
My name is Mephsitopheles (Reposting)

A/N: IF YOU CAN BRAVE THROUGH THE FIRST 25 CHAPTERS, MY WRITING STYLE BECOMES BETTER. ALTHOUGH THE FIRST STYLE WASN'T BAD, IT WAS STILL AT AN AMATEURISH LEVEL. In a special void floats a soul adrift for a long time. Then, suddenly he got his attention called by someone walking towards him he was an old man with a bowler hat and in black suit holding an umbrella with him. 'He' was here

SOLACE · 漫画同人
71 Chs

Chapter 52 Muzaka Vs Dorant & Reviving Ashleen.

Maduke and the rest of the werewolves were in silence as they looked at Muzaka, to them it was like they were standing face to face with a real life ghost, a shadow from the past who they thought had died a long time ago.

Maduke's eyes burned with cold rage but on his face a cruel dark smirk as he gazed at Muzaka.*{what is Muzaka doing here... doesn't matter either way, Muzaka is not the Noblesse}* he thought in his heart. "You really have surprised me Muzaka, I thought you were dead" he said as he began chuckling, his tone filled with madness as he looked at Muzaka with eyes as if he were a fool as he began demeaning him "You're really a fool, do you think that showing yourself here would make us feel fear...Then you are truly mistaken" he gestured with his hands "Look around you Muzaka, our warriors aren't the same as before, . You're no longer at the top of the food chain anymore....You traitor" he gaze turned dark as he squinted his eyes at Muzaka.

Muzaka stood calmly gazing at Maduke with a complete carefree attitude, his eyes wandered around the werewolf warriors present and the massive destruction caused by their fight with Raizel. His eyes went back to Maduke "You have no right to refer to yourselves as warriors anymore after what I heard you did to yourselves" Muzaka's canines grew as a great sense of dread spread around the atmosphere.

Muzaka gave a light chuckle "you know I've been wanting to stay out of the problem of my people for a long time even after what I heard, I thought i was just a relic of the past and I know myself also that I wasn't the best of Lord's...But!, There's just something that I can't forgive Maduke".

Muzaka ran his gaze along every werewolf present her who had gone into an attack ready stance he squinted his eyes "I don't have any real problems with all of you, the only person I have beef with is Maduke. So I respectfully ask that you do not Interfere" he warned.

All the wives were silent but then a loud laughter suddenly erupted "you really think we'll fear you, with all of us here it's you who should be running for your life now you traitor. Even if you were a Lord, there's no way you'll be able to take us on" Uzhir mocked at Muzaka as all of them regukated their auras bursting through the roof as massive gales of wind blew.

Muzaka turned his gaze it Zaiga who was grinning madly "I've always wanted to kill you Muzaka, I was a little sad after your death. But now this twist so good *hehe* I'll finally settle our score with my hands this time" Zaiga summoned new set of golden hieroglyphs that rotated around him, but in front of him was react angular blue shield.

It's power was massive as it began generating huge rings I'm front of it, each ring much bigger than the first. Those rings produced massive ring like shockwaves as they glowed, the destructive power ripping apart the land like complete tofu.

Muzaka casually stood there just releasing a bit of aura to protect his clothes as the progressive wave ripped everything apart.

After some seconds, Zaiga had stopped the attack as he grinned *Kuahahaha* "There's no way he isn't fatally injured from that"

Maduke in the back grinned *{What a fool, thinking that everyone's still as weak as before. That fight with the Noblesse must have ruined your body too}*. Zaiga began walking forward as did the others wanting to toy with the half dead lead. Atleast this is what they all imagined him as but imagine their huge shock when they saw Muzaka still casually standing after the dust cleared.

Zaiga began perspirating nervously "you....you there's no way that you're okay from that attack" he said with pure disbelief.

Muzaka looked at his shoulder and smoothly dust some sand off it as he turned his gaze back to Zaiga "I'll admit, you are much stronger than before Zaiga, all of you would be a little bit stronger than the last generation....But!" Muzaka's aura began rising as the air started vibrating, all debris around them floated as Muzaka's canines grew "You forget who you're dealing with, Let me remind you why I am the strongest Lord in the history of werewolves".

Muzaka raised his right index as his nails grew longer forming a long sharp claw, he placed it in front of his face "this one claw will be your demise".

Zaiga and the other werewolves brain short circuited for a moment before absolute rage appeared on their faces, they all roared into the air as their auras burst "MUZAKA, DO YOU TAKE US FOR FOOLS!! , THERE'S NO....." Zaiga suddenly paused as Muzaka appeared besides him "You've always annoyed me the most Zaiga" Muzaka said as he began walking forward, leaving the werewolves wondering why Zaiga still stood like a statue instead of attacking. In the middle of Zaiga's forehead to his torso, a thin line appeared as it became more visible until Zaiga's fell to the ground on his knees, his face a complete look of disbelief as his body split into two parts falling sideways, massive amounts of blood gushing out of him. A second later his body broke off into small tiny pieces .

Everyone's eyes widened in terror, they went into Instant panic as they all took defensive stances, and large beads of sweat rolled down their faces.

–"Wha.....what exactly just happened!".

–"I....i don't know, how how can he be that powerful".

Dorant who was high in the sky looked down at Muzaka calmly, he could already tell something was wrong. He couldn't rush In to go fight Muzaka, he had to be sure that the Noblesse hadn't done the same thing to Muzaka as he had done to him.

Although he himself isn't sure how strong he is now, he was sure that he could kill everybody present + Maduke with just one finger. But he wasn't sure how strong Muzaka was either, no matter what there's no way he could underestimate him.

Muzaka looked up at Dorant with a conflicted expression "Did you accept the new power too Dorant"


Muzaka silently gazed at Dorant....."Why would you do so Dorant, your growth speed was already the fastest in the history of werewolves. You have no need for that power, you could have trained and still surpassed that power that you had before" Muzaka said looking at Dorant.

Dorant gazed at Muzaka with a serene look "That method of getting stronger would have taken a long time, our people needed power fast so we could escape the rules of the Nobles which you inflicted on us, and prove that we werewolves have always been at the top of the food chain". Dorant squinted his eyes at Muzaka "You once said that one day I would surpass you, well I trained even with my new power I still always trained. And now that I have even much more power, I will finally use it to crush you for betraying us and choosing them over us. It's time to show how much I've grown now.....master"

Dorant's aura began rising causing a massive disturbance as space began distorting around him a little, but this was enough as the waves caused by this unnatural bending was about to vaporize the entire nation until something happened.

Without anyone even noticing a golden haired blond figure with red irises, black mask and a black attire with golden lines had arrived, he casually walked past Muzaka. Everything looked frozen in time as he looked up at Dorant and sighed *sigh*{Seriously what is with people and causing unnatural distortions in space, the Noblesse still has things here you know}* Karjak thought shaking his head and snapping his fingers as he quelled the distortions and made a new pathway for that energy in the distortions to pass and then vanished the next instant again as time returned back to normal.

_____________________________________________A/N: Yes Karjak can actually control time, but he didn't control time Here, hes just too fast. Think quicksilver in x-men apocalypse.

I'll soon be making an auxiliary chapter for everyone giving you a gist of their current abilities. _____________________________________________

The space distortions around Dorant had become much calmer but they were still causing massive pressure on every other werewolves and ripping the land apart. Maduke was looking at Dorant in surprise and great fear as he made a pained expression trying to resist the pressure of Dorant's aura , this kid had definitely surpassed him and his position as Lord was in great danger. If he wanted to live he had to strike first and use his hidden weapon.

Meanwhile inside Dorant, some new thing was acting up as it glowed a dim red light as if ready to awaken at anytime.

Muzaka gazed at Dorant with sad eyes and turning his gaze to Maduke "So that's the story you really told everyone huh" he shook his head as his the atmosphere became completely silent and a second later a super massive pressure descended upon everyone completely flattening some of the weaker werewolves into nothing but blood pulp, Muzaka looked up Dorant "Alright then, let's see how much the student has grown".

They both vanished and the next thing everyone heard was a massive boom high in the atmosphere. The power was enough to completely disorient them as they all began feeling fuzzy.

Muzaka and Dorant punched out their fists again as another loud boom was created, Dorant aimed a low kick at Muzaka who moved forward displacing the position and power of the kick as he grabbed dorant's face only to meet an afterimage and then vanishing the next Instant avoiding a thrust from Dorant and appearing behind his back with a high kick aimed at dorant's nape.

Dorant turned around with quick reflexes and out his arm up to block.


And also followed by a loud boom, Dorant got sent flying thirty thousand kilometers in a second and got sent even further more until he crashed in the sea causing a huge explosion of water and causing a huge tidal wave.

A second later another eruption occurred as Dorant flew out if the water. His entire arm was totally shattered as was a part of his shoulder and chest, but all this regenerated in a split second as he flexed his arm and squeezed his new arm.

His senses alerted him and he looked up immediately as Muzaka descended upon him with a spiraling kick to his gut, the kick knocked the wind out of him eliciting a silent wheeze as he flew straight like a bomb into the water again, this time the explosion was up to 300times more massive.

Muzaka dropped down into the water thereby starting a chain of massive booms that will carry on for 580,000 kilometers as they continued their underwater battle. Massive tremors travelled through the water and even reaching land causing a slight feeling of impending doom hanging over their heads.

Another boom occurred again but this time it came with someone flying out of it.

It was Muzaka who got kicked so hard that he was entering exosphere until Dorant had appeared above him with a blue flaming aura fist shaped like a wolf and punched at Muzaka's chest who raised his hand transforming it into a full furred claw.

The sonic from the punch was still enough to travel more that 5,000 kilometers even that high up.

Dorant in that Instant Muzaka caught his hand had cut it off with his second arm which had surprised Muzaka a little but that small moment of surprise is what Dorant wanted as a small energy orb immediately formed in his Palm and he instantly crushed it too in that Instant as a massive flash of light occurred followed by an instant boom.

A huge bright blue energy explosion large and bright enough to be seen thousands of miles away down below and could be seen from space itself.

Sometime minutes later a flaming figure could be seen falling out of the sky and heading straight down, Dorant had taken massive damage even after he protected himself. More than half his body was gone, only his head, one side of his chest and a half arm remained. His face was a mess as his skin had been burnt away as was his eyeballs, but all of this had begun regeneating in seconds as be still continued his flaming fall but that didn't hinder his regeneration at all, nor did it even burn his now defenseless body.

Even after his body regenerated he was still unconscious until a figure appeared besides him and grabbing him, stopping his meteorite fall to earth.

Muzaka didn't escape from that attack fully either as he had actually lost his arm, but he regenerated that in a second so it wasn't a problem. He held Dorant and flew back to the werewolf country far away in a just a second.

Maduke and the other werewolves were on high alert as soon as Muzaka appeared before them again gulping silently, they looked at the unconscious Dorant in his arms.

Muzaka set Dorant down as his gaze turned to Maduke who was gripping the arm of his throne tightly as he sweated nervously, the new Muzaka and Dorant was completely beyond his expectations. Even from that far away he could still feel the power of that last attack, it was almost overwhelming his senses how strong that attack was and they both could still come back alive with no injuries at all.

Muzaka squinted his eyes looking at Maduke, his gaze roamed the werewolves present. They all slowly backed off as they stood the side completely getting themselves uninvolved with whatever might happen.

"Now Maduke...tell me everything you have done, if you leave out one single thing your death will not be swift. I promise you" Muzaka said with a tone of complete command and finality as his pressure increased. Maduke was now in even greater trouble, although he had planned to absorb dorant's power and kill Muzaka, there's no way he would be able to handle it. That much power would kill him and he would implode from not being able to maintain his control over it. He gaze locked with Muzaka's, he knew things were over for him one way or another, and there was no escape..........

Meanwhile somewhere else in a completely deserted mass of land was Raizel who walked around an empty field, there was mid century armor and weapons lying around halfway into the earth, the skeletal bones of horses had been engraved into the ground. Much farther away a huge crater would have been found but Rai wasn't really heading over there.

He walked up to a grassy plain near a running river with crystal clear waters, he walked up to a particular spot and stopped. He heaved an internal sigh as a white transparent 20meter wide dome now surrounded the area.

Inside the dome time began moving backwards as the life began dying and reviving once again until finally Raizel stopped the reverse flow of time bringing this area back to 822 years in the past.

He looked at the small figure in front of him with an arrow in her chest, she had a cute face, brown hair with two full neck length bangs covering both sides of her face, a long braided ponytail with a bushy end, the clothing on her body was a pink sleeveless shirt and a short thigh length short covering her lower half. Rai bent down and gently picked the lifeless body of Ashleen and removing the arrow inside her chest as he healed her body too.

He altered her body down on a cellular level as made her hidden werewolf bloodline dominate her entire body and ready to become awakened as soon as life was restored to it, but he gave her even greater additions along with her werewolf bloodline, but were hidden fo the time being.

After he was done with modifying her body completely, he again looked at her cold lifeless form. Although her cells have become immortal now it was still without life, Ashleen was another thing that he regret letting happen.

Although he would never tell Muzaka but Ashleen was indeed precious to him, she felt like his sweet little niece and her death did indeed plague him. He too in that Instant when he saw her lifeless form had almost become like his brother and would have lost it, but the old him still put his duty above all and couldn't follow along with his impulse. He would had been able to save her before if her soul was still present in this realm, but the old him wasn't strong enough to reach into the afterlife and pull out someone's soul.

Raizel raised his index finger as a small glowing white light formed, he placed it in the middle of her forehead and then lifted his hand as a small tiny bridge followed his index. This small bride is invisible and intangible to anyone who isn't using high amounts of spiritual or mental energy to see or touch it.

He watched the small bride snake around in the air as it entered the a small wormhole that had formed inches above her body. It was searching for something, trying to fish out something. It really took a while but Raizel finally got his response, her soul had been found. What Raizel did was just practically make a soul searching GPS.

Her body and soul have a particular signature that that resonates with each other, each and every being had this. It's called a compatibility that each person made with. That's why when you try to force a soul into an incompatible body, that has no origin signature same as it's former body, there is usually a huge problem.

Her body and soul came together as one in this world and although they didn't leave as one, even then they are still one. Her astral soul form would look the same as her physical body no matter what happens, it's how it was designed when life was made.

From the small wormhole a small who had glowing orb was being pulled out by the tiny bridge, Raizel held it in his Palm. He could feel he resonance between her body and he soul but he couldn't let them fuse yet, he had to prepare her soul for a much more powerful body than it was used to.

He gifted her soul immortality too, and then gave it even more spiritual power. Her spiritual energy was reaching the level of what former clan leader were like before Rai made them gods. He smiled as he let her soul inhabit her body once more.

The process was silent, no exaggerated or unnatural phenomenon had occurred.

Rai waited patiently in silence for a few minutes and gave a soft smile when he saw her chest began rising and Falling at a steady rate, her body had now become much warmer.

Her finger twitched a little ~mmn a light moan escaped her lips as her eyelids began fluttering, weakly opening halfway revealing big blue beautiful irises. Still completely dazed and weak all she could see was the blurry figure of red haired person, a little confusion arose in her mind.

"Sleep Ashleen, You're gonna be fine....I promise" the figure said to her, even in her confused state she could still feel a familiarity in that voice and it felt like he was smiling. Her weariness overtook her as her eyes closed back, completely falling into the silent realm of sleep.

Raizel watched her as she slept, a soft smile on his face. He levitated back into the air, completely dispelling the dome around them as he opened a pathway in space and walked right through it, his figure completely vanishing from there completely....

Meanwhile back on in the werewolf country a big catastrophe was about to happen as Muzaka roared In total rage "MADUKEEEE!!!!"...


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