
my lucky encounter from the game turned into Reality

Player_Undead · 奇幻
302 Chs

Episode 5: Dreams in games become reality

2. Hyeonjil (2)

"What the hell are you?"

When I asked in surprise, Arcia gave a very obvious answer.

"I am the master's supporter."

A speaking style that feels mechanical due to lack of pitch.

However, I felt myself come to my senses by that familiar tone of voice.

"No, who asks because they don't know that?"

Then, Arcia tilts her head curiously as if asking what's the problem.

I frowned and tapped her shoulder armor as if knocking.

"It's about how it came out of the game."

Arcia nodded as if she finally understood.

"I guess you're curious about how I maintain my presence in Rondel."

If you see that the NPC supporter in the game accurately distinguishes between realities, it seems that he or she clearly understands his or her position.


I sat down on the edge of the bed waiting for further explanation.

Arcia, who was looking at me intently, spoke calmly.

"I am a homunculus. The creator is Manuel Lucas, and the appearance and combat characteristics were decided by the master to be Arcia of Heavenly Steel."

"That means you are one of Lucas' legacies."

"That's right."

If something like this happened, did you let me know in advance?

It seems like he doesn't want to just give away his talent and is subtly teasing him.

If I had known this would be the case, I would have chosen something a little more versatile instead of choosing a supporter.

"Are the abilities the same as in the game?"

"That's right. "Limited abilities are restored as Chronicle's level increases."

It seems that Arcia does not grow as the level increases, but already has the abilities of level 250.

However, its ability is limited by level.

While I was massaging my temples and organizing my thoughts, a thought suddenly crossed my mind.

If this guy can use all 250 levels of power, wouldn't he be one of the strongest in the world by real standards?

"It is believed that its functional abilities are comparable to those of 'Grandmaster'."

"Huh… … ."

The news is so great that it takes you out of your mind.

The Grand Master was a position equivalent to the 8th Circle of Wizards, standing shoulder to shoulder with the strongest men on the continent.

It was such a valuable gift that it seemed pitiful that Arcia had to worry about how to hide it.

'If people find out that a Grandmaster-level homunculus exists, the world will probably go into chaos.'

Could it be that Archduke Lucas could have conquered the world if he wanted to?

In any case, it would be a great help to have a trustworthy ally who only follows my orders, and one with tremendous potential.

'Anyway, I would have regretted it immensely if I had registered a low-level supporter.'

If you had chosen a supporter below rare level without much thought, the value of the homunculus you would have received would have been significantly lowered.

Looking at Archduke Lucas's prank on the gift, I get the feeling that things will not be smooth sailing in the future.

"But where did you come from?"

"It was stored in the maintenance garage on standby for operation. "The maintenance depot is located in Everhill, a sacred place, and the KEYEON management server searched for the owner's terminal address and sent me the message."

Since the word is transmission and it is an object with mass, it should be viewed as spatial movement rather than transmission.

"Then can we go back to the garage right now?"

"Transfer is only possible upon initial export. In order to return to the maintenance warehouse after taking it out, you must move it yourself. Even if you don't necessarily use the maintenance depot, there is no problem with operation as it has a status recovery function."

I wondered if I could summon or counter-summon whenever I needed to, but I guess I was hoping for too much.

By the way, we recognize that Arcia will be of great help in the future, but her treatment right now is the problem.

Not only was I not in a position to take care of anyone right now, but if I didn't have magic concealment skills like I did, I could have been discovered by the knights.

"Concealment of magic power is possible."

"That's a good thing. "Is there any hiding function?"

"Yes, it is set as a warrior class, so there is no stealth function."

"I guess so."

When she was instructed to hide her magical power, the protective shield covering her armor disappeared along with the magical energy she felt from her.

"I can't help it."

After thinking for a while, I smiled bitterly and decided on how to treat Arcia.

'There is no more image to be ruined.'

* * *

'I heard that Master Adrian is now openly bringing women into the mansion?'

'Ah, I heard that too. 'They say the woman was found lying naked on her bed by her maids.'

'How could someone who was so intelligent as a child become so indistinguishable... … .'

Instead of wearing armor, Arcia changed into a beige dress that she urgently ordered through quick delivery.

I walked confidently around the mansion with her.

Thanks to this, wherever I went, the sound of whispering followed me like a sound effect, but I didn't pay much attention to it.

After all, it's just a bad review added to a bad review.

There is just one thing that is puzzling.

"So when are you going to get married?"

It was like a mother saying this because she was happy that her son had brought a woman.

While I was enjoying refreshments in the living room, I almost spat out tea when my mother asked an unexpected question.

"I don't plan on doing that yet."

"I heard that Miss Arcia is a commoner, so if you're worried about her origins, you don't have to worry. This mother is also from a commoner, right? "As long as you're not a woman in the business, you're always welcome."

Even without a title, his mother came from a fairly large merchant family, so he could be said to be a high-ranking child in society as a whole.

So they were different from ordinary commoners.

"I think it would be a good idea to calm your excitement a little."

For reference, Arcia is from 'Holy City Everhill' and said that they met through a game.

It wasn't a lie in particular.

"By the way, Arcia, when did you visit? I've never heard of a guest visiting the mansion? And considering you came from another country, you don't have any luggage."

The escort knight, Weiss, looks at Arcia suspiciously with sharp eyes.

To this, I shrugged my shoulders and answered lightly.

"I flew in by teleport."


An answer that makes you lose your breath.

The person who relieved Weiss' doubts was Jade, the only wizard in the mansion who occupied a corner of the living room.

"also… … . "For safety reasons, we are still checking the coordinates within the mansion from time to time, and there was traces of a connection to Everhill."

"Is that so?"

Wizard Jade is from Cedric's half-brother.

Therefore, he was not the person to say things that were not meant for me.

And it was for the horse's safety, I'm sure he found out during the investigation.

I did not add unnecessary words.

If you talk too long, there may be loopholes in the story.

Right now, I'm just playing the role of an immature nobleman who brings a strange woman into his mansion.

* * *

Arsia's existence was also known to Yeongju Castle.

Of course, her father was furious, and her half-brother Cedric, who came to the mansion in person, seemed to like Arcia and told her to hand it over to him when it was time to throw her away.

"But somehow I got over it."

I need to quickly build up my strength, but it's so tiring to live with what people around me think.

At that time, Arcia suddenly approached me with long strides.


When I asked her what she was doing, she answered with emotionless eyes as expected.

"You need to expel moisture."


"It has the same body composition as humans. Therefore, through the urethra… … ."

It means you need to pee.

Now that I think about it, I remember how she ate tea and snacks without a care in the world.

They say it's a homunculus, but its body functions don't seem to be much different from humans.

I pointed to the bathroom attached to the room.

But for some reason, Arcia didn't seem to have any intention of going to the bathroom.

"The discharged water has gone through a purification process and is therefore drinkable."

"It's such a useless feature."

It was a function that was highly suspicious of the hobbies of the rare great wizard Manuel Lucas.

While she went to the bathroom, I shook my head and turned on a broadcaster that was like a TV on Earth.

[Special programming. Does Archduke Lucas's genius really exist?]

A broadcaster that was activated without much thought.

But the content was enough to grab my attention.

[It has been 20 years since Archduke Lucas's secret was revealed.] [But the trace was not found anywhere.] [Seeing that the traces of Archduke Lucas have not been found for 20 years despite intelligence agencies around the world turning on their eyes, one cannot help but doubt his statement itself. ]

There is a person here who has acquired the genius of Archduke Lucas, and watching the broadcast pouring out negative content made me laugh.

Isn't this broadcast as if they were hoping that the miscellaneous fish would go away?

The broadcast later discussed various possibilities, but most of them were fake information linked to Kadera, so I changed the channel.

"The master has come."

"From now on, you don't have to report every time you go to the bathroom."

"all right."

Although the content of the conversation is not nutritious, it doesn't seem bad to have another person to talk to at home.

Arcia sat down next to me as if she were used to it, and touched the refreshments in front of her like a human.

[trot. Military conflict breaks out again on the border towards the 'Crusian Empire'. This year, the Croesian Empire's provocations have become even stronger, and the number of local wars has broken out for the fifth time.]

News was playing on the broadcaster, but I was so preoccupied with observing Arcia that I didn't pay any attention to it.

"Now I have to go level up."

"All right."