

I nod appreciatively as the lady shows me through the massive apartment.

"This is perfect."

"Here's your key card."

I take it and the lady leaves closing the door behind her. I survey the massive living room a smile on my lips. I walk towards the window and look out at the green landscape view.

"Black will love this place. Better find people to move my stuff tomorrow."

With that, I make my way back to the hospital and later in the evening, I head home.

"Am home."

"Welcome back sister. How was your day? Tiring? I made you some food... or would you like a massage."

He grabs my hand and pulls me towards the dining table and throws me onto the chair his tender fingers massaging my shoulders.

"What did you do Black?"

"What? I didn't do anything am just being appreciative of my lovely sister."

"Now am certain you did something. What did you do? If you lay it out nicely, I might not scold you for it."

"Why do you always think the worst of me?" he asks a hint of sadness in his tone.

It takes all my strength and willpower not to burst into laughter at his reaction. I take in a steady breath and turn to face him with the most serious expression I can muster.

"Black, I have something to tell you."

I sense Black's tension as I don't break eye contact with him.

"Is something wrong? Did I do anything to upset you so soon? If I did, am sorry sister."

I grab his shaking hands in mine giving them a gentle squeeze.

"Black, listen to me. We are moving into a new apartment tomorrow."


Black throws a punch directly in my direction and I dodge it effortlessly keeping some ample distance between us.

"You scared me for a second there... I thought you'd grown tired of me."

"You have to admit I got you there," I say ducking behind a chair out of his reach.

"I'll give you that sister, you fooled me into thinking you were mad at me."

"You should have seen your face, you looked like a lost puppy."

"Puppy? Sister, if I get my hands on you, I'll..."

"You'll what?"

"Why don't you stay still and find out?"

He lunges towards me and I run in the opposite direction Black hot in pursuit. Our giggles and laughter fill the silent room as we run away from each other not caring about anything else in the world. When our bodies grow tired, we lie opposite each other on the bed staring at the ceiling our breathing the only indication of life in the room. The following morning as I sizzle the waffles, Black walks in half asleep half awake. He rubs his eyes and his shaggy hair and posture makes him look like a two year old child who just woke up from a bad dream. I chuckle within myself and serve the waffles. I place a tray in front of Black and he slightly sways in his seat.

"This kid..."

I gently pinch his cheek and he yawns, licks his dry lips and lays on the table.

"Did he not sleep well at night?"

Shrugging off his behaviours, I finish my meal and head out front to meet with the movement team.

"Good morning are you Miss Nine?"

"Yes I am."

"You requested for our assistance in moving your luggage right?"

"Yes I did. This is the address you are to deliver my belongings to," I say as I hand him a piece of paper with the address scribbled on it in black ink.

The man nods, takes the paper from my hand and ushers his friends into the building. As I watch them load some furniture into the lorry, my phone vibrates and I bring it to my ear.

"Morning Luna."

"Hey Nine, are you okay?"

"Am fine. Did anything out of the ordinary happen?"

"Not really am just worried about you."

"Me? But am..."

"Before you say you're ' fine ' I need to know what's up with you. You've been taking sick leaves frequently and not to mention you head out earlier than usual."

"Don't think too much about it Luna. I'll tell you everything sooner or later."

"You'd better or else I'll hire a detective to look into you."

"Now you're just being dramatic."

We continue chatting and laughing for a while until her break ends. We say our goodbyes and I turn to look at the movers. My furniture sits in am organised manner in the trunk of the huge lorry.

"That will be all miss," he says pulling up beside me my suitcase in his hand.

"Okay. You can go ahead and take it to the place. I'll follow by cab."

The guy nods and I watch as the lorry disappears out of sight. I head back into the now empty apartment and scan around the room one last time.

"Am going to miss this place."

I jump up with a start turning around and Black smiles behind me.

"Hey, no more sneaking up on me like that."

"Sorry sister."

I tuck a strand of his long jet black hair out of his eyes and grab his cheek, his face warm against my skin. He lets out a shaky sigh and leans into the touch.

"Don't ever leave me sister."

"I won't don't worry, come on let's get going."

After one last glance around, I grab his hand and after locking the door, we head down the street and towards the new place. After a few minutes, we stand in the new apartment, my belongings In front of us.

"So, I guess we start unpacking."

I grab a carton in my hands and head to the kitchen.

"You can deal with the bedrooms, right?"

"Of course sister. I'll be done in mere seconds," he says a d I chuckle at his sudden enthusiasm.

The rest of the evening passes by as we both unpack and unbox all our belongings in silence.