
My Love Story ❣️

HarshShah · 青春言情
3 Chs

My Love

Year 2017, 26th March 2022.

This day was very special for me. As on this day I was born 11 years back. And today I was very happy. I think teen age starts at the age of 15 but mine teenage got started from Today. I fall in love with someone today.

As it was my birthday so I bought some chocolates to distribute in class to show the happiness of being borned. And I distributed minimum 50 choclates and rest of them had to be given to the teachers. I was very excited. I said Rohini Wagh to come with me to distribute the choclates in the school to the teachers. I bought Dairy milk for my all teachers.

I separately distributed all the choclates among the teachers and recess was going to end so me and my friend both ran towards the class. And I sliped on the corridor and fell and all the remaining choclates in the bag were scattered around me. Everyone on the corridor started collecting the choclates and started gathering them in the bag again. No one of them help me. This was a very embarrassing moment for me. I was fucking embarrassed. But in that crowd someone gave me hand and made me stand up. Even his sweet voice and gentle gesture made me feel very comfortable and made my embarassment less.

I said Thank you by putting my hair behind my ears in a sweet voice. He smiled and said " I love you dear will you be mine forever". And then Rohini said me " What are think of let's go now recess is over". I asked her in a curious voice " Where is he ?". "Who?" asked Rohini. I replied " The one who made me stand up". she replied " Oh that guy he went after you said Thank you by saying welcome". And at that moment I realised that it was a daydream.

But this daydream made me believe in Love at first sight. So I asked Rohini to get his information. By asking our school groups we get to know that he was named as " Ajay Patil".

We Always Get A Symbol When We Fell In Love With Someone Who Cares For Us

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