
My name is Mephsitopheles (Reposting)

A/N: IF YOU CAN BRAVE THROUGH THE FIRST 25 CHAPTERS, MY WRITING STYLE BECOMES BETTER. ALTHOUGH THE FIRST STYLE WASN'T BAD, IT WAS STILL AT AN AMATEURISH LEVEL. In a special void floats a soul adrift for a long time. Then, suddenly he got his attention called by someone walking towards him he was an old man with a bowler hat and in black suit holding an umbrella with him. 'He' was here

SOLACE · 漫画同人
71 Chs

Chapter 57: The prologue before the battle.


The first elder sat, clasping his hands together lost in thought. He had failed, he had completely failed. There was nothing, no loophole he could see to exploit.

He created an uncontrollable monster that is Muzaka, and now there was nothing he could do to reverse it. In the end all his plans and ambitions were for naught.

His greatest ambition was to make the human race the new top tog of the world and stand at the top as king of the humans, this plan was more than halfway done with the Noblesse home from the world or so he thought.

That monster was alive and he had become an even greater monster than he ever imagined possible, how could he hold so much power, what did he do to gain it. He questioned himself this every single time, such power shouldn't be given to any being. No single being deserved to have that much power, even if that being were to be a god, this was his innermost belief.

It was just unfair how imbalanced everything was, were humans destined to always be at the bottom of the food chain. Was there not a single god or entity out there on their side, what exactly did they do to deserve such a pitiful destiny or fate.

Just when they were so close to being the top a new impossible divide had been made again, as if to mock them and tell them exactly where they belonged in the world.

For the past one month he hadn't gotten any sleep, his worries wouldn't let him. He just couldn't do it, the looming figure of doom hanging over his head that was the Noblesse wouldn't allow him his peace of mind.

That monster was too unpredictable, he didn't know when he was going to strike and probably end the world while in his sleep.

He seemed to like fighting/playing with strong opponents, he already fought the werewolves and fought....no, he can't say he fought the humans. He would be lying to himself if that was he were to call what happened, the last remaining person he hadn't Fought yet was the organization entirely.

He just couldn't figure out if they were on his radar or of he was indifferent about them.

He never would have thunk that a day would come whereby he would pray that he wasn't good enough to qualify for something, that would pray to be weak. He grit his teeth and released a bit of his pressure which cracked the walls and damaged the floor, making web like cracks.

He raged internally with anger, he couldn't bear this thought, this humiliation. But what exactly could he do, he had not one single way or had anything that could even remotely come close to scratching that monster. He had Nothing he could use against him, trying to mess with Leukedonia would be plain suicide and he just invite a much faster death, unleashing all nuclear power out on him still wouldn't do anything.

He was just completely out of options, he slumped back into the chair defeated and heaving a huge sigh. At this rate he wouldn't even have to wait for the Noblesse and might just die from worry and stress.

He looked up the ceiling, his eyes feeling heavy and he couldn't even move a finger due to how heavy his body was. He really wanted to fight the urge to sleep but he couldn't, he had evaded it long enough, this was another thing that was out of his control also. And so he just damned it all, closed his eyes and accepted the embrace of sleep, falling into the abyss...

*Groan~* he groaned as his eyes opened slightly and closed again. Seconds later they fluttered weakly as he opened them and saw a strange sight. His vision was still blurry so he blinked them continuously, rubbing his eyes and then opened them again seeing clearly this time.

But to him it still just looked like he was in a dream, he was in a dark space and white veiny lines all where all around him and they all just connected to a huge white core in front of him, and although it looked close it still felt infinitely far from him.

He saw new veiny lines spread out from the core and even new lines branch out from all the near infinte lines connected to the massive core, and even new lines branched out from those branches. It was all spontaneous and near Instant how they'll branch out and snake around while still producing even more branches.

And it was the same thing with the core, even if it looked close and right next to him, it was still infinitely far away. It was like he didn't exist in the same space as the core and it's branches.

He noticed that the lines from the core itself looked much thicker than the branches.

He was still confused about this such of weird and vivid dream.

–"Have you finished with your sightseeing". A voice spoke drawing his attention as he looked behind him to see a huge figure.

His eyes widened as he jumped back in fright and screamed while pointing his index shakily at the huge humanoid figure before him "g...g...g...g...giant bug" he stuttered.

He had a blue spiky armored caprice, his arms were thick and muscular with a double reinforced armored caprice, and his claws had a dark eerie glint around them that just made chills run up your spine whenever you look at them.

His legs and thighs were almost identical to that of a human except for the blue spiky armor and his feet that were claws themselves also. On his head were two sets of antennas, they were long and falling backwards almost reaching his shoulders. His eyes were an oval shaped deep black, and his instead of a huge mandible for his mouth, he had a mask like thing instead.

???: "Alright since you got that outta your system, welcome youngling.....to the heart of the Universe" the being introduced with a gesture.

The first elder had a blank look as he raised an eyebrow while he stared awkwardly at the being before him "What?" was all he could manage to say in this moment.

He was definitely not speaking the same tongue as him but he could still understand him perfectly, and the heart of the Universe? What the hell is this guy talking about.

The humanoid being in front of him snapped his claws as new sets of clothes materialized on the first elders body, he looked in surprise and then realized that he had been naked the whole time and faked a cough in embarrassment.

"Now you look more presentable...ingan-ui wang" said the being as the first elders eyes widened a bit and then he squinted them in a threatening gaze "how do you know my name".

A/N: His name quite literally means King of humans, his parents were real fucking insane for such a name.

The being made the equivalent of an eyebrow raise by flinging an antenna upwards "Is that something you find surprising?, it's not like your name is a taboo one nor is it forbidden" said the being.

Wang suddenly regained himself realizing he took the wrong thing seriously, he looked at the being "So this is all real huh" he asked and the being nod his head to that answer.

He sighed and looked at the endless veiny white lines and the core they extended from, he watched on for some seconds before he turned his gaze back to the being "So can you tell me why I'm here, and what that thing is" asked Wang.

"Well firstly let me introduce myself just call me "Manaj" ". Said the being "and as for why you're here, it's because you were one of the two best possible candidates to help my master out with a problem which I'll get to later" Manaj pointed to the lines and the core prompting Wang to look a them also.

"Those small lines which you see are new different timelines of the space time continuum for this reality, this multiverse. They're Basically infinite possibilities of Infinite parallel universes." Manaj said as his gaze went to the bigger ones. "The bigger ones however represent old, new different and seperate universes, Originals if you would call them. And if you're wondering how come they're so close yet so far away well.....let me simplify it as much as I can".

"Firstly let me start with something simple, you are aware that between the number 0&1 there is an infinite amount of decimals right? "

Wang nod his head and Manaj continued "Well think of it this way, the core is that 0 and we are the 1. Imagine that we widened the space and then manifested all that infinite decimals, but this time on a much greater scale, and right now we are inside that infinity. That is basically the whole deal of how it's like this. We're surrounded by infinity right now, and the most important thing to note is infinity is not equal to itself, there's greater and lesser of itself. And the space we reside in is not just the Infinite space in between but a new realm, specifically made inside this space to house me" Manaj said.

Wang's eyes widened as he silently comprehended everything Manaj had just said and nod his head in understanding after listening to Manaj explain. His eyes went to the huge core, Manaj's gaze was on them also "That.... is exactly what I said it was, the heart of the Universe. It's" wang turned his gaze towards him urging him to explain further.

"Let me put it in the simplest of terms, it is basically what you would call God" Manaj said as Wang's eyes widened, he was about to question him further when–

"Let me finish" Manaj raised his hand in a halting sign "I said basically what you would call God, not that it is God himself" Manaj said and paused making sure wang was not going to interrupt again.

When he confirmed he would be undisturbed he continued. "Now, that core you see is a cosmic entity one of many and creator of this Universe/Multiverse and also my master" said Manaj.

Wang listened Intently as Manaj continued "Anyways there are alot of things that you do not qualify to know yet, and even if you were qualified I wouldn't bother to tell you still" Manaj said as his his presence suddenly became incredibly threatening.

"For the reason you're here...you are to help my master eliminate a target"

"Huh?" Wang expressed.

"Something strange happened to the Multiverse, a particular being did something to masters Universe" Said Manaj as he created an image for whom he was referring to.

When wang saw the image he couldn't believe his eyes, this was surpassing everything he ever concluded about him "the....the Noblesse" he asked in a tone full of disbelief.

Manaj nod his head "Yes, the Noblesse".

Wang was in a state of Complete confusion "but...but how is he powerful enough to affect the Universe, I thought–

"You thought wrong" said Manaj as he waved his hand and decided to show him the true state of the universe, he showed him everything, all timelines, the ever expanding possibilities and everything. He showed him this whole reality in it's entirety and then he showed him the outside view of it or More specifically the true view of it and Wang's eyes widened even more as he really couldn't comprehend it.

The whole of this reality was in the image of Raizel, Manaj began explaining "This reality as a whole is in his image, its quite literally the Noblesse's Universe as he is the whole thing himself.....he's an infection that must be stopped" said Manaj saying that last part to himself.

*{My God, that bastard is really a monster}* Wang said in Complete disbelief and awe, he imagined how small things must have looked to Raizel now, how insignificant everything must feel, he really was toying with them on a much greater scale that he ever imagined possible.

He looked towards Manaj "So this means that In every timeline both possible and existing of every Universe there is a Noblesse right, possible different versions of himself too" he asked but Manaj shook his head "No" he replied.

Wang was confused, shouldn't that be how things are since he is such a constant but Manaj explained further.

"Although the Universe is in his image there is no story or version of him in any timeline whatsoever, not even your current Universe has a timeline of him. He does not exist anywhere in the past, present or future of any Universe" Manaj explained which made Wang a bit more shocked and confused.

"Ill give it to you directly" Manaj said in a effort to clarify "The Noblesse is a Abstract being. He transcends time, space and is not bound by them whatsoever, he is of the same status as my master" Manaj said as Wang's eyes widened in comprehension "hmmm, even if it as you have said it still doesn't make sense that not a single version of him exists in another Universe as he quite literally embodies the whole of this reality"wang said still not making sense of the whole thing.

"It's something he did, he owns himself to the point whereby if you want to even make a clone or a new version for a different timeline or Universe, you would find it impossible. Even if said clone bears nothing of him. Basically there shall be no being be they a conceptual being, a god or mortal which shall bear the title of Noblesse, it's a title for he and only he alone as there is, was, and will ever be one Noblesse" Manaj explained as a new image appeared before him which made Wang confused about why she was of any significance.

"Why are you showing her to me" he asked as new images appeared once again, they were all Nobles and he recognized them as the clan leaders "what do any–

" He did the same thing for them also, except on a much lesser scale. There is only one Leukedonia, and only one Lord, the Gajus too are only just one. The meaning of the word past & future is basically meaningless with what he did" Manaj said making wang curious "What exactly do you mean" he asked.

"I mean this. Although none of them fully transcend time and are still be bound by it, it's not even a real problem. I don't know how he did it but he made it so that although it is possible to go to the past or their future, whatever you actually meet is only just a shadow of the true them. So if I were to go back to yesterday and kill them or change their actions it won't have any effect on them whatsoever because what I would be killing or changing is basically a shadow of their actions or presence in time. They are all basically truly in the present, and unless they die here or they themselves go to the past or future and change an important action of theirs, only then shall they be affected. So to give a clarification of things, he made them god over themselves" Manaj said as he the images were gone the next second.

Wang gulped hard, he was thankful no one tried to mess with Leukedonia, it was a calling for doom if they had actually crossed boundaries. "Wait how do you know this, did you–

"Yes, I tried to change a past and future action of theirs but it didn't affect them. I also killed them but it had no effect, I'm not going to try in the present because of Obvious reasons, but tll

Wang nod his head and then paused as a new thought crossed his mind "Wait since he embodies this reality doesn't that mean he is aware of all that happens, be they possibilities or actualities and also Us?" he said thinking that Raizel was aware but Manaj shook his head in refute. "He isn't aware at all" he said which made Wang raise an eyebrow.

"Although it should like that, he doesn't work like that for some reason.. He basically ignores everything that has, is and will ever happen. Yes he is Virtually Omnipresent but that is only if he wants to be and how he wants to be" Manaj explained. He too had thought the very same thing but his master found out he really wasn't active.

_____________________________________________________________A/N: One thing you should be are of is that this dude and his master truly has no idea who and what Raizel is, he doesn't even know about the blood phoenix, domination or anything, he has no idea about his Origin too. He just thinks that Raizel is an Abstract being who overtook his master's creation. He also has no idea how powerful any of Raizel's partners are, he just thinks he gave them divinity and Acausality of some sorts. ____________________________________________________________

"There is still one thing bothering me, the biggest problem I have with this is what exactly do I have in connection to anything here Wang said looking at Manaj " You said you called me here so I could help you....eliminate the Noblesse....how exactly🤨? Isn't this something you or your master should be taking care of, how exactly am I going to fight a being like that" asked Wang in all honesty.

Manaj nod his head "Yes you are right, this is cosmic business but my master doesn't want to destroy the Noblesse himself and I also am not powerful enough to erase him. Believe me I've tried".

Wang was now more confused "What do you mean your master doesn't want to destroy the Noblesse himself, isn't this his creation and the Noblesse is an intruder right?"

Manaj nod his head to this.

"So why then?" Asked Wang.

"He finds it beneath him" replied Manaj as he continued "Although the Noblesse is powerful as an abstract being, he is still nothing compared to my master. He only managed to take over his creation but he couldn't impose himself on the core which is my master" said Manaj.

[A/N: Complete bullshite. We all know the truth, Raizel can and would but just didn't want to. In all honesty him taking over the creation is just to piss someone off.]

"Even then, can't your master like uhhh I don't know bless you with the power you need to defeat him" asked Wang gesturing his confusion.

Manaj was silent for a few seconds before he answered "My nature contradicts master's power, I would have loved to go down there myself and destroy him with master's blessing but I can't." Manaj explained getting a bit solemn " I owe my life to master and would give and do anything for him but, my nature will forever keep me from receiving him. That's why I live so infinitely far away from him and still close at the same time" his tone had become very lower this time.

[A/N: This guy is fucking Loyal and so grateful.....he might die].

Wang had a new thought "wait, if you're so....toxic to your master, then how can I exist in the same space as you. Shouldn't I be like....gone or something" asked Wang genuinely curious and a bit scared now but Manaj cleared it up. "You and I are not moving in the same space, you are actually nowhere close to me right now, we're not in the same realm. Normally it's impossible for you to interact with a being like me, so I strengthened your soul and very existence to the point where you can. And as for why my power can work for you, it's because my power is specifically harmful to master.....Unlike you".

Wang was silent as he watched the being in front of him enter an solemn and emotional state. This was really looking pathetic and uncomfortable but he didn't dare say anything for fear of being destroyed so he just waited until Manaj was back to normal again.

"So anyways, as my master is too high to take care of such a lower class abstract being, he is sending an envoy to do so for him" Manaj smirked internally as he began this part "And my master decided to not just take him out but to humiliate him in the process" he pointed his index towards Wang "You have had a lot taken from you, he was the cause of all your plans falling apart. All those years you spent planning, gathering Power, all for naught by his very presence. You have felt absolute fear even if you have never met him directly. Your hate, envy, jealousy and deep anger you hold towards him makes you one of the best candidates to take out this duty of killing him".

Although Wang couldn't see it, he could feel it. The bastard was smiling with immense joy inside, almost like he couldn't wait. The hyped feeling in his tone was unmistakable and can even be felt by a deaf person. "You said one of the best candidates, whom is the other" asked Wang.

[A/N: Can you guess whom the other guy is, don't read it below and just tell me Your first thoughts in the comments when you reach this part]

Manaj raised his head up "Ahhhh the other one, he's actually Someone you know. His hatred and anger even surpasses yours, such a patriotic man, he loved his country so damn much, you can't imagine his pain when he lost so much of it" Manaj said in an empathic voice(obv trolling).

Wang raised an eyebrow "So? Who is he" he asked again obviously not caring about the guy one bit.

Manaj turned his head towards him "You'll meet him soon enough, I'm with him as we speak" said Manaj as he pointed his sharp index at the empty void in front of them and then drew a vertical line. It split open seconds later as a door portal appeared "Entering through here you will meet master who will gift you with enough power to completely destroy the Noblesse", said Manaj looking at the portal door with a look of longing.

Wang looked at Manaj and then at the portal then stepped forward, walking into it as the portal closed a second later and there was only Manaj once more. He heaved an internal sigh as he began fading away into the darkness, retuning back to the his space between reality and the core.

At another point in the void stood a duplicate of Manaj, and in front of him was kneeling Karl who was boiling with deep rage and hatred that it quite literally leaked off him, you could practically feel it even if you were a normal human.

Manaj was grinning madly inside seeing Karl like this, between he and Wang, Manaj preferred Karl much more as a better candidate but his master wanted to split his power between these two. "So.....Karl, do you accept". He really didn't need an answer from him at all as Karl was very much giving his answer already.

He opened a gateway also and Karl walked into it as the doorway closed the next second after and Manaj faded away seconds later.

[A/N: I think it would be pretty obvious by now but, Manaj's master is not the one who suggested the use of those two. It was Manaj's overzealous ass and his sadistic personality that suggested this. His master has gods beneath him that he can bless to go take care of Raizel, His master is much more of a chill and indifferent character, and only agreed to Manaj's request because he favors him]

[3 minutes ago]

Raizel and Ignes had appeared at the organization headquarters and we're about to begin their fun exercise but Raizel paused as he got a call from Katherine.

"Hello katherine" Raizel smiled....

Meanwhile katherine stood in her living room looking at the limp form of Karl with a Calm expression, she picked up her phone and contacted Rai.

[Hello Katherine].

She smiled but deigned a Calm expression once more "I think something is Wrong with Karl, I need your assistance Rai". He didn't say anything and Kat cut the line as she wait for him. She just knew to call him because Karls state was anything but normal, and she just had that gut feeling that something was up.

She turned her head to the side to see a portal open up inside the house and Raizel walking out of it with Ignes who immediately locked gazes with Katherine and smiled "Hello Kathrine, I'm Ignes" she introduced.

Katherine smiled "Hi Ignes, nice to meet you" she replied as Ignes nod her head and her gaze turned to Karl.

Raizel walked up to katherine and hugged her and she hugged him back. Their embrace continued for a quarter of a minute and they separated as Raizel looked at the limp from of Karl, gazing silently and reading him. "His soul is gone" he said.

"Wait what!" katherine exclaimed as he she looked at Karl "then how is he still breathing, shouldn't he be dead" she asked in confusion.

Raizel was quiet as he still read Karl "you can sense it too can't you Ignes". She nod her head "his presence isn't normal, he feels like a god" she answered moving closer to him." Yes" said Rai "his existence has been upgraded, and so was his soul. Normally he would be affecting the world with how high his presence is, but it's being contained and regulated" said Rai as he smiled as he turned to katherine "He really does hate me" he said.

Katherine nod her head and glanced towards Karl "why exactly is this happening to him though, I didn't realize that you can gain godhood in your sleep" said Katherine as Raizel and Ignes chuckled *haha* "No" Rai smiled looking down at Karl "I know exactly where he is and what caused this" Raizel looked towards Ignes "Sorry, Ignes but you can't fight this guy" he said but she just shrugged.

His gaze turned to Katherine, she gazed back into his "just be careful" is all she said as Ignes took her head and then teleported back to Leukedonia.

Raizel smiled and turned his gaze back to Karl, he levitated and sat in the air as he closed his eyes in waiting.......

Meanwhile inside the core Wang and Karl stood in silence looking the strange being infront of them, his clothes were like the Multiverse itself, his hair was complete silvery white and his eyes were a flaming hue of gold. And around his sclera were blue ripples that seemed to flow and move like water. Around then was just an invite white space or void, nothing else was present apart from they themselves and him.

His clothes had a weird thing happening to them in which new spots of spiraling disks would be formed almost every second, they decided they had looked on enough and took a bow.

The being looked at them in silence and then spoke ≈Arise≈ he spoke, his voice carried a smooth, ethereal and serene feel to it. Almost as if you want to bow down in worship to him.

This was not a comfortable feeling for Wang or Karl one bit, they bowed down of their own volition so as to show proper respect in front of a being such as him, didn't.meam they wanted to worship him. Wang's pride would never allow that, neither would Karl's but they kept their complaints to themselves. Afterall, it wouldn't do good for them to do something that would annoy such a being, He held all the cards now, and they were his players.

""You both will be receiving a blessing"" said the being as watched them with palpable indifference ""I will split my power into two parts and give them to you"" he pointed his index towards Wang ""you, based on your personality you I will give the greatest control over reality and my divine power"" he shifted his index ""and you, I will give the greatest power and body"" said the being as both were still just silent.

The beings eyes glowed as they too began glowing, golden marks travelled allover their body and upwards to their face, entering their eyes and mouths, they screamed In silent agony as their souls began transforming and ascending. Their bodies down on earth had entered into a cocooned state as a black orb with golden markings wrapped around them, sealing them off from reality.....

Raizel watched the cocooned Karl in front of him with a smile, he had no idea why the first elder was was drawn into this too. It's not like he was a personal victim, he hasn't even met the guy or anything to him but anyways, the more the merrier.

Back at Leukedonia, Ignes and Kathrine sat in the living room. Ignes had a pretty bored expression, as she just stared into empty space. she looked towards Katherine and materialized a cup of coffee and levitated it towards her "Sorry, I really don't know how to receive guests" she apologized.

Katherine smiled "it's alright" she said as she took the coffee and sipped "Hmmm, needs more sugar, and milk".

Ignes chuckled and materialized a box of sugar and a jar of milk, levitating it towards her.

*{Shouldn't all of Leukedonia be aware of this presence, I can still sense it}* thought Ignes as a portal opened up inside the room moments later *heh* "speak of the devil" said Ignes as Rozaria walked out of the portal.

Katherine raised her head up to see the new presence amongst them. Rozaria sighed as she sat down on the couch besides katherine "Hello Kathrine".

Kat raised an eyebrow but she smiled "hello.."

"Rozaria" she introduced turning her gaze towards Ignes. The two of them locked gazes in silence, tension building up in the air. Katherine quietly sipped her ever hot and refilling coffee pretending she didn't exist at all.

"Ignes" Rozaria called giving a dark and smile.

"Rozaria" Ignes called back as she too had a dark smile on her face. These two didn't like each other, it was impossible. Since when they were young it had been like this, genius vs genius.

At some point Rozaria had gone far ahead of her in power, leaving Ignes in the dust, but later on Ignes caught up whennsh had modified her body but now an even greater chasm had been formed.

Although ignes was powerful and could eliminate a whole Universe casually, she still couldn't compare to the current Rozaria. Ignes wasn't a god yet and Rozaria had become a very much gained a cheat divinity.

Raizel promised to make her a god soon so as to close to the distance between them but as for now these two are just too far apart, and Rozaria being who she was isn't going to let ignes live it down until she gains her divinity.

*Clears throat*. "Ignes, do you think you still have the right to call yourself my rival. You can't even move my pinky of you were to use all your strength" Rozaria mocked adding flames to the fire.

Ignes had a tick mark on her forehead but she still smiled "you can be proud now Rozaria, but remember I had caught up to you before even without a soul weapon as Raizel had said" Said Ignes.

Rozaria smirked " but wasn't through modifications, you had to stain the purity of a Noble and experiment on yourself. Even going as far– Rozaria paused and smiled mischievously as Ignes's eyes began glowing and a massive pressure was about to descend on the whole building but was stopped when suddenly both Ignes and Rozaria were bonked on the head.

*Ouch!* They exclaimed as they rubbed their head.

"Seriously" Raizel said in an unamused tone and sighed as he walked towards katherine, lifted her up and sat her on his lap as he pat her head "Why can't both of you be good like Katherine, see how she's so composed....Wait you're enjoying this aren't you" Raizel said looking at Katherine who refused to answer or give any emotions exercising her right to remain silent.

*{Wow...so evil}* thought Raizel speechless that he was about to praise a little devil.

"Why isn't Leukedonia paying any attention towards the presence, I'm very sure they're aware" Ignes asked Rozaria.

"Ahhhh, they already this is the fault of Raizel. They figured it as something he did or caused so they're letting him take care of it" Said Rozaria as Raizel chuckled "Wow, such faith".

Rozaria turned her gaze towards him "It is always because of something you did isn't it" she asked him but Raizel too now followed in the footsteps of Katherine and exercised his right to remain silent.

He smiled as he shifted their whole surroundings, he looked at Katherine "Would you like to see a show" he asked as she smiled, he already had his answer.

"Alright then let's watch".

Meanwhile in the Lord's palace, Raskreia and the other Gajus were patiently waiting for the show to begin over on their end. The least they could was to get entertained from all the troubles Raizel caused......

Meanwhile back with Raizel, he was currently staring eye to eye with an awakened Karl and resting on the wall with his arms in his pockets, in a blue suit and yellow hair with a dark tint was the first elder.

"It seems you two Really have a crazy vendetta huh" Rai said in an uncaring voice.

Wang stared at Rai with cold dead eyes as a small smile crept upon his lips "It's time for you to face Retribution, Your end has come you monster".

Raizel smiled "is that so...*sigh*. Well then" Raizel came out of his sitting posture in the air still locking gazes with Karl.

"Shall we" he smirked.
