
my lucky encounter from the game turned into Reality

Player_Undead · 奇幻
302 Chs

Episode 81: A chance in a game turns into reality

23. Why did my brother come out from there (2)

Were my eyes burdensome?

Gregory, who looked as if the color black represented a person, scratched the back of his head and then sighed.

"There was an order from the leader."


"Miss Ivril seems to be in danger, so save her and make up for what happened in the past."

Does that mean you were aware of their criminal intent in advance?

Even though we belong to the same underworld, I wondered how that was possible.

Could it be that the culprits are related to Blue Moon?

'No, that doesn't make sense in common sense. Unless the leader is an idiot, that is unlikely.'

What good would it do to arouse my suspicion by doing such a troublesome thing?

"I understand that the leader has an independent path to collect information. "There are many instances where I am surprised by the value or accuracy of the information."

"So you're the mysterious leader of a mysterious organization? So what does it mean to make up for the past?"

"that… … "It means that while acting as Duke Francis' dog, he attacked Miss Ivril and antagonized His Excellency the Marquis Lawrence."

"What do you mean?"

"I have never seen the leader so angry. The leader said that the Duke Francis family was no longer valuable and he ordered us to move our base."

"In other words, what happened last time was your independent action that did not involve the leader's will?"

"That's right. In our Blue Moon, there is not much interference from the leader. Excluding truly necessary instructions, it can be said that autonomous activity is almost guaranteed. However, after the last assassination attempt on Miss Ivril, new instructions have been sent to the entire Blue Moon."

When I gestured for him to continue talking, he said something unexpected.

"It was an order not to cause harm to His Excellency the Marquis Laurens and His Excellency Count Klein."

"hmm… … ."

The more I listen to the story, the more strange it becomes.

Does it feel like the head of the legendary organization Blue Moon is very wary of me?

I felt that he absolutely did not want to make me his enemy.

What does he know about me?

"Honestly, the leader's reaction was surprising even to us. That's why I don't want to confront His Excellency the Marquis even more. "Please let this incident wash away your feelings about the past."

Whatever the reason, the fact that they rescued Ivril remains unchanged.

No matter how quickly I came to the rescue, there was no guarantee that she would have been safe until the end, so even though I didn't expect it, it was true that I received great help.

I relaxed my expression and obediently bowed my head to the two people.

"Thank you for saving Miss Ivril. "Let's forget about the resentment from last time."

Gregory breathed a sigh of relief, and the corner of Auguste's mouth twitched as he leaned against the wall, far away from me, and watched me.

I wonder what that kid would look like if he removed the makeup covering his face.

"Actually, the surprise attack by the two of you didn't pose any threat, so there's nothing to complain about."

As I grinned, Auguste flinched again.

I asked Gregory.

"Looking at the current situation, we can assume that my leader has accepted my request, right?"

He nodded obediently.

"The leader said he welcomes the visit of His Excellency the Marquis. "After this matter is resolved, I told you to come visit me any time."

Invitation from the head of Blue Moon.

Although it is more dangerous for me to visit him than for him to visit me, it can be said to be more meaningful.

This meant that they would reveal their hiding place to me.

Of course, by the time of the blue moon, they probably have dozens of secret safe houses, but at least so far their hideouts have not been made public.

And even if they had dug a trap, I was confident that I would escape.

'Well, looking at their reactions, it doesn't seem like a trap.'

I nodded that I understood, and he handed me a bracelet-type terminal.

"This is an encryption terminal that we use at Blue Moon. My and Auguste's terminals are linked, so please feel free to contact us at any time."

An encryption terminal received from the Crown Prince of Reinharts Kingdom, an encryption terminal received from the Revolutionary Army of the Republic of Prius last time, an encryption terminal received from Duke Olivia Riverdale while forming an alliance in the Saint Contest, and even Blue Moon's encryption terminal.

It feels like secret communication equipment is piling up.

I obediently took the terminal and took it with me and asked Auguste.

"You investigated the criminals by taking over their minds?"

"Yes, yes. "There were no clues to identify the culprit."

In response to my question, Piero Auguste, who was alone in the red suit, scratched the back of his head and bowed.

The image is so different from the first time.

I nodded and spoke to the two people.

"You two can go back now. "The world would have been in an uproar as the unprecedented incident of a saintly candidate being kidnapped during a contest was broadcast live, so I think it would be a good idea to bring the church's investigation team here."

"All right. Well then, let's go. "I'm waiting for your contact."

So the two people walked somewhere as if they were taking a walk.

The shirt I wore under my robe felt stuffy today, so I pulled the collar and contacted the saints' department of the church.

* * *

[Marquis Adrian Lawrence successfully rescues candidate Ivril Barnet, who was kidnapped during the contest!] [The culprits are shocking as they have been revealed to be the people who assassinated the Grand Wizard of the Chase Kingdom, Marquis Tarnil.] [However, the identity of the criminal behind hiring them has not been confirmed. This does not work.] [Why was Candidate Ivril Barnet safe until she was rescued from those who even killed the Archmage?] [Even if I wanted to kill her, I couldn't kill her. A defense system linked to the 8th circle rare shield that protected candidate Ivril Barnett.] [Was Marquis Lawrence, who equipped the girl he supported with equipment equivalent to the price of a sky fortress, thorough? Am I a weirdo?]-I was shocked while watching it live. I'm glad our Everil is safe.

└Are Ivril's party members safe? The injury looked serious.

└It is said that the Cardinal of the Department of Saints personally came forward and treated her.

└Whew, thank goodness.

-Marquis Lawrence That's amazing. Did you predict this?

└There was an assassination attempt even before the contest started.

└Huh? really?

└There was even a media play targeting Ms. Ivril not long ago, so Adrian had no choice but to prepare.

└Who on earth was targeting her?

└These are the people who will benefit if Ivril disappears.

-Of course, my perfect oppa! I think Ivril will be happy because she has such an older brother watching over her.

└I am now being taken to your brother's shrine and interrogated.


└Huh? why?

└They say you equipped Ivril with equipment that was not approved by the church. In the mercenary activity contest, you cannot use anything other than the designated equipment.

└No, it's really a just-in-case equipment! Looking at the online diary (SNS), I heard that there are a lot of restrictions so that it cannot be activated during daily competitions?

└Anyway, rules are rules.

As the candidate was kidnapped during a live broadcast, the interest of the media and the public was intense.

Saint Sharon Sylvester, who was checking online reactions through the terminal, closed the news window and glared at me.

I sat across from her at the table, smiled awkwardly, and waited for the conversation to continue.

"Do you like it? "There are many people who take my side."

"Ah, haha. "I have some virtue."

"Benevolence is just a concept of nobility, so it works well for commoners."

"Concept? "We are making a lot of efforts to improve the character of ordinary people who live at a disadvantage in society."

"Yes, by hiring a salaried lord to act?"

"There is still a lot of work to be done, so I am not directly involved in running the territory, but I am maintaining the overall framework of administration and legislation."

"But I heard you're wasting most of your time playing games?"

He is a person with a talent that will truly leave you speechless.

If her status is not a saint and she is not a grandmother, she will be treated with honey chestnuts.

"Well, that's my training method."

"Well, I'll believe it."

"It's true… … ."

It looked like the two of them were having a chat with the saint, but this was for an interrogation.

As can be seen in the comments of the article, the content of the interrogation is the use of unauthorized equipment.

Even if approval for use of the equipment had been requested in advance, it would not have been granted.

The denomination would not have accepted conditions that went against fairness.

This was completely different from the previous case where the rules were reinterpreted and magic swordsmen were used as party members.

"Do you know what the upper echelons of our church call Marquis Lawrence?"

"A young, handsome and capable person?"

I tried joking to lighten the mood, but she said with a straight face.

"It's a rule breaker."


"Rule breaker! A rule breaker!"

Oh, as expected?

Since this was the reaction I expected, I sighed inwardly and seriously questioned it.

"If it weren't for my actions, Ms. Ivril would have been found cold and dead."

"That is nothing more than consequentialism."

"But the results are everything. "In the first place, the artifact was not activated during the contest, and if it had been activated during the contest, it was planned to be sanctioned in some way."

I think it's best to just hit on a person like this rather than go around talking about it.

I spoke calmly to the saintess who narrowed her eyes.

"But this is a different case. If the church had managed the site well in the first place, this would not have happened. It is clearly wrong to use unauthorized artifacts. But as someone who had already experienced her assassination attempt, it was an inevitable choice. And because of my actions, Miss Ivril survived."

"In other words, it is the church's fault that Marquis Lawrence broke the rules?"

"Actually, isn't it? "Miss Eve Ril was kidnapped by her intruders during her contest, and until I found her, her cult could not find a single clue."

It seems that this is the end of the good image that was built up for the saint.

From her perspective, she wouldn't have seen many people open their eyes and rebel like this.

"Apart from everything else, please evaluate Ms. Ivril's potential. She is a victim, and she is someone who should not be dismissed for something like this. "She believes that since I am responsible for breaking the rules, it is only right for me to be punished."

Is it because he acts confidently when appealing to his emotions is not enough?

The saintess made a bewildered expression.


But that lasts only a moment.

"You are such a funny person."


There was something strange about her subsequent reaction.

[Relationship: Favorable / Neutral] [Status: Admiration / Interested]Even the sentiment expressed in Mangyeong was favorable.

So, not understanding which part of my words had caught the saint's attention, I tilted my head, and she smiled seductively and brought her face closer to me.

"He is as hot as he is young. Ah, you would still be flirting with me even if you were 10 years younger."

Why are you like this, grandma?

No matter how outwardly she appears to be in her early 20s, the fact that she is a 67-year-old grandmother remains unchanged.

But she told an unexpected story.

"In fact, suspicions arose internally that this incident was a play of the Marquis Lawrence's own making."

Only then did I realize that this place was not set up for a simple interrogation, and I frowned.

"Are you saying you thought about my reaction?"

"I'm sorry, but that's right. Clearly, filling Miss Ivril with unauthorized equipment is a problem. However, the equipment was not intended to profit from the contest, and as a result, it saved Miss Ivril's life, and thanks to the foresight of the Marquis Lawrence, our church was able to prevent an unfortunate accident. "The situation is like this, but we are not a tight-knit organization that only discusses the principles and talks about punishment."

"But if I had manipulated this situation, wouldn't the story be different?"


"So what was the conclusion?"

She placed something the size of her palm on the table.

It looked like an old bronze mirror, and because of the blue energy in the center, it was considered a holy object.

"We have confirmed that there is no lie in the story of Marquis Adrian Lawrence."

"Huh, are you sure that's the Mirror of Truth?"

"that's right."

mirror of truth.

It is one of the main holy relics of the Sepia Church and is an object that allows you to determine whether a person is lying in a conversation.

When there is a truth battle over important issues in each country, the Sepia Church is often requested to use the Mirror of Truth.

Since it was my first time seeing the real thing, I couldn't help but be amazed.

'Well, I guess I didn't say something wrong.'

At the same time, the moment I discovered it, my mouth became heavy.

Because of a mistake in words, you may reveal facts that should not be revealed.

"I hope you are not offended. Because this incident revealed your innocence. "Our church does not intend to hold you and Miss Ivril responsible for this incident."

No, no, we can't end there.

Wouldn't it be easy to catch the criminal using this?

"Now that I know your innocence, I plan to interrogate other candidates for sainthood as well. "If it is not a personal grudge, the culprit will be in another candidate's camp."

"Oh oh."

I was impressed.

I never thought things would be completed this easily.

As my expression brightened, she gave me a happy look, as if she was looking at her cute grandchild.

"But playing games is really for training? "I was honestly surprised that the mirror didn't respond."

"… … ."

However, I scratched the back of my head and ignored her question, which I shouldn't have gone into deeply.

Who are the forces behind the attempt to harm Ivril?

If possible, I wish it was Duke Francis.

It will be ruined.