

"Do you think this is a movie, Eve? You know you can never be with a Nightshade," her father shouts. "I have made up my mind, Dad," she said. Her father took a long look at her and sighed. "When you play with fire, expect to be burnt. What's forbidden is forbidden." Evelyn Gray is the last daughter of Ethan and Elena Gray, members of the Shadow Pack. Her life took a twist when she crossed paths with two men, Lucas and Albert, and eventually fell in love with Albert, a member of the Nightshade Pack, a rival pack. Evelyn must choose between the suitors her parents have arranged for her or her desire to be with Albert, who is already betrothed to Nora. When one of Evelyn’s suitors dies, it threatens to tear them apart. They have to look for a way to clear Albert’s name and uncover the secrets behind the rifts in their packs. Will their love be able to overcome the betrayals and deceits that abound or will this forbidden love lead to further feud?

Lydia_Phillips2002 · 奇幻言情
11 Chs



It was a Saturday and I was still in bed though fully awake. I was not ready to face the day with the entangled thoughts in my head so I counted the ceiling above.

A knock on my door jolted me.

"I need your help in the kitchen, darling," my mother called out.

I looked at the table clock and it was 8:46 AM so I grumbled and pulled the duvet over my head. I saw an image of Lucas as I closed my eyes so I quickly opened it and sat up. Then I tried to do a mental calculation of how the rest of the week had gone.

Lucas has called and texted several times during the past two days but I've ignored. I've gone through the profiles of the interior decorators in Mooncrest and I couldn't find the model of what I saw in Lucas condo.

Another knock on my door. This time, it was less patient.

I took the hint and reluctantly dragged myself out of bed in my nightgown as I hurried to the kitchen to help my mother.

"You look refreshed," my mother said as she saw me first. She was standing by the cabinet with a cup of coffee in hand. The kitchen smelt of fresh toast and scrambled eggs. That was my favorite and my mother knew how to make it.

"You interrupted the refreshment," I retorted, "I need all the rest I can get now."

"That's no way to greet your mother early in the morning," my mother said, a little hurt.

I took a deep breath. The last thing I wanted was to argue this morning. "Good morning, mum. Please where is dad? I haven't seen him in days."

"Good morning, darling," my mother said with a smile, "well, your dad went on a short journey with Alpha Moonblade. He should be back today."

"We were supposed to talk about something the last time," I said, "at least, he should've called."

"It's not a phone discussion, Eve," my mother said, "come sit down and eat."

I guess what my father had to tell me would have to wait until he returned today.

"Why am I here again?" I asked as I made to take the seat closest to her.

As I approached her, my mother exclaimed; "Oh mine!" she screamed as she dropped her cup of coffee and approached me.

"What's the problem, mum?" I said a light terrified.

"Look at how full your breasts are!" she said as she held the curves of my breasts.

I looked down and discovered I was actually aroused and tense at the moment.

"You have such a nicely shaped body, Eve," my mother said as she examined further, "it's been a while right?"

"A while what happened?" I asked.

"You need a man to balance the equation," she said, ignoring my question without even looking at me.

I rolled my eyes and gently removed her hands from my body. My mother was always fascinated by my love life but it was the last thing I wanted to discuss right now.

"Tell me what to do," I said weakly and sat down.

My mother poured me a cup of coffee. "We can talk while you eat. That's why you're here."

I eyed her suspiciously. There was more to the food mother was giving me. "Where is the food?" I said as I took a sip from the cup.

Just then the toast dinged and my mother placed two neat toasts on a plate and brought it to me. I muttered a 'thank you' and took a bite of the toast.

"So tell me," my mother said with her hands akimbo, "have you met anyone new since the last card reading?"

The toast stuck in my throat and I coughed loudly and tried to gulp the cup of coffee. My mother grabbed my hands.

"Don't do that!" she screamed, "Let me get you a cup of water instead."

Tears were literally coming out from my eyes.

"I'm so sorry, darling," my mother screamed and rushed to get a glass of water which she handed to me,

I drank from the cup. "Where the hell are all the housekeepers?" I yelled.

"Take it easy," my mother said as she went to the cabinet, "Your father gave them a break this weekend aside from the security at the gate."

"What for?" I said, puzzled.

She turned to look at me, "Are you the only one in Mooncrest who does not know what is happening in town?"

I've heard whispers at the office but I was too preoccupied to know what they were about.

"Just tell me already," I said impatiently. This was not how I planned this Saturday morning.

"Yes!" my mother said as she returned to the table, "Well, that's part of what your father wants to discuss with you. So I guess you have to wait for him to come back so you guys can have that discussion. He gave the servants a break this weekend too because he didn't trust anyone around the house."

She handed me a mint syrup which I took a spoonful from.

"I haven't gotten a reply to the question I asked you," my mother continued as if nothing had happened, "I still have your card reading from the other day. I just needed to confirm if there was anyone there."

"Mum, if there is anyone there, you'd be the first to know," I said just to ease her mind as I continued with my meal.

"I'm going to my room," my mother said, "I wanted to ask you to go shopping with me so I can get some stuff for the event happening next week. You know there's no time anymore."

"Why don't you let me go shopping for you?" I volunteered suddenly.

"Really?" my mother asked gladly.

"Of course, it's nothing," I waved her off. My mother knew I liked shopping and I fell into her trap but it didn't matter to me.

"Alright then," my mother said, "I will head into my room and get you my list. Thanks for your help, darling."

With that, she kissed me on my head and retreated into her room.

I looked around the kitchen. It looked so empty. I was at ease inside. The upcoming event was a welcome distraction and so was this shopping. I was sure it would help me forget about Lucas for a moment. But again, I couldn't wait for the father to come back and tell me what I didn't know.