rozaria and Ignes in the corner just couldn't hold it and broke out in laughter, this was just way too funny for them.

Raizel had a small smile on his lips as he looked at Karl and then shook his head lightly as he gave a pitying look at Karl "Damn Karl, you really suck Dick don't you" Rai said in an obviously spiteful way humiliating Karl even further.

Raizel wanted to take things even further but suddenly, Katherine's legs wrapped around Rai's waist in a strong hold. He looked down at her and gulped silently, her eyes were mad and hungry, her breaths hot and ragged "you really are something huh *hah* giving attention to a man when a starving woman is right beneath you" Katherine pulled Raizel down to her and took his lips in a wild, hungry passionate Kiss.

Raizel broker their kiss minutes later and then gave the must seductive smile of all as he unleashed his incubus physique 1%, his pants burned away leaving him now fully naked and his godly form was oh-so a sight to behold.

Katherine's breathing sped up and powerful tingles ran up her spine as she eyed his full form, the most addictive scent In the world, the beautiful flaming aura around him and his magnificent cock. He was the King of all Kings, and every other was absolutely nothing before him.

Her Lust was reaching overdrive levels and she felt any moment now her she could die if she doesn't feel him inside her Right Now. Her juices were already flowing like a fountain, and the sweet tingles that attacked her body all over was driving her more and more every bet the edge.

Raizel smiling, leaned down and picked katherine up. She was feeling was too sensitive right now, and him touching her made release a help of pleasure as she spasmed and twitched in his arms.

He rest her against his body as she almost had no way of being able to hold onto him comfortably due to how sensitive she was feeling right now, drool roles down the side of her chin as she bit her lips to control the pleasure. He

He turned her body around and then made her back face his chest, and her chest face Karl. She slumped against him, tingling all over as she released a sensual moan.

Raizel placed both arms on the sides of her waist and began lifting her higher and higher until she was inches above the height of his fully erect 18inch cock of 5inch thickness. "Witness this...Karl" he lowered her until her pussy now rested above the tip of his cock.

Katherine bit her lips in anticipation and excitement.


Raizel steadily thrust forward, parting her outer lips and stretching her pussy wide open. Her mouth open in a gasp as a deep moan escaped her vocals, she Orgasmed then and there just from feeling the tip of his cock go in. Her muscule tensed as she curled her toes, her body spasming as electric jolts of pleasure ravaged her body and mind.

Raizel smirked as he forced more inches of his cock into her pussy, clenching his teeth in pleasure from the feeling of her pussy walls wrapping around his cock, the tightness of it was totally amazing. Her pussy felt like it had a mind of it's own as it actively gave his cock a deep massage, while also trying to squeeze the heck out of it.

Katherine gripped the bed sheets, her back arched up as she felt Raizel's cock fill her up and stretch her pussy beyond limits, she gasped as she felt Raizel push in more of his cock into her, her body tingling as electric jolts of pleasure attacked her senses. She breathed hard as she looked down to see the great bulge on her stomach and the visible outline of his cock, a huge jolt of pleasure hit her and her mind went blank for a second as she groaned deeply, her tongue rolled out of her mouth as she threw her head back.

Raizel leaned forward and picked katherine up by the waist, her held her diagonally in the air as he held onto her firmly, he had something special to give her today. he smirked.

Suddenly Katherine's eyes flung wide open as she felt an amazing sensation travel all over her senses, pleasure was overloading her. Raizel's cock inside her pussy had begun vibrating inside her pussy, she gasped and moaned as she felt the most amazing sensation, her pussy juices were now flooding Rai's cock and making lewder noises as Rai kept on pushing himself into her her.

Then a most amazing and incredible thing happened, it was undescribable. Raizel pulled back a little, and then rammed into her with full force, she threw her head back as she screamed, great pain and pleasure just ravaging her senses, as she Orgasmed to the high heavens, her jdy spasmed wildly

Raizel smirked as he was not done yet, he manipulated the nature of of his physique and changed it to something very evil. Suddenly his vibrating cock inside Katherine's pussy stopped and then a second later a reddish pink spark generated from his cock and in that moment katherine lost it as her super tight walls wrapped itself strongly around Rai's cock as she released the flood gates, and screamed in utmost ecstacy as her brain turned to complete mush and her expression was that of absolute bliss. Her toes were tightly curled, her body twitching and spasming, she had never felt so much so joy, happiness, such fulfilment.

Raizel smiled and then began the next stage, pounding katherine into heavenly oblivion. And so he began work.

He pulled out of her, and thrust back in with full force, a loud slap noise rang out in the room as Raizel mercilessly fucked Katherine's pussy, and ramming into her uterus as sharp rings of pain and pleasure ravaged her senses pushing her deeper and deeper into the pit of depravity as she moaned, having Orgasms upon orgasm each greater than the last as Rai fucked her diagonally in the air pounding and destroying her pussy once again.

Lewd, wet, splishy and and squelchy sounds rang out followed by the sounds of Rai's tighs slapping Katherine's ass as she was fucked senseless, her cum had washed and prayed on Rai's lower half and bathing his abs and giving it a subtle glistening form.

Katherine groaned deeply as Raizel absolutely destroyed her pussy and her poor uterus. Oh her poor, poor uterus, it was blessed by the head of Rai's cock mercilessly crushing it and giving it unbelievable pleasure as well as great pain.

Her breasts jiggled freely in the air from the insane movement of Rai's powerful thrusts, her nails dug into his back and her thighs squeezed his waist with all of her power as she held on for fear life from the merciless destruction she was receiving, sweat flew off her body, and her pussy kept on making loud squelching sounds as her cum baptised Rai's lower half, her pussy was absolutely burning, her lips had turned red and puffy from being rammed into continuously with such great force, her mind and soul had left this plane of existence a long time ago and were now in the hellishly sweet depths of the whirlpool of blissful, and ecstatic pleasure.

Her moans were completely animalistic in nature, anyone who knows the classy, organized katherine would not see a human here but an absolute animal being mated and rutted in the rawest and most beastial of ways ever thought to be possible. She was being molded and Fucked like a true woman, and she would forever be able to stand above all mortal women and say that she survived the absolute demonic beast that is Rai.

Raizel leaned forward and took one of her nipples into his mouth, sucking on it strongly and licking it. Katherine moaned as she felt her nipples getting such massive stimulation on her nipples and shivered in pleasure as Raizel still pound her with with quick powerful thrusts, wrecking her already wrecked pussy. He really was merciless and she was damn lucky he couldn't keep using the lightning form of pleasure because she would absolutely die from just feeling a full dose of it. So every now and then, he would create a little spark to send her deeper into hellish pleasure without making his cock turn full on lightning dick mode.

Raizel released her nipple from his mouth a s sucked in a deep breath of air and then chomped down on Katherine's neck, her eyes flung wide open as she stiffened and her nail dug even deeper into him. Then she released a scream so loud that it could be heard from Kilometers away carrying a huge gust of wind, her incredibly tight walls squeezed him even harder as she fell backwards hitting the greatest climax of her life. The insane pleasure that was ravaging her entire being was too powerful to describe, her soul went up in joy and ecstasy as she felt the most unbelievable sensation of all.

Her body spasmed wildly, and Rai's cock inside her twitched as he stopped, pulled back and rammed straight into her again and again as he got closer and closer, and at the final moment, he created a new spark and did a final thrust and released his huge bulky load inside her womb.

Katherine threw her head back, her face one was the purest of bliss as she felt his hot spunk fill her up inside and at the same time having she was having the most powerful Orgasm she ever had, tingles of pleasure ran along her body her mind had ascended to the most primal void of bliss, and there she stayed floating in it and enjoy it's most beautiful embrace.

Raizel smiled looking at Katherine, she had unknowingly fallen unconscious with his fully erect cock still impaling her insides. He chuckled and lifted katherine higher as he pulled out of her, and immediately what was revealed was a gaping abyss with huge thick ropes of cum pouring out of it in droves as her inflated stomach was being freed of most of it's contents.

Raizel levitated her in the air and cast a purification spell on the whole room, and the next second everything was back to being In a civilized state as if a huge mating session hadn't just occurred here.

He gently placed her onto their bed and created a comfortable blanket of for her and teleported off the bed as his clothes began reforming on his body again, he neatly did his cuffs and slicked his Beautiful blood red hair backwards. His gaze went towards Rozaria and Ignes whom although they looked perfectly fine, that savage and hungry look in their eyes would devour any mortal soul that dare to stare at them.

He was very much going to save them, but for now his sights were in something else.

He turned his gaze to Karl whom had healed from his grave injuries due to the purification spell he just cast, Raizel smiled looking at Karl's pitiful form and shook his head "Ahhh Karl, *shakes head* you Cocksucker".

Karl wanted to retort instinctively but he just held himself, staying still for few seconds, his head still being pushed forward and backwards by the rod in his mouth. He held his bobbing head down in shame as tears poured out of his eyes, followed by increasingly huge amount of snot. His saliva dripping from the side of his chin and had already formed a puddle of spit beneath him, he was truly done, for, he Lost Everything and now he had nothing, none, not even his dignity.

Raizel smirked and snapped his fingers as the muzzle man rod inside Karl's mouth vanished a second later. "I guess this is enough Karl, it's not like I had any vendetta against you, you were just part of a small time entertainment for myself" Rai said as in a casual tone and telekinetically shattered the chains around Karl's limbs letting him fall to the ground in a loud Thud and groaning in pain.Raizel look at the drooling sobbing Karl and walked closer to him, then he squatted and gazed at him and smiled "Such a worthless bastard you are Kar, I have no will to play with you anymore, you are just....boring" Rai shook his head in mock pity then stood up and left leaving karl to his snotty, wimpy self full of shame.

Raizel went towards Rozaria and Ignes and leaned forward placing a hot kiss on their lips as they wrapped their arms around his neck enjoying thale taste of him.

All around Karl huge metal walls with 3inch thickness formed all around him in a cubic shape and then building up until it completely encased his form Karl panicked as he screamed and banged on the reinforced Steel walls but his screams were just like the silent breeze to anyone present as they we're way too into the taste and feeling of each other.

Raizel seperated and broke his kiss with Rozaria and Ignes then he he smiled as he warped transformed the couch into the biggest king sized bed and immediately took possession of their lips once more, time to satisfy his partners.......

[Some hours ago]

Ashleen sat on Urne's lap, her eyes focused on the huge scene infront of her. It was like the entire space of the house had become one big television for them in which they could actually nearly perceive the sped at which Raizel and the other two beings moved.

"Wow" Ashleen gazed in awe as Raizel bashed Karl through different Layers of the universe, she didn't have any idea beings of such a level could exist. A silent thump resounded her heart as she watched Rai fight, she wanted that kind of strength. A couple of minutes later after Raizel had stripped Karl of his power suddenly Urne hugged Ashleen closely and whispered "I'm sorry little Sis, but this next scene is too much for you to bear" Urne said confusing Ashleen but Urne just rubbed her head and smiled "I'll take you somewhere familiar" she said as they both vanished leavening Mirai, Seira and Suyi on the couch patiently waiting for the upcoming scene.

Imside the system space Urne floated in the empty void holding Ashleen's hand, she gazed down at her "just stay here for a bit Ash-chan, it's a fun place. You can imagine and create whatever your want, It won't be long little Sis" she smiled rubbed Ashleen's head vanishing the next Instant.

Ashleen float in the void with a pouty look on her face, if Rai was Present he would have remarked how cute she looked right now and spoil her. Ashleen sighed and smiled as she got to using her imagination, she just thought up a huge field with beautiful flowers, a hill and a waterfall with bright clear waters, next was a river bank.

She smiled brightly as she played around with her imagination, she imagined the place full of life and cute little animals. She all in all just had fun, she lay down in the soft and smooth grassy plain looking up the beautiful starry night sky she imagined, it was a beautiful night with visibly depicted constellations. She smiled and imagined them able to move and play and they did as they moved around in space playing with other stars and she even imagined a bunny constellation that came down towards her.

She stretched her arm and collected the cute bunny and hugged it close to her chest, she was petting a real star constellation she just made. Her curious mind wandered Something, she just didn't like that they wanted to.hide Something from her, it's not like she minds a little blood, she already killed quite a few people herself so what was it they wanted to hide, she wondered as she pet the cute little bunny. *sigh* "I wish I could see what Rai-san is doing" she thought absentmindedly and was nearly closing her eyes but was surprised when the scenery around her changed and she looked to be present in a room.

A huge patch of the grass she sat on was still around her but In front of her was Rai she along with others "Oh wow, so if can actually see this" she smiled but then clamped her mouth shut. She remembered that she wasn't actually Present and was still in the system, she heaved a sigh of relief that she didn't mistakenly wish to be present directly. She had to be careful with her wishes and thoughts in the system.

She shook her head of all her thoughts and decided to pay attention what was going on, her pet bunny was still in her arms, Ashleen eyes was widened more and more as she watched the scene. Her eyes wandered to Rai who had a woman in his laps and then to the the man was looking devastated. "Eh?" Was all she was able to say as she saw the woman in Rai's lap begin kissing him.

Her face turned beet red as she willed the scene away and everything returned to the grassy plain and the night sky, she lay down, her heart beating fast as she held the bunny tighter to her chest. That Seriously caught her off guard, of this was people she didn't care about, it wouldn't affect her, but Rai was her Uncle.

Ashleen sighed, her heart was still beating fast, she raised the constellation bunny and kissed it's forehead "Who knew Rai-san was so perverted tokki" she said as the cute little thing just twitched it's ears and stared cutely at her. She smiled *hehe* she giggled and then went Into a period of long silence. *Gulp*.


There was an awkward silence, as soon as they saw katherine kissing Rai they just turned off their view of the whole thing and stood in silence.

Raskreia was the same as always, her arm rested on her cheek and legs crossed with a calm look on her face, then suddenly to everyone's surprise, Raskreia got up from her throne startling them.

"L–lord, what–is Something wrong Lord" asked a panicked Ludis.

The other Gajus looked confused as to why Raskreia would just stand up like that.

Raskreia was silent as she walked down the steps and walking out the throne room "I want to meet someone, do not try to follow or Interfere" was all she said as she vanished the next Instant leaving a confused group of Gajus.

"What do you think Lord means by that" asked Ludis to the other Gajus.

"I think Lord might be fighting Someone soon" answered Gejutel. Kei Ru looked at him " what do you mean Gejutel, why would lord need fight Someone when were all here" Kei Ru asked.

Karias shrugged "Well we can't know, we can't see what's going on anymore "let's just wait and see, she will return eventually" said Karias as he began walking towards the exit with his hands behind his head and with a carefree gait.

Gejutel followed seconds later and then the rest too all walked out the throne room and back to their respective places....

Meanwhile Raskreia had gone outside the Universe and was now now inside the deepest layer of this reality which was where the core was held. She gazed at the huge white ball in front her, to any being what they see now is only just a representation.

The core itself is not physical but instead a metaphysical construct, the white lines and the orb figure of it was just the way it presented itself as the core itself was infinte as was the multiverse and all timelines. Basically everything that was just a point of view for how the being intended this reality to be seen based on how he viewed it.

She casually walked forward, breaking out of the infinte space and crossing an immeasurable distance with nothing but 25 steps and just casually walking into the core.

After she walked inside Manaj revealed himself, there was a reason why he hid himself from her. She somehow felt incredibly dangerous, his instincts could feel certain death if he had tried to stop her. "If I were to have fought her and died, I would be doing master a disservice. It seems I will have to let master destroy her himself, the Noblesse will come for him also but nevertheless, Master Will prevail" he said in a deep determined voice full of confidence and power as he went back to hiding.

The second she stepped into the core, she could feel the immediate change. It was like the highest, most powerful and purest of presence's she ever felt, it permeated complete indifference as if if didn't care another being was in it. But at the same time have the complete emotion and feeling that you were nothing to it, like it just wanted you to know how far beneath it you were.

Raskreia was completely stoic and indifferent as well, as she released on her presence which just screamed one thing. I • Don't • Care. ​​​​​​

Her gaze was on the being before her. His size massively dwarfed a Universe and seemed to be asleep as he lay on a transparent water body with ripples spreading every now and then. She immediately transformed herself and became nearly the same size as him.

≈For what reason do you enter my realm little Lord≈ the voice of the being spoke still with indifference Present in it's tone.

Raskreia remained in silence for a few seconds and then replied "To further myself in power" was her answer to the being.

The being finally it's starry black eyes and gazed at her as if it was studying Something ≈So you betray the Noblesse to side with me....it seems I have misjudged you little Lord≈ said the being.

Raskreia calmly looked at the being in lazy confusion "What makes You jump to such a conclusion I wonder" she asked.

The being gazed at her with such lazy and bored eyes that you could feel it from universes away ≈so what then do you mean Little Lord≈ he asked.

"I meant you" answered Raskreia as she raised her index "you shall become my first target to defeat, and devour" said Raskreia.

The being's eyes opened a bit more and truly gazed upon Raskreia........≈Interesting≈.
