

All of humanity gets teleported to a world called Domainia. Along with everyone John was also teleported. His life was not a very good one so he sees this as an opportunity to make his life better while also fighting for it.He gained three op skills and two new friends on the way.Will he make more friends or will the three of them do it by themselves.Will they become the most powerful people in Domainia and possibly return to their world?Read and find out. (This story might and I said might have a girl.So if you came here expecting some lovey dovey type stuff in this book there is none.) [I changed the cover,so if your the owner of the cover just contact me if you want me to take it down] ♤folded_water1has been the first person to give a power stone so their name will be here forever♤

Apocalyptic_Writer · 奇幻
16 Chs

The supreme god Ch 8

The mysterious figure sat and watched the different scenes play out across the humungous screen.

His eyes darting left and right as he watched the most interesting things play out.

"Is that guy really eating worms.I guess humans really will do anything just to survive."He said.

"Sir it is currently the time in which you are to get ready to meet the other gods."Garvis said.

"Alright,then I must not linger any further"he said getting up

"Will you pause planet until I'm done with the meeting,Garvis"the figure asked

"Right away sir"Garis answered.

Snapping his fingers an all black suit appeared on the figure's body replacing his bland tshirt and sweat pants.His short white hair was combed back,his slippers was transformed into a clean pair of black shoes that complimented his suit.

"How do I look Garvis or is this is too much"the figure asked

"That looks very good on you sir but I must advise you try not to get the gods angry again.I mean you are the supreme god but I think it's best not to have them on your bad side"Garvis said in a worried tone

"Noted,I will be back in about an hour so do something while I'm gone.Remember no to unpause planet until I'm back"

"Ok sir"Garvis said

Snapping his fingers the figure disappeared from his original position and appeared infront of a large golden door.

At the sides of the door stood two large men that were about 10 feet tall wearing white armor with bits of gold here and there.

While walking closer to them, both men looked down at the figure that was approach they both hurriedly knelt down.

"Good Day Supreme God Racon!"they both shouted in unison

"Good day to you too Jeff and Mathew.I hope your family's are doing ok"Racon asked

"They Are Doing well Supreme God Racon"They both said in unison but with a smile on their faces.

Racon was the only God that truly cared about the people who served him.

"Good..Good... Are the other gods yet?"Racon asked

"God Darvish,God Nessa,God Narvo and God Serena are currently inside Supreme God Racon"answered Jeff

"Thank you"Racon said walking up to the door.

Before they could answer Racon had already disappeared through the door.

Upon entering the room Racon could see 3 figures sitting around a huge retangular table while one was currently kicking a small girl that was on the ground.

"You peice of sh×t can't you just take a simple order,you b×tch"the man said as he continued to kick the girl.

The three figures sitting around the table looked at the person that just entered the room.

They immediately started to get up to bow at Racon but he held up his hand which signaled them not to bother.

"Darvish!! What the hell do you think your doing to that girl!!!"Racon shouted.

The man turned around to see who dared to speak to him,but upon seeing Racon his already pale face turt white.

He knelt down with his forehead touching the floor.

"I'm really sorry Supreme God Racon but I never noticed you were here"Darvish said in the most frightened and worried tone you would ever hear.

He knew how Racon was to the people who served him/Demigods.

Racon Ignored Darvish and knelt down next to the girl.

Looking up with her swollen eyes the girl was frightened to see the Supreme God looking at her.She thought he was going to kill her for lying on the floor but was surprised by what he said.

"Are you ok?"Racon asked while using his hands to support the girl up.

The girl didn't say anything but was looking at the ground,afraid to say anything as not to anger Darvish for saying something.

Bringing his hand over her head,Rocons hand then immited a white radiant light,the light enveloped the young demigod and healed her wounds.

"I will only ask one time what was he hitting you for"Racon asked with a stern look on his face

"He..He.he was hitting me because he asked for star wine,but I told him that the wine makers are currently in another realm at the moment.

So he then started hitting me"The girl said tears filling up her eyes.

"You B×tch"Darvish muttered.

Hearing that Racon glared at him.Seeing this Darvish began to sweat like crazy.

"Alright you can go now"Racon sad looking back at the girl.

The girl got up and began to walk fast heading for a small door that lead to the kitchen.

"Darvish....how many times have I told you not to hit any of the servants....this is your last and final warning,if I catch you hitting any of them you must be ready to face the consequences"Racon said in a sturn voice.

"Yes Supreme God Racon"Darvish answered.

Walking to his seat at the end of the table Racon sat down waiting for the other gods to arrive .


15 minutes later all the gods were now seated at their seats.

All 12 gods were waiting for the god of time Nues to begin the meeting.

"I have brought you all here to tell you that Loeve has been caught and his trial has been set"Nues said

Hearing that all the gods began to murmur o each other.

"We also have gotten news that the 2 demon gods are preparing their armies for an all out war.I would like to ask if anyone would like to prevent this war as it is going to take place on planet 123.345.098.989 also known as the demon planet Kisil.We have also gotten word that a third party is involved in the instigation of the war."Nues continued.

"I think we should let them kill each other of!"Tralov the god of War said loudly.

"I agree with Tralov,they are our enemies after all"Darvish said.

"I think we should not let them have a war on the demon be because as far as I know they are demons living on that planet."Wilso the god of peace said

"Wilson is right,they are demons but not all of them are evil.I mean what even is the reason for them to go to war?"Serene the god of love and lust said

"Our report said that Genomi the god of the Nomi realm is accusing the newly formed demon god Silver of kidnapping 2 of his daughters.There has been evidence found at Genomi's daughter's quarters that suggest Silver has been the one to kidnap the girls"Nues said answering Serene's question.

"Supreme God Racon what do you think of all this"Wilso asked drawing everyone's attention to Racon

"Nues,who is the third party that is suspected of being the instigator of this"Racon said look at Nues

"The third party that is most suspected is Gaddafi the god of Hate and Sorrow.He is suspected because he has shown grate interest in the two girls and has even offered Genomi great things if he is willing to give his daughter's to him.He is also well known for causing wars and pinning it in someone else"Nues said

"Ok...do not interfere in this war for the time being...but send someone trustworthy to investigate Gaddafi....is there anything else you would like to discuss?"Racon asked.

"Yes...there is"Nues said skimming through the papers he had brought.Nues is what you would call the secretary for all Gods and demigods,he even works as a councilor every Sunday.

"I have gotten a complaint from the demigod of earths(Author:which is our god by the way)..that one of his earth has disappeared about 3 earth days ago.He has asked that if anyone has taken it they should tell me so I can tell him,as he needs to keep track of the earths that are taken.As he does not want to lose his job as he has a kid to feed.So have any of you taken that earth?"Nues asked

"I am the one, but I forgot to tell him,say that I am truly sorry and I will make it up to him with some drinks"Racon said

"Ok Sir,before I forget.....Loeve trial has been set to 10 earth days from now at 01:00 PM.All gods must be present at that time as you will be the ones who decide his fate"Nues said bringing his papers together.

The gods started chattering amongst themselves,discussing the matters that have been brought to there attention.

Nues walked up to Racon and said "Supreme God Racon,the Supreme Demon God has asked to speak with you on an important matter,He says that you should see him so that he can discuss it with you.