
My name is Mephsitopheles (Reposting)

A/N: IF YOU CAN BRAVE THROUGH THE FIRST 25 CHAPTERS, MY WRITING STYLE BECOMES BETTER. ALTHOUGH THE FIRST STYLE WASN'T BAD, IT WAS STILL AT AN AMATEURISH LEVEL. In a special void floats a soul adrift for a long time. Then, suddenly he got his attention called by someone walking towards him he was an old man with a bowler hat and in black suit holding an umbrella with him. 'He' was here

SOLACE · 漫画同人
71 Chs

Chapter 42: Meeting Lunark & the bet.


He opened sat in his office as he clasped both hands together in deep thought then he had received a call from his computer. He turned around and pushed a button as the image of Yuri shows up on the large monitor.

"What news do you have for me Yuri" Crombell asked as he rested his arms on the chair.

[....I got to meet him again Sir].

"Ohhh, cant say it was unexpected. What was the problem this time that he had to interfere" Crombell asked gazing up at Yuri.

[Nothing Sir, this time he came to us of his own intention].

Crombell raised a brow "He didn't have to Interfere because someone or something of his was involved?".

[No sir, this time he came for.... entertainment]

Crombell scrunches his brows "entertainment? What do you mean".

[I can't really explain everything sir, I will show you the footage I recorded. It being sent to you now sir].

Crombell moved forward as he clicked on the new file that just appeared on his monitor and then leaned back to watch what it contained. The more he watched the colder his eyes became until he finally got to the end and the recording ended. The silence in the room was amazing, only the sound of the air conditioner was heard and that too along with the beeping sounds form the monitors in his office.

"....So it was him who was the Noble that made the declaration". Crombell spoke

[Sir it's already known here?].

"It was only made recently, just hours ago. According to the elders, the General Karl was one of the highest business associates for the union".

[But Sir still, why would they take the threat that Seriously as to want to assemble all the world powers]. Yuri asked, he knew that guy was insanely strong but assembling the whole word was still too much.

Crombell gazed up at Yuri as he began working his computer and then seconds later a file too had been sent to Yuri. He looked at the new file sent to him and the next second his eyelids had began opening from it's usual closed state. The most unbelievable image was how Raizel destroyed 90kilometers of land and a massive dome just by casually raising his hand ".

" That is why Yuri, according to what was reported, that dome was durable enough to take something as powerful or almost as strong as a nuke. And all he had to do was wave his hands for that to happen".

Yuri raised his eyes up to look at Crombell as he went back to the footage again.

"Basically what he did with elders was like you said.... entertainment". Crombell looked straight at Yuri "look at that footage again Yuri, tell me what you see that caused that destruction".

Yuri turned his eyes back to the footage again as he payed more attention this time and then he caught it [telekinesis] he whispered.

Crombell smiled "good job Yuri" he leaned back in is chair "That is what his base telekinesis looks like Yuri, and we don't even know the full power of just his base self. If he used it with his aura or even decided to bring out his soul weapon how powerful do you think that the telekinesis would become".

[..... Can't properly estimate Sir] Yuri said.

Crombell smiled "exactly Yuri, we know nothing about this Noble and he could also just as much easily posses that much strength that he had proclaimed".

Crombell leaned back in his chair "Although when you told me about that ability he used, I believed that it was almost confirmed that he was the Lord of the Nobles, now I can't be that sure anymore".

[Eh? Sir, what do you mean].

Crombell glanced up at Yuri "The Lord should be a very busy Noble and wouldn't have the time to do this to the outside world. But...the second being.....he is something that can't even be like this, I am starting to think that the second being might have a second like him".

[....Sir, are you suggesting the possibility of a third secret powerhouse in the Nobles that no one knew about].

"Yes Yuri, that is what i am suggesting". Crombell said.

[....if that really is as you said sir, then we may have been underestimating the Nobles, the Lord and then 2 Secret Noblesse].

Crombell nod his head to that, he looked up at Yuri "How is Mark who is now posing as M-24 doing now".

[I believe that he may be collecting data from them now sir, he should be fully awake by now]

Crombell grinned and cut the connection as he clasped his finger together "good, soon 9th elder I Will catch up to your best work and surpass it and then...I will have your brains" *Kuahahahahah*....

Meanwhile Raizel who was sleeping between two naked beauties was actually deep inside his core again. He felt a familiar pull calling to him and when he got to the blood phoenix, in front of him was someone else. He looked exactly Like him before his evolution and also the same seal.

Raizel and he locked eyes as they stood in silence "Hello.....elder brother" Raizel made the first move.

His elder brother smiled "You're not surprised to see me Raizel".

"I knew you didn't die, we can't die. We're the blood Phoenix, death is only just another short sleep for us".

Rai's brother smiled "You really have changed Rai, you smile more now when before you almost showed any emotions. And look at what you've been doing, the you of before would never have done this. The only person I saw doing this was me".

Raizel kept silent as he gazed at him for seconds "You're not angry I killed you".

"No....I understood what the you of before did that for, I was going to destroy the world and only leave all the Nobles alive. My perfect world for Nobles". He turned his gaze to Raizel "if I wanted to do the same thing again...would you stop me"

....." Yes ".

His elder brother shook his head, "I knew it".

Raizel looked at him "You have it wrong in what you may be thinking, what I meant was you can actually kill the world and I would not care but my partners are important to me, and besides they're not humans. Oh my fan club is also important to me, when I eventually leave this world they'll come with me".

His brother smiled "I know that Raizel, you've changed completely. Now you're perverted and what the humans call evil".

Raizel looked up the sleeping phoenix or most specifically the pinkish dark red ball that resting on it's wings *{won over the blood phoenix too huh}* he turned his eyes back to his brother "Are you returning to the blood phoenix".

His brother smiled, "well there's really nothing that interests me again and you've become a better person so yes, I Will".

Raizel's brother began moving closer and closer to the blood phoenix and placed his hands on it, his being started becoming little bright red balls of light but before he could go completely he turned his head to Raizel "Make sure you save her Rai, she is suffering from my mistake and still suffers now".

Raizel returned his gaze also "I will, she's important to me".

His brother smiled as his entire body was gone, he had now returned back to the phoenix.

Raizel pulled his consciousness out of his core and opened his eyes, he looked at the two sleeping beauties in his arm and smiled as his mind went back to her, he really Loved her. Infact she is actually his first love but the him of before couldn't be with her. His existence was and still is a Lone one but now he could make it work.

The Noblesse Oblige does no longer exist, it's a dead term. He won't bind himself by such a title anymore. He closed his eyes at that final thought.

Meanwhile in a dark room, 11 holographic icons floated. This was the gathering of the elders.

???: "So, the 10th elder has been killed, and the 11th elder luckily escaped with his life as you have all received the news" one of the dark icons spoke.

???: "Yes, according to you 11th elder, the 10th sacrificed himself for you so he could buy you enough time to escape isn't it".

11th: "Yes, he overload his body with power and attacked the Noble, and with that time frame I used it to return. This is so I could tell you that the threat of this guy is very real, I also don't know about something else he said".

???: "what did he mention"

11th: "He said something about how a war has already been proclaimed on him, that cruel bastard thinks that he has the authority to want to wipe out the human race".

???: ".....I see....you were not aware of this yet but it's is true, a call for war has been declared on him".

???: "But I think that before we rush to the war, we need to test the waters, so I'm giving the 5th, 7th, 8th and 11th elders the mission to go and make contact with him".

The 11th elders eyes went wide as he began raging in his office "You.....you.....YOU WANT ME TO DIE!!".

???: "Please calm down 11th elder, you're not going alone. You have 3 other elders going with you, this is for the sake of humanity. We have to know all that we can about our enemy and make contingencies so when we eventually go to war we're not completely in the dark".

???: "Or do you want to refuse a mission like this and be labeled a traitor, you will be hunt down and killed 11th elder so choose. Do you prefer to die as a dog or do you prefer to die for the greater good of mankind".

The 11th elder just shut up and grit his teeth as his anger boiled inside him.

???: "Good choice 11th, you will be remembered and honored if you don't make it back alive".

And with that all the elders had disconnected therefore ending the meeting.

Sometime later, the 9th and 4th elder had met up again. They stood at that same hall again as the looked out the window.

".....As you have predicted 9th elder, the day came when we had to go against Leukedonia...But, who would have thought that It would only just be one person that we would have to fight". Roctis said.

The 9th elder glanced up "Do you have any idea who that Noble is, it seems like he just came out of Nowhere".

Roctis stayed quiet for a few seconds "No....I don't know how but many things have changed after the period of my betrayal, to can't even say I can predict how powerful they may be now".

The 9th gazed at the outside silently, It was always snowy over here and the cold sight was a thing to watch "Do you regret it, your betrayal".

".....No, in the past I may have had some slight reflections but all in all, I don't regret it" said Roctis.

They both stood in silence for some minutes before the 9th elder heaved a sigh "To think that the day would come when we would have to send 4 elders to deal with one being and we also not having the faith that the outcome would be complete obliteration of the opponent. But that it is 'They' who will have the highest chance of dying". The 9th said as he turned around and walked away.

Roctis stood watching the snow *{....You're wrong 9th elder, they still would have Lost if they faced him before. And now...I don't know what happened to you Cadris Etrama di Raizel, did you finally change, will you see things from my perspective this time or will I still be punished because for the humans.....eventually we would have to meet and then I would see for myself, but it seems that 'he' would have to meet him before me}*. Roctis turned around and left too.....

Meanwhile back at the house, Frankenstein and everyone else had their eyes on a footage that was being played to them by Tao.

"I just don't understand, why would he do this". M-21 asked as he watched the recording of M-24 downloading massive amounts of data and then destroying the lab.

Frankenstein watched closely and then looked up at M-21 "I have two conclusions here, One the Union truly did revive M-24 but they did something to him. Like if they brainwashed him and gave him a mission in his mind. Two, they truly didn't revive M-24 but actually made some sort of clone or something that looks like M-24, have him his memories which is possible as they could have harvested his dying mind, and then put him out there for us. And you being the perfect bait for it because I how close you two are you wouldn't want to suspect anything".

" Man...that is really one cold plan" said Tao.

M-21's eyes became wide as tears began streaming down his cheeks, he balled his fist "So it really is all my fault this happened, I've caused all this because I didn't want to suspect. *sniff* If I had burned his body instead of burying it this wouldn't have happened".

..."It's not your fault" Frankenstein told him. M-21 raised his head "really anyone in your situation would have the same thing, that kind of bond is not something you just want to doubt".

Takeo and Tao turned to him too "Yeah M-21, that could be either one of us in your situation and we still would make the same decision you did". They walked ov er to him as they held his shoulder "do not blame yourself for doing something like this, Bonds like those are what makes us human" said Takeo

M-21 looked up at them "You guys....." he smiled as he wiped his tears with his arm "Yeah, thanks". Tao looked at the image of the Lab. "How are we going to fix this, it would tkar months and who knows how much data has been destroyed".

Frankenstein looked at the image too "Don't worry about that, I'll take care of it".

Meanwhile to the side Regis and Seira who are also in the room watched, Regis was beginning to come into a realization. *[I think I'm beginning to see a little of what everything around the world looks like to Raizel-nim]* he spoke to Seira through their link. Seira communicated confusion through their link.

*[To him everything is probably just a show that he can just enjoy and get interested in, and how everything just feels small to him. When we were still just near gods, most Nobles just viewed mortals as those weak innocent little things that they should protect because they were the strong ones. If this is how just being a god is like, then what would a conceptual being like Raizel-nim truly be seeing]*.

Seira stayed quiet as she just watched them and listened to Regis, she could say her view her view was almost the same as his too. As a death god, all she saw around her was just fickling flames of light that came in different sizes and were just randomly placed in one large infinite abyss of blackness that was death. Those flames looked so small and would be out out at anytime and she had to do was just watch as it goes out and wait for the next little flame to be born again and then watch it go out again and again.

It would become an Infinite loop that somehow would never get old. But, she could also be the one to put out those flames. What happens when the darkness comes alive and swallows the entire sea of light for eternity, that is what would be referred to as the end.


All the clan heads were present in the throne hall as Raskreia sat In her usual position with those same carefree eyes and look as she looked down at Gejutel who was in a bowing pose.

....."So the humans have called to declare war upon Raizel" Raskreia said in a bored tone.

Gejutel looked up at Raskreia "yes Lord, our contacts said something about how Raizel-nim had launched an a wide scale attack on the humans and killing many innocent lives and destroying billions in property damage".

Raskreia was silent as she thought about the true reason that someone like Raizel would do something like that, there was no way she was believing that dumb story.

"What should we do Lord" Ludis asked "Should we just watch the whole thing as they go to their doom or should we just ignore it".

Raskreia pondered about this, what was the best decision here "I'll think about this later" she turned her attention to Gejutel "What about the news of Roctis".

"Lord, the Union is already aware of the news that we know of his presence in the organization, and also considering what has just happened, I believe that they will soon begin to make their move towards us".

Raskreia gazed silently at Gejutel as she wondered who they should send to go meet Raizel her gaze turned to Karjak

Karias looked around and raised his hand and slicked his golden hair backwards as he smiled *heh* "don't worry, I'll go. It's a bit tedious but someone has to do it".

Gejutel looked at this guys shameless behavior "if you didn't know Karjak just left seconds ago" he said to him.

"eh? What?" Karias looked around and saw the empty space which once held Karjak "Hey I said I would go, why did you send that guy" Karias said pointing to the empty space.

*cough* Ludis faked a cough "I think it's best that we sent Karjak". "Yes I believe it's also best" said Rozaria as she nod her head.

" Hey no one is really going to defend here," Karias complained as he looked towrdas Gejutel, then Ludis and Rozaria and then his gaze finally went to Raskreia "Sis.....".

The whole room had gone silent ...




An army of full on red eyed monsters were looking looking at Karias like he was dead meat. Karias was definitely terrified as he jumped far back to avoid the red eyes monster's and the large beads of sweat told the rest of the story.

Raskreia watched the scene as she just heaved a sigh and went back into her thoughts...

Raizel who had just returned back to the house had been given the short gist of what exactly happened. The news of M-24 or whatever that guy was betraying everyone was not news to them so he just ignored it as he went into his room.

A day later, Frankenstein had taken M-21, Tao and Takeo out to a secret island so he could train them on their request that they wanted to become stronger. They had asked Regis why he wasn't coming with them since he too needed to get stronger, he just told them he didn't need to, he was already much stronger than before. They had thought that Regis meant that he had been training secretly for a long time.

Their training on Frankensteins secret island was hell, with how cruel Frankenstein was there's was no escape. While they were training frankenstein was also running tests on them in his other secret lab that was on this island. They carried on for days when something shocking had happened. Tao who had decided to look deep into the unions servers found something that made his eyes go wide with shock.

"Hey guy's, I think you should come see this". He called everyone's attention in the lab "What is it Tao, did you find the location of M-24" asked Takeo.

No" Tao shook his head, "Something much much worse". They walked over to him to see what he meant and what Tao showed them made their eyes widen to the utmost limit.

"An...an order for the declaration of war upon Raizel-nim!?" said Takeo as he read the document being shown to them. Frankenstein had a stoic look on his face he glanced at Tao "what did it say was the reason for calling something like this".

Tao searched even deeper " according to this it says that the red head Noble which we know as Raizel-nim had launched a wide scale attack on humanity, Killed many innocent lives and made equivalent of billions damage done in property damage....wait, there is more".

"More" M-21 asked with pure disbelief in his voice as this was already too much already.

Tao began digging deeper as he broke more firewalls and then he finally got to it and he was in silence as he gulped "what is it, Read it out" shouted M-21.

" Umm...it says that Raizel-nim had called for the war himself as he had threatened to kill all of humanity if it doesn't assemble....wait there is actual footage of the conversation, two actually. One of them contains the scene of Raizel destroying said property and lives"

They all came around him to see it, and after Tao had clicked on it and they watched it. Their eyes had gone wide "how...how can he say something like that, and with a smile" M-21 quested in disbelief. Frankenstein still kept a stoic expression still " play the second footage" he said.

Tao got to work and okayed the other recording for them. They all watched In disbelief as Raizel had casually destroyed 90kilometers of land with nothing more than a wave of his hand "this... this is too cruel, all those people dead" Takeo spoke

" According to the report that dome was strong enough to take something as powerful or almost as powerful as a nuclear bomb and It would not have shattered like that, it would be badly damaged bit it would still enough to take about 3-4 bazookas or rocket Launchers".

" And he could shatter it so casually, meaning the amount of force he used with such a casual way could be calculated as up to a 100times more greater". Said M-21 as they turned to look at him "what" he asked "nothing" they replied. Tao turned his gaze back towards the recording "the terrifying thing is that we know he still has an unquantifiable more amount of power under that seal" all three had become solemn "this was a losing battle from the start"

Meanwhile Frankenstein was having a different thought, there was no way he wouldn't notice it. That small smile on Rai's lips when he gave that declaration. He was the king of trolling people so he was definitely aware of what his master just did. Raizel had just trolled the entire world into making the biggest mistake of their lives, this was just something out of his playbook.

Tao looked up them, "What are we supposed to do with this now, do we try...and stop him?" You could tell he wasn't even believing one word of the crap that just came out his mouth and neither were they. Takeo looked at Frankenstein "Boss must be receiving this news the hardest of us".

They turned around to look at Frankenstein who was lost deep in thought second later he began chuckling *hehe...hehahahahahahaha* he laughed madly as he covered his face with his palm, his laugh continued for almost a full minute as the three were looking at him as if he had even become more crazier than before.

"Wow, the boss was really hit hard huh" Tao said in a whisper. Takeo nod his head "Yes, news like this can't be easy for his already insane mind". M-21 was just quiet as he watched Frankenstein laugh and then finally calm down seconds later.

Frankenstein turned around to look at the crowd "Ahh... forgive me for that, I just find it funny. *hehe* At the end of it all we'll actually end up being the true villains here". Frankenstein waled out of the lab still giving a chuckle every now and then. The three were in serious confusion at what he meant by that....

Meanwhile somewhere in the city, 3white cloaked figures and a casual dressed had arrived at the site of the battle that had occurred between Raizel and the elders.

"So this is where you guys fought that guy huh" said one of the the cloaked figures. It was the voice of a woman and next to her as the 11th elder who was looking in a complete bad mood.

"How are we going to call him" asked the 7th elder. He was another traitor clan leader of the Nobles.

Lunark who was the 5th elder turned to Muar "You said that he just came to you guys before right". She asked him.

"Yes" Muar answered with clear annoyance in his voice.

"We can't exactly wait like this" said Zarga as he had turned around and began walking towards the city.

Muar looked at both of them "Why, are you in such a hurry to die. You're not even part of the human race, were the one being threatened. I understand why you Zarga might not have an option but what about you Lunark, you're a werewolf so why did you agree to this".

Lunark gazed at him in silence for some time before she too turned around and walked away, her reason was hers and hers alone.....

Muar grit his teeth in anger of being ignored, he turned his gaze towards the 8th elder. He too couldn't properly be called a human as he was almost a complete cyborg. His jaw was a metal with sharp rigged edges for teeth, and his skull was just a metal plate with processing power and his skin was pale white *{why did I have to get all the weirdo's on my team}* Muar cursed angrily in his mind as he too walked away.

After they had gone to a far away distance and one that was very close to the city the stood together "Let's do this the old fashioned way and call him ourselves" said Lunark.

–" I'm already here Lunark "–

They went on high alert as they all vanished and appeared 30 meters away and they looked at the lone figure of Rai who stood ahead of them. The atmosphere was a very silent and cold one as they all were on high alert and ready anytime.

Raizel casually glanced at all of them and stopped when his eyes landed on Lunark. She was going to be his first werewolf partner.

"Hello Lunark" he said. Lunark eyes were focused as she glared at Rai "how do you know my name, have we met".

Raizel smiled as he lightly shook his head "No Lunark, we haven't met before" he looked into those focused beautiful purple irises of hers "Would you like to be my partner" he asked.

Lunark was definitely caught off guard as was Zarga. He was the one actually caught off guard most of all because the image and demeanor of Rai he knew of before had shattered *{something is very wrong here, it was not just his looks that changed but also his character also changed this much}*. Thought Zarga as he looked at Rai.

Lunark gazed at Rai *{is this guy being serious right now}* she looked at his eyes and all she saw complete admiration and seriousness. She also noticed a particular scent that was coming off him, it was actually calming her down. It was as if she had no urge to fight it, and her senses knew that it wasn't dangerous.

She and Raizel stood in complete silence as they gazed into each other's eyes "I refuse". She answered. She had to admit that she was definitely feeling a lot of attraction to him and her instincts were telling her this guy won't kill her. But, she was a werewolf. She had her leader to report to and she owed him. And also a relationship between a Noble and werewolf was completely unheard of. The thought alone to them seemed like the biggest sin in the universe.

Raizel smiled "why, Lunark" he asked gently.

Lunark raised a brow "Why? Of course it's impossible, a werewolf and a Noble is a total abomination of nature and also you're an enemy of the Organization". She answered in a fierce tone.

Raizel just kept his smile " alright Lunark, how about a bet" she Raised a brow " a bet?".

" Yes, very soon you will all engage in combat with me. The bet is that if you can for just a little bit make a cut on my clothes by any means necessary then I would give up on you. But...if by the end of the battle you don't manage to actually tag me once, then you get to be my partner and also I would also make you the new queen of werewolves and the most powerful werewolf, even much stronger than Maduke himself".

Lunark's eyes had gone wide as did everyone else's. "How....how do you know Maduke" she asked with stern and dangerous eyes.

"I don't know him, I'm just aware of him". Rai said looking straight at her "So...what about the bet, it's a good deal isn't it. I think I'm being fair here".

They all went silent, fair? exactly sort of deal is this, if she lost she got more but if she won she got nothing. In human terms this is what they will refer to as a shameless or scumbag move.

He's practically giving her the motivation to lose. But they didn't know that if she refused she would have actually won In actual hindsight. She would have been the first woman that Raizel would have had to give up on, a thought that would have plagued him for eternity because his pride as the devil and the most powerful incubus god would have taken a huge hit. The devil has always valued his promises and deals, they're part of the things that define him.

So Raizel was actually just as on thin ice as she was, at least that would have been the case if he was actually a fair existence. His existence was never a fair one from the beginning, from the former origin to the present one his existence has always been that he was always above all others. He could literally be called the most privileged being of all existence. Never once had he ever had to truly lose or truly sacrifice something, it was always like this for him.

There was also another thing that had guaranteed his victory, it was Lunark herself or most especially her pride. The pride of a true werewolf especially the powerful ones, It will never allow them to back down from a challenge. At this point it doesn't become about the rewards or losses but more about just doing that challenge itself and Making sure to try their hardest, the rest is all history.

And he was right as Lunark grinned her beautiful face had become one of madness and complete ferocity as her hair, rocks and debris had begun floating wildly and the air became heavy "I Accept" she Said as the rest too had gotten into a battle stance, the 11th had done his transformation again.

Raizel smiled at the beautiful wildness and ferocity radiating from her "beautiful" he commented as the natural aura around him had gone colder "Let's dance".


Ahh~ the beautiful and wild Lunark.

Also just do you know, I will cuck Muazka too. (θ‿θ)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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