
My name is Mephsitopheles (Reposting)

A/N: IF YOU CAN BRAVE THROUGH THE FIRST 25 CHAPTERS, MY WRITING STYLE BECOMES BETTER. ALTHOUGH THE FIRST STYLE WASN'T BAD, IT WAS STILL AT AN AMATEURISH LEVEL. In a special void floats a soul adrift for a long time. Then, suddenly he got his attention called by someone walking towards him he was an old man with a bowler hat and in black suit holding an umbrella with him. 'He' was here

SOLACE · 漫画同人
71 Chs

Chapter 51: A fun battle & Madness.


Raizel and Raizel levitated in the air waiting for the upcoming clash, it was snowing here almost a blizzard but this of course was in no way at all going to affect the battlefield for beings like them.

"She really is stubborn huh" Raizel said to himself as Rai nod his head and watched "Even after I told her she wouldn't even be able to tag him in base form, Muzaka of before was fast enough to cross countries in seconds while still in base form. After our fight he definitely dropped very low in power, it would take him minutes to cross countries" Rai said to himself.

Rai chuckled "Yeah, but now he should be able to cross half a continent in almost a minute. Since the blood stone continuously makes his power grow stronger as long as it is fed this time would be getting shorter too" Rai said.

Rai shook his head mentally " I know Muzaka won't fight her truly " he said as Rai too nod his head as he smirked "Let me try paying my little toy a visit" and then Rai vanished as Rai still waited for the clash.....

Meanwhile Garda was causing a lot of problems in the organization, all around her was massive destruction, deep slash marks on the walls and dead bodies. She was heading to where she felt his presence, her gaze focused as her breathing pace increased.

Muzaka who was in Crombell's office watched with wide eyes at the image on the screen 'Garda....she was alive?' his voice almost a whisper as Crombell who was with him too watched the footage with curious eyes "you know her Lord Muzaka" he asked looking up at Muzaka.

He nod his head "she's my most trusted person" he said looking back up at the screen, "Did you guys know that she was alive" he asked staring at the the two holographic icons on two different screens.

First elder: "No, we thought she was dead a long time ago. According to what the 2nd elder said, she had been branded a traitor just like you and executed her centuries ago".

Muzaka gazed at the first elder "So Maduke even went that far as to brand her a traitor too" the fist elder nod his head.

Muzaka shook his head and sighed "It seems I would have to meet Maduke earlier than I wanted" he said as he turned as he turned around leaving the room.

The first elder looked at Crombell "[Remember your duty 13th elder, you were allowed the knowledge of Muzaka and his custody so he doesn't find any links to us experimenting on him, make sure that he is able to remain on our side. And also ensure that he never questions the way his power grows so fast]"

Crombell nod his head and promised while smirking evilly inside, Muzaka had something very amazing and strange when he scanned him. Although he couldn't run tests on him because of obvious reasons, he could tell that Muzaka was somehow fusing with that thing and becoming one with it. He was changing into something entirely different, a new powerful hybrid of some sorts".

– "Hello Crombell"

Crombell froze on the spot as he heard that voice, he took in a deep breath mentally as he turned around to look at Rai who sat on a couch he had no idea where it came from.

His gaze was that of extreme calmness as he looked Raizel in the eye "to what do I owe the extreme pleasure for this meeting" he spoke with extreme calm.

Raizel watched him and smirked "I see you've grown much stronger than before, how many people did you feed to it" he asked him.

Crombell still kept a stoic look, by now he knew he shouldn't be surprised about how this guy can see through him. "Why are you here, is it time for us to fight yet".

Raizel materialized a cup full of a golden liquid and sipped as he turned his gaze back to Crombell "I'm only here to play, and see how much you've grown" Rai answered.

Crombell was angry on the inside but still kept a stoic appearance, he still couldn't figure out why this guy chose him out of everyone else to be his plaything. Why not choose someone like Muzaka, he was someone who could casually kill him if he wanted so why wasn't he choosing Muzaka.

Crombell looked at Rai straight in the eye as he decided to bite the bullet and ask him "Why did you choose me".

Rai paused as he watched Crombell and silence ensued between them for the next 30 seconds before Rai finally replied "I wanted to see what a copy was capable off".

Crombell was now completely lost, what exactly did he mean by a copy? Copy of what.

Raizel stood up and then vanished as he was done with his plaything, it was time to go visit the werewolf island for a bit.

Meanwhile Muzaka had finally caught up to Garda, but the first thing he was met with was an assault attack on himself.

Muzaka caught her fist as a massive shockwave erupted but be was confused as he looked at all the rage in her eyes. "Garda, it's me. Have you forgotten" he asked her as Garda still bared her teeth at him as she attacked him him again with a knee kick to his sides but he still casually stopped it with his other palm "Garda it's me Muzaka, why are you attacking me" he asked with extreme worry in his tone.

Garda glared at him with extreme hate and anger "I don't know you traitor" she said as she released her full transformation, her fur was white in color along with her hair also which was dark orange. Along both sides of her face were two red markings, her aura began rising even as it damaged the surroundings blowing away a part of the building.

Muzaka still wasn't able to figure why she as attacking him, he looked her in the eye as his gaze turned soft "Garda, is there a reason for this, why do you call me a traitor also".

Garda glared at him "it was your fault, if you bad listened to the plea of your people from the very beginning this wouldn't have happened. Everyone who insisted on following is dead" tears streamed down her cheeks "You were selfish for so long as to have put Humans before your own people, You're a traitor" her words had deep anger and resentment contained in them.

Muzaka felt extreme guilt and sadness as he looked at Garda's teary eyes full of anger and resentment, his comrades were dead because of him. He looked Garda in the eye "I really am sorry Garda, it was never my intention for all of this to happen".

Garda chuckled "I don't want your apology, I only want your life" she said as she clasped her hand in the shape of a spear and launched herself towards him like a meteorite.

Muzaka didn't avoid or block her and instead let her attack hit him, all of his defenses were down as he took the full brunt of the attack.....

Garda looked at the aftermath of her full power attack and remembered what Rai had told her.

Flshbck: Rai and Garda ran over the sea heading towards the organization as Rai turned his gaze to her answering her question. "Muzaka of before is gone, the current Muzaka can kill his old self with a flick. The chances of even your most powerful attack making a scratch on him is less than one percent"....

Her mind came back to the present, her full power wasn't even enough to penetrate his skin even of he was in a casual state.

Muzaka held Garda's hand,as he looked her in the eye. "I'm really sorry Garda, but I can't die. I have to go meet that bastard Maduke" Muzaka's voice almost turning to a growl at the end as he vanished the next instant.

Garda stood alone in the wide center of destruction for quite some time, she raised her head up as she looked at the sky.

Seconds later she turned around and left the place as she ran all the way back to the outside. She stood at the edge of the island looking out into the sea, Later Raizel levitated down and floated next to her remaining silent for a while.

..."Can I go back and rest Nobl....Raizel" Garda requested of Rai who lightly nod his head and they vanished.

Meanwhile in the werewolf country...

Maduke glared at Raizel gritting his teeth, this bastard wanted to humiliate their entire clan just for the sake of his entertainment his grip on his throne got a little stronger as he shattered it. His gaze was completely locked on Rai who was completely stoic and Indifferent. "What do we have to do with you, are you planning on wiping us out too" Maduke asked with extreme anger and hate.

Raizel looked at him, and lightly shook his head "I have no interest in killing anyone of you, I just want to battle".

Maduke looked at Rai with confused eyes "What do you mean?" he asked, how can there be no death in a fight between being like them. And with Rai's past showings, there's was no way Rai would not kill anyone.

"Just call every single warrior you have, I want to battle" Rai had turned around after he spoke leaving Maduke all to his thoughts...

Sometime later many white robed figures stood before Rai. He looked at Maduke in the far back and turned his gaze back to them.

His eyes scrutinized each and everyone of them, his gaze however was on one specific yellow haired kid. He smirked, this kid was Muzaka's apprentice and has the potential to surpass Muzaka as he was meant to be the new Lord after Muzaka had retired.

But with how Muzaka is currently, all hopes of surpassing him flew out the window. Raizel changed his clothing into the Noble attire, but without the presence of sleeves.

"What are your names" he asked referring to the top warriors.

"Krano" replied a light golden haired and fur werewolf.

"Braang" A purple bob haircut round fat and muscular werewolf.

"Zaiga" replied abrown haired elderly looking guy with brown fur and long braided beards.

"Gayare" replied a light grey furred werewolf.

"Uzhir" replied a tall buff dark skinned werewolf with dark brown fur and his hair looked like that if the genie from Alladin.

"Juraki" said a tall and handsome blue haired werewolf with a white cloth round the cfrot of his head, his fur color was blue as we're his eyes.

"Dorant" finally came the reply of the yellow haired kid with golden yellow iris and a yellow fur. He is the one who was Muzaka's former apprentice.

Rai's eyes went to Dorant "So that's what your name was, I remember Muzaka said something about you one time".

The rest were going to introduce themselves but Rai cut them short, he already got the names of the more powerful ones and the kid.

All of them released their werewolf transformation plus enhanced power to the utmost maximum, as their auras shot high into the sky causing massively strong wind currents they knew this wasn't a guy they could slack on for a single moment.

Zaiga moved his hands in a circular motion around in the the air as golden hieroglyphs appeared rotating around him, he flicked his fingers as those glyohs rotated around his fingers and the next Instant a huge massive red fireball launched towards Rai with powerful speed.

The moment Raizel raised his hand to destroy the attack was when they all moved. Immediately with their fastest speeds they vanished as they attacked from different position. In the instant the flames dispersed Braang's full Powered punch was already centimeters away from Rai's face, Krano was already behind Rai as his hands thrust like a spear at Rai's sides and Gayare was downwards with a powerful sweep kick aimed at Rai's leg

All of this had happened in the shortest Instant. Rai in that same moment had moved forward a little as he grabbed Braang's face with insane speed leaving an afterimage, he lifted his leg a little higher as he twisted his body and slammed Braang down hard into the ground and time began it's normal flow again as Krano missed Raizel, Gayare met nothing and the massive shockwave from Rai slamming Braang into the ground impacted them.


_____________________________________________A/N: He didn't mess with time, that's just how fast he was. He's the Archdevil of combat, why would he need to mess with time in a fight. _____________________________________________

Raizel looked at the twitched lower half of Braang's body with his upper half impaled under the ground.

Raizel with quick speed caught the fist of Juraki creating a loud boom as he dropped his hand down to stop the incoming knee kick to his sides and raised his arm again to Parry a claw attack to his face.

He vanished the next Instant as Uzhir came down from above his fist causing massive destruction to the ground.

Rai moved his head to the side as he avoided a golden lightning bolt from Zaiga which tore through Kilometers of the land. He vanished again as magically enhanced earth spikes shot up from the ground around his former spot.

He pointed his index finger at an incoming beam attack from Gayare launching a compressed red energy beam Instantly destroying Gayare's head on as it went on to blow up his entire arm and a part of his gut. But his body began squirming and regenerated itself in Seconds.

Raizel made an aura shield in front of him blocking a powerful attack slash from Juraki and a combined aura beam of the recovered Braang.

A massive flash of light accompanied with powerful shockwaves causing massive destruction as Uzhir steeled his nerves and launched himself at Rai the moment of impact with his full power out in display as a 40 meter large aura of wolf materialized as he launched it at Rai and himself also with the full power of his fist bending the wind around his fist creating an even brighter flash of light as a massive dome of energy was formed creating a massive explosion.

Everyone was not finished, they weren't foolish as to wait for him to come out that unscathed and beat them up. So they all joined in too as they all pushed their powers to the utmost limit and attacked him.

But suddenly before their eyes, all. Of that power had collapsed as it broke down and become one with the wind Raizel still standing there with a smile walking towards them as he vanished and in an instant Gayare's upper body was airborne as it got cleanly seperated from his lower half.


That was the only thing he was able to mutter as his face was one of utter disbelief His body thudded on the floor as it bounced around.

Rai moved again, this time all they could see were after images circling them. Zaiga who was done with secret preparestions had launched a full on golden lightning tsunami on all directions turning the land into a raging lightning tsunami paly ground causing massive destruction even getting the unfortunate ones who weren't in the safe zone of the attack.

–"Lightning Tsunami....interesting".

Zaiga tensed and immediately threw a backhand punch behind him, but half his arm had suddenly become airborne as powerful punch came the next Instant sending him breaking through sound barriers causing a loud boom.

Raizel moved again stopping infront of green furred werewolf and diagonally slashed his hand as he cut the werewolf's body from his shoulder to his pelvis.

Raizel with quick movement brought his palm down grabbing a crouching Braang who wanted to throw him off his feet. Braang grunted as he began pushing with all his power as he roared but Rai just flung him high in the air and In that same Instant delivered three powerful punches to his neck, chest and gut.

Braang's vocal cords immediately shattered as did his cervical vertebrae, his heart had burst inside his chest and his gut had ruptured.

He feel to the ground in massive pain unable to make a sound, as tears roles down his cheeks. He couldn't even begin the agony he was in right now, his heart couldn't regenerate quick enough so he was dying right now.

Raizel stepped sideways as he avoided an overhead lunar kick from Krano and in that same Instant gave him sideways punch to his neck which instantly produced a crack sound as his head fell sideways and his body went limp falling to the ground.

Raizel vanished from his spot as a powerful energy ball hit that place causing massive destruction. And appearing above juraki as he grabbed his head slamming him to the ground as he vanished again avoiding a powerful slash attack from Gayare.

Raizel appeared in front of Gayare thrusting his hand towards his chest but then suddenly two earth cuffs held his legs or atleast it almost held his legs but he suddenly vanished as a thin and condensed energy beam hit that same spot causing massive destruction as a huge bright energy dome kilometers high formed and powerful wind pressure swept the forest away.

The aftermath of the attack was a huge 3•5kilometer deep crater with a width of 50kilometers. Gayare who was caught in that attack with no time to escape or defend himself was already erased.

Raizel who was high in the air smiled looking at Dorant who finally stepped in, he knew this guy was reading his moves trying to find a pattern of attack. But with my speed massively outstripping his, there was no almost nothing he could do.

Raizel really wanted to form a contract with him, his potential for combat was even much greater than Shinwoo's. But it Still wouldn't be the same feeling with Shinwoo, of course Dorant would bring him much greater excitement in combat but Shinwoo was just too fun to play with. He had so many things to use and mess with his emotions and to bring out the greatest hate in him.

"Muzaka never told me you could cast spells too" Rai said looking at Dorant and smirked "I guess zaiga must have taught you".

Dorant was silent as he gazed at Rai, he had prepared himself for the day this guy ever attacks then. He ma

de sure to push himself much further than ever before, trained hard and adding even more abilities to his arsenal.

Behind Dorant 9 glowing energy balls formed as they floated behind him, his aura had climbed up even higher as a blue yellowish flaming aura surrounded his body.

Raizel smiled at this, those things behind Dorant remind him of 'Bangs'.

_____________________________________________A/N: Anyone who reads/watches tower of god would get this. _____________________________________________

With incredible speed that Rai hadn't seen anyone else apart from him or his partners use in this plane, a compressed beam shot at Rai's face from one of the balls. It was fast enough to be described as light speed but not yet light speed, and it's destructive power was insane.

He moved his head to the side and he looked as if to be in thought, what just happened right now gave him an even greater familiarity to 'Bangs'. No one fired 'Bangs' at the same speeds, some fired faster than the speed of sound, some fire at hypersonic speeds and above. Urek was the only one who could fire them at the speed of light and that couldn't exactly have been known to be his limit, that was only what he showed to them. With Urek being such a massive monster there's no way he would let himself stay at that speed.

He looked at Dorant who fired off another compressed beam even faster than the first one at Rai who was really in deep thought as he looked at Dorant, this kid was really entertaining him with his potential.

The energy balls behind Dorant spread out and all fired off more rounds of compressed energy beams at Rai, each with different speeds.

Raizel was deep in thought as he vanished around in the air...

*{This is interesting, most of those energy beams move much faster than hypersonic speeds, I know the reason he is able to do this is because of his talent. But the main reason being that aura is actually weaker than Shinsoo, even top tier aura without divinity can only be compared to base level shinsoo, but it still doesn't make it any less impressive.

Shinsoo is much denser, diverse, chaotic and much harder to control than aura, it's also much more destructive. Even if he fired a light speed aura based energy beam at a B ranker it wouldn't even harm him/her because of how powerful a rankers body is as it has been refined by shinsoo even if they do not actively temper their body with it, Not to mention a monster like Ha Jinsung}*

Raizel smirked as a new thought crossed his mind, Arith's already strong gravity power would be made to dangerous levels of insane if she were to have shinsoo be it's base source.

He raised his palm and blocked a condensed energy beam attack and on all the energy orbs, small dark dots appeared inside it as it began getting larger and instantly devoured all the energy balls in the air.

Dorant's eye widened in shock of how all of the orbs vanished, he looked forward to see a smiling Rai who was reconstructing his clothes again into his true Noble attire.

"You've entertained me Dorant, I know that you can even barely follow the speed of your own attacks but you were still impressive".

"I'm honored I was able to impress you Noblesse". Dorant said to Rai looking extremely calm.

He vanished and reappeared in front of Dorant who tensed a little "relax, I'm rewarding you for impressing me. This is on a whim and will probably be the last gift you ever receive from me" Rai said as he made a light cut on Dorant's cheek drawing a little blood which he took and brought to the side of his mouth <Awaken>

Dorant's eyes became completely white as his power exploded as he roared causing massive gales of wind.

Raizel flew back down to the ground as he looked towards Maduke "I'm done with my entertainment, you're not my problem anymore....do whatever you want Muzaka".

He vanished the next Instant leaving Maduke and the rest of the other werewolves in confusion, they looked around in confusion and they all went wide eyed when they saw Muzaka had from out of nowhere just appeared in front of them.

Muzaka glanced up Dorant who was recovering from his second awakening *{so you're capable of a second awakening now to huh}* Muzaka thought as he shook his head and looked straight at Maduke and grinned "It's bee quite a while hasn't It....Maduke"....

Raizel appeared Right in front of the house and phasing through the front door as he walked to the living room to meet with a sleeping Edian.

He smiled softly as he walked up to her and bent down as he lightly brushed her hair sideways, she really was beautiful, and so at peace.

Spending 820 years with such hidden pain in your heart and having to live with deep hidden regret for betraying her kind can wear down a near immortal like her also....

Meanwhile somewhere else in the city was Han-gyeol, but anyone who had seen him before would never be able to think it was the same short chubby kid as he had done a complete 360°.

For some reason he had become much taller, as tall as Shinwoo. And his body was no longer chubby but totally fit, his face was the biggest change as he had actually become incredibly good looking.

But what was around him would terrify the ever living hell out of a normal person since blood was all over the ground and walls completely bathing it, amputated limbs and destroyed body all sprawled around on the floor and with intestines falling out of them.

He stood in the middle with a huge grin on his face as he began laughing madly, his laugh reverberating through the whole building.......


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